• 2 days ago
A Cruel Love The Ruth Ellis Story S01 E03


00:38I've been doing this for a week
00:40and not making any headway.
00:42Should've started with the corners.
00:44Thank you, Joy.
00:49Morning news. Get your news here.
00:52Morning news.
00:54Morning news. Get your news here.
00:56Morning news.
01:05They've given us a date.
01:07Mr. Pierpoint's little visit, yes.
01:10Twelve days.
01:12And we can expect the Home Secretary's decision
01:14a couple of days before.
01:16On whether to reprieve, postpone,
01:19or even cancel your death sentence.
01:21Now, a letter from you would be an enormous help.
01:26Requesting compassion.
01:28Expressing, if not remorse, then at least regret.
01:32I don't regret.
01:34I won't lie, and I certainly won't beg.
01:36Nothing will be sent to the Home Office.
01:38No appeal, no attempt to reprieve.
01:44And thine eyes shall not pity,
01:47but life shall go for life.
01:49Eye for eye, tooth for tooth.
01:54All I want is justice for David.
02:04I'm due at the Home Office in 72 hours
02:07to submit her case.
02:09The Secretary of State will make his decision
02:11over the weekend.
02:13What are you using?
02:15For the appeal.
02:17Her alcoholism and, uh, mental breakdown, perhaps.
02:25You're not thinking of using him?
02:28Ah, yes.
02:31Desmond Cusson.
02:32Look, dragging him in now
02:34would just make it look even more premeditated.
02:36What if he solicited her to murder?
02:38Desmond Cusson was an RAF bomber pilot.
02:43You know the casualty rate of bomber crews.
02:45Only one in four made it through the war.
02:47So we let him get away with murder
02:49because he was a war hero?
02:51No doubt he made mistakes.
02:52Getting too close to a woman like Ellis, for one.
02:56Not that I'm judging her, but...
03:00The world is the way it is, John.
03:04I could take this to the Home Office right now.
03:07And tell them what?
03:10That you allowed your client to perjure herself?
03:12I could take it to the newspapers.
03:14And what a sheer bloody spectacle that would be.
03:17You're like me, John.
03:19We're both scholarship boys.
03:22We both know the price of admission for boys like us.
03:28I know, all right.
03:33I never, ever frighten the horses.
03:37That's why you brought me here, isn't it?
03:39Show me what I could win if I'm a good little chap.
03:42But don't rock the boat.
03:46But your problem is I don't care
03:47about being part of the club, one of the chaps.
03:51You think this is all real.
03:54That it matters.
03:55This is nonsense.
03:58That trial was a pantomime, all of you.
04:01And your costumes and wigs, absolute meaningless nonsense.
04:06Steady, Bigfoot.
04:07Right now, I feel like I could blow this whole thing up
04:10and damn the consequences.
04:12You really think you can take them all on and win?
04:16You concealed material facts.
04:19You made yourself an accessory to murder.
04:23Now, you can destroy yourself and her,
04:26or you can take her one chance at a reprieve.
04:32For her sake and yours, go for madness.
04:38But she isn't mad.
04:40Mental strain exacerbated by the miscarriage
04:44and her alcoholism.
04:46She won't like it.
04:47It's the best case we have for mercy.
04:50What about Desmond Cusson?
04:54I think Ruth herself is where we
04:56should concentrate our efforts.
04:59Jackie Dyer's gone to the police.
05:00She's made a statement about the gun and the cab
05:03that Desmond used to drive.
05:04Why aren't we using that?
05:05Badger the man.
05:06It's something he's not telling us.
05:08I can assure you, it's all being looked into.
05:10Now, if you'll excuse me.
05:12Why aren't we using Cusson?
05:22Mr. Cutton, DCI Davis, Met Police.
05:26Can we have a word?
05:29So you have no idea why this woman, Jacqueline Dyer,
05:33has made these claims?
05:36I suppose a misguided attempt to help Mrs. Ellis.
05:41She's made no effort whatsoever to help herself.
05:45Mrs. Ellis has made our job extremely easy.
05:49It's as open and shut a case as I ever saw.
05:53And she hasn't fought it.
05:57She's a young mother, no criminal record,
06:00every reason to ask for mercy.
06:02But she hasn't.
06:05She is going like a lamb to slaughter.
06:16I know you've been letting Blakely
06:18drink for free for months.
06:22You let him destroy this club and make fools of both of us.
06:30I'm going to need the flat back.
06:34You're sacking me.
06:36I'll give you till the end of the week.
06:39I've got nowhere to go.
06:46We can work something out.
06:49You know I'll always look after you, Ruthie.
07:02You will never touch me again.
07:04I'm afraid the divorce settlement from George Ellis
07:07leaves you with.
07:08Bugger all.
07:09I know.
07:10Unless you want to take Mr. Ellis to court,
07:13which I would still strongly urge you to consider.
07:16Thank you, Mr. Mishacon.
07:17Well, one signature, and you are very, very, very,
07:25very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very,
07:28very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very,
07:31very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very,
07:34You are very nearly a free woman.
07:42So, what are you going to do with your liberty?
07:45Look for a place to live, find a job.
07:51Mrs. Ellis, do you have somewhere to stay?
07:57I have a friend.
07:59Ruth, you have a little boy.
08:13Mrs. Ellis?
08:16Are you all right?
08:21Can you please turn the light off, Joy?
08:23I can't sleep.
08:25I'm sorry.
08:26You're not allowed to do that.
08:30No more hostessing.
08:32I'll get a job in an office.
08:34I've already taken up a course of French lessons.
08:37I've always wanted to talk dirty in two languages.
08:45I'm moving in with Desmond.
08:51That's why I look for a job.
08:53Why didn't you ask if you could move in with me?
08:55What happened?
08:57I said, why didn't you ask if you could move in with me?
09:00Because you live with your parents.
09:02Since you'll do spineless to admit my existence.
09:04Is it any wonder I lose my rag when you push me like this?
09:08Take your hands off me.
09:12I said take your hands off me. Now.
09:18I'm moving in with Desmond because I have a son who needs a roof over his head.
09:21I've already given up one child for you.
09:23I mean, you've only got the balls to introduce me to your mother.
09:28Excuse me, may I have the bill, please?
09:36Sleep with him again, and I swear I'll kill both of you.
09:58Reprieve Ruth Elise. Reprieve Ruth Elise.
10:02Sign a petition to prevent a miscarriage of justice.
10:07Reprieve Ruth Elise.
10:08I'll sign it.
10:13It's barbaric what they're doing to her.
10:15I just want to save my friend.
10:17I might be able to help.
10:19I understand you've given a new statement to the police.
10:23You're just going to let me go?
10:25I've given a statement to the police.
10:27You're a journalist.
10:29Jaiveer Sethia.
10:31I hear they've taken someone in for questioning.
10:33About the black cab.
10:35And the gun.
10:36Have they made an arrest?
10:37The people are on her side, Mrs. Dyer.
10:40If we make enough noise, we can stop this.
10:43But I need to know who she's keeping out of this.
10:46Whoever it is, the police knew about him already.
10:50They took a statement from Ruth's French teacher weeks ago,
10:53who said she knew who gave Ruth's the gun.
10:56I've been looking for her so I can get his name, but...
10:59The police?
11:01They've known all along.
11:17I hope that lamb chops are new potatoes.
11:26Bollocks to love. You're not in love.
11:28How would you know? You've never been in it.
11:30Yeah, thank God. Biggest con ever pulled.
11:33Bit of pillow talk in 60 years of ironing his pants.
11:36What about young coach?
11:37A diamond like that, he wants something in return.
11:40Yes, and he gets it.
11:42My body.
11:43My smile.
11:44But not my soul.
11:46He knows that.
11:48You're troubling to let them in here.
11:50David's passionate.
11:52Can I keep as good as I get?
11:54You deserve better.
11:55I'd die of boredom.
11:57If you could be anywhere, doing anything right now,
12:00what would it be?
12:02Driving a big fuck-off silver Cadillac down Sunset Boulevard.
12:06Oh, hello, Hollywood.
12:08We're fancied America. Big cars, big open roads.
12:11Well, we could do it, you know.
12:13We should. Why not?
12:15Let's just book the tickets and let's do it.
12:21Right, well, at least screw someone, then.
12:46Christ, you're pretty.
13:01There she is.
13:02Good morning, Ruth.
13:04Your French tutor's here.
13:06She's been here for half an hour.
13:08I'm so sorry.
13:09If you'd just give me one minute, just one minute, sorry.
13:13Everything all right?
13:17Let's eat at Jackie's. You know what the girls are like.
13:20Is everything all right?
13:24Let's eat at Jackie's. You know what the girls are like.
13:36Is everything all right?
13:40Let's eat at Jackie's. You know what the girls are like.
13:49Terrible racket.
13:51We have the same problem at home.
13:53Filthy pigeons.
13:55You need to borrow this.
14:05Ruth's French tutor saw it in his desk
14:07and gave a sworn statement that she could identify the gun in court.
14:10I believe she saw a starter pistol that Mr. Cousin kept in his flat.
14:13She saw a large revolver.
14:15A starter pistol that Cousin surrendered to us freely for examination.
14:19As to the taxi cab, he said he gave that to his brother last year.
14:24Months before Mrs. Ellis committed the murder.
14:27Couldn't possibly have driven her to the Magdala.
14:30Have you verified that?
14:32We interviewed Mr. Cousin at length as to your claims.
14:36Everything I told you, you already knew.
14:39I understand. You want to help your friend.
14:41And that is admirable.
14:43But nothing you can do can change the fact
14:45Mrs. Ellis murdered David Blakely in cold blood.
14:49You want her dead. All of you.
14:52I want justice for Blakely's family.
14:59It stinks, Ruth.
15:01The whole thing stinks.
15:03The police have covered things up.
15:05Evidence that would have helped you, that linked Cousin to the gun.
15:08I said I didn't want you going to the police.
15:10If his involvement was known, it would mean a retrial at least.
15:14Desmond is innocent.
15:17Then why hasn't he visited you once since the trial, Jackie?
15:22If he came out, everything would change.
15:25People are on your side, Ruth. They're getting angry.
15:28All the people I've spoken to agree.
15:31What people?
15:34I've been campaigning for you.
15:37A petition.
15:38A petition?
15:40And these are letters of support.
15:43Jackie, I told you.
15:45I told you I didn't want this. I didn't want people out there begging for me.
15:49People feel for you, Ruth.
15:51They feel.
15:52No, they feel pity.
15:53I would rather them think I was a cold-hearted murdering bitch with no regrets.
15:57But that's not who you are.
15:59Isn't it?
16:01Perhaps it's just easier for you to think that.
16:04Poor little Ruth. David mistreated her so terribly she lost her mind. She had no choice.
16:10I chose to make him die on the ground in front of me.
16:14Maybe it's easier for you to think that.
16:16To make yourself believe you deserve it.
16:18But that's the coward's way out.
16:20Get out rather than fight him.
16:21Get out and don't visit me again.
16:23They're going to kill you, Ruth.
16:25And you're just as bad as them for letting it...
16:27Get out!
16:28Get out!
16:29And take those fucking things with you!
16:31Get out!
16:35This is bigger than her now.
16:38It's about Timothy Evans and Derek Bentley.
16:42It's about the whole business of whether the state should go on merrily hanging people
16:47only to later discover that maybe they weren't guilty.
16:51The government is nervous.
16:53They promised law and order.
16:56But the abolitionists are knocking at the gates.
16:59And then what's next?
17:01The homosexuals?
17:02The abortionists?
17:04So that's why they want her dead.
17:07I just need a name.
17:09But if no one will help her and she won't help herself...
17:12Then you have to.
17:24Desmond Cousin, Ruth Ellis' lover,
17:28Desmond Cousin, Ruth Ellis' lover,
17:30gave her the gun, drove her to the scene of the murder in a black cab.
17:34Her friend, Jacqueline Dyer, is certain.
17:37Yeah, well our libel lawyers are busy enough, son.
17:39She hangs in 10 days.
17:41About to be reprieved. 90% of women are.
17:43And what if she's not?
17:45And Desmond Cousin gets away with it.
17:4730 million newspapers bought every Sunday in this country.
17:50Bought for two reasons, sex and hanging.
17:52You're not here to fight crime, you're here to sell it.
17:54Come back to me with proof and we can talk.
18:02Hello, yes, I'm calling about my son Andre Ellis.
18:05I want to check his school fees for the term had been paid.
18:18Thank you, I'll make sure I check his centre as soon as possible.
18:27Let me look after you, won't you?
18:32You won't look after him.
18:34You promise?
18:35Whatever happens, you won't look after him.
18:37I swear it.
18:39You won't look after him.
18:41I swear it.
18:42You won't look after him.
18:43You promise?
18:45I swear it.
18:54I was thinking.
18:56About holiday.
18:58Get Andre out of London.
19:01I thought I could teach him to fish.
19:03David would lose his mind.
19:04Let me deal with him.
19:06It's a Christmas present.
19:08Since you got me this exquisite tie.
19:12Is it the same again?
19:18Merry Christmas, Ruth.
19:25What are you doing here?
19:28I haven't slept with him, if that's what you're worried about.
19:30Look at you.
19:36Whilst your son is alone at home.
19:38On Christmas night.
19:40You're an embarrassment.
19:41What are you doing here?
19:44I'm wishing Merry Christmas to my fiance.
19:48Go with her.
19:51You have no idea, do you?
19:55What she really thinks about you.
19:58The contempt she feels for you.
20:02You little bastard.
20:10How about hitting a man instead of a woman for once?
20:14It's over.
20:15You and Ruth.
20:17You lost.
20:24I'm sorry.
20:54I'm sorry.
21:10I know you're bored out of your skull with him.
21:15This is what you need.
21:19This is who you are.
21:33Turn the light off.
21:55Is it true that you have all been campaigning for me?
21:59I told you.
22:00No begging.
22:01No pleading.
22:02You've seen what they've written about you.
22:04I don't care what they write.
22:05I want my sentence to take its course.
22:09You will not go to the Home Office.
22:11I will not die with this world thinking I am some beaten little fool.
22:19Well that's it then.
22:21Well that's it then.
22:22That is justice.
22:24An eye for an eye.
22:25As I have said from the start.
22:29An eye for an eye.
22:34You know.
22:37I was in Austria just after the war.
22:42I was a prosecutor in the British zone.
22:45And I prosecuted a young German soldier.
22:48His unit had been moving Hungarian Jews in what later became called the Death Marches.
22:54And these prisoners were exhausted.
22:57Barely able to walk.
23:00And he was ordered to shoot anyone that fell.
23:04And at first he refused but eventually he shot two men.
23:10And after the war we tried him for murder and we hanged him.
23:15We tried him for murder and we hanged him.
23:19One week after he committed those crimes in March 1945 the Soviets liberated Vienna.
23:29They were out for revenge.
23:31Many drunk terrorizing the city.
23:34Perhaps a hundred thousand women were raped.
23:39Not one single charge was brought against any of them.
23:45Because they were on our side.
23:49Justice isn't real, Ruth.
23:54It's a story written by the winners.
23:59I'm not certain of much but I know you don't deserve to die for what you did.
24:15We will look after him. We promise. Whatever happens.
24:19I swear it.
24:29He made certain promises.
24:32Yes, ma'am.
24:37He promised to look after Andre.
24:40And I don't think he's going to.
24:43I told you he gave me the gun.
24:49Perhaps it's time to use that.
24:57We can't. You know we can't.
25:02It's too late.
25:06You told me you wanted me to tell them.
25:09Ruth, the better way is to go for the violence. Your miscarriage.
25:16What David did to you. The child you would have had.
25:26I think I'm pregnant.
25:30It's only a couple of weeks but I can feel it.
25:32It's only a couple of weeks but I can feel it.
25:38I'll call Dr James in and make an appointment.
25:42It's really no worse than getting a tooth out.
25:51I don't want you to get rid of it.
25:56Don't you?
25:57But no more Desmond Cusson.
26:02We find somewhere to live.
26:06As a family.
26:08We visit my mother.
26:12Tell her we're getting married.
26:33Well alright then.
26:46I still don't understand why you can't stay here with me.
26:50Well if you and I are to have a future together I need to build up my own life first.
26:54My independence.
26:56A home for Andre.
26:58I've found a bed sitting room. It's cheap.
27:02Look I know how much I've already asked of you.
27:10How much do you need?
27:16We would like the Home Secretary to consider provocation in the case of Ruth Ellis.
27:21She was suffering enormously.
27:24At the time of the offence she'd had a miscarriage caused by Blakely's violence.
27:29It wasn't fully explored at trial.
27:32And there's a petition.
27:35Fifty thousand signatories.
27:37From Australia, America, France, Germany and hundreds of letters.
27:42I hope the Home Secretary will consider them.
27:44They're not all in Mrs Ellis' favour.
27:46I am married to a woman similar in nature to Ruth Ellis.
27:50Eaten up with jealousy through and through.
27:52I greatly fear that my future safety would be at stake if you granted a reprieve.
27:56And many women express concern that clemency should not be granted merely because she is female.
28:03I hope the Home Secretary will concentrate on the facts.
28:06The facts are simple.
28:08Mrs Ellis committed a firearms murder in cold blood.
28:14There may have been other factors.
28:17Such as?
28:23She will not act to save herself.
28:27She will not let me act to help her.
28:31She practically wouldn't let me bring her case in front of you.
28:34She's determined to die because she feels like her life is not worth saving.
28:42You must act now.
28:44In the name of justice, in the name of mercy.
28:47She will hang in five days.
28:49I just need more time for God's sake.
28:51A bit more time.
28:57Forgive me, sir.
29:02I'm sorry.
29:10I will speak to the Home Secretary.
29:12He's not without compassion.
29:14Quite the opposite.
29:16Have you heard of a woman called Sarah Lloyd?
29:23She's a woman on death row.
29:24She's a woman on death row?
29:26In strange ways.
29:28She was convicted for the murder of an elderly neighbour with a shovel.
29:32Due to be hanged in two days.
29:34But Lloyd George has just reprieved her.
29:36Provocation over time wasn't a factor in her conviction.
29:41But it has been a factor in her reprieve.
29:44So that's good, isn't it?
29:46It could be bloody brilliant.
29:57And it all belongs to your parents?
30:00Yes, all theirs.
30:02It's a bit suburban, really.
30:05Still, it's nice to have the tennis courts.
30:12You nervous?
30:17Well, I'll tell you what.
30:19Let's go grab a drink first.
30:22All right.
30:36Your friends are here.
30:38We often drink here on Sundays.
30:40Then roll up at my parents' demanding roast beef.
30:45Look, just a quick one.
30:49Oh, here he is.
30:53Well, I thought I'd come a bit early.
30:55Hello. How was the drive?
30:57Oh, it was all right.
30:59And the maitre d' says to him,
31:01I'm sorry, sir, but these tables are reserved for the race car drivers.
31:05And Anne just looks at him and says,
31:07Now look here, old chap.
31:09We are the bloody race.
31:11Now bring us some champagne!
31:13You'd be so proud.
31:15Have you ever been to Le Mans?
31:17No, I've never been to Le Mans.
31:19I've never been to France.
31:21I've never actually been abroad.
31:23Perhaps he'll take you, for your honeymoon.
31:25Well, he told us.
31:29Come on, a toast.
31:31To the soon-to-be Mr. and Mrs. David Blakely.
31:35Mr. and Mrs. David Blakely.
31:37You'd better make sure you take the bins out on time,
31:39or she'll be sending the gangsters round to make sure you do.
31:46Come along, we should go.
31:47I don't want to keep your mother waiting.
31:49Yes, quite right, mustn't keep Annie waiting.
31:51Look, I tell you what,
31:53why don't I go and get her and bring her back for a G&T before lunch, hmm?
31:57Well, no, I'll come.
31:59No, you stay here.
32:01Have fun.
32:18I'm sorry about all that.
32:20They can be so childish.
32:22What do they mean, about the gangsters?
32:25When David was attacked he had this idea, perhaps it was just a joke,
32:29that you sent the men to do it.
32:31It wasn't me.
32:33David's no angel.
32:35God knows he deserves a black eye now and then.
32:38He'll never introduce you to his mother, you know.
32:41We're getting married.
32:42We're getting married.
32:45We're actually,
32:47we're actually having a baby.
32:49No, you're having a baby.
32:52It's not a judgement, simply a fact.
32:55David will never truly know if the baby is his.
32:58Did he say that?
33:00I'm not trying to be cruel.
33:02What you and David have, it isn't love.
33:04It's a trap for both of you, and my advice is get out now.
33:09Your mother fancy a drink?
33:11Monsieur is busy.
33:19You're a cruel little coward, David.
33:28I'll drive you back to London.
33:43Least I could do.
33:46I've got a bottle of gin inside if you want to come in for a drink.
33:53How far along are you anyway?
33:55About six weeks.
33:57Gosh, a taste of gin would make me heave at six weeks.
34:01Strong stomach.
34:10The evening paper's in.
34:12I'm so sorry.
34:14It's your friend, Vicky.
34:39Mrs. Ellis?
34:41The decision's in.
34:43From the Home Secretary.
34:45On the reprieve.
34:50I'm sorry.
34:52I'm sorry.
34:54I'm sorry.
34:56I'm sorry.
34:58I'm sorry.
35:00I'm sorry.
35:02I'm sorry.
35:04I'm sorry.
35:06I'm sorry.
35:09I have been pressed from many quarters to exercise clemency in this case.
35:15On the grounds of the prisoner's sex and of her yielding to jealousy,
35:21which is alleged by some people to be stronger in women than in men.
35:34Are you going to get up today?
35:36Are you going to get up today?
35:41It was Vicky's thirteenth accident in four years.
35:46When your time's up, it's up.
35:53Where have you been?
35:55If you must know, I stayed at Carol and Ed's.
36:03Course you did.
36:06You haven't been to the doctor about your pregnancy yet, have you?
36:09Not yet.
36:11You should be what?
36:14Ten weeks now?
36:17I spoke to Carol about it all.
36:21She said your symptoms are all wrong.
36:24But it's all very convenient, forcing us to get married.
36:29And I think she's right.
36:33It's not just the accident.
36:35The hair, that's fake, is it?
36:37You're not really pregnant, are you?
36:41There may be circumstances, in a capital case, where special conditions apply to a woman,
36:47which would not be applicable in the case of a man.
36:50One recent example is that of Mrs. Sarah Lloyd.
36:53Sarah Lloyd?
36:59I can find no such special circumstances, however, in the present case.
37:05After everything I've done for you, brought you into my world, loved you, worshipped you, and all along you were working out how to trap me.
37:14That's not true.
37:16You had me beaten.
37:18I didn't.
37:19To scare me into thinking I could never leave.
37:21I didn't do that.
37:22Then you went to work on my honor, knowing I'd never abandon you if you were having a child.
37:29David, I'm pregnant.
37:35The crime was a deliberate one, and was carried out with premeditation.
37:42The prisoner has expressed no remorse.
37:45I can find nothing to justify my taking a less serious view than of other cases of such a callous and calculating nature.
37:56God, don't let me do it. God, don't let me do it.
38:01The trial judge has told me that he can suggest no mitigating circumstances,
38:07and that he himself was not able to find any grounds for proposing that clemency would be appropriate.
38:19After much anxious thought, I have come to the conclusion that the law should be allowed to run its course.
38:30One of these days I will kill you.
38:32One of these days I will kill you.
38:41You've already done that.
38:46The sentence will be carried out two days from now.
39:03Well, I bet Emily's really missed you.
39:09Andre, go and play. Go on.
39:33It's all I could do. Maybe now you can get some sleep.
39:51I don't want to die.
40:03I don't want to die.
40:10I don't want to die.
40:14I don't want to die.
40:17I don't want to die.
40:27I know you want to ask.
40:33Why don't I just bloody leave him?
40:36I don't have to ask that. Not after Dad.
40:42George, you've never known any different.
40:46You don't think you deserve any different.
41:11You said it would be enough. The violence, the miscarriage. You told me it would be enough for a reprieve.
41:20The game is rigged, Ruth.
41:24Why did you tell me to keep quiet?
41:27Because it was too late.
41:29For who? For you?
41:30You chose to perjure yourself and make me an accessory to murder.
41:35You promised that you would help me, but you haven't.
41:39Every step of the way, you've made it harder and harder for me to help save his life.
41:47And I've never understood why.
41:54Do you know about what George used to do?
41:56He used to get blackout drunk.
41:59And when he would come home, it would always be my fault.
42:02And he would belt me.
42:06And people would always say to me, what do you do to drive him to it?
42:13What do you do to drive them all to it?
42:16Because you know, every man I have ever been with has turned out the same.
42:21Has turned out the same.
42:27And it must have been my fault because it kept on happening.
42:31Different man.
42:33Same thing.
42:36I tried so hard to escape it.
42:40Changed my voice.
42:42Changed the way I look.
42:45I worked and I worked.
42:48Youngest club manager in London.
42:52And I thought I'd done it.
42:57And then David turned up.
43:00And he was worse than all of them.
43:03And I thought there must be something in me that has pulled towards them, towards men like him.
43:10And I just didn't know what.
43:15And then when he was dead.
43:17And then when he was dead.
43:21The police and the papers and the lawyers, they all made sense of it for me.
43:27At last, I had my answer.
43:33The reason I couldn't escape it.
43:36Was because it was what was always meant for me.
43:40A common little tart with nothing to anyone except the price you can charge for a night.
43:44Finally getting what she had coming to her.
43:51And I would still believe that.
43:54If it weren't for you.
43:59But you gave me hope.
44:02Hope that I could live.
44:07That I didn't deserve to die.
44:15You're scared of them, aren't you?
44:18All those men you talked about that could destroy me.
44:25You never really believed you could save me, did you?
44:35I'll be appointing a new solicitor.
44:39Goodbye, Mr. Bickford.
45:10You found your husband in the marital bed with a lady who goes by the professional moniker Madam Feather.
45:17He's agreed to a divorce. You say you only want what's rightfully yours.
45:24I'll get you the whole bloody lot.
45:28Telephone for you, sir.
45:30It's Holloway Prison.
45:46Bickford, I'm Victor Mishkin. I handled Ruth's divorce. I believe she's asked for me.
45:55Why has she fired you?
45:59I've been carrying a bomb in my briefcase and I didn't have the guts to detonate it.
46:05Try to get her to tell you about the gun.
46:08This is Alice.
46:13I believe you have something to tell me that might save your life.
