00:00We've come to Washington, the epicenter of sightings.
00:03Something is taking place here in Washington,
00:06causing that migration route to fork right at that choke point.
00:10Why is that taking place here?
00:12That thing is huge.
00:13This is just way strange.
00:15They found tree structures.
00:17Take a look at this.
00:18These tree leans are pointing in the direction of that lake.
00:21Look at my trail cam.
00:22Holy shit.
00:25I can see the top part of my hand.
00:28Let me ask you this.
00:29How many 13-inch hands are there?
00:32I've never seen one.
00:33Well, then what the heck are we talking about here?
00:36I'll go ahead and push out into the middle of this bog.
00:40Keep moving.
00:42That thing is close.
00:43You cannot outrun that thing.
00:45Oh, shit.
00:47There's something out there.
00:48Viko, there is something moving right underneath you.
00:59There's something there.
01:03Viko, there is something moving right underneath you.
01:07What I'm seeing is upright and on two legs.
01:13OK, I can't see anything on my thermal.
01:16And I can't see it with my eyes.
01:18I don't see anything.
01:19I can't even see where I'm walking.
01:21I know where you are.
01:24While concealed in a water blind,
01:27primatologist Mireya Mayer detected the heat signature
01:29of an upright walking creature just under Viko Wright's
01:33It's no more than 50 feet away from you.
01:38I can't see anything.
01:40Yeah, whatever it is, it's moving away from the water
01:42and going uphill.
01:46I hear something going up through the forest.
01:48Hey, Viko, I've lost the visual.
01:50Whatever it is has now gone up and over the hill.
01:53I'm going to try and get a better look at it.
01:56I'm going to try and get down from this tree
01:57and head that way.
01:58I hear the sounds.
02:00I don't want to get boots on the ground.
02:03There goes Viko and his cameraman.
02:07I think it went this way.
02:09I keep hearing things out there ahead of me.
02:11And the only way I'm going to gain ground on it
02:13is if I keep moving.
02:18It isn't easy keeping up with an animal at night.
02:21It's going to have all the advantages over me.
02:26Where is it, Viko?
02:27Are you seeing anything?
02:29I don't see anything, no.
02:31I chased it up the trail a little bit,
02:33but I think I lost it.
02:35I'm going to keep going up this hill.
02:37I'll keep on it.
02:4311 miles from Viko and Maria's position,
02:46Bryce drives to the eastern quadrant of the target zone
02:49to drop off supplies for Russell.
02:51I can't stop.
02:52I can't stop.
02:53I can't stop.
02:54I can't stop thinking about those woven objects
02:57that Maria and Viko discovered.
02:59You know, before the team arrived in Washington,
03:01I got a chance to speak with a father and son,
03:05member of the Ho tribe, about some
03:08of the strange and interesting markings found around here.
03:12For example, one family would take fire sticks
03:15and weave them in there and stick them up into the trees.
03:20One family has a Y, and they just go straight up
03:23like that.
03:24One was staff, and they had three actually really
03:29good Sasquatch face on them.
03:33Into the structure?
03:34Into the structure that they left.
03:35So you're saying different families of Bigfoot
03:37sort of use these different markings as insignia
03:41to represent their clan or family.
03:44Just like every other tribe has their own label,
03:46their own markings?
03:48Michael, maybe you can answer this.
03:49What I'm really sort of curious about
03:51is if we're going in there and investigate
03:53the area, what type of signs will they leave?
03:56I truly feel that when they're ready, they'll guide you.
03:59We felt like sometimes we've been led to different places.
04:03Because they will guide you with their sounds,
04:05and they'll guide you with their noises,
04:06and they'll guide you with their patterns.
04:08And they'll put you where they want you to be.
04:11According to Gene and Michael, the Bigfoot
04:15used different type of markings to denote
04:17what family they're from.
04:19Now, Russ found those woven rings.
04:22Do you see this?
04:25What the hell is that?
04:27That isn't right.
04:29That's not natural right there.
04:31Could the rings that Russell found and the woven objects
04:34that Moran Biko found denote some type of family
04:38marker or family clan?
04:40Now, each team is in a different location.
04:42So it's very possible that those could have
04:44come from different groups.
04:46But I'm curious, are they meant to mark a territory
04:48here in Washington?
04:50Are they meant to lead certain groups to each other?
04:53I mean, I don't know.
04:54It just raises so many questions.
04:56But so far, this phenomenon does seem unique to Washington.
05:04I got that footage recorded.
05:06So all the stuff from last night, the sound and everything,
05:10is good.
05:11All right.
05:12Man, this is the most comfortable space
05:15we've slept in out here in the woods, isn't it?
05:18In the northeast quadrant of the target zone,
05:21Russell Acord has been using an abandoned cabin
05:24as a base of operations.
05:26While prepping for tomorrow, he awaits a supply
05:29drop from Bryce Johnson.
05:31What equipment are you going to bring with you?
05:33I want to bring a thermal.
05:35And I want to bring this, too.
05:37But I think I better charge this thing back up.
06:00Dude, that's that same sound.
06:07Wait, did you hear it?
06:11Let's grab our stuff.
06:12Come on.
06:13Let's grab our gear.
06:17OK, hold on.
06:17Hold on.
06:19Stick a net.
06:23All right, grab your pack.
06:25Let's go.
06:39In the dark with a brush this thick,
06:41it's going to be nearly impossible to track down
06:44anything that wants to remain hidden.
06:45The advantage we have is that we know
06:47that whatever that was, it's close.
06:50Unable to locate the creature that was spotted earlier,
06:53Biko and Maria meet up with a new game plan in mind.
06:56Hey, let's get to the top of this hill.
06:59You have that game card, right?
07:01I do.
07:02Well, if something's hiding out in these woods,
07:04it's probably not going to come out as long
07:05as it knows we're here.
07:07But if we can deceive it into thinking we're another Bigfoot
07:10entering its area, then maybe it'll call back and give away
07:13its position.
07:18Look, right here.
07:21I think this is good.
07:22We're at slight elevation.
07:24We've got this open area, and the sound
07:26should be able to travel and bounce back from that valley.
07:29In the past, we've played recordings of alleged Bigfoot
07:32sounds, and we've had great success.
07:34So it's worth a shot to try it now.
07:37The other thing that I like to do
07:39is to have the thermal ready, just in case we do get
07:43a response and we're able to see anything.
07:44All right.
07:48Let's do it.
07:50All right.
07:54All right.
07:54Let's do this.
07:57I can't see anything.
08:24I'm going to go ahead and play it one more time.
08:28I've never used an electronic speaker one like that.
08:58For any hunting purposes, really,
09:00most of the calls I use are made with your mouth, you know?
09:03So do you think that you could do a call like the one I just played?
09:06I think I could definitely give it a try.
09:09All right. Let's try it.
09:26I actually think that call went a lot further than the one we played.
09:30Want to give it one more shot?
09:43You could hear that one traveling way across.
09:57That was weird.
09:58That was a response.
10:00That sounded like the vocalization that we just put out.
10:06That didn't sound like a mountain lion.
10:08No, it did not.
10:11Wow, that's exciting.
10:12We got no response from the recorded call,
10:15but when I called, we heard something back.
10:17I don't know if that's because my voice just carried further
10:21or if whatever we're dealing with could tell the difference
10:23between a recorded call and live vocal cords.
10:27Or maybe I just sound like another predator
10:29instead of a potential Bigfoot.
10:31It's not easy to pinpoint where that came from,
10:34but we can head in that direction.
10:36Sounds good.
10:42You ready?
10:51All right, it should be, yeah, it's right up here.
10:57All right, let's see if we can find Russ.
11:02In the northeast area of the target zone,
11:04Bryce is scheduled to meet Russell near the old cabin for a supply drop
11:08and to pick up some footage that needs to be analyzed.
11:12Hey, Russ?
11:20Well, let's just go down and see if he might be there.
11:27Oh, yeah, there's the cabin right there.
11:37I don't think they're in there.
11:42Hey, Russ?
11:44Oh, his bag's in there.
11:49Russ Light is bugging out.
11:53His bag's here, his laptop.
11:59Do you guys see a note or anything?
12:02Yeah, I don't either.
12:05I'm going to call.
12:07We have safety protocols set up in place to check in with each other
12:11via phone call, text, or in person every 12 hours,
12:14and this supply drop that I was going to do with Russ,
12:17that was supposed to be our check-in.
12:23It's ringing.
12:25Can you hear that?
12:27Where is that?
12:29Coming from in here.
12:34That's not good.
12:37Oh, no.
12:43He doesn't have it on him.
12:46Yeah, he's not supposed to go anywhere without that.
12:50What time is it now again?
12:53Russell's never been late, not once.
12:57Arriving for a supply drop,
12:59Bryce and his camera team have been unable to locate Russell
13:03who are now over an hour past their last 12-hour check-in
13:07and currently don't have any means of communicating their position.
13:11He doesn't have it on him.
13:14What time is it now again?
13:17Russell's never been late, not once.
13:19Yeah, he doesn't leave without that.
13:23Is there a note anywhere on here?
13:24No, there's no note.
13:30I don't know.
13:34I don't know, his computer.
13:36Maybe he logged in what he's doing today or something.
13:42Every 12 hours, the teams check in.
13:44That's a safety protocol for the whole production,
13:47so the fact that Russ and his cameraman Josh
13:49have missed that check-in is very unlike them.
13:52But things do happen.
13:54They could be out tracking something
13:56and might have just lost track of time.
13:58So I want to go through their hard drives
14:00to see if I can find any clues in their notes or camera logs
14:04as to where they might have been filming earlier today.
14:08This was probably last night.
14:10All right, they're back in the cabin.
14:14I want to go back to where,
14:16do you remember when we were on that note?
14:20Tomorrow, we'll just take the small pack.
14:23Is that bag right there?
14:26Okay, looks like he took his small bag.
14:29Okay, so that's good.
14:41Oh, this is the trail camera footage
14:43that Russ told me about.
14:45Is that it?
14:46Yeah, it looks like that's it.
14:48Unfortunately, everything on that hard drive
14:50is from the past few days,
14:52so we really have no idea where Russ is right now.
14:55Our hope is just to wait here
14:57in the hopes that he comes back soon.
15:05While Bryce and his crew are back at the cabin,
15:08Russell and his cameraman have traveled over 2 miles
15:11actively tracking the source of the clicking sounds they heard.
15:21There's something out here.
15:26Yeah, what's moving this way?
15:28We're moving this way.
15:41Hey, everybody, come over here.
15:43We just got something.
15:45After 90 minutes with no response
15:47from Russell or his camera operator,
15:49the production team informs Mireya and Biko.
15:52Wait, what's going on?
15:54Um, so they went to the cabin where he was staying.
15:59And they found his big bag, his sat phone,
16:02and Josh's computer.
16:03Wait, Russ doesn't have his backpack or his sat phone?
16:07That doesn't sound like Russ at all.
16:08Like, he wouldn't just leave that.
16:10So what are we going to do?
16:12So right now, he could just be running late.
16:15So the plan is to head back to base camp,
16:18wait a little bit longer,
16:19and from there, we'll decide the next move.
16:23All right, come on, let's go, guys.
16:24So everyone, let's grab our gear, and we're heading out.
16:27Let's go right now.
16:28I know that Russ can handle himself in the woods,
16:31but we have to take situations like this very seriously.
16:34So I'm really glad that we're heading back to base camp.
16:36That way, if we have to do anything, we will be ready.
16:49What do you want to do?
16:50I feel like we're right on the tail of this thing.
16:52Let's track, see if we can't find anything.
16:54If we don't see anything, let's tag it.
16:56We'll just come back to this place in the morning.
16:58All right.
17:00All right, man, let's go.
17:20There we go.
17:21Look at this right here.
17:25I know we're on the right trail.
17:27That weird sound at the cabin,
17:30I think it was letting us know that it's close.
17:45Did you hear that?
17:50Holy shit.
17:53That sounded like a bear, didn't it?
17:55Yeah, it sounded weird.
17:58Do a bear spray where you can reach at them.
18:01Keep it close.
18:14That's it.
18:16That's it.
18:20Somewhere out here, maybe 100 yards from me,
18:23I'm hearing heavy impacts.
18:25Twigs being snapped like they're nothing.
18:27Undergrowth and dirt being shredded and torn apart.
18:34Holy shit.
18:39This is a very dangerous situation.
18:41I definitely don't want to be in the middle of any of this,
18:43but I need to know what this is.
18:53Back at the command center as it approaches 18 hours
18:56since Russell's last check-in,
18:58Bryce and the production team make preparations
19:00to implement the second phase of the expedition's safety protocol.
19:04So I got an update.
19:06I got a hold of the helicopter company
19:08that got us in the air to set up the seismic tripwires,
19:11and they're going to get us on our first flight up
19:13to where Russ's cabin was.
19:15Even though I believe Russ is okay,
19:17part of our procedure is that if one of our team members
19:20or their crew fail to check in after 18 hours,
19:23we will initiate both an aerial and ground search.
19:27What I'm trying to do now
19:28is just set up the initial search parameters.
19:30I've put on the map where Russ's cabin is.
19:33Thankfully, Russ's cameraman downloads his footage
19:36to his portable hard drive each night.
19:38So I've been going through that,
19:39just trying to figure out where these guys have been working.
19:43I know that Russ set up a perimeter
19:45of trail cameras around the cabin,
19:47but these creatures were evading him.
19:49So he did something really smart,
19:50and he set up some type of active camouflage
19:53attached to a tripwire.
19:55And something activated one of these cameras.
19:58So this was the footage that I was coming to pick up
20:01from Russ right here.
20:03Take a look at this.
20:09I found another really important clue,
20:11and that was this footage of Russ surveying this higher ridgeline.
20:16It gave him access to the valley below,
20:18as well as this logging road.
20:20He thought these creatures might be using this logging road
20:23as a type of highway.
20:25And I think he's right,
20:26because I went deeper into that footage,
20:28and I found this.
20:40Are you hearing that?
20:41I heard something.
20:42So it seems like over the past few days,
20:45he's been operating on this small search area around the cabin.
20:49This is where we should focus our attention.
20:52From here, we're going to start packing up
20:53and heading out to the heliport
20:54so that we can just take off as soon as we can.
21:00While the team prepares to launch a search party,
21:02Russell is approaching an area
21:04where he heard a series of aggressive sounds
21:07deep in the forest.
21:10Holy crap, look at this.
21:20Right here.
21:23What do you think that was?
21:25I don't know.
21:26A bear?
21:27This could have been a bear or an elk.
21:29You know, when they fight,
21:30this is not the time of year they'd be fighting, though.
21:33They're not in their rut.
21:35They tore this place up.
21:42Holy, look at this.
21:49Oh, that's stuck in the ground.
21:51The forest floor is ripped apart.
21:53The limbs on the trees, as high as I can reach,
21:56they've been snapped off.
21:58Undergrowth flipped upside down.
22:02This place is a battlefield.
22:05Oh, there's blood right there, Russ.
22:08Right there.
22:11Holy s***.
22:13Holy s***.
22:14There's tons of blood,
22:15but I just can't pick it up on infrared.
22:22This was a serious fight.
22:28I don't see any hair.
22:30Not one single hair.
22:33I have to examine this area,
22:35and I can't assume that we're alone out here.
22:37I have to be aware that whatever creatures did this
22:40could be just outside the range of my flashlight.
22:42Dude, this was not a bear.
22:45Look at the height of these breaks.
22:48More blood.
22:49Look at that.
22:55This thing literally bled down the tree.
22:59Like something held it up against a tree.
23:08These things were throwing each other around the forest
23:10like they were rag dolls.
23:13Held it against a tree and threw it back.
23:16Or if this one fought back and pushed back.
23:23That says a lot of blood, man.
23:25I can follow a blood trail,
23:27and it went that way.
23:30Generally, if something's injured,
23:32it's going to want to remove itself
23:34from the area where the danger is.
23:38Look at the breaks.
23:39It's like it chased it out of here.
23:41Holy s***.
23:43Animals fight for territory,
23:45and sometimes it's just like humans.
23:47They're fighting over female companionship or a mate.
23:50This looks like something was trying to kill the other.
23:53Let me go back up here.
23:55Let me get my backpack.
23:57Let's put some of that blood in a bag.
23:59Take it with us.
24:01I feel like I'm in a crime scene.
24:04I have blood from one, possibly two different creatures.
24:07Now, I have to be careful and make sure
24:09that I keep these samples separated.
24:23Shh, shh, shh.
24:31It's moving.
24:32Come on.
24:33Let's grab it.
24:34Let's grab it.
24:35Let's grab it.
24:36Grab your gear.
24:37Keep your thing close.
24:38If I get close and corner a wounded animal,
24:41regardless of what it is,
24:43that's going to be very dangerous.
24:45If I get close and corner a wounded animal,
24:48regardless of what it is,
24:50that's going to be very dangerous.
24:52That's going to be a very, very dangerous situation.
24:55We have to step forward with caution from this point forward.
25:10There we go.
25:11Another blood spot right here.
25:22Right there.
25:23This thing's been bleeding for quite a while.
25:25That's a lot of blood still coming out.
25:27After leaving the area,
25:29what I believe was a fight between two creatures,
25:31I've stayed on the trail.
25:33Still wet.
25:34There's blood on this forest floor,
25:37which means something out here is injured.
25:39See all that stuff turned upside down?
25:42Right through there.
25:43This thing is losing a lot of blood,
25:45but it didn't wound itself.
25:47There's something else out here in this forest
25:49that is strong, powerful,
25:51and it's nerve-wracking because I have turned my back on it
25:54to follow the blood trail.
25:56I wonder if it's two males fighting over a territory
26:00or if it's fighting over a mate.
26:06Shh. Listen.
26:11Did you hear that?
26:14Dude, come here.
26:16Did you see it?
26:18Right there.
26:19Right by that f***ing tree. Right there.
26:21Oh, my God.
26:28Oh, my gosh.
26:29Did you see it?
26:30It was right there.
26:31I got it on f***ing camera.
26:34I got it on camera.
26:35We've covered that distance from where we were standing
26:37to what we saw move.
26:39A couple hundred yards away.
26:40Hold my line. Hold my line.
26:41It's like this thing vanished into thin air.
26:48It's gonna need a thermal.
26:50We need to get the thermal out and keep it up and running.
26:53Josh, that thing was right in front of us.
26:57Which way did it go?
27:00We gotta keep going.
27:02It went down this way.
27:04Let's get out of here.
27:07Okay, we've been after this thing for a couple hours.
27:10I'm following a blood trail.
27:12And I'm pretty confident this is the same creature
27:14I saw pass between the two trees.
27:16I think we startled it.
27:18And that's why it took off.
27:19And if this thing is injured,
27:20it's gonna be moving a little slower.
27:22Maybe I can gain some ground on it.
27:24The problem is, right now,
27:27I'm six hours past.
27:29I don't know if I'm gonna make it.
27:31I don't know if I'm gonna make it.
27:33I don't know if I'm gonna make it.
27:35I'm six hours past.
27:37We have a protocol for our team.
27:39We don't check in every 12 hours.
27:42They'll send out a search team.
27:44Which, out here in the mountains,
27:45means they'll probably send Ariel.
27:47They'll send a chopper.
27:49I suspect if that creature hears the chopper,
27:51it's gonna run and hide.
27:52I think our best bet
27:54is to stay on this blood trail
27:57that way in the morning.
28:00When I hear that chopper,
28:02I can lead them right to this location.
28:04Okay, let me shut this thing off.
28:16Olympia Tower, Angel 3-1,
28:17Flight at 2, ready for departure
28:19to the northwest.
28:21Angel 3-1, Flight to Olympia Tower.
28:23Operation approved.
28:29We're just looking for any sign of movement.
28:31Looking for any sign of...
28:33his bag, anything.
28:36I don't see nothing.
28:38After 20 hours with no response from Russell,
28:41Bryce and the production team
28:42begin their aerial search
28:44of a five-mile area around the cabin.
28:46While on the ground,
28:47Maria, Biko, and their camera team
28:49follow the protocol
28:50and search a two-mile radius on foot.
28:55Where the hell could he be?
29:04You know, in all the years
29:05that we've been doing this,
29:06we've never lost contact
29:07with Russell before.
29:17Hey, Russ?
29:25There's an impression here and there.
29:30And it's deep enough
29:31that it could definitely be a boot print.
29:33You know what I'm thinking?
29:34If you're walking slow and look,
29:35there's another one there.
29:41You're not going to take big strides.
29:43Maria for Biko.
29:45Go ahead, Maria.
29:46I just found an impression here.
29:48And it's deep enough
29:49that it could definitely be a boot print.
29:52Go ahead, Maria.
29:53I just found an impression here.
29:54It's definitely deep enough,
29:55but it's difficult to see
29:56if it's got any tread on it.
29:58Yeah, I'm still following this trail.
30:00All right, let's keep looking.
30:03We got it.
30:06I mean, the challenge is
30:07is that they've been working
30:08this area for a few days,
30:09so we might be seeing signs
30:10and definitely seeing some prints,
30:12but I don't know if it's from now
30:15or from when they were in here working.
30:17So let's keep going in this direction.
30:22All right.
30:28Hang on a second.
30:29I think I got something here.
30:34Biko for Maria.
30:37Biko for Maria.
30:39Yeah, I found what appears to be
30:40some matted down plants
30:41like somebody walked through here.
30:44Do you see a boot print on those?
30:46It's too hard to tell in this ground,
30:49but it definitely looks bipedal
30:51judging by the strides.
30:54All right, keep calling out
30:55and let me know if you find them.
30:57Okay, copy that.
31:02Looks like the tracks continue this way.
31:06All right.
31:18You seeing anything?
31:21Not seeing anything.
31:22Yeah, me neither.
31:28Hey, I think I see some smoke right there.
31:3112 o'clock. Do you see it, Dan?
31:33I see it.
31:39Got eyes on him yet?
31:40Yeah, down here.
31:43Yeah, I got two individuals.
31:49Oh, that's gotta be him.
31:51They got us.
31:53They got us.
31:56Dan, can we land right there?
31:59I think we can land where I got him and say.
32:04All right, we're gonna pick him up.
32:22Yeah, we got him.
32:28Hey, Russ!
32:30Boy, am I glad to see you, man.
32:32I'm glad to see you, man.
32:34Bryce, I completely messed up.
32:36I forgot my sat phone.
32:38Yeah, we've been up here for a few hours, man.
32:41I am glad we got protocol, man.
32:43When I heard the chopper, I knew it was you.
32:46I'm gonna go ahead and get a hold of Maria.
32:54Hey, this is Bryce to Maria and Pico.
32:56Guys, we got Russell. We found him.
32:59You found him? Is he okay?
33:01Russell's good.
33:02That's good news.
33:04All right, Pico, start making your way back to me,
33:06and we'll head over.
33:09Bryce, we gotta get the team together.
33:11You are not gonna believe what we found.
33:13This is like...
33:15When you see what we've got, it's gonna blow your mind.
33:18I cannot wait, man.
33:21There they are right there.
33:23There they go.
33:25Good to see you guys.
33:27Hey, guys.
33:28Look who I found.
33:29It's good to see you, man.
33:30I was worried about you.
33:31Hey, good to see you.
33:32Good to see you, brother.
33:33Good to see you.
33:35So we were at the cabin.
33:36I was working with the gear, and we heard those sounds.
33:39It had that kind of a popping, chatter sound to it.
33:42I'm gonna go ahead and get the team together,
33:44and we'll head over.
33:45All right.
33:47It's just maybe 100 yards away.
33:49You could hear it down the trail.
33:51That's that same sound.
33:53We went for a mad scramble, grabbed some gear, and took off.
33:56I just had to stay on it.
33:58I started hearing crashing.
34:04Did you hear that?
34:07You know how when two bears will fight each other,
34:09and you can hear it?
34:11You can hear it?
34:14You know how when two bears will fight,
34:16you hear the growling and the impacts of something hitting?
34:20I mean, just very, very violent.
34:26You think something was fighting?
34:28It sounded like a couple of bears, actually, that territorial fight.
34:31And when I got to the area, the whole forest floor was just trashed.
34:35Holy crap, look at this.
34:37All the twigs were snapped off the trees to as high as I can reach.
34:42There was blood, and a lot of it.
34:44This is a first.
34:45I mean, we've heard of these creatures fighting over territory,
34:48but we've never encountered hearing one take place
34:51or even being able to follow the aftermath of something like that.
34:54The further along I got,
34:56those blood specks were becoming further and further apart,
34:596, 8 feet, sometimes 20 feet.
35:01But you can still see the underbrush,
35:03so I feel like I'm on the right track.
35:06See all that stuff turned upside down?
35:08Right through there.
35:11Shh, listen.
35:16Did you hear that?
35:19Dude, come here.
35:21Did you see it?
35:22Right there.
35:23I got it on f***ing camera.
35:26I got it on camera.
35:27As I'm tracking through the forest,
35:29I saw something at night move from one tree to another
35:32about 100 yards away.
35:34And I had my flashlight on it.
35:36My camera guy, I said, hey, look, there's something moving.
35:39It was actually over my shoulder,
35:41and we saw this movement of something traversing from one tree to another.
35:45And I got excited, not going to lie.
35:47I got excited, grabbed up the gear, I said, let's go, let's go.
35:50Holy s***.
35:51It was from where the fight was to what I saw in the forest and beyond.
35:55It was all the same direction.
35:57So I just kind of stuck with that and just kept going.
36:01In the early hours of the morning, as I came up over the rise,
36:04I had this broad expanse, kind of like this.
36:06You see how you see all this vast expanse behind me?
36:08You're not going to believe what I have from the other night.
36:11And let me show you, this is what we got.
36:18And let me show you, this is what we got.
36:20After missing contact for 27 hours, the team has reconnected
36:24to debrief about the activity Russell experienced
36:26while tracking what he believed were two Bigfoot fighting.
36:29You guys able to see that?
36:33Look at this all hillside right through here.
36:35There could be anything on that hillside.
36:40I think I see something moving down here.
36:43Okay, you see that little bald spot on the ground?
36:46Right on that, like the second one in.
36:48Zoom in. Check that out. Zoom in.
36:50It's right there.
36:51Is that a bear?
36:54There's something right on that clear spot right there.
36:58It's dark.
37:00It just moved a little bit.
37:01I don't see anything.
37:02Do you see anything?
37:03No, not the first one. Not the first one.
37:05Drop down. It's the second one.
37:08There's three little bald spots there.
37:11Look at the second one through.
37:12There's something dark right there.
37:15I think I saw it move.
37:18I saw something.
37:20Right there.
37:22Are you seeing that?
37:24Holy s***.
37:26Right there. Just zoom in.
37:27Right there.
37:28Are you seeing that?
37:29Are you seeing that?
37:31Oh, we gotta get down there.
37:32I saw something.
37:33What the s***? I just saw it again.
37:35Holy smokes.
37:36Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Look at that.
37:38Look at that.
37:40Now, that doesn't look like a bear, does it?
37:41No, it's crazy good.
37:43That was upright.
37:44Watch. Watch it again.
37:45Yeah, it's walking.
37:46That is walking upright.
37:49That is bipedal, upright, walking.
37:53God, and you know how far you're away, too.
37:55That thing looks pretty big, man.
37:57Those legs look long and lean.
38:00I mean, that just doesn't look like...
38:01They don't look like bear legs.
38:03It didn't look like a bear head, either.
38:06Can you go back a frame?
38:07Is there any arm swing?
38:09Where is the right arm?
38:12You see the left arm?
38:14Where's the right arm?
38:15It almost makes it seem like
38:16maybe it might have injured the arm
38:18or broke it in the scuffle,
38:20and then maybe it's holding it close to its body, you know?
38:23Getting something like this is why I couldn't stop.
38:26There was no way I was going to be able to get up to it,
38:29and I knew you guys would be looking for me,
38:31so I thought my best bet was to get together,
38:33take you all to the area
38:34where I last had eyes on this thing.
38:36I want to go back toward this fight,
38:38and we can start working that area.
38:41I can show you exactly where the fight was.
38:49Right here is where the cabin was.
38:51The fight scene took place right here,
38:53and this is where I got that footage.
38:55That creature is going west.
38:57Based on Russell's account,
38:59after leaving the cabin,
39:00he went north to the site of the animal fight,
39:03followed the blood trail northwest
39:04to the spot where he saw a creature pass between the trees
39:08and continued west to the hillside,
39:10where he captured the footage of the upright bipedal animal
39:13just two miles south of the team's tripwire surveillance array.
39:17Russell, great job, man.
39:19Russell, great job, man.
39:20This is obviously the turning point in our investigation,
39:23and I think it's one to move on.
39:24I'm going to head back to the command center
39:26and start making some calls,
39:28but we need to move fast.
39:29Beko and I will go get our gear,
39:31and then we'll meet you in that area.
39:33Yeah, perfect.
39:34Sounds good.
39:35Let's do it.
39:37We need to act fast,
39:38because if there's an injured animal,
39:40this is the best chance we have of actually finding it.
39:44This is the most compelling evidence that I've seen so far.
39:48I want to get down there and try to find some tracks
39:51and pick up this thing's trail,
39:53because this is closer than we've ever been.
39:57From the entire team using all of their skills,
40:00I am more confident than ever
40:02that we have what we need
40:04to show the world that Bigfoot is real.
40:07Holy s***.
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