00:00Relationship started to fall apart. And at that point I what gave you what gave you a clue the fact that Deanna
00:07Don Robinson was over there every day, even though she had a harassment order against him just so she was at the townhome
00:15How did you find that out? He told me one night when?
00:19We hadn't done very much talking. He said Deanna and I were up drinking till 3 o'clock in the morning
00:25Even when you were home in your house, yes, so that gave you your first clue. Yes. Okay
00:31What had you brought over to his townhome? I have brought over makeup
00:39He lives about 20 minutes from me. He lives in a different city
00:43So I brought over food supplies because I try to do keto, you know everything you understand
00:51That this is a very expensive place to run a court system
00:55Yeah, so we're not interested in the food supplies. You brought over even your makeup that