• 2 days ago
Aroob Rashid turns on the lights for Ramadan at Sheffield Children's Hospital
00:00Aroon, Peroon and all the family have been incredibly supportive and as I've said made this happen and it's going to be your responsibility to press the big button in a moment and then we're going to have a countdown.
00:15Are we close enough?
00:20Right, so we'll have a big countdown.
00:24Right, so let's go.
00:28Shall we start from 10?
00:2910, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
00:54Wow, that was amazing everyone. Thank you so much. Thank you for pressing the icon for all of us and starting this amazing light display for Aroon and we're so, so grateful to you.
01:04Thank you to all of you for being here this evening. That does close proceedings for this evening but there's lots more to do still.
01:10Please do stay and say hello to people that you know. Please do grab an Iftar pack to take home with you and thank you again for all your support for everything we do for Sheffield Children's and this amazing display. Thank you.
