• 2 days ago


00:00Good morning. It's 7.05 in the morning. Let's get ready for school together.
00:09I'm so tired.
00:21I love this face wash.
00:26Let's go get an energy drink.
00:28My bed.
00:31Morning, Mac.
00:32Hello, Mackie.
00:39Today's energy drink of the day.
00:43Drain Pop Prime.
00:46That's good.
00:47Let's do my hair.
00:48I think I'm just gonna curl it today.
00:52My hair's all done.
00:55I got back from Denver yesterday for visiting my brother, so all my makeup's still in here.
00:59I was literally in Denver for like 48 hours.
01:02Right after school on Friday, we went to the airport to catch our flight, and then we were there all day Saturday at like 10.30 on Sunday.
01:12We got to watch Aiden's rugby games, and for some reason, in Denver, Colorado, it was hotter than it is here in Southern California.
01:19Like, some of us got sunburned while we were out there, and we come home to California, and it is raining.
01:25Like, what is happening?
01:26I also think I'm getting allergies.
01:28That's okay.
01:29We also have such a big traveling month this month.
01:31Literally, in eight days, I leave to go to Dallas, and then straight from Dallas, I'm going to New York.
01:36We're touring apartments in Dallas and New York, and then like a week after that, we leave for Minnesota to also tour apartments.
01:43And then in between that, we're also going to the desert for Aiden's spring break.
01:46Like, we got a lot of things coming up.
01:48I'm so excited to start, like, touring apartments and everything because I just, like, I want to make my decision.
01:54And I feel like once I'm there and I'm seeing the apartments, experiencing the community, I'll just know.
02:00Oh, also, we just made the decision that I'm going to move to L.A. with Kenzie for all of June and all of July before I end up moving either to Dallas, Minnesota, or New York.
02:10It's going to be so much fun.
02:11It's literally like a two-month sleepover with Kenzie.
02:14We're going to have so much fun.
02:16Step one, I got to graduate high school.
02:18That's the only not fun part.
02:20Senior Assassin ends at the end of this week, so I really need to get my Target or just, like, opt out.
02:26I honestly don't know if I'm going to get my Target.
02:28Last night, Elizabeth got out of Senior Assassin right after Mass.
02:32I think it's really funny but also really sad so many people get out right after Mass.
02:39Let's go get on my uniform.
02:41Okay, my uniform's on.
02:42Let's go pick out my fun socks of the day.
02:44I think today's a Coco Puffs birthday.
02:47Okay, almost ready.
02:48Rings are on.
02:49So I don't smell.
02:50Way by me.
02:52The only way.
02:53Some teal bows to tie it all together.
02:55Okay, I'm all ready.
02:56Okay, guys, I'm headed to school.
02:58Thanks for getting ready with me.
