• anteayer


00:00We had the biggest chipmaker in the world here a few days ago.
00:04He's going to be spending $200 billion on building ...
00:07Are you thinking about making any changes to NATO where a NATO country gets attacked
00:15but they're not paying enough dues so the United States doesn't defend them?
00:20Well I've said that to them.
00:21I said, if you're not going to pay, we're not going to defend.
00:23I said that seven years ago.
00:26And because of that, they paid hundreds of billions of dollars.
00:29I said, if you're not going to pay your bills, we're not going to defend you.
00:34And it also went for the attack.
00:36But if they got attacked, they said, well does that mean you won't defend us?
00:39I said, are you current or are you delinquent?
00:43They said, if we were delinquent, would you ... I said, nope, I would not.
00:47And because of that, as you know, hundreds of billions of dollars came into NATO.
00:51You wouldn't have NATO right now if I weren't there.
00:54And your previous Secretary General has said that.
00:59He said he's never seen anything like it.
01:01When I came to NATO, when I first had my first meeting, I noticed that people weren't paying
01:06their bills at all.
01:08And I said, I shouldn't wait until my second meeting, and I did.
01:12And I brought that up.
01:13And I said, if you don't pay your bills, we're not going to participate, we're not going
01:16to protect you.
01:18And when I said that, as soon as I said that, it was amazing how the money came in.
01:23The money came in and now they have money.
01:26But even now it's not enough.
01:27It's really not enough.
01:28They should be paying more.
01:29President Trump, on Peter's question, are you going to make that policy, U.S. policy,
01:35that the U.S. wouldn't defend NATO countries that don't pay their fishers?
01:38I think it's common sense, right?
01:41If they don't pay, I'm not going to defend them.
01:43No, I'm not going to defend them.
01:44I got into a lot of heat when I said that.
01:47You said, oh, he's violating NATO.
01:50And you know, the biggest problem I have with NATO, I really, you know, I mean, I know the
01:53guys very well.
01:54They're friends of mine.
01:56But if the United States was in trouble and we called them, we said, we got a problem,
02:03France, we got a problem, a couple of others, I won't mention.
02:09Do you think they're going to come and protect us?
02:12They're supposed to.
02:15I'm not so sure.
02:16Yeah, Peter.
02:17Also, why stay in NATO at all?
02:24I view NATO as potentially good, but you've got to get some good thinking in NATO.
02:31It's very unfair what's been happening.
02:33Until I came along, we were paying close to 100 percent of NATO.
02:38So think of it.
02:39We're paying 100 percent of their military, and they're screwing us on trade.
02:45We had American companies that took in 450 billion.
02:48I said, well, this time they've gotten richer, we've all gotten older.
