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00:00Guys, I did. Stop, this is so funny. I haven't spoken in like probably like four or five hours because I'm at Thomas's, my boyfriend's house right now.
00:12He's at the studio and he has a roommate and I know him, like it's not like I don't know who he is but I've been quiet and he's been quiet.
00:20I have a brand deal to fill. He's gonna think I'm talking to myself.
00:24I'm gonna start this vlog now because I feel like we might do some fun things. I've been here for like a week.
00:29I don't want him to think that I'm whispering to myself, though that's even worse. So quiet.
00:33Let's clean up the room together. Okay, maybe I'll just like pretend I'm on FaceTime with like Delilah. That'll make me feel better.
00:38Anyway, now that I'm like kind of being able to speak a little bit more, it's like I'm advertising these products. Hold on.
00:44Should I invest in a tripod that I actually bring places with me because where the hell am I supposed to put this camera?
00:51Okay, yeah. Don't mind my tag on these. I just got them. I can't rip them off without the help of my strong boyfriend.
00:59Actually, that made me want to do it even more. Hold on.
01:04Oh my god, I got it. I got it. Who needs a strong boyfriend when you've got these?
01:09I'm on FaceTime with Delilah. I'm on FaceTime with Delilah.
01:11It's gonna be so funny if he sees this because he's probably like in this room not even paying attention to me.
01:17But I'm just nervous. I'm nervous.
01:19I'm gonna clean up the bathroom. I don't really want to about it. I need to organize my suit.
01:23Okay, things that we need to do. Also, stick around because I am going. Do you like my tripod?
01:28Stick around because I'm going. We might be going to an aquarium in Atlanta.
01:33It'll be a little road trip and we might just be doing some fun things.
01:35But I just wanted to start this because we've already done a bunch of fun things and I felt like you guys were being excluded.
01:40So let's do a little reset before he gets back.
01:44I also can't decide if I want to curl my hair. I might do it after everything.
01:51Why is my face on? It's wetting.
01:55Okay, let's go out there.
01:56Okay, I am done. I couldn't find anywhere to put the camera up but it was just me organizing my suitcase.
02:01Here's what it looks like. Ta-da!
02:03Now I'm back in bed. But I'm feeling good.
02:05I also was listening to a murder podcast. If you guys want a murder podcast suggestion, my favorite murder podcast is Murder With My Husband.
02:11I've been listening to them for so long. I listen to them all the time when I'm like working out, when I'm driving, when I'm cleaning.
02:16It's in my headphones.
02:17Okay, he's here. Hold on.
02:19We're asking Thomas things that only women should know but I kind of fear that he's going to get a bunch right.
02:23Oh god.
02:24You're going to get a bunch right.
02:26They're pretty easy.
02:28Okay, what's a French tip?
02:29Those are your favorite nails.
02:30I don't have them on right now.
02:31No, no, no, but like, yeah.
02:32Okay, good. What's a waterline?
02:34I don't know what that is.
02:35Okay, okay.
02:36I don't know what that is.
02:37You have to guess.
02:38A waterline.
02:39Yeah, what's a waterline?
02:40My guess is that it's something with pregnancy.
02:44Okay, like what? Like when you're water breaking?
02:46Yeah, something like that.
02:47Okay, go try again. It's not bad.
02:48Okay, will you give me a hint?
02:49A waterline?
02:51Yeah, it's like something that like, um, something girls, it's something, it's makeup oriented.
02:57I'm like, wait.
02:58Like the line of mascara for crying?
03:02I've actually, I don't know what a waterline is.
03:04I know, it's this. It's the way you're like tearing up from your waterline.
03:09You think I'm too smart.
03:13What's a crimper?
03:14A crimper?
03:16I'm glad you don't know these.
03:18Sounds like something with like shrimp.
03:21Shrimper, crimper, krill?
03:24Alright, let me guess, let me guess.
03:25Think about women.
03:26Women know that.
03:27Crimper sounds like something that curls your eyelashes.
03:29Not, not bad.
03:30Not bad, it's something for your hair.
03:31It's like a tool that like crimps it.
03:33Is that what you use as little things?
03:34No, those are just like little like rolls.
03:36She loves those.
03:37She's talking about like the Velcro rollers.
03:39What is a diva cup?
03:43A diva cup?
03:44Do you know?
03:46You're asking me like, why would I know what that is?
03:48A diva cup, when you do like your makeup, I feel like a diva cup is something that you like put.
03:54Are you talking about the leg?
03:56You like put all the makeup that you don't use.
04:00You put it in the cup.
04:03I don't know what a diva cup is.
04:05Like when you're on your period, instead of using like a tampon, there's like a cup.
04:08Oh, I've heard of those.
04:09Okay, what's a money piece?
04:10It has to do with only girls.
04:11Yes, it's only things that women know.
04:13A little purse.
04:14Oh no, but I like that.
04:16Like a money piece.
04:17Yeah, like to put your little money.
04:18But you know what I'm talking about, the little clips.
04:20Yeah, like the little ones.
04:21Yes, I don't know exactly what you're talking about.
04:22I don't, I don't have it.
04:23Okay, a money piece, neck above, is something that you get to hold your necklaces from separating.
04:28Wow, these are really creative.
04:30Honestly, every answer I've said, I actually think could like become a...
04:35An invention.
04:36An invention.
04:37Go into the salon and I'm like, can I like have some face framing and like money pieces?
04:41Is it like foils?
04:43It's like when like people are like blonde, they like lighten their hair.
04:46It's like the money piece is like lighter.
04:48Cause like you want it to look more blonde around your hair.
04:50So it's like the money piece is like this, like these would be like lighter.
04:53So it like looks like your hair is lighter, but the rest is kind of like darker.
04:58Okay, what's a blowout?
04:59I know what that is.
05:00Okay, what?
05:01A blowout is like with like dyeing your hair, yeah.
05:05Wait, no, no, no.
05:06A blowout is when you do a full face of makeup.
05:08A blowout?
05:09I do this.
05:11To your hair?
05:13Is it the ends?
05:14That's what that little thing is too.
05:15Right, okay.
05:16It's the machine.
05:17That's what that is.
05:18It's like a diffuser.
05:19That was my next one.
05:20What's a diffuser?
05:21A diffuser, well...
05:22Do you use a diffuser?
05:23Do you look like this without a diffuser?
05:24Do you use a diffuser for your hair?
05:26No, no.
05:27I know it like, it breaks up the air.
05:29I've done that cause of like...
05:30What hair type uses a diffuser?
05:31Thin hair.
05:32What about women?
05:33What type of music videos have used it?
05:36What type of hair type?
05:38What type of like hair needs a diffuser?
05:39Thin hair.
05:40No, like curly hair.
05:41Curly hair.
05:42Curly hair cause you like scrunch it up in a diffuser.
05:43A diffuser for your hair?
05:44Yeah, it's like the thing with the little prongs.
05:46Yeah, and you put out the end of a blow dryer.
05:47Yeah, yeah, yeah.
05:48You do that.
05:49It's for curly hair.
05:50So it makes it like curl.
05:51I was never like...
05:52I don't know.
05:54Okay, what's the difference?
05:55Oh wait, wait.
05:56You might know this if you listen to me.
05:58What's a spoolie?
05:59A spoolie?
06:02What's a spoolie?
06:03What was I doing?
06:04You were pretty far away when this was happening.
06:05I was like...
06:06Far away?
06:07Was I downstairs?
06:08You were like...
06:09I was like...
06:10I was itchy and I was using something.
06:14Was it that much?
06:15Was that...
06:17And you were like, what is that?
06:18And I was like, a spoolie.
06:22I remembered.
06:23I knew exactly what you were talking about.
06:24Yes, yes.
06:25What's a claw clip?
06:26A claw clip is a thing that you put in your hair to keep it in its place.
06:27You like to do when you put up your hair.
06:29And it's like a little clip that looks like a little claw.
06:32Yeah, you know what I'm talking about?
06:33So you didn't know?
06:35You didn't know?
06:36No, but we were looking at them at the mall yesterday.
06:37Oh, yes, yes, yes.
06:38I was like, I like this one.
06:40What are flyaways?
06:41You lost me.
06:43Like, if I'm like, bro, I have flyaways, you wouldn't know what that means?
06:44Are you sweating?
06:46It has something to do with, like, hair.
06:47Oh, is it the bottom?
06:48Is it the ends of the hair?
06:49No, it's not split ends.
06:50It's like...
06:51I know what split ends are.
06:52It's like...
06:53Yes, you do.
06:55If I'm on set and they're like, hold on, like, last look, flyaways, what does that mean?
06:59People that come in and do it at the end?
07:00Yeah, but like, like, like, if I were to, like, have, like, a split back or like...
07:05Oh, is it like something like...
07:06If your hair is that, like...
07:07Yeah, hairspray.
07:08You, like, hold it.
07:09Like, flyaways.
07:10Flyaways are like, oh, I have a lot of those.
07:12But, like, but, like, they're not flyaways.
07:13You're meeting to do that.
07:14Flyaways are, like, more like when you're, like, doing an updo.
07:16And it's accidental.
07:17And you gotta put it back down.
07:18Yes, yes, yes.
07:19Wanna go get the little eggs for me to show?
07:21And then we'll go.
07:22And then we'll go.
07:23I wanna show, actually, I wanna show, like, four things.
07:24Okay, yeah.
07:25Show and tell.
07:26Should I show the box, too?
07:29Wait, where is the box?
07:31Thomas was very excited to say...
07:32I got a surprise.
07:33Jules, I have a surprise for you and it's gonna change your life.
07:35It's gonna change your life.
07:36I was like, what?
07:38I was like, it's going to change your life.
07:39You were like, you were like...
07:40No, I was like, it's literally gonna change your life.
07:41Like, actually, like, it's gonna change your life.
07:42Like, you don't, like, you don't even know what this is.
07:43And I was like, okay.
07:45And he was, like, dragging it on.
07:46He's like, I have a surprise.
07:47And I was like, okay.
07:48What is it?
07:49He goes downstairs.
07:50He has something behind his back.
07:51Imagine this, man.
07:52Put it behind your back.
07:53No, no.
07:55Who's in here?
07:56No, you...
07:57Oh, did you go in the closet?
07:58I know you came through a door with it behind your back.
08:00Put it downstairs.
08:01Okay, okay, okay.
08:02And then he pulls out this.
08:03It's gonna change your life.
08:05Salt and pepper.
08:07Like, dragon eggs from Game of Thrones.
08:08If you guys have seen it, listen to this.
08:09It's gonna change your life.
08:11Salt and pepper.
08:13Salt and pepper.
08:15Salt and pepper.
08:17Salt and pepper.
08:19You've actually been doing that.
08:20She's been doing that since, like, since she got him.
08:21That's the first thing I do.
08:22And then tell myself someone's just...
08:23This is, like, more like a different thing.
08:24Okay, yeah, no, go ahead.
08:25I'm allergic to cats.
08:26Oh, is that the irony of all of this stuff?
08:28Pretty great.
08:29Kind of us.
08:30Which one's which?
08:31Joey, you can kind of tell.
08:32All right, we have to go.
08:34Okay, yeah, we have to go.
08:36Aw, make him pissed.
08:39Okay, I'm going to go.
08:44You little bastard, how did you do that?
08:47Okay, we're back got salmon. We got cookies
08:51We got just got a bunch of like different things because we also have been shopping grocery shopping a lot
08:56So we have a bunch of snacks. We're gonna have crab dip. I'm putting on Game of Thrones. We finished it
08:59We watched all eight seasons and now we're rewatching it because it's our little comfort show starting House of Dragon
09:05We're technically an episode 4, but we might need to go back to it
09:09But we just kind of want to cook some stuff and watch Game of Thrones with us, that's the update
09:14I'm gonna go have crab dip you guys haven't had crab dip go and get it. It's so good get that my pretzels
09:20It's so good. Anyway
09:28What a boyfriend
09:30Guys actually like it's really good. Tell you the brand we get this from Whole Foods. Yes
09:35Yeah, so look at this little piece that Thomas made well, there's a bunch of water bottles on it
09:39But just get past that look at it pretty great. Also these being the only two things on continue watching
09:45It's also comment down below if I should watch Breaking Bad or not. Okay, I'm gonna eat this
09:51We're gonna have some cookies
09:58Okay, guys
09:58I have two jobs one put the cookies in the oven to pull up all of our favorite characters from Game of Thrones and watch
10:05We just finished with the Robb Stark. Look him up stuff is happening over here, and I didn't even know it look
10:14That's your guy
10:18They're in order they're getting destroyed, okay, not too hard not too soft
10:22There's actually like I could mess this up. Oh, you're in deep deep trouble if you do
10:28No, no, like seriously, like I'm not doing this
10:35Wait, no excellent
10:45All right, you're good now that might be the best one yet, yeah, no, no, this actually might be the best one I've ever seen
10:52That was great Jules. Thanks
11:07Next morning slept on the couch. We ended up falling asleep until like 6 a.m
11:11And then we came back here and then we slept until like 11 a.m. So I'm caught up on sleep
11:15Let me tell it show you my little aura ring. See if I'm stressed right now
11:17This is an aura ring it calculates your like sleep. Am I stressed? Oh, no, I'm stressed right now. No
11:24I'm stressed. But anyway, Thomas is in the shower right now
11:27So I thought this was the perfect opportunity to you guys about Siki because they're sponsoring today's video
11:31I feel like last year I went maybe last year the year before I went to a couple concerts this year
11:36I kind of want to go to more
11:38I feel like it's it's never something that I remember as a thing and then I remember how easy it is fun it is and
11:43I'm like, oh wait, maybe I should continue doing that
11:45So on that note to celebrate the new year C geek is giving me a special hookup for you guys
11:49So anyone who uses my code, which is I'll put on the screen
11:51It's Jules 10 if you use that you get 10% off of your next purchase at C geek
11:55There are more than 70,000 events listed on C geeks and that's a concert sports sports games. Sorry
12:01I'm not clearly I don't watch a lot of sports
12:03They also including like festivals and the comedy shows like all of that
12:06Also, if you want to go right now and use my code you could get tickets to Kendrick Lamar's is a post Malone
12:12I think there's also like a bunch of tours that are gonna go on sale. Yeah, I'll kind of show you what it looks like
12:16They're actually a number one rated ticketing app. You like scroll through there's so many options
12:20There's actually so many options. Anyway, they have over like 28 million downloads
12:25So, you know that they know what they're doing what I think you should do
12:27I think you should take out your phone right now
12:28Oh wait, and I think you should open the C key gap and you should add once again
12:31It's Jules 10 to your account to get 10% off your next order
12:34Also, every ticket is backed with buyers guarantee
12:37You can also click the link in the description or on with the app and you can have the code automatically saved to your account
12:41You can use it later. Anyway, I would definitely check them out. I just want to talk about them for a little bit
12:44Thank you C geek for sponsoring this not sure what we're gonna do
12:47It's already three and we have not left the house yet, but I think we might go work out
12:51We've been doing that every morning now, it's not morning and we actually didn't even do it yesterday, but we have been I swear anyway
12:57See you in the next clip
13:09Oh, we're about to color
13:22You're gonna be balanced on a hammer Wow you guys are such boys
13:25Why are there tools out?
13:27I ain't got tools in the house, we got a drill, a hammer.
13:30Got some stuff, that's what we're getting.
13:37Oh, you almost hit it.
13:38Okay, and then we also got these.
13:40Oh no, what the hell?
13:45Oh no, what the hell?
13:49They don't know I'm getting a dog.
13:51You have to put that in.
13:53Yeah, I might make a whole nother video.
13:55I got a dog, it's just mine.
13:57Yeah, no, Thomas might be getting a dog.
13:59Maybe that won't be in this video and you're gonna have to wait.
14:01Maybe it will be, maybe that's why I titled it, maybe that's why you clicked on it
14:03and you're too busy watching these stupid clips to get to the dog.
14:05Okay, I'm dying today.
14:07We're at the gym.
14:09Should we not do it that long? Let's just cut it.
14:11No, no, 30. Or 25.
14:13No, let's cut it right now.
14:15We were going upstairs, you were like,
14:17I don't know if I want to be here.
14:19I found a new song I like.
14:21I was gonna listen to music, but look at what I did.
14:23Now I'm just sitting here.
14:25But anyway, we're gonna go get some stuff for the puppy
14:27because today's puppy eve
14:29and tomorrow's the day we're gonna wake up.
14:31We're driving like five hours,
14:33so we're gonna do a little road trip.
14:35But we need to get stuff for him.
14:37It's Valentine's Day, so we're going to dinner.
14:39That's it.
14:43Try this one.
14:45This one will be better for your first bite.
14:47Is it chewy? Yes.
14:49It kind of reminds me of like
14:51a bad part of a pig.
14:55Like that.
14:57Guys, tomorrow is...
14:59Well, today's puppy eve.
15:01Tomorrow, we get the puppy.
15:03It's coming. Hey.
15:05How kind are you?
15:09Tomorrow's puppy day.
15:11Wow, what a kind boy he is.
15:13That is just so kind.
15:15What a kind boy.
15:19It's like really rough.
15:21You got me two?
15:23That's a lot.
15:25Tonight's puppy eve and tomorrow's the day we're gonna wake up early.
15:27Also, one of our bags from Target, we don't know where it is.
15:29We think that we left it at the
15:31register possibly because we have no idea
15:33where it is.
15:35We're loading the car.
15:37It didn't seem like a lot.
15:39I'm gonna brush my little teeth.
15:41I'm gonna turn this off, but tomorrow's the day, you guys.
15:43Wait, you should show them my crate.
15:45Yeah, should we show like what...
15:47Except that we don't have the toys that we got.
15:49We also... We have a soccer ball.
15:51He's gonna be a star.
15:53There it is. Do a little house tour.
15:55But there's gonna be a blanket in there.
15:57Am I doing a house tour? Yeah, do a house tour.
15:59Just like pushing your personality on this dog already.
16:01The guitar and the soccer ball.
16:03Comes with like this super sick keychain.
16:05It's like one of those ones that you can't break or like
16:07your girlfriend gets mad at you because she doesn't want you to hurt your fingers
16:09while breaking it.
16:11You have
16:13the sick lock.
16:15Double bolted. Double bolted locks.
16:17You have like this little igloo thing.
16:19It kind of reminds me of Ice Age. Oh, it does.
16:21Which we're about to watch. Oh, we're about to watch.
16:23The meltdown. There's gonna be a blanket though.
16:25That's right here.
16:27She decided to keep it for herself.
16:29But we're gonna bring this in the car.
16:31Do not show my Gucci wallet.
16:33A man like me.
16:35Tom's like, can we get me a new wallet?
16:37Like I can't be seen with this.
16:39With the wallet.
16:43Wait, show them my ear.
16:45I wasn't vlogging
16:47when we were doing that. I started vlogging like
16:49three days after. Wait, look at his ear.
16:51He got a new piercing. This one right here.
16:53Didn't even hurt him even a little bit.
