SAKHI NIWAS HOSTELS: యువతులు, విద్యార్థినులు ఊరి దాటి బయట అడుగుపెట్టాలంటే భద్రత ప్రధాన సమస్య. నగరాల్లో ఉంటూ ఏదైనా కోర్సు నేర్చుకోవాలన్నా, ఉద్యోగం చేయాలన్నా వసతిగృహాలకు వేలకువేలు చెల్లించాల్సిందే. అతివలు ఎదుర్కొనే ఇలాంటి సమస్యలకు చెక్ పెడుతూ వర్కింగ్ ఉమెన్ హాస్టళ్లను మహిళా శిశు సంక్షేమ శాఖ అందుబాటులోకి తెచ్చింది. సఖినివాస్ పేరిట ఏర్పాటు చేసిన వసతి గృహం గుంటూరులో త్వరలో అందుబాటులోకి రానుంది. సఖి నివాస్లో కల్పిస్తున్న సౌకర్యాలు, ఉపయోగాలపై మహిళా దినోత్సవ వేళ ప్రత్యేక కథనం.
00:00The Central Government is building 23 Vasate Gruhalas in the state.
00:12Some of them have just started and are being built in Guntur.
00:16The aim is to provide low-cost housing to the private workers in the district.
00:24The Central Government has provided Rs. 2.27 crores for this.
00:32The construction work started in August 2021.
00:35The construction work was suspended for a long time due to the failure of the YCP government.
00:42The pending work was completed when the Kootami government came into power.
00:46CM Chandrababu has informed that the Vasate Gruhalas are being built in the state.
00:53The aim is to increase the number of people living in the Vasate Gruhalas.
01:02We are ready to start the construction of the Vasate Gruhalas in Guntur.
01:10We are arranging for 100 women to live in the Vasate Gruhalas.
01:19The safety of the Vasate Gruhalas is very important.
01:28We are arranging for CCTV cameras.
01:34We are also arranging for a hostel committee.
01:44Women and young people living in the Vasate Gruhalas are working in Guntur.
01:50There are complaints that there is no safety for them.
01:53There are also complaints of mischarges.
01:58The authorities have announced that Sakhi Nivas will be very helpful for such people.
02:03Employees, students and coaches can come to the Vasate Gruhalas.
02:09The aim is to provide them with adequate accommodation.
02:18There are many hostels outside the Vasate Gruhalas.
02:22There are no recreation rooms or dining halls outside the Vasate Gruhalas.
02:35The government is providing these facilities with a low cost.
02:42There are AC rooms, washing machines and geysers.
02:51There is also a biometric machine.
03:34There is no face recognition system.
03:39There is no way for outsiders to come in.
03:46The authorities are saying that there is no safety for Sakhi Nivas.