00:00Our brown bears were on a seasonal diet, got their energy, they're full of beans and they're really enjoying the paddock, play wrestling, swimming in the pool and engaging with all the fun enrichment and things that we can offer them.
00:10Our brown bears are really tactile with each other, so you'll see a lot of kind of play behaviour and wrestling also because some of our bears are quite young, they just love to play.
00:18Nea in particular, she's our youngest brown bear here at Whipsane Zoo. She's incredibly playful, she just likes to play and roughhouse and mess around and wrestle with all the other bears.
00:27The bears went into hibernation from early November until about mid to late February, that's when they started to get out of bed, have a little mooch about.
00:36They would still spend the majority of the time in bed but now they've woken up from hibernation, they're after lots of leafy greens which is kind of their favourite at the moment.
00:43They're getting some meat and over the year what we'll find is we tend to feed them the items that are lower in fat and then as we go through the spring and the autumn, that's when we build their fat accumulation ready for their next hibernation.
00:55They're climbing up in their trees, they're digging around and foraging in the grass, they're engaging really well with all the fun enrichment that we offer our bears.
01:01They've kind of got the phalange back, really enjoying wrestling.