• 2 days ago
Nancy Grace is scoffing at Casey Anthony's new career pursuit -- slamming her new legal advocacy gig as a shameless cash grab and insisting the focus should remain on Casey's murdered daughter, Caylee.


00:00I am certain there is someone out there who has a positive thing to say about Casey Anthony being a legal advocate.
00:07And we are looking hard.
00:08We are looking. Nancy Grace probably isn't going to be that person.
00:13You know, of course, that Nancy Grace covered wall to wall Casey Anthony's trial for a murder trial.
00:19And about as fierce as any critic.
00:22Absolutely. A fierce critic of Casey, a fierce advocate for Caylee.
00:26So the fact that Casey Anthony has now launched this substack where she is, as she calls herself, a legal advocate.
00:35We've talked about the dangers of whether or not she is actually offering legal advice.
00:39But whether or not she should be in this arena.
00:43Well, here's what Nancy Grace has to say about it.
00:45All the attention about tot mom finally getting a job.
00:51Now, legal advocate, legal advocate.
00:56My rear end. She's she says she's been in the legal field since 2011 when she was tried for murder.
01:06That's her exposure to the justice system.
01:09I agree with trial judge Belvin Perry.
01:12This is just a money grab. She needs money.
01:17So what does she do? Come try to get money out of your pocket.
01:21And guess what? Thousands of idiots have already signed up every time.
01:29Someone gives Tot Mom one penny.
01:33They are voting. Not guilty.
01:36It's so interesting. I get I get what she's saying.
01:39I mean, look, Nancy Grace thinks there was a grave injustice done when Casey Anthony was found not guilty, but she was found not guilty.
01:48And the weird thing about this and you look one of the draws is just a circus type draw.
01:56Right. But the other draw is she's almost telegraphing.
02:00Hey, I got out of a tight spot. Maybe I can give you some advice how you can do that, too.
02:06And I don't know about that, Harvey.
02:09But Nancy, obviously, always entertaining and still very passionate about this whole situation.
02:15And I did think it was kind of interesting that she she basically is saying, I mean, she in the interview,
02:20she gets into all the the grisly details of what happened to Kaylee.
02:24But but also just saying that, like all these people, because she's got about twenty four thousand on Tik Tok now.
02:30But all these people that are, you know, essentially he's got twenty four thousand, twenty four thousand followers.
02:35But all these people who are signing up for the stack, she essentially is like you're basically,
02:40you know, she obviously feels that Casey Anthony did it and feels like if you're giving her money at this
02:45point, all these years later, you're basically validating her being not.
02:49You know, it's funny because this is O.J. Simpson again.
02:52But I know it is. And I heard she has like three thousand subscribers now on some sub stack.
02:59I think a lot of them are probably going to go there to troll her.
03:03And I'm sure she's like, that's fine. I still get their money.
03:06It makes money. But that's what they're going to do.
03:09You don't think there are people who are going to pay that ten dollars a month just so they can say all the things they want to say there.
03:14No, that that Charles. And I also think the fact that she said that she's going to be setting up on this sub stack like a way to email with her.
03:21I think there's going to be a lot of people that are just going to want to communicate with her or, I guess, troll her.
03:27But also maybe just to talk to Casey Anthony.
03:29I do think there are people that are interested in just speaking with her.
03:32Well, not just about legal advice. No, you're right.
03:34You're right. And the reality is that celebrity now has drastically changed.
03:41Used to be movie stars and now it's infamous people.
03:45And O.J. Simpson got more attention because of the murders than his movies, than his movie or his football or his football career.
03:53And being notorious is it has as much currency now as what the traditional celebrity used to be.
04:04I'm Lila Mitchell out of Roanoke, Virginia, and I know Nancy Grace is not one to hold back and rightfully so in this situation.
04:12The only experience that Casey Anthony has in court is being a tribe murderer.
04:16And honestly, the real focus today should be on Kaylee Anthony, who would have been turning 20 years old, 20 years old.
04:23Wow. Didn't strike me until she said that.
