On this week's episode of Shop Essence Live we feature Hella Awkward Cards, Co-founded by Brittane Rowe, Brandon Rhodes, and Jane Lim. Born from their own need for connection, they set out to share the ability to build relationships and share stories through unforgettable gameplay.
Awkward Games, creators of Hella Awkward—the bold card game that uses provocative questions to spark authentic conversations and build real connections. This unique blend of realness, cultural relevance, and genuine connection sets them apart in the party game space.
They also gave the ESSIES a sneak peak of their new game, Build-A-Bae, the ultimate card game for creating your dream partner or a total disaster, launching later this month!
Catch them on Shark Tank airing March 14th, bringing even more excitement to the brand. Watch the episode for more!
Awkward Games, creators of Hella Awkward—the bold card game that uses provocative questions to spark authentic conversations and build real connections. This unique blend of realness, cultural relevance, and genuine connection sets them apart in the party game space.
They also gave the ESSIES a sneak peak of their new game, Build-A-Bae, the ultimate card game for creating your dream partner or a total disaster, launching later this month!
Catch them on Shark Tank airing March 14th, bringing even more excitement to the brand. Watch the episode for more!
00:00Hello, hello and welcome to another episode of shop essence
00:04live in partnership with the new voices family where we bring
00:07you new black-owned brands to shop with us every single week
00:12I am really excited for this brand because I am I am a board
00:18game junkie.
00:19I absolutely love board games.
00:21I think it's so great for family time.
00:23I think it's so great for game night with friends and we have
00:27a black-owned company that is bringing us some really really
00:31fun games to play.
00:32So everybody say hello to Brit, bro.
00:40I'm so excited and I told her I was just like I want to play
00:43this live.
00:44You got to put me to the test.
00:45I want to I've seen a lot of influencers have fun with this
00:48game and I cannot wait to demonstrate this live for you
00:52guys on the show.
00:53But before we get into the games, tell us how you came up
00:56with hella awkward cards.
00:59It was an amazing experience and it happened really organically.
01:03So I have to take you back in time to 2020 the midst of the
01:06wild pandemic, right?
01:08It's me.
01:09It's my brother Brandon and his now fiance Jane who are my
01:12fellow co-founder.
01:13So we're a family-owned business, right?
01:15Love that.
01:16So it was deep into quarantine.
01:18I was solo in Harlem.
01:20They had just moved in together in Brooklyn.
01:22And so they were taking their relationship to the next phase
01:25And we would FaceTime each other constantly and just really
01:29diving deep into amazing conversation and topics like our
01:33childhood and our cultural differences and our relationships,
01:39And so we started making a list of some really fun questions
01:43that came up and we sent it out to our friends and they were
01:46They were loving it.
01:47And so they kept asking, do you have more questions?
01:50Do you have more questions?
01:51And so we just developed this list over that quarantine period
01:55and decided we have to do something with this.
01:58So those organic conversations and like need for connection is
02:01really what inspired us to make hella awkward.
02:03And here we are all these years later.
02:06I can't believe it.
02:07It's so exciting.
02:08Wow, turning something that was a passion and just for fun into
02:12a whole business.
02:13That is so inspiring.
02:15That is so inspiring.
02:18So before you put me to the test.
02:20Can you tell us the different kinds of games and different
02:23kinds of card games you guys have available?
02:25So of course our flagship game is hella awkward.
02:29This is a conversation card game.
02:31It's perfect for adults.
02:33We encourage you to dive into the awkward topics, right?
02:38So we have a range of questions 140 different cards.
02:41We're talking real talk.
02:43We're talking relationships, dating and sex.
02:47Oh, but it's a really really fun game because you can play with
02:52so many different groups of people so you can get your family
02:55You can stick to the real talk category.
02:57If you want to have something that's a bit more, you know, more
03:00fun casual and light or you can get your girlfriends together
03:03for that bachelorette party and get that wine out and have a
03:08fun time.
03:09Okay, it sounds like a blast and then I also have this game
03:15Tell us about that one.
03:16Oh my gosh.
03:16We're so excited about Build-A-Bay.
03:17This is our brand new game.
03:20We actually have a waitlist on our website right now.
03:23So jump on that waitlist.
03:24This is going to be launching next week Friday.
03:27So make sure you jump on this one.
03:29This game is all about the dating the relationships where you
03:33can build your perfect Bay and you go through like life challenges
03:37with your friends.
03:38So this is perfect for your girls night your get-togethers.
03:42I just played with a group of friends for a birthday party and
03:45we were cracking up laughing because you have these attribute
03:49cards that build your Bay their personality their different
03:54looks different traits about them and you're going through
03:57life and your friends are judging you and trying to sabotage
04:00your Bay.
04:01So it is such a fun game.
04:02I'm so excited for you guys to play.
04:04So check that out on our website awkwardgames.com as well.
04:10See they are expanding already.
04:12So, you know, awkward games was a hit but they got another one.
04:15So, all right, Brit, you're going to put me to the test and
04:19I don't usually I don't need help being awkward, but let's
04:23we're going to start we're going to start very good.
04:26This is the real talk category.
04:27So I wanted to ask this is something since we're on the
04:31I wanted to ask in our real talk category without mentioning
04:35any tech.
04:37No, right.
04:38What is your most prized possession?
04:42No tech and it can't be people.
04:45No people.
04:46No tech my most prized possession without it being technology.
04:56I was just talking about this with my mom the other day.
04:58I would say it was my engagement ring because I haven't lost
05:03it in 10 years.
05:04So I'm proud of myself.
05:06I love that.
05:07If it wasn't going to be people I guess that's what it would
05:11Yeah, the engagement ring is very special.
05:12I have a like photo album that I've somehow managed to keep
05:17with me for like 20 years of just pictures of me with the kid
05:20and that I think that one would be my my personal one.
05:23I love that.
05:24Oh, let's keep going.
05:25I'm going to ask you from the real talk category.
05:29Are your parents still in love and does it matter to you now?
05:35So not to suck the air out of the room, but my dad passed
05:39away in 2020, but even before that my parents were never together.
05:45Well, I take that back.
05:46Teenage love.
05:48Teenage love.
05:48My mom had me at 19 years old and they split up before I was
05:52even born.
05:52So no, it don't matter.
05:54I don't know them any other way and I don't know their personalities
05:57were always so I was like, I don't know how y'all ever were
06:01they okay sharing like rooms together like could they be at
06:04like a graduation in the same space or was it always well,
06:07it depends on what year.
06:13I think that they both found their own way and had extended
06:18families and everything like that happens for a reason.
06:23I love this because it's like not only we learning about each
06:26other, but I'm like, oh, I never had to think about yeah, so
06:30I love love love.
06:31Give me another one.
06:31Give me another one.
06:33This is a fun one.
06:34So life is fragile.
06:37So is money.
06:38Would you want 10 more years or one more million and why?
06:46So hold on.
06:46Hold on.
06:47Hold on.
06:47This is gonna be a debate here because if you're saying 10
06:51more years, does that mean if I get the million that I'm gonna
06:57So it's whatever your lifespan was gonna be.
07:00The universe has decided this is your lifespan.
07:03Would you say hey universe?
07:05Hey to the to the gods to the heavens, whatever that is.
07:10Can I get 10 more years or would you say I'll scrap those
07:13extra 10 years and I would like a million dollars now.
07:19This is so deep.
07:23So if I had to on both ends.
07:31Like I feel like when it's our time to go.
07:34That's what we're supposed to go.
07:35I don't know if I would even like want to cheat that but
07:38then I'm just like, but what if miss my time next week?
07:40I want to see but I don't I'm not messing with fate or
07:46whatever is supposed to be happening for me on the how
07:50long I live.
07:51So I am taking the money you're taking the money.
07:56Okay, like what I'm supposed to go.
08:00I'm supposed to go that million dollars.
08:02I mean, let's be real.
08:06Yeah, it's just like that could be living to 90 years old.
08:10But then most of the people in your like your grandparents
08:14or Austin uncles have they lived like long lives primarily
08:18like my Nana just passed away at 95 years old.
08:21And for the past 10 years, she's like if I'm here, I'm like
08:25you won't outlive us all so good track record here.
08:28Yeah, keeping healthy is a long life.
08:33Yeah, so take the money right take the money.
08:39Okay, I'm going to ask you one more in this real talk
08:42The real talk category is like making me sweat.
08:46Okay, real talk.
08:49What is something you are too scared to go after something?
08:56I'm too scared to go after.
09:03You know what?
09:03And this this gets us to our next question.
09:07I have ideas in my brain of like businesses and like things
09:15that I want to do and I think people at home could probably
09:18relate to this.
09:19This is like a lot of people see the end result of being
09:23an entrepreneur and like, oh, she got her game in stores
09:27and blah blah blah, but the sacrifice that it takes leading
09:29up to the time that yes, you can be your own boss.
09:33But like if you have an off week or you don't have you know,
09:37any clients that week you ain't got nothing coming in and
09:40it's just like there's so many things that I would like to
09:44do ain't nothing like security of like having a job.
09:48So yeah, that's like in the back of my mind of just like,
09:51oh, I have this idea for a product or you know, I interview
09:56black-owned businesses every single week and you guys need
09:59you to inspire me and you like found one thing that you're
10:03just like this is me that's putting in the space that takes
10:07so much courage to go full throttle and do that and like
10:12really really go after being an entrepreneur.
10:17Yeah, that's one thing that I'm just like, I'd like to do
10:19that before I you know pass or something like that, but
10:22it's just like to take that step and take that leap and
10:25like put yourself out there and start the process.
10:28I know I'm not alone everyone because I know there's a lot
10:30of people consumers and entrepreneurs that watch this.
10:33It takes an incredible amount of courage to do so that
10:36would be my answer is just like ooh going after like having
10:40my own business.
10:41That's nothing to do with the work that I do at essence
10:44or anything like that.
10:45But like yeah, really really taking steps on the side
10:49hustles is like totally.
10:51Yeah, that's such a good answer and I'm encouraging you
10:54I'm encouraging you to really dive into that more.
10:57I think any of the year still so yeah, spend some time
11:01really sitting with that.
11:03I think that's beautiful and I think a lot of people can
11:05relate so 100% so we're talking about resources.
11:11Here I'm talking about I'm scared but I have been touting
11:14new voices family for so long.
11:16Maybe I hit y'all love and help me.
11:19This is this show is in partnership with the new voices
11:23What what has it been like for you to be a part of that
11:27It has been an absolute game changer.
11:29Like seriously new voices has been amazing a for community
11:34being around other black women who are in this journey,
11:38like you just said being an entrepreneur.
11:40It is hard.
11:41There are plenty of days where I'm like, I don't know
11:43what I'm doing.
11:45I don't know what the next step is and I am jumping in
11:48texting folks like hey girl any chance you can meet up
11:52for a coffee and any chance I can just spit ball ideas
11:55out at you like I was just talking to someone like a
11:59week ago texting them because I needed some help finding
12:01a new lawyer.
12:02So people are just there like making sure you have
12:04everything covered and the other thing I must say with
12:08new voices is they gave me a grant last year.
12:11I was a part of our pitch at Essence Festival last summer
12:16and I won second place and the grant was $50,000 that
12:20I won from my company.
12:22So not only do I get amazing community, but you get
12:25amazing opportunities for funding and those two things
12:28hand in hand are just unstoppable.
12:30So I will forever be grateful to all of the folks in
12:33New Voices who really support and continue to support
12:37black women because we need it and it's actual tangible
12:42So forever grateful.
12:44So so good and definitely you guys say there are a lot
12:48of entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs that watch
12:51Shop Essence Live.
12:52So make sure if you want to take your business to the
12:55next level and it doesn't matter what level it is there
12:58are people from all walks and all phases of their business
13:04Go to newvoicesfamily.com and find out more.
13:08I have people hitting me up in my DMs all the time.
13:10We want to be on.
13:11This is how you get on because I've had I think it was
13:13last week or two weeks ago.
13:15Someone saw an episode and they hit up New Voices and
13:17they applied and then I was talking to them a few months
13:20later and you never know.
13:22Guys, just bet on yourself and maybe I'll take my own
13:24advice on that.
13:27On yourself.
13:28You do have something special for the Shop Essence Live
13:31viewers, a discount code.
13:32You want to talk about that?
13:34I do and actually there's one more thing I want to announce
13:37which is really exciting and it's also I forgot because
13:41New Voices also helped me with this but we're going to
13:44be on Shark Tank on Friday the 14th and New Voices helped
13:50because they had someone from casting give a free webinar
13:55all about how to go through the casting process for
13:57Shark Tank, how to build your story, how to go through
14:00filling out the forms and because of that I felt so
14:04prepared to go through that process and when I apply I
14:07got it.
14:07So I'm on the show.
14:08We're airing on Friday the 14th and I'm so excited to
14:12So I hope everyone can please tune in and watch and support
14:15and share on their socials because I'm so excited and
14:19we're celebrating with being here with Essence and we
14:21are giving an amazing 15% off code for Essence.
14:25So you just use code Essence on our website awkwardgames.com
14:29So head over and shop and make sure you tune in on ABC
14:32on the 14th.
14:34I'm so excited for you guys.
14:36Oh my gosh.
14:37So March 14th, just so everybody if anybody's watching
14:41this a little bit later, it might be airing the night
14:43that you watch this.
14:44So next Friday March 14th.
14:47I am so excited about that.
14:49I cannot wait that we can say Shop Essence Live had her
14:52first technically even though you probably seen that before.
14:55But I'm so excited for you guys and the sky's the limit
15:01like that's a huge amount of exposure on Shark Tank.
15:05Wild, wild, wild.
15:07Oh my gosh.
15:08I'm so excited.
15:09I just can't wait to watch it.
15:10You know when you film something like that.
15:12I know.
15:13What it's going to be like.
15:16Have a watch party.
15:17We'll all virtually have our own watch party.
15:20I am so excited for you guys.
15:22Thank you so much for joining us on Shop Essence Live.
15:25We cannot wait to see this journey the hella awkward cards
15:30are going to be having like sky's the limit for you guys
15:34and I cannot wait to play this game with my friends and
15:38Let me know how it goes.
15:39I can't wait to hear all of the stories that come out.
15:43So good.
15:44So so good and thank you for joining.
15:46Thank you everybody at home for joining.
15:48Make sure you go to Essence.com shopping now to see this
15:52episode and more past episodes and shop more here at Essence
15:57in partnership with the new voices family.
15:59I'll see you guys next time.
16:01Thanks Brit.