That poor letter box man...
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00:00This seal is such a menace that he routinely gets the cops called on him.
00:03Introducing our protagonist, Neil the Seal, a 600 kilo absolute unit of a southern
00:10elephant seal from my home state of Tasmania in the land down under, who is
00:14known for above all else being an absolute fucking menace to polite
00:18society. But despite his crimes, we all still truly love him. But what are his
00:23crimes? Well, see, he seems to just fucking hate traffic cones and road safety in
00:28general, has regularly been caught trespassing, and then once he has been
00:32caught trespassing, belligerently screaming at locals because they won't
00:35give him his fucking fish, and has been known to just block roads by plopping
00:40his fat ass down directly in the middle of them. However, hands down the funniest
00:44shit he has ever done was just straight stopping this random lady from going to
00:49work. I shit you not, this motherfucker crawled out of the ocean, up the beach,
00:55crossed the road, absolutely fucking bodied this woman's poor letterbox, and
01:03then proceeded to plant himself directly in front of her fucking car. She was then
01:09unable to go to work because this half-ton beefcake was camping her
01:14driveway for so damn long, local news had time to drive out to her house and cover
01:20the fucking story. Now this is a lot of menace for a single seal to cause, but
01:25the funniest part of this is, old mate isn't even fully grown, he's like five
01:29years old. If you think he can fuck things up now, wait until he's nearly two
01:34solid-ass tons of blubber, and takes issue with the wall of your house. I do
01:40not think that seal damage is covered on my fucking insurance plan, dude.