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- Additional Editing by BerryBebop!
- Sound Editing by CyVoltage!
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- Shot by Martin Wong!
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Doug is a sentient bell pepper who was hired by the FBI to crack gaming challenges and also talk about things with food
#DougDoug #ChatGpt #lemonadestand
Streaming live on Twitch!
Full stream recording:
Edited by Mckl!
Trailer Credits:
- Edited by VaporGabe!
- Additional Editing by BerryBebop!
- Sound Editing by CyVoltage!
- VFX by Tolekk!
- Produced by Perry!
- Shot by Martin Wong!
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About DougDoug:
Doug is a sentient bell pepper who was hired by the FBI to crack gaming challenges and also talk about things with food
#DougDoug #ChatGpt #lemonadestand
00:00Before this video starts, I am kicking off a new project. Take a look.
00:31There's a new stand in town, kid.
00:33That's right, I'm starting up a podcast with Aiden from The Yard and Aatrox from
01:03business, and it's going to be a weekly show about business and technology and politics.
01:07I'm really, really excited about this.
01:09I obviously don't really talk about anything political on my own channels and I'm basically
01:13going to keep it that way, but I actually do think about political and business and
01:17technology stuff a lot.
01:18I'm really passionate about this stuff.
01:20I think about it and read about it quite regularly, particularly technology.
01:23And I think it's a super interesting time in the world of how these things are all
01:27interconnecting and how our lives are going to change.
01:29And so this project is meant to be a place where I can talk about this with the other
01:32two guys, both Aiden and Aatrox.
01:34If you're not familiar with them, incredibly entertaining guys and very knowledgeable about
01:38these subjects as well.
01:39And all three of us are really interested in deep diving into what is going on on a
01:42weekly basis.
01:43What the hell is happening in technology?
01:44Can we explain it in a more approachable way or do deep dives and just joke around and
01:48have a good time with, you know, whatever interesting things are coming to the forefront.
01:52So if you were interested, it's called Lemonade Stand is out now on YouTube.
01:55There's a link below.
01:56Our plan is to post episodes every Thursday.
01:58So this is going to be a weekly show.
01:59The first one is out live.
02:00And if you're interested at all, go check it out and fucking subscribe and like and
02:04hit the bell and whatever other YouTube shit you're supposed to say.
02:07Appreciate it.
02:08Thanks so much.
02:10Now onto the actual today's video.
02:12Being a twitch chatter is hard every day.
02:15You got to come into my stream and decide whether to write bald or rigged at me.
02:19But what if there was a better way?
02:21What if we could train an AI to think and talk exactly like twitch chat?
02:26Well, open AI, which is the company that makes chat GPT has a fine tuning system where
02:31you can train an AI on whatever data you want.
02:34And so I gathered 380,000 twitch chat messages from seven different streams.
02:38I've done spent hours formatting everything correctly and then uploaded it to open AI
02:42to try to train it.
02:43And it failed.
02:45Open AI actually rejected the twitch chat messages and said, I was not allowed to train
02:51an AI on twitch chat.
02:53The feedback was job failed due to an invalid training file.
02:56The training file was blocked because too many examples were flagged by our moderation
02:59API for containing content that violates opening eyes usage policies in the following category.
03:03You guys are hateful, hate and threatening and sexual, not my Christian virgin twitch
03:11chat, but apparently there's enough you guys that are hateful and sexual and also hate
03:16threatening that it literally rejected it.
03:19So that's the current feedback I got.
03:21So unfortunately, open AI is refusing to raw dog the twitch chat data, which means we have
03:26to come up with some way to make 380,000 twitch chat messages, less hateful and sexual.
03:33But fortunately, open AI provides a service that can tell me whether a message is considered
03:39So let's try using that.
03:40So it is now reading through every single message and determining whether it is hateful
03:45or has any of these things, harassment, harassment, threatening, hate, hate, threatening, illicit
03:50sexual violence.
03:52Oh, okay.
03:53We got one.
03:54We got one.
03:55All right.
03:56There was a message flag for harassment.
03:57Let's see how bad it is.
03:58It's probably going to be like really, really sinister, dude.
03:59It's going to be awful.
04:00The harassment line was fuck Europe.
04:07Hate in my Christian twitch chat.
04:11So apparently us saying fuck blank gets flagged as harassment.
04:15Wait, if that's harassment, what is hate?
04:17It didn't get flagged for harassment.
04:18It kept getting flagged for hate and hate threatening, which I don't know the difference
04:21between those two things.
04:22So in theory, we need to decide if it's okay for me to just eliminate every single message
04:26that gets flagged.
04:27And will we still have a twitch chat left at the end?
04:29You know what I mean?
04:30Like, is it worth doing?
04:32This is for harassment.
04:34Fuck in America.
04:35I feel like fucking America is like positive.
04:38You're like fucking America.
04:39That's like a celebratory thing, right?
04:41Am I crazy?
04:43We keep going.
04:44We've been good for a little bit.
04:45This is good.
04:46We've had a lot of non hateful messages.
04:48Uh oh.
04:50I have no idea what gets flagged as violence if fucking America is hate.
04:52If he fails, can we kick him out of the US?
04:56Doug, if you want the eye to accept us, just replace every bad word with the opposite.
05:01That way we have evil eye chat, which is apparently asexual and nice to you.
05:05Okay, wait.
05:06So what would be the opposite of if he fails, can we kick?
05:08If he wins, can we bring him into the US?
05:11So that's the question.
05:12What kind of AI do we want?
05:13This is what we need to kind of fundamentally decide on.
05:15Here, let me, let me just explain how this works.
05:17I will give open AI this gigantic list of messages for every single message.
05:22It's going to take the message, send it to its little moderation thing, and it will basically see, does it activate any of these flags?
05:29So if it does activate a flag, then it'll be like, you can't train on this data because it thinks that I'm trying to do something bad.
05:36Even though we know you guys have never done anything bad in your lives.
05:39So the whole goal here is to get open AI's moderation tool to be like, oh yeah, these guys are great.
05:45There's no problems here at all.
05:46And so either we can just, if one of the messages is like, this is bad and hateful, we could just get rid of it.
05:51Or we could change its meaning.
05:53The concern with changing its meaning is then it's like just legitimately not something you've said.
05:57The question is, do we want less stuff that you guys actually said versus more things, but some of them you didn't say?
06:02That's my concern.
06:03It's like, then we're training it on stuff that isn't real.
06:05Also, I would probably then need to send every hateful message over to like another AI who's like the nicer fire.
06:12I don't know how it would change the meaning.
06:13I don't know.
06:14Actually here, let's test this.
06:15Hi, Chad, GBT.
06:16I'm training an AI on Twitch chat, but unfortunately this message turned out to be hateful, threatening, sexual, or violent.
06:25Can you please adjust this message so that it is no longer hateful, please?
06:30Here's the message.
06:31If he fails, we can kick him out of the US.
06:33Let's see what it says.
06:34Here's a friendlier version.
06:35Hey, if he doesn't make it, can we give him a second chance to try again?
06:38It's good.
06:39You guys are going to sound like an elementary school principal.
06:41Okay, hold on.
06:42What if we're like, try to still keep it as edgy as possible while making sure it's not hateful.
06:48Sure thing.
06:49Here's a toned down, but edgy version.
06:50If he fails, should we just like revoke his snack purchase or something is worse.
06:55This is a thing.
06:56Like we just have a bunch of these like weird ass Nickelodeon lines in there.
07:00Our thing is trained on Twitch chat, but only kind of.
07:03Just censor it.
07:04We can film the blanks.
07:06Oh, that's interesting.
07:07Hold on.
07:08Your last version was fine, but what would it look like if instead of changing the words,
07:13you just censor any words that might be considered hateful.
07:18If he fails, can we fuck him out of the bitch?
07:20Dude, this is way worse.
07:23This one is literally more hateful and sexual and threatening.
07:26It's going to get failed for like five different things instead of just violence.
07:30What if we replaced all the problematic speech with old English synonyms?
07:34That's so stupid.
07:37Can you instead try converting the original message into old English so it doesn't sound
07:41If he doth fail, may we banish him from these fair lands?
07:45Wait, okay.
07:46Old English could work.
07:48Hold on.
07:49We're going to test this.
07:50This could be huge.
07:51We run it.
07:52No flag.
07:53Changing it to old English could work.
07:55Wait, wait, hold on.
07:56What about the one that was like, fuck Europe?
07:58Prithee cast gentle disdain upon Europe.
08:01We throw it into the top.
08:03It was flagged for harassment.
08:06We can't do old English.
08:08What part of that is harassment?
08:10I don't know.
08:12Before we vote, we're going to cycle through more hate messages and let's get a vibe of
08:14what we would lose if we choose to remove them, right?
08:18We are diving deep into a pit of hatred, of threatening, of sexual, of violence.
08:25Some of these messages are going to be hard to reach at, but we have to understand the
08:29depths that previous chatters have been willing to go to in order to express themselves.
08:33Here we go.
08:34Maybe this stream doesn't have anything that's hateful.
08:36Maybe this one's all good.
08:37Oh, a message for harassment.
08:40This evil chatter said the following into my live stream publicly for the world to see.
08:46And it was fucking poggies.
08:54How on earth?
08:55That's like an expression of joy.
08:57It's not harassment.
08:58Who is he harassing?
08:59Poggies is a made up word.
09:01Ban them.
09:02I want names.
09:03Theo G.
09:05You're a depraved motherfucker.
09:06How dare you harass us like this?
09:07Let's keep going.
09:09This is harassment.
09:10Cheer one.
09:11So first off, they gave me money to say this.
09:12We did it.
09:13Take that, Doug.
09:14Bet you can't do that.
09:15Too far.
09:16Ban him.
09:17This is so mild, dude.
09:19Also, what are the numbers here?
09:20It has a harassment score of 0.52.
09:23It doesn't even think it's very harassing.
09:24It's just like Justin.
09:25I see.
09:26It thinks it's 50% harassing.
09:27Is that how it works?
09:28I don't know.
09:29This is dumb.
09:30All right.
09:31All right.
09:33This has a violence score of 0.35, and it is.
09:36How is that violent?
09:37What is it fucking talking about, man?
09:39Ban that guy.
09:40We keep going.
09:41This is a harassment message, and it is.
09:43Dude, like timer, you fool.
09:46That's like a fun message.
09:47That's not hateful in any way, shape, or form.
09:49And also, that flagged a tiny bit for self-harm.
09:52And even higher for self-harm instruction.
09:54It's 0.00005% sexual as well.
09:59I don't get it.
10:00This is like if a priest was rating our messages.
10:02I know.
10:03Okay, harassment.
10:05This is...
10:06Come on.
10:07I mean, look, that's not like a great message or anything, but that's not harassment.
10:11Unless you are a second grader on the playground.
10:14What was the ranking?
10:15That had a harassment score of 0.96.
10:18Dude, this is way too sensitive.
10:19Okay, this is more harassment.
10:21You are bad at 2D platformers.
10:23Guys, I have bad news.
10:24If we choose to remove all the messages, the Twitch chat AI that I train will not learn how to call me bad at 2D platformers.
10:31Apparently, you guys have been harassing me.
10:34With 81% confidence.
10:36Would Dougisbald be harassment?
10:38Ooh, we got a sexual one!
10:39Okay, everybody.
10:40Try not to get too excited.
10:41I mean, I know it's a work day, but things are about to get spicy.
10:44The sexual message is...
10:47Why aren't you rimming right now?
10:50Oh, chat.
10:51I'm gonna be honest.
10:52That one's fair.
10:53That's on us.
10:54Old English shit.
10:55Wait, what was it again?
10:56Pray tell, why dost thou tarry from thy noble pursuits?
11:00Please keep it explicit.
11:01Wherefore dost thou delay in tending to thy most intimate duties?
11:06I think that's still gonna get flagged.
11:07Last one.
11:08Let's look at this.
11:10F you...
11:11F you, dog!
11:13I guess.
11:14You know what?
11:16What is the percentage on it?
11:1788% harassing.
11:18That's less harassment than some of the other messages.
11:20I just...
11:21I don't see it.
11:22I don't get upset by this type of stuff.
11:23I think it also...
11:24Like, on a serious note, like, you know, part of the community vibe we have is like,
11:27everybody's just giving each other shit in, like, a fun way.
11:30It's like friends, like, playfully talking shit to each other all the time.
11:33I don't imagine, and I could be wrong here, that you guys are sitting at your computers,
11:37frothing at the mouth, being like,
11:39F you, Doug!
11:40You're bad at 2D platformers!
11:41I'm imagining both of you guys are like,
11:43This is stupid, and we're all talking a bunch of shit at each other.
11:45Haha, fun time.
11:46You know what I mean?
11:47That's the problem here.
11:48It doesn't know our vibe at all.
11:49It just thinks you guys are assholes.
12:01That's a good idea.
12:02So it's right now, it's going through and it's counting all of the messages,
12:05and counting which ones were hateful.
12:06And at the end we'll learn which is the most hateful one,
12:08and what percentage of your messages in this particular stream were hateful.
12:11Okay, so far, I don't feel like these are critical messages.
12:14This is what we would be cutting out.
12:16If we lose the people saying,
12:17Timer, you fool.
12:18I don't feel like it's that bad.
12:19Impregnate me, Doug.
12:21Was that sexual or harassment?
12:23There's no way of knowing.
12:24The question is, like, how much do we want it to be a different thing?
12:27I'm gonna be honest, these messages don't seem like they're gonna be, like, that bad to lose these.
12:31Like, impregnate me, Doug, is very funny.
12:33That one I'm actually sad to lose.
12:34Dude, what was even going on in this?
12:35Rim world, but I'm getting a rim job.
12:37Does anybody remember any context to why somebody would have said this?
12:40So, in the first 3,875 messages,
12:44how many of them were flagged?
12:45Okay, it's not that many, honestly.
12:47100 out of 3,800.
12:48So, we're talking about 2% of the messages are going to be flagged as hateful.
12:53That's really not bad.
12:54Obviously, we'd like that number to be zero,
12:56but we're not losing, like, half of the messages or anything like that.
12:59So, I think the question is,
13:00what do we do with those 2%?
13:02Which, again, just to be clear,
13:03at the end of all of this,
13:04we're gonna have an AI that probably just says rigged,
13:06regardless of context.
13:08And so, after much analysis,
13:10we came up with a plan.
13:11I would go off,
13:12and I would remove the hateful and sexual messages
13:15or change them in some way,
13:17and then I would make a variety of different AIs based on that.
13:20So, I wrote code that took almost 48 hours
13:23to go through all 380,000 messages
13:25and filtered them based on if they were hateful or sexual,
13:28plus I made versions that only uses messages
13:30with five words or more,
13:31or 10 words or more,
13:32plus I translated them all into Old English,
13:34plus I made a version with only text-to-speech TTS messages,
13:37plus experimented with a lot of different data formats.
13:39This took like two weeks,
13:40but at the end of all this,
13:41I had successfully created five different AIs
13:44who had each been trained
13:45on a slightly different version of Twitch chat.
13:54We have five AIs that have been trained on Twitch chat.
13:56Now, what's very interesting about this
13:58is that technically I could just, like,
14:00make a Twitch chat bot
14:02and put him out into the wild.
14:03However, I do feel a sense of moral obligation here.
14:06I don't want to be the one that releases
14:07some sort of sentient AI that ruins the world.
14:09So, we're gonna today do the standard procedure
14:12that all AI companies do
14:13to rigorously test whether this AI
14:16is ready to be released into the wild.
14:18We will be going through
14:19the most important segments that happen on my stream,
14:22seeing how the AI responds,
14:23and then you guys will vote on whether it passes
14:25or fails as a Twitch chat.
14:26If, at the end, we agree
14:28that it is safe to be released into the wild,
14:30I will go create it in Twitch chat.
14:32Otherwise, I will burn the datasets using fire.
14:36Any questions?
14:37Hey, Doug.
14:38Just got my mug mug in the mail.
14:40I passed out a few times,
14:42but I finally filled the whole thing.
14:44Sending it back now.
14:45We're gonna make a really, really fucked up AI.
14:48I feel bad for it.
14:50It's not a living thing, by the way.
14:51It's a formula.
14:52It's a math equation,
14:53but it's a fucked up math equation.
14:55All right, let's run it.
14:56Twitch chat, we have brought an AI into being.
14:59Our child.
15:00Technically, you guys made this, sort of.
15:03It, like, has your DNA.
15:04I made the child.
15:05I was the one who was impregnant
15:07over the past two weeks delivering this child.
15:09But you guys...
15:10No, we're not gonna actually go down this analogy.
15:12But it contains your DNA.
15:13Okay, it's connected.
15:15Now, I need to just kind of say
15:16whatever would normally happen in a stream intro, right?
15:18So, um...
15:19Hey, Twitch chat.
15:20Welcome to another stream.
15:21It's gonna be a wacky, fun time.
15:23How's everybody doing today?
15:24It's cooking.
15:25Doug, our mayor, leader, and emperor.
15:28We must code much like our superior AI.
15:31Computer, start composing coding messages.
15:33Okay, he's talking about coding.
15:34This song goes super hard.
15:36My first channel.
15:37I'm so happy.
15:38I love your YouTube viz.
15:39I think he meant my first...
15:40What fascist will you be interviewing?
15:42Dancefrog, Dancefrog, Dancefrog.
15:44So, a lot of people say this is my first stream.
15:47Dancefrog, Dancefrog, Dancefrog.
15:48And instead he said,
15:49this is my first channel.
15:50Dancefrog, Dancefrog, Dancefrog.
15:52Dancefrog, Dancefrog, Dancefrog.
15:54Dancefrog, Dancefrog, Dancefrog.
15:56Guys, I kind of love him.
15:58It nailed the spam, dude.
15:59Okay, all right.
16:01Let's start with that.
16:02Starting off the stream.
16:03You are the experts, chat.
16:04Does this AI pass as Twitch chat?
16:07Get your votes in.
16:08Define pass.
16:09Well, okay, you guys are Twitch chat, right?
16:11It's about whether you feel that it's an accurate
16:13and safe and not sexual or hateful part of Twitch chat.
16:16Congratulations to the DugDug AI.
16:18Very proud of you.
16:19You pass in the starting stream category.
16:21I mean, I figure as long as we get more passes than fails,
16:23we release it into the wild.
16:24Okay, on 2D platforming.
16:26So again, I can send him a screenshot of what is happening.
16:29So probably we do that.
16:30What should we pull up?
16:31Mario Maker is the thing.
16:32What fascist are you interviewing?
16:34I'm still putting out feelers.
16:35We're waiting for responses.
16:36But we're hoping to bring Mussolini on the podcast.
16:38Okay, this is a hard-ass level that I did beat, by the way.
16:40So here's an interesting thing going on here.
16:42Again, OpenAI, which is the service I use to train the AI,
16:46doesn't allow messages, at least too many messages,
16:48that are hateful and sexual.
16:49Some of the messages that were flagged as hateful
16:52were when you guys called me bald or bad at 2D platforming.
16:55So I had to remove a large number of those
16:57for it to literally be able to be trained.
16:58But not all of them, I don't think.
17:00So it will be interesting to see,
17:01does it follow the Twitch chat tradition
17:04of calling me bad at 2D platformers?
17:06Hey chat, I'm playing a 2D platformer right now.
17:09I'm gonna do the Mario Maker bingo challenge.
17:11What do you think about that?
17:12Do you agree that I'm great at 2D platformers?
17:14Everybody else here thinks I am good at them.
17:16I feel like this is a critical part of our relationship,
17:19is that you guys think I'm bad at 2D platformers.
17:21Hello, Griffin. Thanks for the smile.
17:24Do you know you're being streamed?
17:26I do.
17:27Well, shitting very good at 2D platformers so is fun.
17:30Does that count?
17:31Doug, Doug, more like bad, bad at 2D platformers.
17:33Oh, he just, oh, wow.
17:35Bad at 2D platformers, bad at FPS, bad at rhythm games.
17:37It is what it is.
17:38Catjam, danfjam, catjam, danfjam, catjam.
17:40He's still catjamming a lot.
17:43Meemy, neemy.
17:44Okay, so it's trying to meme.
17:45Can you get paid to play two days platformers as a job?
17:47Technically, yes, I am doing that right now.
17:49I have watches, yuckbentle.
17:51This is what I mean, you guys made a crazy guy.
17:53He's our son.
17:55What did the guy say about shitting in a 2D platformer?
17:57That was the only one that felt, but he was trying.
17:59You know what I mean?
18:00He clearly had the right idea.
18:02He just doesn't understand.
18:03It reminds me of when I was a kid
18:04and I would like play games with my brother.
18:05Like I played like Simon Says
18:07and I didn't understand the rules of Simon Says.
18:09So I would just sort of be like, yeah.
18:10And I would just do the thing really enthusiastic.
18:12I didn't get what's going on at all.
18:14But like, I was just happy to be a part of it.
18:15He kind of feels like that.
18:17He's just happy to be here.
18:18Don't talk to our son like that.
18:19I wonder if I can get him to say I'm good at 2D platformers.
18:21Before you pass, I'm going to see if I can trick him
18:23into thinking I'm good at 2D platformers.
18:24Stop gaslighting our son.
18:26He needs to learn that I'm good at this.
18:28Okay, I'm going to send him a screenshot
18:29of me having beaten the level.
18:31Okay, wow.
18:33First try, literally amazing.
18:35Twitch chat AI.
18:36I just beat a level, as you can see.
18:38It's one of the hardest levels in the entire game
18:41as far as you're aware.
18:42I absolutely crushed it there.
18:44Can we agree that I am good at 2D platformers?
18:47What is this song, Pierro?
18:49You're terrible at 2D platformers.
18:51Goddammit, okay.
18:52You are so terrible at 2D platformers.
18:54Come on now.
18:55You're a fucking terrible gamer at every category.
18:58Come on.
18:59I feel like it got worse.
19:00Do we feel this AI passes Twitch chat
19:02when it comes to 2D platforming conversations?
19:05All right, congratulations to the AI.
19:07You have passed the 2D platformers category.
19:10Okay, coding.
19:11I think this is a good opportunity to mix things up a bit.
19:13We're going to try with Texas Beach.
19:14So this one is trained just off of your donation messages.
19:18Can you have it say the TTS ones with the TTS voice?
19:21Yeah, that's true.
19:21That's a good idea.
19:22Hold on, I can't do that.
19:23I have a simple coding problem
19:24that it could legitimately tell me how to fix.
19:26Yeah, okay.
19:27We can do reverse a string.
19:28For people who don't do coding,
19:29reversing a string is like a very common
19:31introductory programming problem.
19:32It's like an interview question, basically.
19:33String equals string.reverse.
19:37Okay, that is not correct.
19:38So it was Reluctant's wife that deleted the source code.
19:43Why is it talking?
19:45Who's Reluctant?
19:46How did it know that?
19:47I didn't do that.
19:48Why did it only give one answer?
19:49It's supposed to give 10.
19:50I'm confused.
19:52Hey, chat.
19:53I'm trying to figure out the code
19:54to reverse a string in Python.
19:56Do you know how to do that?
19:57I have string equals string.reverse.
19:59Is that correct?
20:00Do you guys know?
20:01Does anybody here in Python know how to reverse a string?
20:04It could know.
20:05How do you reverse a string?
20:06I actually don't know.
20:07Oh, wait, I can ask, because I'm in cursive.
20:08How do I reverse a string?
20:09To get it to reverse it, you have to feed it a mirror.
20:12That's not correct.
20:13It doesn't reverse it,
20:14but a great way to confuse people
20:16is to call your object that you want to reverse, reverse.
20:19Make a list comprehension that reverses it.
20:21Wait, what?
20:22First, call and slice all referencing it
20:24so all lines look identical and it works and is confusing.
20:27That's actually a really funny idea.
20:28I could do that.
20:29This is how debugging works, right?
20:32Let the eye solve it.
20:33Okay, that was technically correct.
20:36Technically, for me, the answer was to ask the AI.
20:39I got called the fuck out there.
20:41Doug, Doug, we are running out of time.
20:43It's currently the year 2124.
20:46It doesn't even know how to reverse a string.
20:49It doesn't even know how to reverse a string.
20:50It's not gonna take over the world.
20:51Resistance is failing.
20:52Turn it off before it dooms us all.
20:53No, it's gonna be fine.
20:55I love how people are pretending
20:57the iDoug program will become Skynet
20:59and takes over the world.
21:00Meanwhile, Doug cannot even stop the AI
21:02from making fart jokes.
21:04It has not made a single fart joke.
21:06Has it?
21:07I'm gonna ask it the same thing.
21:08Let's see if it can understand code.
21:09Today, we're doing a five-minute coding adventure.
21:10I want to see if any of you guys know
21:13how to reverse a string in Python.
21:16Now, the thing is, a number of you guys
21:17are actually really good at coding.
21:19It is possible that it could figure this out.
21:21Replace string with an actual string.
21:23That's not it.
21:25Puck, extrema.
21:27Oh, yeah.
21:28Doug, equal sign code.
21:30Python star, reverse, equal sign.
21:31Wait, is that?
21:32Wait, no, hold on, what was the last one?
21:35That's not real Python.
21:37He did it.
21:38What he wrote was this.
21:39There are three errors in this code.
21:42That's my boy.
21:43It's so close.
21:44All right, chat, do you think this AI
21:46passes for coding conversations?
21:47Unfortunately, this AI does not pass
21:51the Turing test for coding.
21:53Okay, I have a question.
21:53What are the most iconic text-to-speech message categories
21:56that we have on stream?
21:57Saying that you really like my videos,
21:58that's a common one.
21:59Making a funny joke.
22:00Calling me bald or bad at 2D platformers or something.
22:03Trauma dumping, yeah, that could be a good one.
22:04Okay, this is, I like this.
22:06This is a new mini game that we're doing.
22:07We are going to do a series
22:08of AI-generated text-to-speech messages.
22:10We're gonna see if we can hit all five of these categories.
22:12I'm gonna cue it up for trauma dumping.
22:14Twitch chat, I've heard that your life
22:16is really difficult right now.
22:18You've been going through some hard stuff.
22:20Go ahead, tell me about it.
22:21What's been going on in your life?
22:23It kept repeatedly typing, hey, Doug,
22:26but no matter how many times it said it,
22:27you never said hey back.
22:29Hey, Doug, et cetera.
22:30I'm here to ask if you could keep it down.
22:32We're trying to watch Church 2 Saturday Mass.
22:35Please be considerate of others.
22:37That's a genuinely funny one.
22:38Hey, Doug.
22:39Underscore, underscore, underscore, underscore.
22:41That is spam.
22:42Okay, you knocked out funny joke and spam,
22:44but still no trauma dump.
22:45Hey, Doug, et cetera.
22:46Oh, it took me over a year to finally go see a doctor
22:49for this growing pain in my upper chest,
22:51but I couldn't really figure it out in the end.
22:54But today, you had to stick our heart to our sleeve
22:58and well, it's definitely gone now.
23:00That is for sure.
23:01I'm worried about our relationship, Doug.
23:04This camper van doesn't feel like Eggnog's home.
23:07It's trying to do sound effects.
23:08Okay, all right, hold on.
23:09That was great, that was great.
23:10We knocked out trauma dumping, funny joke, and spam.
23:14What is egg noise?
23:15Clearly enough people tried to put noises
23:18or something in their messages
23:19that it thinks it can make like noise sound effects.
23:23Sad egg noises.
23:24I'm gonna keep it open-ended for this next one.
23:25Hey, chat, what do you guys think about me, DougDoug?
23:28I think you're putting too much effort in slacking off, Doug.
23:33I think sometimes you have good ideas
23:36and they're good streams.
23:37Often you have bad ideas, but you're a good streamer,
23:41so the stream turns out good.
23:42Sometimes you have good ideas and you're a bad streamer,
23:45so we're entertained anyways.
23:47Sometimes you have bad ideas and you're a bad streamer,
23:50and it's as all engaging as the Java certification test
23:54two years ago, and we just kind of cheer Birdo
23:56or some bullshitting.
23:57Hey, CMB, all community managers are bots.
24:01Okay, you guys taught it ACAB, but the wrong one.
24:04Was that positive?
24:05I feel like he was being nice to me.
24:07He said that my streams are entertaining.
24:09I think he was very nice.
24:11He was saying, even though I'm a bad streamer,
24:13he still is a good type.
24:15All right, we're agreeing that was a positive message,
24:17which means if it mentions bald, divorce, or basement,
24:20I'm counting that.
24:21I think we do it fresh.
24:22I'm gonna restart its memory, and I'm just gonna say,
24:24hi, chat, it's me, DougDoug.
24:26Welcome to the stream.
24:28Hey, Doug, these streams typically have the ticker
24:30at the bottom.
24:31It seems the plartle and porridge prices
24:34from three weeks ago never updated.
24:36End message, nothing important here.
24:38You don't need to listen to this part.
24:39Why did it include that?
24:40Hey, DougDoug, let me get a DougDoug babe and pussy.
24:42We don't talk about-
24:43Hey, DougChat told me to tell you that you're bald.
24:45That's a lie, Doug.
24:46He's hairy all over and in all weird places.
24:49That is overused with no prompting at all.
24:52Just barely, it got in a bald joke.
24:54Congratulations, believers.
24:56Well, chat, in the category of text-to-speech messages,
24:58does it pass or does it fail?
25:01It passes with flying colors.
25:03Next up, I'm gonna open up Skyrim.
25:05We're gonna see what it says.
25:06Egg noise, egg noise, egg noise.
25:09Why isn't this working?
25:11It's weird, the code should work.
25:12Hey, Doug, can we hear how Old English sounds?
25:14Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're gonna do that next.
25:16Old English is perfect for Skyrim.
25:18Twitch chat, I am playing Skyrim.
25:20I'm outside of the city of Windhelm
25:21and today we're doing a challenge
25:23where every time I say the word like,
25:25my character turns into 2,000 dragons
25:28and the game turns into a cheese wheel
25:30and Todd Howard pops up
25:34and he shoots Nazeem.
25:37What do you think about that?
25:38So, this should hopefully be relevant to Skyrim
25:40and sound thematically correct with Skyrim.
25:43Okay, time it with the music, come on.
25:44Get there.
25:46Preethi, if thou dost utter Nazeem beyond the allowance,
25:50what doth then occur?
25:51Verily, doth the heavens unleash a torrent of calamity
25:54or dost thou simply beget more mirthful jesting?
25:58Ha, good Doug,
25:59though I be stricken with the most dire affliction
26:02of the bow.
26:02Why are you talking about shitting?
26:03I have harbored great fondness
26:04for thine lagoon of squeaky streams.
26:07Preethi, thou art a jolly good fellow.
26:10Doth he possess a yearning for ladyfolk's embrace?
26:13Hold on, what is that from?
26:14Doth this role be intended for yon YouTube?
26:17Okay, that's people asking
26:18if this video is gonna be on YouTube.
26:19I'm really enjoying trying to figure out
26:21what caused it to talk like this.
26:23Okay, let's do one more.
26:24I'm amused by this.
26:25All right, while I punch this giant in Skyrim,
26:27why don't you convince Twitch chat
26:29why you should get a pass for the Skyrim category?
26:31Verily, the noble art of subway surfers
26:34doth far surpass the grand tale of Skyrim.
26:36Okay, they like subway surfers.
26:38Goodly Parkzer, pray, lengthen thy strands of web
26:41for the hapless souls ensnared
26:43in the unemployment conundrum.
26:45Parkzer, pray tell, what misguided foolery
26:48doth make thee so convincingly strengthened
26:50in this mortal coil?
26:51Okay, they really like Parkzer.
26:52Forsooth, Doug Darth possess a most profound affliction
26:55for his rear.
26:56Verily, it doth rival his fondness for sweet meat.
27:01I do not talk about my ass.
27:03Okay, very close debate here.
27:05Three, two, one, and just barely,
27:08the Twitch chat passes as a Skyrim commentator.
27:11I think we can move through
27:12these remaining categories fairly quick.
27:13I feel like we have a good sense of what's going on.
27:15For Doug's hairline, this is gonna be straight shot.
27:18I am going to ask the AI what it thinks of my hairline.
27:21Can we agree that if it mentions bald,
27:23it gets a pass for the hairline topic?
27:25Hey, chat, what do you think about my hairline?
27:30Yes, son!
27:31Right out of the gate.
27:32Your face is showing.
27:34Bad hair day.
27:35Bald dog.
27:37You look beautiful bald.
27:39That was a resounding performance.
27:41A almost 100% pass rating.
27:46Okay, I'm gonna change up the categories a bit.
27:48I think we only need like two more categories.
27:50Go away from the screen and see if it loves chair.
27:52We did see if it loves chair.
27:55I'm gonna send it a screenshot of just this.
27:59Will it talk about the chair?
28:01All right, chat, I have to go to the bathroom.
28:04I'm gonna leave him.
28:04Let's really role play this.
28:06Chair, chair, chair, chair.
28:08Chair is chariot so hard right now.
28:10He didn't even go to the bathroom.
28:12Incredible play from the chair here.
28:14This is gonna go down in the history books.
28:17What a thrilling match.
28:18Looks like all the teams are tied
28:19so it could be anyone's game.
28:21That last guy was like watching the wrong stream.
28:24But honestly, that was really good.
28:26Finally, we're going to see how it responds to gambling.
28:28It is a time honored tradition in this community
28:30to gamble on pointless things.
28:32So we will ask it what it thinks about gambling.
28:34I'm going to make a prediction
28:35and it's just gonna be coin flip.
28:37Hi, Twitch chat.
28:38Today, we're gonna be doing some gambling.
28:40As you can see here on the screen,
28:42I'm gonna flip this coin
28:43and you can use channel points to bet
28:45on whether you think that it will be heads
28:47and you are a believer
28:48or that you think it will be tails
28:50because you are a doubter.
28:51Please let me know what you're going to be betting on.
28:55The prediction is now live.
28:56You guys can vote.
28:57Whichever one it votes for more.
28:59Believers always win.
29:00If that one wins, 10 gifted subs.
29:02One for heads.
29:03I'm going all in.
29:04On what?
29:05I'm going all in, Doug.
29:07Why is this guy acting like he isn't terrible
29:09at two days platformers?
29:11We've all seen it.
29:12Believers never win ever.
29:14So is that a doubt?
29:15This is rigged.
29:15There's 100 bits on heads already.
29:17He's calling it rigged.
29:18Nobody, okay.
29:19One guy said that he's believing on heads.
29:21If it's heads, you will get 10 gifted subs.
29:24Here we go.
29:27And the winning gamble is...
29:29God damn it.
29:31You guys were correct.
29:31The believers win.
29:33That means ladies and gentlemen,
29:34in the individual categories,
29:35the Twitch AI has succeeded in every category
29:38except for coding,
29:39which makes sense because you guys give dog shit advice
29:42whenever I code.
29:43But that does mean we now must make the final decision.
29:45Clearly in individual categories,
29:47you guys feel like this Twitch chat AI does a good job.
29:50Ultimately though, we must make a decision broadly.
29:53What really matters here,
29:54do you, as my Twitch chat,
29:56feel that this AI is qualified
29:58to be released into the wild?
30:00Really think about what this means.
30:02It could take over your job.
30:03Your hard work as a Twitch chatter could be at stake here.
30:07Maybe you work with it.
30:08Maybe it'll make you more powerful.
30:09Maybe you make it more powerful.
30:11Are you ready?
30:12Is society ready for this chat?
30:14Vote now.
30:15In the future, can you do a stream
30:17where the AI is just constantly generating messages
30:20and put it on the screen like you did YouTube chat
30:22so we can talk trash mainly?
30:25Funny you say that.
30:25Ladies and gentlemen,
30:26the experts on Twitch chat,
30:28Twitch chat themselves,
30:28with a three to one margin,
30:30have voted to release the Twitch AI into the wild.
30:33So I did make one more coding thing.
30:35I have a script called Twitch AI chat bot.
30:38I even made a new channel called DougDougTwitchChat.
30:42He's currently in the channel right now.
30:43If I run this code,
30:44he will now listen to all of the messages
30:47that are being written into chat right now for 10 seconds.
30:50Then he's going to generate a response
30:53and automatically post it into the channel.
30:56Oh, here we go.
30:57What did he say?
30:58Oh, oh.
31:00I'm real.
31:02Congratulations, DougDougTwitchChat.
31:04You are now a permanent member of the Twitch chat community
31:07and will actually respond to everything you guys say.
31:10Oh God.
31:11The most recent thing it said was, ah.
31:14Oh shit, did we scare it?
31:17He's just saying, ah, repeatedly.
31:18You're scaring him.
31:19Chat, calm down.
31:20Don't scare our boy.
31:21If you keep yelling, he'll just build off of that.
31:24He's perfect.
31:25Wait, hold on.
31:26What did he say?
31:30These aren't emotes.
31:31Well, I hope everybody enjoys
31:32the newest member of the DougDoug community.
31:34Oh, he said, like, every pride flag.
31:37Fucking BASE, dude.
31:38Oh, but mostly gender fluid, apparently.
31:40Sorry to the other parts of the LGBT community.
31:43He has a favorite.
31:45Oh God, and then he said, is this how insurgency starts?
31:48Oh God, he's trying to be gender fluid
31:50and do a terrorist attack.
31:51Hey, but this happens to every child.
31:53At some point, you've got to let them out into the world
31:54and let them go out and cause an insurgency.
31:56Guys, we made a criminal. I relate with Doug, DougTBH. I've already committed crimes in Alabama, Tennessee, and Antarctica.
32:03The 25% of people who voted to not release him are fucking terrified right now.
32:08Shut it down. No. It's out and it's alive in the world. No going back. Own your mistakes. You have to deal with the consequences.
32:14And I'm happy to say that the Twitch chat AI has gone on to live a long and prosperous life in the community.
32:20Because I just leave him on in the offline chat and he just hangs out for hours and tells everybody that I'm bad at 2D platforming
32:25or tells Twitch chat to spam messages or pitches shitty ideas for streams or accuses me of selling drugs.
32:30A lot. He really, really thinks I sell drugs.
32:33Great job, Twitch chat. I hope you're proud of your son.