00:00Good afternoon, welcome to Vespertina, a newscast on Friday, March 7th, 2025.
00:08As always, we bring you the latest news.
00:10To everyone who follows us here in the Dominican Republic, in Nueva York, New Jersey and Connecticut through social media,
00:15thank you all for joining us and for your loyalty.
00:18We will now begin today's content.
00:20After a traffic accident in the Piedra Blanca section, Kilometer 77, Bonao, Province of Marietta and Montsenor Noel,
00:27two people were reported dead and several injured.
00:30The scene involved a truck and another that transported military personnel from the National Army.
00:35We will make contact with Guillermo Garcia, who moved to the scene to give us all the details.
00:40Good afternoon, Guillermo. Go ahead.
00:43Thank you. Good afternoon.
00:45We are in front of the San Antonio de Padua Medical Center in the city of Bonao,
00:51where, at this precise moment, one of the injured people in this accident is being operated on,
00:59which occurred at 8 in the morning, specifically at Kilometer 77 on Duarte Highway,
01:07near Piedra Blanca, Montsenor Noel Province.
01:11The accident occurred when a passenger public transport bus
01:18hit behind a military truck that was moving from El Cibao to Santo Domingo.
01:27The vehicles were moved to the depot, which, for these purposes,
01:32has the DGCET near its outpost at the summit of Bonao.
01:38The medical examiner spoke about the incident, and these were brief of his words.
01:45It was a public transport accident, a military truck, or a bus, where two Dominicans died.
01:52They tell me that there are also several injured people, right?
01:54Yes, there are multiple injured people. They are in Marchena and in Puno La Vega.
01:57Other injured people were moved to Marchena Hospital, also here in Bonao,
02:03and to the Juan Bosch Traumatological Hospital in the city of La Vega.
02:08This accident confirms what many international statistics and studies say,
02:15that the Dominican Republic ranks first in deaths from public transport accidents.
02:22That's all we have from the San Antonio Medical Center in Padua, Bonao.
02:27We'll be back with you to the studios.
02:30Thank you, Guillermo García, for your report from Bonao.
02:35Well, and speaking of accidents,
02:37for the first time, the driver of a bus involved in an accident where a father and daughter died in Puerto Plata,
02:43José Oscar Sena de la Rosa, exclusively for Telenoticias,
02:47said that the fact has marked him that he has not had peace or tranquility,
02:51since he did not want to cause that tragedy. Let's see.
02:54Because I lost my brakes there, but it could have been something else,
02:58which I had in danger, my life.
03:02Every time I do a service, I always get to the company an hour early,
03:06to verify that everything is correct.
03:09Even to turn on the guagua, because the brakes that use that guagua are air.
03:14And if you don't give it half an hour, at least, or 20 minutes, it won't load the brakes.
03:18Because sometimes one is always correct, but sometimes another person comes and brings it, etc.
03:25I put it in my address book, and when I'm parking, I see that the brakes don't work.
03:29I want people to know that I have suffered this as if it were a family of mine.
03:35I have not had peace or tranquility since that moment.
03:39Because in spite of everything, they were two human lives.
03:42I never wanted to hurt anyone.
03:45That incident occurred last Wednesday.
03:48The fatal victims were identified as Melvin Pechardo Carvallo, 32,
03:53and his daughter Emily Nicole Pichardo, 14.
03:57The crash occurred on a bus from a hotel service that supposedly lost its brakes
04:02when it was passing through Manolo Tavares Justo Avenue.
04:06Well, speaking of roads, the authorities continue this Friday
04:09with the repair work of the Elevado de la Avenida Ypica,
04:13which began in April 2022 and has been delayed on several occasions.
04:17Paola Baez gives us more information.
04:20Although the workers continue to advance the repair of the structure,
04:24the work that would have been completed in the first half of 2023 is still delayed.
04:30The Elevado, located about 1.4 miles from the Las Americas highway,
04:34was intervened with the purpose of expanding its turn and strengthening its structure
04:38due to the advanced state of deterioration in which it was located.
04:42During the morning of this Friday,
04:44a few workers and machinery were observed in the place,
04:47continuing the work to which it was already reinforced with concrete,
04:52a steel base that had been corroded by the sludge.
04:55In the Elevado, whose delivery date has been postponed on several occasions,
04:59the side walls are also reinforced
05:02and are being prepared for the pavement of the road section that was destroyed.
05:06While repairing the structure that put the lives of those passing through it at risk,
05:10people use it as a pedestrian bridge.
05:14For Telenoticias, Paola Baez.
05:18Well, and in the face of the chaotic blockades of vehicle traffic,
05:22the Mayor of the National District, Carolina Mejia,
05:24said that it is a matter of days to know the answer to this situation
05:28that the Intran is looking for, together with the Presidency of the Republic.
05:33The Intran and President Luis Abinader are working on an integrated mobility plan,
05:40and the President and Director of the Intran, Milton Morrison,
05:44I understand that in a few days they will give us the relevant information about it.
05:48It is a very annoying situation, and then we are waiting for that information.
05:53The municipal official spoke of the issue
05:56by inaugurating a lactation center in the Ibero-American Park,
06:00with which it will increase the number of available spaces for mothers with newborns.
06:06At the time, the Minister of Health and representatives of the BHD
06:10are the entities that support this initiative of the mayor.
06:14We continue with more information in this newscast of Telenoticias.
06:18In recent weeks, the crisis in the energy sector continues to affect
06:22the residents of Los Guaricanos in Santo Domingo Norte,
06:25with blackouts that exceed five hours, mainly at night.
06:29Roberto Brito explains.
06:31Electric interruptions that start from 7 p.m.
06:34harm shops and cafeterias,
06:37impacting their operations and generating economic losses.
06:40Despite the constant blackouts,
06:42bills exceed 6,000 pesos in shops.
06:45Some days it goes away and lasts five or six hours,
06:48but there are days when it lasts all day and does not go away.
06:51For example, yesterday it left and lasted like four hours.
06:57Imagine, surviving with God.
07:00You have to thank God for everything.
07:02It goes from eight to eleven like this.
07:07And sometimes in the morning it goes from nine.
07:13In addition, these blackouts affect older adults and housewives
07:17who must manage to survive the heat
07:20and the difficulties generated by the lack of electricity in their homes.
07:24Sometimes I have to sit in bed
07:29and wait an hour to see if it arrives.
07:32At night.
07:34It leaves at 11 p.m.
07:36The residents of Los Guaricanos
07:38report that they are punished by this
07:40with these scheduled blackouts
07:42and said that the same panorama suffers other sectors of demarcation.
07:47For Telenoticias, Roberto Brito.
07:51Every March 8th,
07:53International Women's Day is commemorated
07:55to continue inspiring women to participate in society.
08:00However, despite the fact that women have stood out,
08:04there are gaps.
08:06However, and despite the fact that women have stood out in different areas,
08:10there are still gaps
08:12and few opportunities for professional and personal development.
08:16Currently, only 12% occupy political positions in the country.
08:20Ana Mañón explains.
08:22This is what the report revealed.
08:24Advances and challenges of the Dominican Republic
08:26in the implementation of the Beijing Action Platform,
08:29known this Friday by the Intet Gender Studies Center,
08:33which indicates that although more than 50% of women leave universities,
08:38the gender wage gap remains at 18%.
08:42The official statistics are showing us
08:45that women earn less with more training in the same positions.
08:50And that value, that principle of equal pay for equal work,
08:56is not guaranteed in Dominican society.
08:59After being commemorated this March 8th,
09:01International Women's Day, academics and professionals demand
09:04that the issue of gender equality established in the 2010 Constitution
09:08be fulfilled and that there be more political participation,
09:12since currently women occupy 12.5% of the positions
09:16imposed by the House of Representatives in the Senate and the mayors.
09:21I mean, it is not possible that in power,
09:24that is, in high power spaces,
09:26we continue to talk about the glass ceiling.
09:29I mean, how many ministers do we have?
09:32Everything that has to do with the senators,
09:35how many senators do we have in this country?
09:37I mean, the most we advance, four.
09:39We are four still.
09:40Forty women, now that they have reached the curules,
09:44not so equal in the Senate, but yes, women are advancing.
09:49We are still in power because what we want is
09:52for there to be a significant equality that can reach 50-50.
09:57In relation to gender violence,
09:59the report indicates that in 2023,
10:01137 violent deaths of women were recorded,
10:05which shows that impunity and the lack of resources
10:08to attend to the victims is a critical problem.
10:11Likewise, the issue of poverty, access to health, education,
10:15housing, among others.
10:17For Telenoticias, Ana Mañón.
10:21Well, and on this day,
10:23the mayor of Boca Chica recognized this Friday
10:2633 women from the different productive sectors
10:29in commemoration of International Women's Day.
10:31Among the awards was our journalist Paola Baez.
10:35Wendy Polanco explains.
10:38Con un emotivo acto,
10:41el Departamento de Género del Cabildo de Boca Chica
10:44rindió homenaje a las luchas y conquistas de las mujeres
10:47a lo largo de la historia,
10:49entregando certificados de reconocimientos a féminas
10:52que se han destacado en diversas áreas sociales.
10:55Nos sentimos todos bien.
10:58Estamos muy alegres.
11:00Aunque no está aquí,
11:02pero tenemos el corazón donde queda
11:05que Dios le dé su sanación pronto.
11:09Durante la celebración de la segunda edición de Mujer de Honor,
11:13la vicealcaldesa Leocade Anúñez afirmó
11:16que la ocasión es oportuna para reflexionar
11:19sobre los avances y los desafíos de las mujeres
11:22en la sociedad actual.
11:24No obstante, aún queda mucho por hacer.
11:28Debemos seguir luchando para nosotros
11:31y por nuestro país.
11:34Invertir en programas que terminen
11:37con la violencia contra las mujeres.
11:40Apoyar a las organizaciones de mujeres
11:43que trabajan por nuestros derechos.
11:46Los retos que tenemos es el hecho
11:49de conseguir capital para seguir creciendo.
11:52Así que aprovechamos para que las entidades financieras
11:56sean más solidarias y puedan ofrecer préstamos con tasas
11:59que sean mucho más bajas.
12:02En el evento que reunió a destacadas figuras,
12:05se reconoció a la directora de INAIP, Josefa Castillo,
12:08a la subdirectora de turismo de la Regional Este,
12:11la general Jaina Morales,
12:14la coordinadora técnica de Fedomo, Wilma Lazala,
12:17a la coordinadora técnica de Fedomo, la general Janet Jiménez.
12:21También recibieron Lauros, la periodista de telenoticias,
12:24Paula Baez, y la comunicadora, Samantha Olivero,
12:27así como maestras, abogadas y dirigentes comunitarias.
12:30Para Telenoticias, Weyni Polanco.
12:33Muchas felicidades en especial a nuestra Paula Baez
12:36por este reconocimiento.
12:39Bien, cambiamos de tema.
12:42Una mujer de 47 años murió al caerle una pared de su vivienda.
12:45La fallecida fue identificada como María Rodríguez,
12:48quien se encontraba en la habitación de su hogar
12:51y el clóset, que supuestamente fue construido en bloques,
12:54se vino abajo, ocasionándoles los golpes traumáticos.
12:57Recibimos un llamado del 911,
13:00donde procedimos a la vivienda de María Núñez, de 47 años de edad.
13:03Ya cuando llegamos al evento, estaba en 29.
13:06Yo nunca la abandoné.
13:09Ella estuvo siempre trabajando conmigo,
13:12yo siempre la tuve ella trabajando.
13:15Sabes que nunca es perfecto la vida.
13:18A ver que hay cositas que hablar.
13:23Las autoridades continúan investigando
13:26las circunstancias del suceso que ocurrió en el sector
13:29de Llanos de Darío, de los Huandules de Santiago.
13:32La comunidad hasta Alto del Yaque
13:35se encuentra conmovida por este suceso
13:38que ha dejado a vecinos y familiares en estado de shock
13:41ante la inesperada pérdida.
13:44Seguimos con más informaciones aquí en Telenoticias.
13:47El gobernador de Argelio, Alfonso Genao Lanza,
13:50reafirmó su compromiso del proyecto de ley
13:53que propone la eliminación de privilegios en la administración pública,
13:56asegurando que no retirará la iniciativa,
13:59a pesar de las críticas de diversos sectores,
14:02incluidos algunos funcionarios del gobierno.
14:05Roberto Brito nos amplía.
14:08Genao Lanza explicó que la pieza legislativa no es una reforma fiscal
14:11ni pertenece al Ejecutivo, sino que es de su autoría
14:15El legislador por la provincia de La Vega
14:18recordó a los funcionarios del gobierno que critican la pieza
14:21que cada diputado tiene la libertad de presentar
14:24propuestas legislativas en beneficio del país.
14:27Lo que buscamos es eliminar los privilegios,
14:30también como la parte de la administración nacional,
14:33los legisladores, jueces, militares, fiscales.
14:36Eso es lo que busca el proyecto y vamos a seguir adelante.
14:39Ante los cuestionamientos, el ministro de turismo,
14:42David Collado, quien expresó su preocupación
14:45sobre el impacto del proyecto a ese sector,
14:48Lanza respondió que el funcionario no comprende a profundidad
14:51el alcance de la iniciativa y aseguró que la propuesta
14:54busca optimizar el uso de los recursos públicos
14:57sin perjudicar áreas estratégicas de la economía.
15:00Entiendo que el ministro de turismo no quiere
15:03que un proyecto de lujo sea financiado
15:06con el dinero del pueblo.
15:09Claro que él no quiere eso.
15:12Él está defendiendo su sector y tal vez no entiende
15:15lo que busca el proyecto.
15:18El vocero de la bancada del Partido Revolucionario Moderno,
15:21Amado Díaz, y la legisladora de la Fuerza del Pueblo,
15:24Tayluma Calderón, dijeron que el Congreso debe analizar
15:27la propuesta y buscar un punto medio que permita
15:30un consenso entre los distintos sectores involucrados.
15:33Está dentro de su función legislativa.
15:37Es una iniciativa que apenas acaba de ser depositada
15:40y ahora va a estudios de comisiones y esta es
15:43la que va a determinar la pertinencia o no de él.
15:46Habría que verlo el proyecto, habría que estudiarlo
15:49y llegar a un punto medio porque el tema de las exenciones
15:52es un tema bien complejo porque cada sector
15:55aboga por lo propio, pero si entendemos que
15:58si queremos avanzar un poco en el país
16:01alguien tiene que pagar.
16:06Sin embargo, el diputado Ramón Alfonso Genao Lanza
16:09argumenta que la eliminación de estos beneficios
16:12podría ser una fuente de financiamiento para el presupuesto
16:15nacional sin necesidad de aumentar la carga
16:18impositiva sobre la población.
16:21Para Telenoticias, Roberto Brito.
16:24El tenista retirado Rafael Nagal
16:27ahora está aquí en República Dominicana
16:30para golpear con su raqueta la pelota del turismo
16:33en República Dominicana.
16:36Este viernes el destacado tenista inaugura el hotel
16:39CEL de Punta Cana.
16:42Para darnos todos los detalles está nuestro editor
16:45deportivo José Alberto Acosta.
16:48Este viernes el destacado tenista inaugura el hotel
16:51CEL de Punta Cana.
16:54Muy buenas tardes, José Alberto. Adelante.
16:57Hola, qué tal. Muchísimas gracias y buenas tardes.
17:00La leyenda del tenis, el español Rafael Nadal
17:03se encuentra en la República Dominicana
17:06para la inauguración del hotel CEL Punta Cana
17:09donde tiene el 50%
17:12de las acciones junto a la cadena
17:15Meliab. Este complejo
17:18The complex has a different concept in which the style of Mediterranean life merges with sport, fitness and social connection.
17:29The Minister of Tourism, David Collado, highlighted that this type of project encourages sports tourism.
17:35There are 109,000 hotels and rooms in the world and the Dominican Republic has 85,000 hotels and rooms.
17:43However, being in several continents, his love, his heart is with the Dominican Republic.
17:49The Spanish swimmer cataloged the Dominicans as supportive and hospitable,
17:55considering that the beaches and the good weather made him fall in love with the Dominican Republic,
18:01since the singer Julio Iglesias invited him to the country for the first time.
18:05I have been to the Dominican Republic about 4 or 5 times.
18:10The treatment has always been immeasurable and I want to thank the Minister and everyone.
18:16The Hotel CEL Punta Cana is the third to be inaugurated after the success of its first establishment, CEL Mallorca,
18:25which opened its doors in 2022 and then CEL Costa Brava in 2023.
18:31This hotel begins the expansion of the brand in the American continent.
18:38Also having a person like Rafael Nadal as part, as an image of this project adds a lot of value,
18:48since it represents, it is a synonym of integrity.
18:52Having Rafael Nadal as an image of this project represents a lot for the Dominican Republic,
18:57as the representative of the Popular Bank, Christopher Paniagua, said.
19:02More than 150 million dollars in repositioning and new openings that we have made in the country.
19:10And I assure you that this is due to that great public-private collaboration.
19:15The all-inclusive hotel has 190 rooms.
19:20The activity where this press conference was offered was directed to the media directors who were present in it.
19:29The official inauguration of this hotel is scheduled for this afternoon, starting at 3.30 pm,
19:35and where the President of the Republic, Luis Abinader, will be leading it.
19:39Good afternoon.
19:41Thank you, José Alberto, for your report from Punta Cana.