00:00My name is Khaled Nuseibe and I look after HALA. I'm the CEO of HALA. I've been with HALA just
00:15over two and a half years ago now and before that I used to work with Kareem managing different
00:21markets. HALA essentially started in 2019 as a joint venture between the RTA as well as Kareem
00:29and at that time this was really a very new first-of-its-kind venture between a public entity
00:37as well as a private company and it was really designed to revolutionize a lot of the taxi
00:44industry and provide taxi with EHA capabilities. Definitely was a journey that didn't have quite
00:52a lot of challenges but you know obviously all these challenges would could turn into
00:56opportunities and we really managed to do a lot of that. Just to kind of give you some examples of
01:01you know some of the numbers that we've actually achieved over the last year or so. Just over the
01:08last year we've actually grown by 17% year-on-year in terms of trips, 21% year-on-year in terms of
01:17monthly active users and you know managed to do that while actually usually when you're growing
01:23you have to really make sure that your reliability is steady. We've actually managed to do that and
01:27improve the reliability as well so growing while ensuring that we grow in terms of our reliability
01:33index which has gone up by 11 percentage points. So we've managed to launch several technologies
01:38as well so we've rolled out digital screens which provide our customers with just an extra you know
01:44bit of education while they're actually in ride just to improve the in-ride experience but we've
01:49also launched technologies to make sure that we kind of solve for a lot of the issues or the
01:55solutions that that the mobility issues that we see within the city. WhatsApp booking was one of
02:00them whereby we launched an easy kind of access into booking a HANA taxi without having to download
02:08an app which is particularly been of great use to tourists and I think there's been quite a lot of
02:14accomplishments over the years. You know we're really proud of where we started and how we've
02:20managed to elevate the taxi e-hailing in Dubai and change the way people move around.
02:33Very very important you know areas that we focus on and the 4Cs are essentially our customers
02:41which are super important to us very important that we keep a close eye and ear to our customers
02:48listen to what they're saying and continuously improve. Our captains we know that by focusing
02:52on captains and we've focused a lot on our captains over the years we can deliver an
02:57outstanding service and we've done a lot to really engage with them but also provide them
03:01with all the tools and services to for them to to actually elevate the level of service.
03:07Third one is our colleagues. I personally believe that if you focus on developing people on creating
03:13a culture where everybody's empowered and everybody can go out and have this any idea
03:19and bring it out and launch it and you know extract value from it you can create an organization that
03:26is always performing and we are actually a small team of not more than 37 employees and we're able
03:31to do that and deliver you know hundreds of thousands of rides on a daily basis.
03:37And the last one is the community. I think it's very important this is the last C is to make sure
03:44that you are delivering on your promise to give back to the community but also solve a lot for
03:51the community pain points that you hear in there and in that sense you know we've solved a lot for
03:55reliability in Dubai over the last year and it has really really improved.
03:59We are you know we have a we are the intersection of technology as well as mobility and our platform
04:04is actually quite agile we've been able to kind of really look at a lot of the issues that we have
04:11within the Dubai. Dubai is a growing city we've had to really solve a lot to make sure that we
04:16are always reliable and we've used our technology to adapt to that to make sure that we offer the
04:20most the best technology to solve for reliability but also solve for experience. You know some of
04:26the things that we've also launched on the customer side you know again I mentioned WhatsApp
04:31booking but we've also launched you know handle rights for metro because we saw a lot of customers
04:35come in back and forth use us for the first mile and the last mile kind of journeys
04:42to and from metro stations. Just by being also on the Kareem ecosystem you know customers get a lot
04:51of value just by being with the probably the biggest loyalty program that we have in Dubai
04:56right now which is Kareem Plus. You know get so much value on handle rights but also they get a
05:01lot of value on groceries and food and payments and so on and whatnot and on top of that we've
05:07kind of really managed to also focus on affordability so we've we've launched more
05:12than 300 400 campaigns a year just to make sure that we're always targeting all the the
05:20affordable segment and so going forward we'll continue using technology and our local know-how
05:25to solve for a lot of the pain points that customers face and also to improve on what
05:31we've built over the years. You know one of the things that I've we've really you know been proud
05:36of is you know we've really set the the blueprint for the taxi e-hail within in Dubai and you know
05:43since we started in 2019 we've come quite a long way and we've achieved a lot and been really able
05:49to kind of grow year on year but also improve year on year in terms of reliability in terms of the
05:54service that we're offering so we're really really proud of this. Competition is great because I think
05:58competition really just drives more and more innovation we've we've started a lot on the
06:03innovation front I think more competition will just you know encourage more of that which is
06:07absolutely great for consumers and we definitely welcome this and I think going forward we'll just
06:12keep using our our local know-how that we've built our understanding of customers and our
06:17understanding of the city as well as partnering with the RTA which we've done all throughout
06:22you know our journey to really solve for Dubai and continue
06:26solving and improving the level of service that we're giving to customers.