The Apprentice S19 E06
00:00Remains one of the toughest processes around
00:03Lord sugar is on the hunt for the next big thing. This is an opportunity of a lifetime
00:10battling to become his business partner 18 ambitious entrepreneurs
00:17Machine action. Oh, it's a deal worth fighting. Oh, please. Let me finish
00:23Absolutely mental we're gonna get nothing done if we speak to each other like that 18 candidates
00:29We just don't want it looking like pain 12 tough tasks, that's the biggest load of garbage I've ever seen
00:36No, I'm not joking one life-changing opportunity. You're fired. You're fired. Is it bloody shambles? You're fired
00:53Previously now I want you to create a new chocolate Easter egg
00:58Janna captain the ship. I like the idea of having a kid's Easter egg, but his cosmic concept
01:03Do you want a chocolate taste from?
01:08outer space
01:09Failed to crack the market. I admire your persistence, but I can't get past the look of this egg
01:15Malika launched a luxury log
01:18We are the creators behind Choco Luxe and super sales would love to shake on 80,000 eggs
01:23Meant the sweet taste of victory. They secured orders of
01:30Well, Janna, I would like to step away from the process one quit the boardroom
01:36Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?
01:38I am now 13 candidates remain to fight for the chance to become Lord sugars business partner
01:534 a.m
01:58Love good morning. What sugar would like you to make your way to London Heathrow Airport terminal to the cars will be outside in 20 minutes
02:12Ladies you got 20 minutes. Yeah, you got a pack your bags. I mean I'm packed in 20 minutes to go to the airport
02:19Hopefully we're flying out somewhere and not designing a plane or something
02:22We could be I think we'll probably be like in the water in our bikinis
02:31No famous knee
02:44What kind of task do you think I'll be I'm feeling the whole corporate away day maybe
02:49You know, but team building we might need that ourselves
02:55Heathrow Europe's busiest Airport
03:01Connecting the UK to every corner of the globe
03:11Good morning. She's Ola Amir. Would you come forward and collect your team's tablets, please?
03:16Thank you, thank you
03:21Good morning. I'm sorry. I can't be with you today, but I've been called away on urgent business for your next house
03:28I'm sending you to one of the world's most exciting
03:33business hubs
03:34Turkey or
03:36Turkey as you may know it
03:38Turkey is a vibrant place and the perfect backdrop for a corporate away day
03:44Which is what you will be running now. I'm sending you to two different parts of the country
03:52Cappadocia and Bodrum. Oh my god
03:54I've set each team up with a corporate client
03:56But be warned these people have high standards and will be expecting a decent day out for their money
04:04Now the team that makes the most profit will win and on the losing team at least one of you will be fired
04:11Good luck, and I'll see you back in the boardroom in a few days time
04:20All clear, okay off you go
04:28Straddling two continents
04:30Turkey a
04:32cultural crossroads and backdrop for both teams corporate away days
04:38Beautiful it almost doesn't feel real swear. This was a lock screen on my laptop
04:45Bodrum on the Aegean Sea this is exciting to Kia. It's incredible look at the views I stun it first task for the team
04:55pick a project manager
04:58Anybody fancy this one yeah, well, I would like to put myself forwards
05:01I have worked in hospitality, so I feel like I can look after guests. Well. I'd also like to put myself forwards
05:06I've planned corporate away days before
05:09Events is definitely in my DNA great. I'd also love to put myself forward as project manager
05:14We run corporate events most of public speaking training events. I was also gonna
05:24It seems like everyone's interested as it's a corporate away day
05:28It did catch me that you've done a lot of corporate away days Chisola
05:31It's I'm really happy to support you as p.m.. On this one to
05:38Everyone wanted to go for p.m.. For this task, but at the end of the day. I think I am the best person
05:43This is definitely right up my street. Hopefully everyone will get on board so for our experience
05:48We're gonna go on the off-road 4x4
05:51Jeep Safari
05:53We'll then come to the boat and we'll give them a three-course lunch and make sure they have an amazing time
06:00In the rose-tinted valleys of Cappadocia, I don't have direct experience with corporate events
06:06However, I've got a real clear vision of what I want to achieve with this already running the rest with us
06:11Obviously they're gonna get the hot air balloon
06:13They're gonna get some nice food, and they're gonna get a team building activity here targets traditional team building
06:21The carpet weaving which is the first option is
06:25350 euros clay pottery is 500 euros starting price so a higher premium
06:31Carbon there's not many countries where you can do that true and clay pottery you can do that anywhere else in the world
06:35If we offer that history to Turkey, yeah, yeah, it's perfect 100% at the end of the day. It's a traditional craft, isn't it?
06:41Okay, cool
06:43The reason I chose the carpet weaving is the fact that it is more traditional
06:48Sort of activity that only really happens here in Turkey
06:50And I do believe that we can put on a great experience for our guests. Yeah, I think it's a bit more hands-on
06:55It's more team building. Anyways, because it will do it together. I
06:59Don't want us to go for like really high-end
07:02So for the team building, I want that to be as cheap as possible
07:06Looking at ways to cut costs Turkish dancing and the starting price is
07:12500 euros that is quite expensive. It's us Gisela's team dance around a DIY approach
07:18So I have experience doing team building activities. I'll do loads of like ice breaking activities
07:23So I think that can be a good last resort option
07:27Yeah, definitely. I don't want us spending too much money on the team building
07:30So I do yeah, we've got those skills within the team
07:32So I'm more thinking to go down the DIY route, but let's go to the traditional Turkish dancing
07:37And then we can make a decision from there. Yeah
07:42If we don't go for the Turkish dancing and we go for the DIY option
07:45There definitely will be some pressure on me to deliver a very good team building activity
07:49However, I do have experience in doing it and I'm confident I can put it off to make the Turkish dancing worth
07:54Our while would probably need to be 50% of the price. It's going on which is I think 500 euros
08:00250 euros
08:02Next I have got a couple of ideas as to team split decide who will plan their corporate away day
08:08I'd like myself Max and Dean on the experience team and who will lay on lunch
08:14For the other team I'm open to anyone that would like to put themselves forward as sub team leader
08:19I mean, I have a good idea in terms of like what foods are great. Yeah in Turkey. Yes. Oh, yeah
08:23Yeah, I have no reservations on the food side of things just given my catering background. I've run a food business
08:28I think it makes sense for me to be sub team leader. Yeah, I agree. I wrote down some I'm glad you agree
08:37So I'm really surprised that Mia was very quickly chosen a sub team lead
08:40I didn't really get a chance to say anything about that
08:43Yes, she has a very strong catering background and she's very passionate about food
08:46But then so am I and I do know a lot about Turkish cuisine and probably more than she does
08:52Food wise I need authentic food roughly sort of 40 euros per person obviously judge it
08:57I don't want anyone insulting anyone, but I assume that we should hopefully be aiming for that points
09:03On the kitchen team, I'm gonna have a Nisa I'm gonna have Emma and I'm gonna have Johnny catering crew selected when it comes
09:11To food. Let's start our negotiations around 70% off the price
09:16Gisela seeks a sous-chef
09:19In terms of sub team leader does anyone want to put themselves forward
09:26Johnny I think for the process everyone here has either been PM or sub PM or both. I'm not sure you've done either
09:33So yeah, it might be a good opportunity for you to step up and I hear that I hear that
09:37I don't have any experience in the kitchen
09:39So I think it would be unwise for people to rely on me for direction in the kitchen
09:42So I'm gonna go for Nisa for sub team leader if you're happy
09:45Yeah, I'm quite confident in delivering like a good fine dining free course meal. Perfect. Thank you guys
09:51Remember, this is a profit-making task. Let's make the most amount of profit we can and let's smash this guy
10:039 a.m
10:05This morning half of each team will focus on food
10:09And in terms of negotiation, I would like to lead it just because I had that restaurant background
10:14I was having a bit understanding of like the cost while the rest will road test their tours
10:23As Kears balloon boys get off the ground, oh, I want to get down there. Yeah, I think it's been open that high
10:32In the hills outside Bodrum, how high are we going for around 400 meters?
10:38Wow, we have a lot of olive trees. Olive oil is our one of our major income
10:46Chizola's team forage for facts. Can we use that for cooking? Could we actually this is very good to make a tea
10:53You drink this it's the best
10:56Antibiotic you can find in the nature. Okay, please follow me
11:02I've already got two pages of information and we're just getting started. Yeah
11:08Have been taking a lot of notes
11:09There's been a lot of information, but it's all about retaining that information so we can pass that on to our guests tomorrow
11:15That's the most crucial part of this learning experience
11:22Wow, oh wow as the Jeep tour reaches its peak this is
11:29Unreal. Yeah, this is the spot for some photos guys
11:36Tasked with landing a deal on dishes for the team to prep tomorrow. We're so excited to try your food
11:43Emma and Nisa and Johnny
11:46Oh, wow
11:51So glad to hear it and this is sea bass fillets very delicious. It's really good. It's absolutely divine
11:57How do you say delicious in Turkish?
12:00This clip yes, everything's been very less less a club
12:04Very very good. How much is it per person 70 euros per portion?
12:08Honestly, it's such a great meal could we potentially do you run 45 euros and I'll shake your hand now
12:13Are you gonna do this menu very?
12:19You I have my own restaurant will make you proud
12:25Thank you, thank you
12:29I think my restaurant experience was definitely invaluable in the negotiation
12:33we got just over 40% off and the reason why she went lower is because we did promise her a good service and a
12:39Good showing of her food your negotiations very well
12:46500 miles away in Cappadocia
12:48Mmm, that's delicious
12:50Seeking to secure a traditional Turkish feast the next course revit
12:56Looks beautiful again Mia Malika Amber Rose and Jordan
13:01It is a most important vegan course of Cappadocia Wow. I've never had anything like that before
13:08It's beautiful. I'm not keen on that, but I can really taste cumin
13:12I think that that's quite an acquired taste if I'm honest if it's an acquired taste for us, maybe it might be for our guests
13:22The next course is
13:24Suit capable milk kebab. I feel like it's quite meaty like quite fatty again. That's an acquired taste, isn't it?
13:31I'm not keen on that
13:34I'll be honest this middle one is the one we are honing in on
13:38What can you do on this middle one for us for you the best I can do?
13:43From 70 will go down to 63
13:45Would you say there's any scope for a conversation to roughly meet us at around the 30 to 40?
13:50It's impossible to meet on that at last I like straight numbers
13:5460 euros. Are you happy with it? Yeah. Yeah, so you were 60 euros per person. Yes. Thank you lunch locked down
14:01Bye at a hundred and fifty euros more than the other team. Yeah, I
14:07Do feel a little bit frustrated with the negotiation
14:10These are very proud people to say to the chef who created the menu. I don't like that
14:17I did find it incredibly disrespectful
14:19Right guys, should we figure out if we want drinks what drinks we want? It'd be great to have wine in there
14:24I know it is gonna be a bit pricey, but I think it could really add to the experience. Okay, cool wine and
14:30Unlimited water. Yeah
14:35Also booking beverages
14:37This is a profit task. We want to keep our cost as low as possible. Yeah, Emma Johnny and Anissa
14:45So in terms of what I'm thinking from the cost perspective, I'm happy to just go with unlimited water I
14:51Think people do relax after a drink
14:53So I'm thinking because we've got ten guests if we get two bottles of wine that with the unlimited water
14:59I think would be a good option, right?
15:01So you let's say you bite you get the wine you have a small glass and then you're like, okay
15:05Can I get more no no option at all?
15:07So I think the safest option for us would be to go for the unlimited water at last the unlimited selected soft drinks
15:12So total would be 20 year per head and 200 years. Yeah
15:19Lunchtime next on the menu for both teams
15:28Chew over details with corporate clients
15:31What we offer is a all-inclusive price
15:35Furnishing homeware brand carriager with a package deal
15:39Included is the hot air balloon experience the team building activity and also the three-course meal
15:46project manager Kia
15:48The idea that we have in terms of price would be four thousand euros as a flat fee
15:53That would be based on you having ten people coming on to this. I'll be super honest. This price is very very high
16:00I can offer you maximum 300 per person and I want the whole package and
16:06Obviously we want to make it work for you
16:08But the same time in Turkey, you can always make a good bargain and decrease the price
16:12We all know this and so yeah, I think from our perspective very best I can do is is three five five
16:29The team has just come out of securing a deal with the corporate client
16:31They think they've got a great deal, but I think the corporate client is the winner in this one
16:35They've really pushed them right down on the price, but there's so much included. I think they've got done. I'm really happy with that
16:42I'm happy with the pricing points. We just need to make sure they have a load of fun
16:46So it's not a fact finding tool. No, it's a fun experience. We just need to bring the fun tomorrow. Yeah
16:53The first part which is the adventure we'd usually charge 200 euros per person on the other team
17:00And then the second part we have a free course meal where we usually charge
17:04120 euros per person
17:06Breaking things down for telecoms Titan Vodafone and then the third part is the team-building activity
17:13We would usually charge around 150 euros per person
17:19We would be happy to offer you the full corporate away day for on
17:24450 euros per person typically a little higher than we would probably go for
17:29Okay, but we are ultimately here to celebrate it is 40 years of Vodafone
17:34Yeah, I think um, so food and beverage is really important for us. We put a lot of emphasis on quality
17:39We actually have a professional as part of our team. She has a fine dine-in restaurant
17:46If we were to agree 400 I'd expect something absolutely exceptional
17:51Real luxury. Okay 400 euros per person. I think that's fair on both parties. We're more than happy to do that. Lovely
17:59deal done earning
18:01450 euros more than the other team
18:04The good news for this team is they've agreed a really high price, but with that comes high
18:09Expectation can they deliver everything this client wants? I'm not so sure
18:13I'm sure you will have a great time and everyone's gonna have a day to remember for sure. Very good. We're hoping so
18:22Mid-afternoon and cool down. Are you doing very easy?
18:27How about like we hire you here
18:30Leave a carpet with us
18:33While Jordan weaves a deal on traditional team-building
18:37I'm an artist myself you want the world's to see what we can create and get excited about it
18:42Will you meet us at 200, please? Okay, it is
18:48Back in Bodrum
18:53Solo said 250 years max. So if you can get down to that, we'll consider it weighing up whether to pay for pros
19:03Anissa Emma and Johnny
19:13So what kind of price and could you do for us they want 500
19:19We were kind of thinking round about the 200 euros. So we're wondering if you could just come down any further
19:26350 maybe and if we were to
19:30Kind of and I think I'm thinking could be maybe we could maybe go up to 230
19:36Do you think that would be okay? No, I cannot 300 is the lowest price I can give you. Okay
19:43So I think sorry for tomorrow. I don't think we can afford it. Mm-hmm. So sorry. It's okay. Thank you
19:49Team building costs slashed. It's awkward
19:53dancers stood down
19:57In Cappadocia, what was the story there in terms of the carpets for project manager Kia managed to get him down to 200
20:07Chance to check it
20:11How's the food come along we spent slightly more on the food than we anticipated
20:20Okay, did that include any drinks we are going to welcome them with a free glass of wine
20:31Yeah, no, that sounds good
20:35The food was quite dear yeah euros per person I thought that
20:39Wasn't it?
20:43So you've decided to go with DIY and obviously saves that 300 euros and that's a really great shout
20:49I'm really glad you guys did that touching base with her team
20:54And I really do want Frederick and Johnny to switch for tomorrow if that's okay project manager Chisola
21:02How do you guys get on with the corporate client? We managed to negotiate to 400
21:09Great food and drink is very important to them for drinks. We got the unlimited water
21:22We didn't promise them alcohol and but we food and drink is important to them
21:31Thanks guys take care
21:33My worry is about the wine they said and the meal we never discussed that in the morning
21:40Hope that they're not expecting it
21:446 p.m. Tours prepped. So is everyone clear with what they're doing tomorrow?
21:49Yes food finalized. Let's do it
21:55Tomorrow showtime
22:037 a.m. Today both teams will run Turkish away days. Who's excited?
22:09Who can't wait to get in the basket?
22:13While Kia's crew gas up their guests just put a foot in another foot in here
22:18And then hold on to it and jump over and then you're in in Bodrum
22:24One of the first things I want to do is just introduce ourselves. So my name is Chisola. I'm Johnny and I'm Liam
22:30Liam lays down the law
22:33All right guys, so I'm just gonna set the tone for the day so we're gonna call this a no phone zone I
22:40Know that you guys are vodafone and it's all about connecting people and you're used to having your phones
22:46However, the experience is all about connecting with nature and connecting with one another
22:50So if I could get you all to turn off your mobiles put it in your pocket and just connect with each other on a
22:55deeper level
22:57Liam said can you please turn your phones off? Which I thought was very awkward
23:02I hope that doesn't set the tone for the day because this is a serious corporate client not a group of primary school children
23:09As we start to go up into the mountains
23:12We're gonna get everyone just in a little cheer and we're gonna say Bodrum Bodrum Bodrum
23:17That sounds something to look forward to
23:27For the rest of the team, okay guys, so let's divide and conquer
23:31Prepping lunch aboard a luxury yacht. So what I want is a clean efficient kitchen
23:37Anissa gets things shipshape
23:40I'm very confident in the kitchen if you guys can call me chef here
23:45So if I ask you a question, then yes chef
23:47So Frederick if you do the starter I'll do the main and then if you take on a dessert, I mean
23:52So once you're done your prep section, please clean it up afterwards. Is everyone clear on what they're doing?
23:57Happy happy and clear. Let's get to cooking. Yes
24:01Thank you
24:05Cappadocia and this is massive. Yeah, you did that's that's comical
24:08You didn't use that just borrow Jordan's and then I give it back when he's finished while catering pro Mia wrangles her rookies
24:15One piece of lemon juice without just be a whole lemon
24:19Yeah, exactly that getting their tour off to a flying start
24:28Here's balloon crew
24:30So you're gonna guess how many hot-air balloons are in the air at the moment basket versus basket
24:35So we're gonna have actually celebration drinks when we land the winner will get an extra drink
24:43What's your guesses are you gonna show me
24:47Type it in
24:52Winners is this thing
24:55A hundred and fifty hundred and fifty took off this morning. Well done guys guys. Can I take a photo?
25:06I like it. I like it. It's all about having a good time
25:13This is actually one of the most antibiotic plants that you can find out in nature and we're actually gonna make a herbal tea
25:20Trying to keep their Jeep tour on track
25:24Not for you
25:27chiselas team
25:30On the side of the road, you'll start to see some wild olive plants
25:34One of the things that Turkey is known for is olive oil
25:40Which do you prefer green or black olives? Oh
25:44I like all olives. You like all olives. Nice. Yeah
25:48I'd say I like the green ones
25:53So many pine trees, I don't know if you can see I'm getting
26:08On the other team I've done the dishwasher I've tidied up shall I go and lay the table? Yeah. Yeah
26:14All right, I'll go and do that while Mia manages their traditional menu
26:19Smash it down and then just chop it up. Yeah
26:22Tackling table laying
26:33Mia yeah, I've laid out part of the table, but I'm completely on my own out there
26:37I don't know if I'm doing it correctly
26:39I feel like maybe I might need an extra pair of hands, but is there a lot to put on the table?
26:44Not really. It's just more about laying it out. It's just more about looking the glasses that bar
26:48Yeah, you know, I don't want to get it wrong
26:50So I don't think it takes a lot of initiative to lay a table
26:52I don't think it's a two-person job food is the priority
26:54Okay, so get cracking on the table and then we'll revere again when we get back. All right. Sounds good. All right. Thank you. I
27:00Think Mia thinks that I know what I'm doing. So she's just letting me be independent and just run with it
27:04But actually this is not my job
27:07I'm going above and beyond in this
27:10in this task
27:11Feel like a waiter right now
27:14Not a waiter. I'm a lady in the kitchen and the dishwasher
27:18Miss dishwasher
27:21Back in Bodrum
27:22Everyone remember clean surfaces. So let's clear up a bit because it's a bit messy now while Anissa runs a tight ship
27:30Oh good Frederick. Oh good, sir
27:32We share
27:34Midway up the mountain. So we're gonna ask everyone to come out of the vehicles
27:40firing off facts
27:43Okay, so ladies and gentlemen, welcome to snake walk it's snake walk for a reason there are a few snakes
27:51What do the snakes eat?
27:54So another little fact who knew before Bodrum what Bodrum was called does anyone know?
28:01No, actually change name from Helikon a to
28:06Bodrum so that is my last fact of this tour. So eyes on the floor watch out for the snakes
28:12Everyone back in the jeep so we can head to our final stop guys
28:15Can I ask you so I don't think we're going to probably want to be up here for another hour or so
28:21Okay, I think they just need to get down now. Yeah
28:27It's a bit of a shame that the clients want to end the tour early
28:30This is a little bit frustrating a little bit disappointing
28:32But hopefully we can pick it up when it comes to the food and the team building the exceptional really isn't happening for us
28:38Unfortunately at the moment, yeah, we're we are gonna head down
28:41We've definitely taken on board your feedback and we're gonna head for some food and some drinks
28:46in Cappadocia
28:51Ending their tour on a high everybody enjoy themselves up there
28:57Kia's team everyone get out carefully. Well, we'll go inside the balloon one, two, three Cappadocia
29:16Feeling good. I think they had a really good time. They were all laughing lots of smiles
29:20Dean's managed to take some really good photos of them really happy so far with the progress
29:39Having put the brakes on their tour
29:43For Chisola's team
29:46Looking forward to nice drink of wine. We've been waiting for this Oh
29:52Hope's now pinned on high-end hospitality. Hi guys
30:01How's it been on the tour talk to us I'm not gonna lie it's not been amazing
30:06And they did ask us to cut the tour a little bit short. They are looking for wine
30:10They literally have just come on wanting some wine. Like I know they said they want the wine we have water
30:16Let's start off with that if you can put two glasses one for water one for juice
30:19Yeah, but the glass in the kitchen, sorry to interrupt you, but are you sure you don't want to supply your guests with wine?
30:25I think they've been quite insistent they wanted
30:28Yeah, so I'm gonna make an executive decision. Yeah, I think we should get a few bottles of wine
30:33I'm really hoping that we can give them a really nice fine dining experience
30:37And we are gonna make sure that they have a great experience on this boat
30:42When the clients were getting on the boat
30:43They said they couldn't wait to have a glass of wine
30:45But this team hadn't ordered any who in this clients paid 400 euros per head
30:50I know it's a profit task
30:52But you've got to invest a bit into your clients because an unhappy client means refunds
30:57We have some welcome drinks for a year
31:02Can I offer you a glass of white wine white wine for you sir, why did I
31:09On the other team
31:11Could you hold to the guests just here for the meantime, so we haven't finished laying that tape
31:15We can do it. What's this? I think keep down balloon tour behind them
31:19We sell this lovely table for you. So feel free to to take a seat wherever you want for Kier's guests back down to earth
31:27Food will be out shortly guys in the meantime. Can I get any of you a glass of wine? Yeah
31:32What temperatures why not?
31:34It's quite it's been it's warm. So I've really
31:38Just put them out so I'll get the bucket of ice, please. Yeah, we'll get the bucket of ice
31:48We getting drinks out guys, yeah, so I'm waiting for a bucket of ice because this is actually quite warm
31:56I'm fuming at the fact that we turned up and there's no wine on ice. I think that's terrible. It's just yeah
32:02It's just not how it should have been the table weren't set. We've come up and it's just a mess
32:05So has everyone got a water for now? We're just cooling down the the wine for you
32:10We don't want it to serve it a little bit warm. So we'll pull that down and we'll get you some wine as well
32:16Back on the boat the octopus starter for you here. Thank you
32:20With service in full swing. There's empty glasses on the table
32:25I think the guests want more wine start pouring and then I'll have a chat with Joe
32:29Just about how this is the last bottle of wine
32:31Gisela calls time on top ups
32:34Joe do you think I could borrow you for just a second? You sure can. Thank you. Do we have some more drinks, please?
32:40Yeah, perfect. We're just filling up more wine. It's just a quick check-in to see how you're doing
32:45We're loving the boat in the atmosphere. This is probably anything that we could focus on. It's
32:51To keep there with glasses topped up
32:54We are actually out of wine. So this is the last bottle of wine
32:59These guys are you know adults in a corporate world, they're used to having
33:03Some wines as they go through their meals, obviously, I know they've just topped up the glasses now, which is great. So that's great
33:08We'll get the mains out to you, but running out of wine before the main is served is not ideal
33:18So guys has the one it's good, but it's not cold enough
33:25Cappadocia, make sure that every soup portion gets one of these the aim is they have to put this in
33:32Pushing for slick service
33:34Greasy and stripping. I'm sorry
33:38Okay, sorry two secs Kia's team
33:42Right, so what we've got here is a traditional
33:46Cappadocian soup. Thanks very much. Yes. Can I ask him napkin be oiled? Let's do it on
33:53Okay, yes, I'm so sorry about that we will sort you up sir, I'll get right on that these are not suitable these dishes
33:59Okay, because you can see
34:03Shape of the plate. Yeah, I do agree with that. Well shit. Thanks for that feedback
34:08I'm really really sorry to hear that
34:09We'll convey that to our colleagues and I'll bring some tissues up just to clear up that mess for you. Is that all right?
34:16The team of the corporate client back for their once-in-a-lifetime experience
34:20And it's definitely that but for all the wrong reasons they've even end up spilling food over the managing directors trousers
34:26I think they're gonna get a dry Keeling bill. Let alone some refunds. I
34:31Again, I'm so sorry sir for that
34:38In Bodrum just just maybe some feedback. Yeah, the olives have stones in them
34:45munching on their mains
34:47So if anyone bites into them, yeah, not knowing there goes a tooth
34:52gisela's corporate clients
34:54How did he find the face?
34:57The conversation yesterday was very much that this was going to be an exceptional fine dining experience
35:03If you were selling it to us as a as a beautiful local meal
35:06I think you would have absolutely hit the nail on the head
35:08So I think be careful where it's pitched at because that sets a different expectation
35:13So you come in thinking you're getting something a little bit different brilliant. It's been his place for you. Thanks for that feedback
35:21The main thing is they keep saying they were sold a fine dining experience
35:26I'm a bit confused by the whole fine dining element. So I'm not really sure what more we could do on our side
35:31We said that you have a fine dining restaurant
35:34But we never said that the food was gonna be fine dining. So like they made the assumption
35:41The other team I really like the mix between salty and sweet
35:47For Mia's meal very well cooked. Yeah rave reviews
35:54I've been your head chef tonight. We're just discussing and the food is amazing
35:59Like you're in Turkey and cooking Turkish food better than us
36:03I'm sure there's still a lot for me to learn but I'm really glad you've enjoyed it. She's great is Mia
36:08Super impressed. We actually have some lamb left over if anyone would like some more
36:175 p.m. Food wrapped up. We're finished up well last on the menu
36:27Team building sessions to top off their day first one to do five knots is the winner
36:34While Mia swaps cooking for carpets don't muck it up
36:44Fronting his team's free alternative. So good afternoon. It's lovely to see you guys
36:49I am an international public speaking coach and I will be facilitating Frederick
36:55So first thing I want to do it's going to be an eye contact training exercise
37:01The beauty of this out of this exercise shows you that you can connect with someone about either speaking the giggles might come
37:06Try your best not to laugh, please. All right, so your time starts now
37:16Keep going guys you're doing well
37:22That's time
37:25I'd like to get some feedback. How'd you find exercise pretty simple or a little bit challenging interesting interesting
37:347 p.m. We'd be looking for a hundred and fifty euros and that would be for all of the photos
37:41Away days done have any cash tips. We really appreciate it. Oh, I don't have any cash
37:49I don't think we've done a bad job. The question is have we done enough to win this task?
37:54I'm hoping so. We've got some good profit margins if we don't get any refunds. Hopefully we've done enough to keep them happy
38:08I'm feeling confident. I think the corporate client did have a really good experience
38:13However, there was a lot of things that went wrong
38:15I do hope that we still managed to bring it back up and they've had an overall good experience
38:20tonight refunds recorded
38:23Profits processed tomorrow's trip to the boardroom
38:36You can go through to the wardrobe now
38:58Sent you to Turkey one team went to Bodrum and the other team went to Cappadocia
39:05Now you kill it made yourself the project manager. Is that right? Yeah, that is right and your corporate was a
39:13Company that is in the homeware industry. Yes, quite a large company in Turkey. Yeah, tell me about it. What happened?
39:19Yeah, so we went in started at 4,000 euros
39:23They originally wanted 3,000 euros to 300 a person and I managed to bring it back to 355 euros a person
39:29So three thousand five hundred fifty euros total
39:33So that's where your top line was. Yeah, then we've got the kitchen
39:38So Keir set an initial pricing range of 40 euros per head
39:42We wanted to keep a line with that as much as possible
39:45For 70 euros, didn't he? Yes
39:47He wasn't really willing to come below 63 and eventually I got him down to 60 and in terms of the quality of food
39:54Sorry, sorry. Sorry. So let me turn this off
39:59This is the Turkish Prime Minister
40:06It's rabble that I sent to Turkey
40:12Now tell me about the ballooning
40:15Didn't you have some kind of little quiz? Do you knew you came up with a nice bar thing?
40:21See, I just like something beginning with B
40:26Yeah, but yeah, I was trying to keep it fun
40:29I told him to see if they could guess how many balloons were in the sky the punters enjoyed it
40:34Did they from from our side? We believe that they did really enjoy it and you go back to the hotel
40:39where you start laying on the
40:41Food service. Yes, and this is where I hear that the tables weren't laid no serviettes
40:47I think there was a little bit of disappointment from our own when we did turn up to the restaurant
40:51We our expectation were that the table would be dressed and the wine would be you know
40:55Called and it wasn't so I did bring up an ice bucket in the end as soon as it was up and they arrived
40:59I went downstairs rushed
41:02The wine was warm within the soup from what I can understand my main focus was the food
41:08I felt that Malika was perfectly competent to lay a table and manage ten seating arrangements
41:13It was only myself up there in the first place. There was no one there. It doesn't it doesn't need two people to lay
41:20And spills I think over the one of your clients trousers, is that right?
41:26Yeah, I don't know who spilled it, but I'm not entirely sure to be honest
41:31We were kind of rushing to bring the the starters up
41:34So just just on that what I will say is the guests actually applauded when I came up and introduced myself and they said that
41:40We cook Turkish food better than most Turkish people. They were extremely complimentary. Well, it sounds like you're bigging yourself up
41:47more inflated than the balloons
41:50so I
41:52Think I've got the picture. Okay, let's move on to parallel now. Shall we now?
41:58Chisola yes
42:00Understand that you became the project manager. Yes, correct
42:04Now your client was a very famous mobile phone operator
42:08Yes, who was celebrating their 40th anniversary of the first phone call that was made by the company
42:15I think that first call was to me
42:22Now who
42:25Negotiated with the client. So that was myself and I
42:30Ended up getting 400 euros per person. So you've got 4,000. That's right. Look sugar
42:35So 4,000 for a mobile phone operator is 4g, right?
42:41I think I think it's probably important that you tell on sugar Frederick how you did the negotiation. Yes, so going to the negotiation
42:48I thought it would put me in a strong position if I broke down what it would cost for each activity individually
42:53I basically a price to each one and risky, you know
42:57Yes, but I think risky because one element of it didn't turn out too well
43:02You're already leading with the chin telling them how much to find you or to ask for a refund
43:07I mean when I used to sell my equipment to TV stores, I
43:12Didn't tell him what the knobs cost this
43:15And the screen cost that you know
43:18Anyway, you went on to the food. I want to know who was doing the food. Yep
43:23So in terms of negotiation the chef said 70 euros and then I got it down to 45 euros per head good
43:30Yeah, well now I understand that
43:33You didn't want to have any alcohol
43:35I mean, how can you can you even think of corporate hospitality event with no alcohol?
43:42I think what it got into was there's a bit of a tussle about
43:44Only water at one point and think there's a big push to keep the cost down water. I mean, they're guests. They're not prisoners
43:56It's a profit-making task then there's a discussion about having just two bottles of wine
44:00But if you had that I knew the customers want more sounds like turkey without the trimmings
44:05Yeah, so we go on these this 4x4 rides. Yeah. Yeah, the places you use that was spelt Bodrum
44:13Yeah, not boredom
44:15Yeah, so we knew that we had started off on a bad foot and we wanted to make sure that obviously the food now
44:21Hopefully blow them away. Yeah, so in terms of food
44:23I was the head chef and I think they enjoyed it all they were happy with the food
44:27But I think they were sold a fine dining experience. And although the food was lovely. It just wasn't fine dining. Hmm
44:33then you introduce Frederick is the team building manager, right and one of your ideas was a
44:41Staring challenge. Was that right?
44:44How does that work the idea is to help I'm staring at you now
44:51The idea from the morning, I mean if your corporate client was spec savers I can understand
44:57So that team building activity was all about helping them build connection
45:00And of course eye contact is the gateway for connection. So we did a eye contact exercise
45:03I found it slightly awkward. Would you say you've got a terrible reception? Yeah, I wouldn't think so. I wouldn't think so
45:10Hmm. Yeah. Okay. Well, let's let's find out
45:14How we did
45:17So Tim, I know that your client
45:21spent or agreed to spend
45:253550 is that right? But what did a sender see spend themselves?
45:31They spent two thousand one hundred and twenty euros and they also upsold some photographs which gave them a total profit of
45:391580 euros. Okay
45:42any refunds
45:44Well, the food service did not run completely smooth, but
45:49The corporate client really enjoyed themselves. So there was no refunds
45:55Right Karen your client spent four thousand euros on the day
46:01What did the team spend? Oh, well, they spent a little less
46:071950 euros and they got a tip
46:09so that gave them a profit of
46:122,070 euros
46:15Well any refunds?
46:17Well, the client did give me a lot of feedback and unfortunately not a lot of it was positive
46:24They really didn't feel like they had the luxury service that you had promised them they would have
46:30And as a result, they want a 40% refund and that gives you a final profit of 470 euros
46:40You've got done on your refunds
46:43Well done team ascendancy. Thank you
46:48For this week's treat. I'm sending you to a traditional Turkish Haman spa
46:57Enjoy I'll see you on the next class. Okay
47:12He may have over promised and under delivered as far as I can see off you go, I'll see you later on
47:29It's almost hot as here is it is in the boardroom shoes and
47:33Feels absolutely incredible to have won. The first task is a p.m. So feeling really confident. I'm ready for anything that Lord sugar puts our way
47:42Sorry, I really take lush this is now my third task where I've either been sub team leader or p.m
47:48And we've won. I don't think it's a coincidence. Let's go team ascendancy. Let's
47:57So from what the client said they said that the tour thought a bit like a school trip Johnny you are a teacher
48:02So I didn't know if that came into play
48:04So that narrative might be convenient, but I tried to make it as lively as possible
48:08Johnny shied away from being the sub team leader at the end of the day
48:11This is a team task and he's not even held a briefcase yet. Let's talk a little bit around the alcohol
48:16So from our side, we didn't realize that alcohol was so important and we were trying our best to keep the cost low
48:22I didn't expect to have to break down the fact that we needed to order alcohol for a corporate client
48:28I think that blame has to lie with Anita
48:30One thing I would say is I kept having to kind of deal with these complaints that it wasn't fine dining
48:36Chisola emphasized keep costs low, but in hindsight, she was selling exceptional fine dining was completely wrong
48:42And Chisola is at fault for that
48:53Could you send the candidates in please?
49:10Now the clients negotiations
49:14Frederick you broke down the prices the client put the team building as a
49:2050% discount so I suppose Frederick what I'm saying to you is is that did you shoot yourself in the foot by
49:28Telling them what the costs were. I have to hold myself accountable. It was my idea
49:34What I will say is that you know throughout this this whole process
49:37I always try to to lead to take responsibility and everyone here apart from Johnny has actually been PM or sub PM
49:44No trigger. I put myself a forward for project manager in this task
49:48I didn't want to be sub team leader because I don't believe I had the kitchen skills for a team to allow me for
49:53Processes in the kitchen. Look you don't ask you to be the chef
49:57I think what you're good at is excuses had you been project manager then what would you have done different?
50:03I would have had alcohol. I 100% would have had alcohol. I'm not just saying
50:08You were in the sub team when we discussed I was in the sub team, but I do believe that was a priority
50:13You said no, no, no. No, we're not buying any alcohol
50:16What possessed you to even think of that?
50:19I think because we were looking at cost perspective and the morning brief we were told to keep our cost alone by the project
50:25Manager, it was yes
50:26I would a hundred percent expect alcohol on a corporate bonding event and I did trust the team with that decision
50:32I do you see in hindsight. It was a mistake. It sounds more like an intervention than a way day. I
50:40Know they didn't like the driving. That's for sure because after the second stop
50:44I think they were turning around and said you come on. Let's get out of it. Let's get back. Don't they?
50:48Yeah, they did who was doing all the talking?
50:51I did leave the snake walk part of the tour when I feel I did do that with as much energy as possible and as
50:56Much enthusiasm. I do think we went a bit too fact-heavy, you know upon reflection
51:01And I think that's something that we could have maybe changed with hindsight
51:05But I take on for the 4000 that you got you told the client to expect a luxury
51:11Experience and fine dining
51:13I definitely said when we're talking about the food and beverages that our head chef does, you know
51:19Look after a fine dining restaurant, but I don't think we really sold luxury
51:22I mean they did say to you for 4,000 euros. I want it to be luxury. They laid it down there to you. Yeah
51:29so look
51:32Chisola, you know the the drill I want to know which two people you think
51:38Are responsible for the failure of this task together with yourself, so
51:44Who are you bringing back?
51:46and so the two people I'm going to bring back is Frederick for breaking down the costs and Johnny for being a part of the
51:54Educational side of things. I'm going to be bringing back Frederick and John
51:58So the rest of you go back to the house. Thank you
52:08Okay, listen you three I'd like you to step outside for a while
52:12I'm going to have a chat with Tim and
52:15Karen and one of you are going to be leaving today. Okay
52:25Now Chisola she ran a shambles here didn't she I really like Chisola
52:30She's been really strong in past tasks
52:32But on this task if she'd have found that balance between making a good profit
52:36But also delivering a good experience and they would have won
52:40I'm about Frederick of all the different elements of this corporate hospitality
52:44Task the one that got the biggest refund was the element that he was in charge of as far as Johnny is concerned
52:51I haven't seen much from him at all and he had the opportunity to be sub team leader and he ducked it again
53:01Yeah, could you send the three of them in please
53:15Chisola the underlying
53:18Theme that has come through is that you were very much focused on profit and not on the customer experience
53:26Yeah, I I agree
53:27I think I was focused on profit
53:29But I did want them to have a good time and in terms of when it came to the off-road
53:33Four by four experience. It was just unfortunate that the parts of it that we did get to they say were quite boring
53:41Hmm Johnny your tour chat was drier than your drinks cabinet despite me not being on the tour team the first day
53:48I put myself forward. I led this second part of the tour. How could it be boring?
53:52It was two and a half minutes. Well, there's not a lot of time to be
53:56But they wanted to leave they wanted to go that's why after your bit right you Frederick an award-winning speaker
54:04Talked yourself into trouble in this task every single negotiation in this process
54:09I have led and I feel like I've done a pretty good job on this occasion
54:13I did go a step too far have to hold myself accountable to that
54:16But again, I should get fired for the failure of this task. Do you think I feel like Johnny throughout this whole process?
54:21I've been frustrated with his contributions. I feel like he always sits on the fence. That's not fair Lord sugar
54:26I put myself forward for project manager in this task
54:28I didn't put myself forward for sub team because I didn't believe I had the skills Johnny
54:32You should be fired absolutely Frederick because of the breakdown saying this is worth this much. This is worth that much
54:37I think that led to the client to believe they were oversold and that's what why they asked for refunds
54:43Yeah, I personally believe that it should be Johnny. I think I've shown I've shown myself on each and every task
54:49I have continued to put myself forward. I think I work really hard and driven. You've seen that in the last six weeks
54:54Okay, listen folks. I'm going to summarize and I don't want to hear
54:59from anybody
55:01Johnny I haven't seen much from you in the six weeks
55:05In fact, I've swore I have seen is a tendency to make excuses
55:11It's not your fault or I don't want to do that because I'm not experienced in this
55:17She's Ola you were in charge of this task
55:21It was really all in your hands and you know
55:24The buck stops with you really and it was a complete and utter failure
55:32Frederick I
55:34Can't get over the fact that you gave away the shop by listing out all the prices
55:40And I think that is to me a very important factor in the failure of this task
55:47having said all that
55:49my mind
55:51Leads me in one direction
55:54And I'm afraid to say
55:58Because after six weeks, I haven't seen much from you, but Johnny you're fired
56:04Thank you so much for the opportunity for Alice Brady Tim. You're my heroes. Thank you
56:08Good luck more sugar you too. Thank you
56:21Okay, look you two go back to the house this time and my eyes will be firmly on both of you, okay
56:29Thank you so much
56:43Do you know absolutely gutted Lord sugar Tim Baroness Brady are my absolute heroes
56:49And I would have loved them to see me as project manager, but I've had a fantastic experience. I leave with my head held high
56:58Who do we think is coming back? I think Johnny and Frederick are really at risk. I love for a drink
57:02I'd love him to come back, but the fact that he broke it down. I think he could be in trouble
57:26Think with Johnny sugar was just like I haven't seen enough of you in these last six weeks
57:30Yeah, I think he would rather you do something you make a mistake. You tried. Yeah, then shy away from me
57:36Don't get too comfy on this couch guys. The pressure is off. Yeah
57:42Now 12 candidates remain Lord sugars search for his next business partner continues
57:52Next time I want you to create a brand new banking app deposits
57:59Drama's can this war be like bankruptcy?
58:01No, you can't bankrupt a six to nine year old and in the boardroom. This was a disaster the penny drops
58:08You're fired
58:13Straight over to BBC to for you're fired right now new comedy on BBC
58:19I player Scott squads top cop is back to modernize the force
58:23Jack Doherty is the chief press read to watch now