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00:00:00Hey there, Shadow.
00:00:19Who do you belong to, huh?
00:00:22Who do you belong to, buddy?
00:00:25Can I come say hi?
00:00:28Yeah, you got no collar, you got no tags, you go to...
00:00:33Whoa, slow down there, big guy, slow down.
00:00:36We haven't been formally introduced yet.
00:00:38Wow, are you lost?
00:00:41I mean, you want some water?
00:00:48Come on with me.
00:00:52Come on.
00:00:53Good boy.
00:00:54Good boy.
00:00:55Come on.
00:00:56Come on.
00:00:58Come this way.
00:00:59Now, don't get any ideas.
00:01:00This is just temporary, okay?
00:01:01Here we go.
00:01:02That's right.
00:01:03There you go.
00:01:04You want to go outside?
00:01:05Let's see if you can fetch.
00:01:06You want to go outside?
00:01:07Do you want to go outside?
00:01:08Come on.
00:01:09Come on, Shadow, let's go outside, come on, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's
00:01:35That poor Isaiah, still hanging on.
00:01:49Stay here, Violet.
00:01:50Go get it.
00:01:51Go get it.
00:01:52That's a good boy.
00:01:53Bring it back down.
00:01:54Come here, come on.
00:01:55Come on, drop it.
00:01:58Oh, boy.
00:02:02Oh, boy.
00:02:06No, stop.
00:02:10Come on, not this way.
00:02:18Stop, stop.
00:02:22Oh my gosh.
00:02:26Oh my gosh, it's the only thing left of my uncle's once-beautiful garden.
00:02:32I am so sorry. Okay, all right, I can replace that.
00:02:34This is why I have an indoor pet.
00:02:36This is why I have no pets at all. He's not mine.
00:02:39What, the dog just shows up magically in your yard and you engage him in a game of fetch?
00:02:43Sort of, actually. I found him and then I...
00:02:45Oh please, you know what? Most people would just say, I'm sorry.
00:02:48He's honestly, he's not mine.
00:02:49I get it. It's not your dog. Just take him home.
00:02:53And that dog needs to be on a leash. He's a runner.
00:02:56He's really not mine.
00:02:58Yeah, yeah, go get the ball. Go that way.
00:03:01We're very sorry. Oh no, no, no, this way.
00:03:04What are you doing? Come on, boy, come on.
00:03:23Violet, don't be like that. I'm not procrastinating.
00:03:27I'm prepping. It's a process.
00:03:30I'm prepping. It's a process.
00:04:23Do I know you?
00:04:24I don't think so.
00:04:25Oh no, no, I'm forgetting so much recently.
00:04:27Since this, my husband Hal says I have pregnesia.
00:04:31But I never forget a face and I can't...
00:04:34Oh, wait a second.
00:04:40Of course.
00:04:42You're Cynthia Coppersmith.
00:04:44Your uncle used to brag about you all the time.
00:04:47Oh, he's really missed around here.
00:04:50I miss him too.
00:04:52I don't want to impose, but would you mind?
00:04:55Oh, I'd love to.
00:04:56Oh, thank you. This is so exciting.
00:05:01So what are you doing in Mitford?
00:05:03Boston was feeling noisy and I'm tight on deadline.
00:05:06I'm going to take advantage of my uncle's beautiful cottage and then I'll put it on the market.
00:05:15Did you bring Violet with you?
00:05:17She won't let me go anywhere without her. She's kind of a diva.
00:05:20Well, welcome both of you to Mitford.
00:05:23Oh, wait.
00:05:24One moment.
00:05:27I know you're here to work, but every Friday night we have a potluck in the park.
00:05:30It's a summer tradition and we don't have anyone signed up for side dishes, so we desperately need you.
00:05:35Will you come?
00:05:39This looks lovely.
00:05:41But I'm here to work and I don't even have a title yet.
00:05:45Even Violet's looking at me like I'm a slacker.
00:05:47And she naps 17 hours a day.
00:05:49Well, then who is she to judge?
00:05:53If I can swing it, I'll come by.
00:05:59So nice to meet you.
00:06:22Oh, it's just not working.
00:06:55I'm not avoiding. I'm looking for inspiration.
00:07:19Oh, you made it.
00:07:20You made it.
00:07:21Is that macaroni and cheese with bacon? Because I've been craving macaroni and cheese all week.
00:07:26No, sorry. It's potato salad. Store-bought.
00:07:29Now, honey, I told you I'd make you that mac and cheese.
00:07:31Oh, really? When? When our baby is 20?
00:07:34Hi, I'm Hal. Great veterinarian, terrible husband. You must be Cynthia.
00:07:38Nice to meet you.
00:07:39Nice to meet you, too. Your Uncle Frank used to brag about you a lot.
00:07:41I already told her that, honey.
00:07:43Oh, perfect.
00:07:44It's always nice to hear.
00:07:45This is our daughter, Zoe.
00:07:48I have all your books signed.
00:07:50I want to be a writer, too.
00:07:51Well, when you're published, I want the first signed copy.
00:07:54Hey, deal. Let's get this food on the table.
00:07:56Nice to meet you.
00:07:57Yeah, you too.
00:08:01I am so sorry.
00:08:04Oh, yeah.
00:08:05Well, father.
00:08:08Does that make telling me off and almost running me off the road a little bit more palatable?
00:08:13So, I accidentally almost run you off the road, and you have a direct line with the big man upstairs.
00:08:19So, are you admitting that you almost ran me off the road?
00:08:22Because going by the look on your face the other day, it kind of seemed like you thought I was to blame.
00:08:26It was an accident. I promise. Besides, that thing's dangerous.
00:08:30It's a classic.
00:08:31How do you even go grocery shopping?
00:08:34I don't. I don't. I have friends. I have neighbors and parishioners, and they bring over casseroles just about every single day.
00:08:40Well, I'm going to be a big disappointment, because the only time I ever tried to make a casserole, I ended up close personal friends with the fire chief.
00:08:50Well, don't worry. My freezer is full anyway.
00:08:53Look, our first two interactions were questionable at best, so why don't we try this one more time?
00:08:59I am Father Tim Cavanaugh, and it is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Coppersmith.
00:09:02Your uncle has told me so many wonderful things about you.
00:09:05Is there anybody he didn't talk to about me?
00:09:08Around here, everyone talks to everyone about everything, and if you know that, you will do just fine.
00:09:15Got it.
00:09:25Hal, please ask me to dance before my belly gets so big that we cannot even reach each other.
00:09:30You got it, baby.
00:09:32Look out.
00:09:39This is great.
00:09:48Excuse me.
00:09:51May I have this dance now?
00:10:09May I cut in?
00:10:16Thanks. Nice guy, but not too light on his feet.
00:10:20How are your toes?
00:10:21I'll let you know when I get the x-rays back.
00:10:28Why is everyone staring at us?
00:10:31Well, Medford doesn't get a lot of newcomers, especially like you.
00:10:34What does that mean?
00:10:36Glamorous big city author, probably doesn't have a pair of jeans to her name.
00:10:40I have a lot of jeans. They said it was a party, so I wore my party clothes.
00:10:47You know, I feel a little bit like I am under a microscope.
00:10:52Yeah, that's Sally. She has a tendency to do that. She's very sweet, but she's a little young for me. I'm not interested.
00:11:02Not interested? You're a priest.
00:11:05Episcopal priest.
00:11:06Oh, so the dating and everything is okay.
00:11:10Yes, dating and everything is okay.
00:11:13But when you live in a town this size, if she's not here now, she probably never will be.
00:11:19Do you ever think about moving?
00:11:21No, never. I love this place. I love it here. I love the community and the people. We're like a family, albeit an unconventional family, but family.
00:11:31That's what I remember when I used to visit my uncle. I am putting a lot of pressure on Mitford to get my next book written. I'm a little stuck.
00:11:41Well, that happens to everyone. Don't don't be too hard on yourself.
00:11:44The best thing to do when there's a block is to try to find the underlying fear, because often that's that's the cause.
00:11:53At least that's what I tell people when they come to me for advice.
00:11:57You think I'm scared?
00:12:00I didn't say that. I said I've seen that in other. It's just a suggestion.
00:12:04Writing's a process. I'll get over it.
00:12:08Okay, I didn't.
00:12:09Father Tim, you did promise me a dance tonight.
00:12:12He's all yours.
00:12:25May I have this dance, Miss Coppersmith?
00:12:27Does everybody know everything in Mitford?
00:12:30That's right. I'm Jack Emery.
00:12:33Nice to meet you, Jack Emery.
00:12:35You know, I was going to stay home tonight and catch up on some work, but now I'm really glad I didn't.
00:12:58I am so glad that you came, and I...
00:13:04Can we give you a ride home?
00:13:05Um, you know, it's such a beautiful night. I think I'll walk.
00:13:08Okay. Good night.
00:13:09Good night.
00:13:18I'm surprised you turned down that ride.
00:13:20Why? It's a beautiful night.
00:13:22Well, you never know what lurks in the dark in Mitford.
00:13:24I live in Boston. I'm not afraid.
00:13:28Let me walk you home.
00:13:29It wouldn't be very neighborly of me to let you walk home alone in the dark,
00:13:33even if you can totally handle it.
00:13:42Look, I'm sorry if I got too personal back there.
00:13:45People tend to come to me for counsel, and then...
00:13:49People tend to come to me for counsel, and then I don't know when to push the off button.
00:13:54Even your uncle used to.
00:13:56You know, some people even say I'm good at it.
00:13:59Yeah, but do they have any other choice around here?
00:14:04They do not. They are stuck with me and only me.
00:14:08You're only trying to help.
00:14:10I'm sure it's an occupational hazard.
00:14:13And I'm fine.
00:14:15It just happens, you know. You get stuck, and then you get a breakthrough.
00:14:22My shoe is... I'm sorry. It's okay.
00:14:25Boots and sneakers.
00:14:26What's that?
00:14:27That's what people wear around here. They wear boots and sneakers.
00:14:29I guess my city girl is showing.
00:14:31You'll learn.
00:14:32I am sorry. My strap is just... I don't know what happened.
00:14:36Oh, wait. Oh, dear.
00:14:40Oh, gosh.
00:14:42What? What?
00:14:43I'm sorry.
00:14:44Are you okay?
00:14:45Yeah, I'm sorry.
00:14:46You all right?
00:14:47My strap broke.
00:14:48Oh, that shoe. Boots and sneakers.
00:14:52You sure you're okay?
00:14:53I'm fine.
00:14:55We should be careful, though. People see us like this, they might start to talk.
00:15:00Seems like people talk here, no matter what you do.
00:15:03That, too.
00:15:11Hi. Everything okay?
00:15:12Here we go.
00:15:13Oh, I, uh... I broke my shoe.
00:15:16Well, it's a good thing I drove by. Get in. I'll take you both home.
00:15:21Come on.
00:15:23Oh, um... Okay, I'll probably just walk. My shoes are still intact, so...
00:15:27Night, neighbor.
00:15:29Good night.
00:15:30Boots and sneakers.
00:15:41Father Tim! I didn't know you had a dog.
00:15:45Neither did I. He's a stray.
00:15:47Oh, always doing the Lord's work, aren't you?
00:15:51By the way, my niece is in town. Oh, you two have so much in common.
00:15:56Do we?
00:15:57She's an animal person, too. And she likes pizza.
00:16:01It's almost eerie.
00:16:03Some lucky woman will land you yet, Father Tim. Mark my words.
00:16:07I just hope it's my niece. Hey, Penny?
00:16:11We're going to go home now. Yes, we are. Right?
00:16:15Well, he's definitely a healthy puppy, Tim.
00:16:17He's a puppy? He's the size of an SUV. Is he going to get even bigger?
00:16:21That's usually how that works, yeah.
00:16:24Oh. I've never seen him before. He's got no chip. He's kind of a mystery.
00:16:28Hmm. Well, I guess I'll put some flyers around town or something.
00:16:31Yeah, pretty smart him choosing you.
00:16:33I am not keeping him, Hal.
00:16:35It is a proven fact pets make you live longer.
00:16:39Of course, having a wife could make you live even longer than that.
00:16:44And all this time I thought it was healthy eating and exercise to make a trip.
00:16:48There you go, pups.
00:16:49Look at that. He wants to stay with you, Hal.
00:16:52He's going to love it here with the family and all this space.
00:16:55No, no, no, no. We are at full capacity.
00:16:59And Marge said she would divorce me if I brought home any more strays.
00:17:01And after all that pre-marriage counseling you gave us,
00:17:04I can't imagine you want to see that happen.
00:17:06Well played, my friend. Well played.
00:17:08I will keep him until I find his owner.
00:17:10Come on, dog.
00:17:11No. Whoa, whoa, whoa. You can't call him dog.
00:17:14You've got to give him a proper name.
00:17:16Well, she may already have a name, and I don't want to give him an identity crisis.
00:17:19Well, he's definitely not a Max or a Rex.
00:17:22What does he look like to you?
00:17:24Like a guy I went to seminary with?
00:17:26Excuse me?
00:17:27Same eyes.
00:17:28And he also used to come over uninvited and eat me at a house and home.
00:17:31So, there you have it.
00:17:33Until further notice, you will be known as Barnabas.
00:17:36Wait. No. Come on, I like it.
00:17:39Yeah, that'll do.
00:17:40Okay, I'll give you two a lift.
00:17:41You can't haul them around in that thing you drive.
00:17:43We walked, actually.
00:17:44See? You're acting like a natural dog owner already.
00:17:49You're a natural dog owner.
00:17:51You're a natural dog owner already.
00:17:59Hey, Father Tim.
00:18:01Hey, Dooley.
00:18:06Father Tim, I can't thank you enough for offering to watch my grandson.
00:18:10I didn't know what to do with him after school let out for the summer.
00:18:13Oh, it's my pleasure.
00:18:14It'll be nice to have some help around here.
00:18:16His official title will be intern, so he doesn't feel like he needs a babysitter.
00:18:21Good thinking.
00:18:22Dooley, come on over.
00:18:24Say hello to Father Tim.
00:18:26Hey, Dooley.
00:18:30Have you met Barnabas?
00:18:38He's gotten a little withdrawn since his parents were deployed.
00:18:42It's never easy when they're on a tour.
00:18:44He'll get his mind off it. Don't you worry.
00:18:46We're going to have some fun, right, Dooley?
00:18:51Maybe you can help me find his owner.
00:18:53He's not yours?
00:18:55Sure thinks he is.
00:18:58He's trying to tell you something right now, you know.
00:19:00Do you speak dog?
00:19:01There's no such thing.
00:19:03Of course there is. You just got to give it time.
00:19:05Right now he's telling you that he wants you to throw that ball for him.
00:19:09I'll do it, but he never said that.
00:19:14I'll get him out of his shell. Don't you worry.
00:19:16Oh, once he gets comfortable. He's a fun kid. He's a prankster.
00:19:20Yesterday I walked around town with a post-it on my back that said,
00:19:23I'm a hundred years old today.
00:19:26Didn't know why strangers were telling me I looked so good for my age.
00:19:29Well, I'll be sure to watch my back then.
00:19:31Thank you, Father Tim.
00:19:32Okay, you got it.
00:19:40Oh, hi. I have that book you ordered.
00:19:44And I also heard a little rumor about you and Cynthia rolling around on the ground.
00:19:53Marge, she fell down and she took me with her.
00:19:56Oh, really?
00:19:57And that's it. Don't believe everything that you hear.
00:19:59Okay, that's why I'm asking you.
00:20:00Because I always bet my rumors for accuracy.
00:20:05Well, thankfully this night in Shining Arbor came by and gave her a lift.
00:20:07Oh, it's a good thing I have a car.
00:20:09Because she was really struggling in those shoes.
00:20:12Marge, I want every one of her books.
00:20:14I need to know everything there is to know about that woman.
00:20:17It's been a while since someone made my heart skip a beat like that.
00:20:23And you, you got the lucky geography. Right next door.
00:20:26I don't know her very well, but she certainly seems...
00:20:28I know. Really great.
00:20:30Not often you meet a woman like that in Mitford.
00:20:33Aren't you going back to Atlanta?
00:20:35Well, once I sell my father's properties, yes.
00:20:37But there's a lot of real estate I need to sell.
00:20:39And they just keep me here as long as she is.
00:20:44She is here to work.
00:20:45Well, so am I. We're kindred spirits.
00:20:48What are the odds of that happening, huh?
00:20:50Oh, I need to sell a property across the street right now,
00:20:52so I'll be back to pick up the books later.
00:20:55I gotta read them all before I take Cynthia to dinner at the country club tomorrow night.
00:20:59She's going out with you?
00:21:00Well, she doesn't know it yet, but she will.
00:21:09Good night.
00:21:34Now you mind Father Tim, and I'll see you tonight. Okay?
00:21:37I want to come with you.
00:21:38We've been over this. Now come on.
00:21:49I got it, I got it.
00:21:51Hey, Julie, I made up those flyers I was telling you about to try and find Barnabas' owner.
00:21:55What do you say we put him up?
00:21:57If we find his owner, would you have to give him back?
00:21:59I would. I would. That's what he would want.
00:22:03How did you know?
00:22:04I told you, I speak dog.
00:22:06You're weird.
00:22:07Maybe so, but I am bilingual.
00:22:56Cynthia. Hi, it's Jack Emery.
00:22:58Hi, Jack. Thanks again for the ride the other night.
00:23:01Those shoes were not my best judgment call.
00:23:04Well, we live and learn, right?
00:23:05I'm just happy I showed up when I did.
00:23:07Tell me about it.
00:23:08Listen, the reason I'm calling is I want to take you to dinner tomorrow night at the Country Club.
00:23:15Best spaghetti bolognese on the planet.
00:23:17They've got articles written about it.
00:23:19Wow, that sounds amazing.
00:23:21Thank you so much, Jack.
00:23:25You know, I am kind of on a roll here, and I've got so much work to do.
00:23:29Maybe another time.
00:23:32I completely understand.
00:23:33Work is important.
00:23:35Another time.
00:23:37Well, thanks again, Jack.
00:23:50Oh, buddy.
00:23:51You okay?
00:23:52Oh, man, that's a nasty little scrape there.
00:23:54I'll grab my first aid kit.
00:23:56Alright, you come with me. I'll help you up.
00:23:58Here, let's go sit down.
00:24:01Take it easy.
00:24:02Oh, that's too bad.
00:24:06It's okay if I take a look at it?
00:24:09I'm Cynthia, your neighbor.
00:24:11What's your name?
00:24:14Well, you know what?
00:24:16That doesn't look so bad.
00:24:18You might live.
00:24:22This might sting just a little.
00:24:27Look how brave you are.
00:24:29You know what bravery calls for.
00:24:31A reward.
00:24:33How about some lemonade?
00:24:37Well, that's it.
00:24:50Here we are.
00:24:52You have more books here than the library.
00:24:55Most of them are my uncle's books.
00:24:57He loved books.
00:24:59How did you know that?
00:25:01He borrowed most of these.
00:25:03He was very generous with his books.
00:25:05You liked him?
00:25:06Everyone liked Frank.
00:25:07And maybe that's why the town has taken to you so quickly.
00:25:09Either that or they look at me like I'm some alien form.
00:25:13You know, we have met other city people before.
00:25:15You're not our first.
00:25:16And they have taken to you.
00:25:18Trust me.
00:25:19Marge, Hal, Jack.
00:25:22Maybe it's the familial link.
00:25:24You know, my uncle really encouraged me to read.
00:25:28And that led to my writing.
00:25:31How's that going?
00:25:36I know you're not asking for advice, and I certainly wouldn't give you any,
00:25:39but sometimes when you focus so hard on what's not working,
00:25:43you can actually make the block worse.
00:25:51Violet's letting you pet her.
00:25:53She never lets anybody pet her.
00:25:55Except for me, and I feed her.
00:25:57She likes you.
00:25:58Well, I made two friends today.
00:26:00Violet and you.
00:26:02Here you go, Dooley.
00:26:03Your grandfather's going to be here soon, okay?
00:26:09Thanks for the odd advice.
00:26:11I wouldn't dream of giving you any.
00:26:13And you're welcome.
00:26:25Hi, Marge.
00:26:26I'm looking for a book for a 10-year-old boy.
00:26:2810-year-old boy.
00:26:30And we're just the one.
00:26:37You are the book whisperer, Marge.
00:26:39I've always been a bookworm.
00:26:41And I'm saving a spot for your next book right here.
00:26:44Oh, well, you might be waiting a while.
00:26:47I mean, these things take time to get published.
00:26:51A little writer's block?
00:26:53No secrets in Mitford.
00:26:55Not a wan.
00:26:57Look, I don't mean to be nosy, but I personally don't think there's such a thing as writer's block.
00:27:03I think it's all there.
00:27:04It's just hiding, you know?
00:27:06I think the best thing for writer's block is a completely unrelated activity.
00:27:09Like gardening.
00:27:10Or dinner with a handsome man.
00:27:13With someone that some may call the most eligible bachelor in Mitford.
00:27:18That's not the direction I was going in at all.
00:27:22Well, maybe it should be.
00:27:24I don't know.
00:27:25It's been a long time since I've been on a date.
00:27:29Well, I think it's the perfect activity for taking your mind off that book.
00:27:32Just try something new and different.
00:27:34Step off that ledge and break through that block.
00:27:37You know what?
00:27:38You're right.
00:27:39I'm gonna do it.
00:27:41I'm gonna call up Jack Emery and tell him I'll have dinner with him.
00:27:46Thank you, Marge.
00:27:49He was talking about Father Tim.
00:27:59So then I moved to Atlanta permanently and I switched to commercial real estate.
00:28:03I mean, I'd sold just about every property in Mitford anyway.
00:28:10You can answer it.
00:28:12No, you know what?
00:28:14They can wait.
00:28:16People aren't nearly present enough nowadays.
00:28:18And when you're sitting across from such a beautiful woman, that's where your attention should be.
00:28:24So you said that you're only here until the house is sold?
00:28:27Pretty much.
00:28:28I need a good realtor if you could recommend one.
00:28:31Well, I actually know a great one.
00:28:34Now, I don't really do residential anymore, but I still have my license, so I could do it for you.
00:28:39Oh, thank you.
00:28:40Well, it's important to be guided by someone you can trust.
00:28:43So when do you want to list it?
00:28:45In about a month.
00:28:47That's soon.
00:28:50You getting sick of old Mitford already?
00:28:52No, actually not at all.
00:28:54It's just I came here to write my book and I've got to get back to my real life.
00:28:59I know what you mean.
00:29:00Me too.
00:29:02So what is your real life like in Atlanta?
00:29:08It's good.
00:29:09I mean, it could be better.
00:29:11After my divorce, I threw myself into my work.
00:29:14It was a necessary distraction.
00:29:16But now that I'm three years away from it, I feel like I want more again.
00:29:21Yeah, well, I'm only one year away, so I guess I have something to look forward to.
00:29:28It gets better.
00:29:30Trust me.
00:29:31I know.
00:29:32Every day.
00:29:33But I appreciate you saying it.
00:29:36You're welcome.
00:29:38One thing I'll say Mitford did get right, though.
00:29:41It introduced us.
00:29:47Thanks for dinner.
00:29:49I was hoping it was the first of many.
00:29:51Barnabus! No, no, no, no, no!
00:29:53You are so grounded!
00:29:55Oh, guys, I'm so sorry.
00:29:57I apologize.
00:29:58I opened the door and he just bolted right out and I couldn't stop him because I had these in my hands.
00:30:05These are from Barnabus.
00:30:06He is eternally sorry and begs for your forgiveness.
00:30:09Well, Barnabus, you are the man.
00:30:11These are from Barnabus.
00:30:12He is eternally sorry and begs for your forgiveness.
00:30:15Well, Barnabus, you are eternally forgiven.
00:30:18Okay, all right.
00:30:19Let's go.
00:30:20Let's go, big guy.
00:30:21Let's go.
00:30:22Here we go.
00:30:23Come on.
00:30:25Come on.
00:30:26Let's go.
00:30:27Come on.
00:30:29Come here.
00:30:30Good night.
00:30:31Good night.
00:30:33Good night.
00:30:34Good night, Jack.
00:30:35All right.
00:30:36Barnabus, this walk was your idea.
00:30:37Come on.
00:30:39Well, either you come for a walk with us or Barnabus is going to be living with you from now on.
00:30:43Sure, I'll come.
00:30:45Boots or sneakers?
00:30:47Boots it is.
00:30:49See, I'm adopting.
00:30:53Barnabus, what are you doing?
00:30:56What are you doing, man?
00:31:00Well, I'm sorry if I ruined your date.
00:31:02Oh, you didn't.
00:31:03Maybe Barnabus did, but his A is make up for it.
00:31:07So, how was it?
00:31:09It was good.
00:31:10I just couldn't get my mind off my book or the lack thereof.
00:31:13My deadline is less than a month.
00:31:16So, what did you do if that happened in the past?
00:31:19Well, the thing is, it never used to happen.
00:31:21If I felt like I was going in the wrong direction, I would just talk to my ex.
00:31:25I had someone to bounce ideas off of, someone to help me get back on track.
00:31:30And now?
00:31:32I guess he's sharing his creative energy with his new wife.
00:31:38Have you ever been married?
00:31:40I've been engaged, but it didn't work out.
00:31:44Well, at least you had the good sense to back out before you made a big mistake.
00:31:48Actually, I didn't.
00:31:50She did.
00:31:51Oh, I'm sorry.
00:31:53No, she couldn't see herself as the pastor's wife.
00:31:56It's a different sort of path.
00:31:58I mean, I think giving back is one of the most rewarding experiences anyone could ever have,
00:32:03but she didn't really see the benefits, like I did.
00:32:06And plus, I couldn't share everything with her because of the confidentiality aspect.
00:32:11So, it's not for everyone.
00:32:14Well, tell that to the women of this town.
00:32:16They don't seem to mind your occupation.
00:32:20I'm sure that was really difficult time.
00:32:23Well, my father always used to say that the only way to truly get over a broken heart is to find love again.
00:32:29So, what you're saying is it's going to be a while before I finish my book?
00:32:51I wanted to thank you again for the Azalea.
00:32:54Oh, it's the least that we could do, and by we, I mean Barnabas.
00:32:59And I picked up something for Julie.
00:33:02Some books that I thought you might like.
00:33:04Oh, that's very sweet of you. Thank you.
00:33:08Russell's going to drop them over here in a little bit.
00:33:11I was thinking we could do something, but...
00:33:14Oh, yeah. I'd love to talk later, but right now I've got company.
00:33:18Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude.
00:33:20No, that's fine. Thank you for thinking of Julie.
00:33:31How are you feeling?
00:33:33Oh, all right.
00:33:35Helen and I have been to the hospital three times now. Braxton Hicks.
00:33:41Oh, how did Julie like the books?
00:33:43I don't know yet. I gave them to Tim. Julie wasn't there yet.
00:33:46Tim had company, so we didn't really talk. A very pretty woman.
00:33:49Well, who was she?
00:33:50I don't know. I've never seen her before.
00:33:52But he can have a woman over without us prying into his business.
00:33:55Right. Of course. But he didn't introduce you? That's odd.
00:33:59That's what I thought. Not that it bothered me.
00:34:02But you know normally when someone is there and someone else walks up...
00:34:05Right. That's strange.
00:34:07Well, it doesn't matter. It's none of our business.
00:34:09Right. None of our business.
00:34:14But I'll find out who she is anyway.
00:34:19That is so strange that the flyers are all gone.
00:34:25That is weird.
00:34:27Come on, Barnabus. Let's go.
00:34:30Or maybe they didn't just disappear after all.
00:34:37I've been wanting to read these.
00:34:39You should probably thank Cynthia.
00:34:41Is she your girlfriend?
00:34:44No. She's my neighbor.
00:34:47Why do you ask?
00:34:48Because when I'm friends with a girl, that's what grown-ups ask me.
00:34:53Fair enough. But no. She's just a friend.
00:35:03Hello, Barnabus. Hello, buddy.
00:35:09Oh, there you are. Good morning.
00:35:13What do you have there?
00:35:15Just try it.
00:35:27A caramel macchiato.
00:35:29I have been staring at a blank piece of paper all morning.
00:35:32This is just what I need to get some words written.
00:35:35Where did you get it?
00:35:36I made it. I bought an espresso machine from my dad, but he's a purist.
00:35:39Plain old black coffee guy.
00:35:42Yeah, I know. So, basically, it's now for me when I'm here.
00:35:46You know what they say. You can take the boy away from the city, but you can't take the macchiato away from the boy.
00:35:51I'm indebted to you.
00:35:53I like to see you smile.
00:35:55Now, show me this house I'm going to sell for you.
00:36:06What do you think?
00:36:08It's perfection.
00:36:09Really? You're not going to give me a whole to-do list to get the house ready to sell?
00:36:13No, no. It's fine. You know, people just look at a house for its bones. Most want to gut it, renovate it, and make it their own.
00:36:19Gut it?
00:36:20Yeah, for the most part.
00:36:22You might want to clean up that garden, though. It's a good selling point.
00:36:24I know just the right guy. I want this transaction to be perfect and effortless for you.
00:36:29I know this is your uncle's house, and I know what it meant to him. So, let's do right by him.
00:36:37Oh, God bless.
00:36:39And again, and again. Are you okay?
00:36:41I'm sorry. I was fine when I came in.
00:36:44Do you have a pet?
00:36:45Yes. Oh, Jack, I didn't know you had allergies.
00:36:47You have a cat?
00:36:48Oh, dear. Is this going to be a problem for selling the house?
00:36:51No, no. I will take an antihistamine, but right now, right now I have to go.
00:37:04Oh, that's too bad. We'll put you on the prayer chain.
00:37:06Oh, no. Oh, it's okay. I'm fine. Thanks.
00:37:09Well, the garden at the church was bursting with bees, and I thought you might like them.
00:37:12Wow, they are beautiful. Aren't they, Jack?
00:37:16Yeah, beautiful. Listen, I'm sorry. I was going to take you to lunch, but I got to go.
00:37:20Oh, no, that's okay. We'll do it another time. You take care of yourself.
00:37:24I love cats.
00:37:27Oh, my.
00:37:34Thank you. That's so sweet. That's so kind of you to come over here.
00:37:38Traffic was okay?
00:37:40All right. I'll see you at the church.
00:37:46Busy at your place. Looks like a three-casserole day.
00:37:51You checking up on me?
00:37:53Some things are hard to miss.
00:37:55You need a tuna casserole? Because I've got, like, seven.
00:37:59I didn't know you paint.
00:38:00You paint?
00:38:01Yeah. I do all my illustrations.
00:38:05I thought since the words weren't coming, I would start this way and see what happens.
00:38:12Well, your blending technique is so beautiful.
00:38:17Am I being annoying right now, watching you paint over your shoulder?
00:38:20Not at all.
00:38:22You're a woman of many talents.
00:38:24Unfortunately, some of them are sleeping right now.
00:38:26I can help you bounce around some ideas if you want.
00:38:28That's the problem. I don't know where to begin.
00:38:34It's like he left and I took my creativity with him.
00:38:38He isn't what made you a good writer. You can write just as well with or without him.
00:38:43You are a smart, kind, talented woman, and whether he's there or not, that doesn't change any of that.
00:38:49Thank you, Father Tim.
00:38:51You can just call me Tim.
00:38:52You can just call me Tim.
00:38:54And now, in a strange role-reversal kind of way, I'd love to get your advice on something.
00:39:02Sure. Anything.
00:39:03Great. Come with me. I'll drive.
00:39:05Where to?
00:39:06The church.
00:39:07Okay. But we're walking, because I'm not getting on that scooter thing.
00:39:14And originally, it was just that front part right there. Just the white and the chapel.
00:39:18And over the years, we just sort of added on.
00:39:24Hey, you two.
00:39:25Hello. Hi.
00:39:27Nice day for a little walk?
00:39:29Well, it wasn't so much a walk as it was a rejection of a scooter.
00:39:33Oh, you've seen him drive. Everyone has seen him drive.
00:39:36I'm so glad I ran into you both.
00:39:38Hal and I want to have everyone over to the farm for Labor Day.
00:39:41One final summer picnic before the real Labor Day descends upon us.
00:39:45Sounds like fun. I think Russell's got to work, but Dooley and I will be there.
00:39:48And I can bring macaroni and cheese and bacon.
00:39:50Oh, I'm so over that. Just ice cream. 24-7.
00:39:53Got it.
00:39:54That's easy.
00:39:55With chocolate sauce?
00:39:56And sprinkles?
00:39:58You got that?
00:39:59I can do that.
00:40:00Okay. We'll see you then.
00:40:01Okay. Drive safe.
00:40:02Thanks. Take care, you two.
00:40:11The original pastor of this church painted both of these.
00:40:13They're actually over 100 years old.
00:40:15I've been wanting to restore them for some time now, but I wanted to make sure I did it right.
00:40:19They're incredible, Tim.
00:40:21So what do you think it'll take?
00:40:23A conservation varnish over the original artwork will protect it,
00:40:27but then you need to come in and delicately paint over it.
00:40:31So I guess any old guy could do it then, right?
00:40:35I can do it.
00:40:36You? No. I can't ask that of you. You've got your book.
00:40:39No, I want to. It's good to give back.
00:40:41And my right brain could use the distraction.
00:40:44I'll paint all day and write all night.
00:40:47That does sound like the perfect balance. I mean, we could pay you a little bit.
00:40:51Oh, I wouldn't dream of it. I want to do it. For Mitford.
00:40:54Father Tim.
00:40:56Here's the altar arrangement for Sunday.
00:40:59I added lilies, your favorite.
00:41:01Very nice, Sally.
00:41:02Cynthia has offered to restore our paintings. Isn't that great?
00:41:06It is Episcopalian art, though.
00:41:08Might not be her specialty.
00:41:09Are you Episcopalian?
00:41:10Actually, I am.
00:41:12I'm sure even if she was Protestant, it would probably be fine,
00:41:15but it's a good thing that we don't have to convert you.
00:41:17Let me get some pictures so that I can color match the paints.
00:41:21Aren't we lucky?
00:41:23So lucky.
00:41:28Father Tim Cavanaugh.
00:41:31Oh, no.
00:41:33Yeah, absolutely. I will be right there.
00:41:36I'm on my way.
00:41:37I'm on my way.
00:41:41Russell Jacks is at Dr. Harper's office. He's taken a really bad fall.
00:41:46Oh, well, let me come with you in case you need help with Dooley.
00:41:48Okay, thank you.
00:41:52We're waiting for the ambulance to take him to the hospital in Wesley.
00:41:55No, no, I can't go to Wesley. Somebody has to pick up Dooley from the neighbors and...
00:41:59Russell, I can do all of that.
00:42:02You're going to be fine, Russell, and so is Dooley.
00:42:04I'm fine now.
00:42:05Doc, you just tell me where to sign and I'll get out of your hair. I don't need surgery.
00:42:10Russell, you need surgery.
00:42:12But who's going to watch Dooley?
00:42:14You've been so good to him already. I can't ask you to take him in.
00:42:17You don't have to ask because I just offered.
00:42:20I don't know how I'll ever be able to thank you.
00:42:22You just focus on getting better.
00:42:24We'll take care of Dooley.
00:42:28You're going to be fine.
00:42:36Come on in. It's open.
00:42:42I brought the cake.
00:42:45Boy, it smells good in here.
00:42:47Ancient family recipe. It's a secret. It goes back decades. Frozen pizza.
00:42:51My lips are sealed.
00:42:53Where's Dooley?
00:42:55He says he doesn't want to come out for dinner. Poor guy.
00:42:57I mean, first his parents leave and now he's stuck with virtual strangers.
00:43:01Well, he has to eat.
00:43:03I know.
00:43:05You know, I think I have an idea to cheer him up.
00:43:08I just have to run out.
00:43:11Oh, I'm going to leave the cake. I'll be right back.
00:43:18Dooley, it's time for dinner.
00:43:21Not hungry.
00:43:23There's somebody here to see you.
00:43:35Welcome to your indoor picnic.
00:43:45Where's my bread?
00:43:50You take it.
00:44:06Remember, if you need anything at all, I'm right upstairs, okay?
00:44:12All right, let's go, Barnabus.
00:44:14Wait, can you stay?
00:44:16You told me you wanted to have a sleepover.
00:44:18I forgot to tell you, I speak dog now, too.
00:44:21Okay, then.
00:44:23Good night, Dooley.
00:44:25Good night, Miss Coppersmith.
00:44:27Good night, you two.
00:44:36Thank you for helping out with Dooley.
00:44:39I think he's really starting to open up.
00:44:41Well, he doesn't know where he belongs right now.
00:44:44I can relate.
00:44:46I know where you belong.
00:44:48In front of a computer, right in your book.
00:44:51Well, I did get a title. It's a start.
00:44:54What? You didn't tell me that. That's big progress.
00:44:56Yeah, I got it last night, you know, before all the stuff with Dooley.
00:44:59And are you going to share it?
00:45:01Because you know I happen to be a big fan of Violet's.
00:45:03Um, not yet.
00:45:06Oh, are you going to make me wait?
00:45:10Well, good night, Tim.
00:45:13Good night, Cynthia.
00:45:34Hello, James.
00:45:36Tell me you're almost done.
00:45:38I need those pages, and I needed them yesterday, Cynthia.
00:45:40I still have time.
00:45:42Yeah, but it's getting shorter.
00:45:44I'm making progress.
00:45:46A little?
00:45:48Look, I don't mean to put added pressure on you,
00:45:50but if you miss this deadline, they're going to drop you.
00:45:52No more Violet the Cat.
00:45:54The publisher's breathing down my neck, and I can only protect you for so long.
00:45:56I know, James.
00:45:58I'll get it done.
00:46:00All right.
00:46:04Don't you listen to him, Violet.
00:46:09Can I please have a bottle of fizzy water?
00:46:13You sleep all right?
00:46:17Could you open it for me?
00:46:25Come on, Barnabus.
00:46:27Let's go.
00:46:29Nice one, Dooley.
00:46:31What I'm wearing is the second shirt of the day.
00:46:33Well, you have to admit, it's a pretty clever trick.
00:46:35Where is he?
00:46:37I want to tell him I'm impressed.
00:46:39He's helping Sally in the office.
00:46:41Man, Russell warned me.
00:46:43He said that he could be a little prankster.
00:46:45Well, you know you're going to have to get him back.
00:46:47I don't know any pranks.
00:46:49I might be able to help you with that.
00:46:51You know some pranks?
00:46:53Are there any limits to your talents?
00:46:57They're impotent.
00:46:59Well, these are coming along so nicely.
00:47:01Yeah, and I'll be able to finish before I leave.
00:47:03And when is that exactly?
00:47:05Well, when I sell the house.
00:47:07But first things first, I have got to get that garden together.
00:47:11Yeah, and write a book sometime in there.
00:47:14Yeah, that too.
00:47:16But you know, this has been very meditative.
00:47:20It's helped.
00:47:22I've always found them very powerful.
00:47:24Makes me remember why I decided to become a priest.
00:47:26Why is that?
00:47:28I lost my father when I was a kid.
00:47:31And I became very shut down.
00:47:34And it was this place, this church, that brought me back.
00:47:37Everyone here rallied around me.
00:47:39My mother and I realized that family isn't only blood.
00:47:43It's community. It's congregation.
00:47:46And I knew that I needed to be that for people.
00:47:48The same way that they saved me.
00:47:51Just like what you're doing for Dooley.
00:47:54Something like that, yeah.
00:47:56In this life we're always searching for where we belong.
00:47:58But one day it became very clear to me
00:47:59that I belonged up there on that altar
00:48:02boring people to tears every Sunday.
00:48:05I am sure you're not that boring.
00:48:07Oh, I am.
00:48:09Well, we'll just have to see about that.
00:48:11Yeah? So you'll come on Sunday?
00:48:16And you will stay awake?
00:48:18Well, no promises there.
00:48:20I'll take it.
00:48:26No, go ahead.
00:48:28Hi, Jack.
00:48:30Yeah, yeah, I can talk.
00:48:32I'm fine.
00:48:34How are you?
00:48:43Why did you have me change my shirt?
00:48:45The other one was fine.
00:48:47I thought you wanted to look nice.
00:48:51For dinner. I made it. Sort of.
00:48:53I heated up some stuff for one of the church women.
00:48:55Smells good.
00:48:57Oh, by the way, Miss Coppersmith is coming over for dinner.
00:49:02How did that happen?
00:49:04When you invited her.
00:49:06Look at your text.
00:49:09But I didn't send this text.
00:49:14That's weird.
00:49:16Your phone sure says you did.
00:49:18Oh, you should get that.
00:49:20It's your guest.
00:49:22Don't worry.
00:49:23It's your guest.
00:49:25Don't worry about me. I already ate.
00:49:27Oh, cash rolls in the microwave.
00:49:34It seems we've been set up.
00:49:37This is nice.
00:49:41Thank you, Dooley.
00:49:43You're welcome.
00:49:45Everyone's a matchmaker around here.
00:49:47Well, I am sure there are no shortage of women in town
00:49:50who are happily vying for the title of Mrs. Father Tim Cavanaugh.
00:49:55But, like I said, she's not in Midford.
00:49:58You're telling me there isn't one woman who has remotely piqued your interest?
00:50:05Well, there's a certain thing, and I felt it once with my ex-fiancƩe,
00:50:09and that is the criteria, and you can't settle for less.
00:50:13Yeah. I know that feeling.
00:50:16And once you've had it, you just can't lower your standards.
00:50:21It makes everything harder.
00:50:23Yes, it does.
00:50:25Is that what you're looking for with Jack?
00:50:27Oh, no.
00:50:29I don't mean to pry. It's none of my business.
00:50:31No, he's selling my uncle's house, and he's friendly.
00:50:33He makes a great cup of coffee.
00:50:37But that's all.
00:50:38I mean, how can I start a relationship here when I'm going to be leaving so soon?
00:50:47You're right. It wouldn't make any sense.
00:50:55And a couple more things before we go.
00:50:58Russell Jacks, unfortunately, is still in the hospital,
00:51:01so please add him to your prayer chains, okay?
00:51:04And on a happier note, Mrs. Sloan is feeling a whole lot better.
00:51:06She thanks the entire congregation for the flowers, for the good thoughts.
00:51:11Clearly, your prayers are making a difference, so keep it up, everyone.
00:51:15And I'd also like to thank Miss Cynthia Coppersmith
00:51:18for taking the time to restore our treasured paintings.
00:51:23It means so much to everyone here. Thank you so much, Cynthia.
00:51:40That was great.
00:51:42It's not your first time, is it?
00:51:44No. Good job.
00:51:49Oh, no way. You have got to be kidding me.
00:51:52Your caramel macchiato.
00:51:54Again? How am I ever going to repay you?
00:51:57No repayment necessary. I care about my clients.
00:52:01I care about you.
00:52:04Listen, I've got to show that building on Maine.
00:52:07But just to recap the plan, we've got azaleas in the back,
00:52:11roses around the edges,
00:52:14peonies and delphiniums are...
00:52:17In the center.
00:52:19Oh, right.
00:52:21And then we will have restored my uncle's garden to its former glory.
00:52:24Well, I'll get my guy on it right away.
00:52:26You know, I already have a young couple from Wesley interested in looking at it.
00:52:31I don't think I'm ready.
00:52:33Hold your back, Cynthia. I promise.
00:52:35I will take care of you.
00:52:52What are you drinking?
00:52:54A caramel macchiato.
00:52:56Is that English?
00:52:58It's Italian.
00:53:00When did coffee get so fancy?
00:53:01When they started charging six dollars for it.
00:53:04Hey, we came up with a master plan to restore my uncle's garden.
00:53:09Great. Show me?
00:53:14And then roses all along the perimeter.
00:53:17Frank would have loved that. I can help you prep it.
00:53:20Well, thank you.
00:53:22I really want to do right by him.
00:53:24He encouraged my writing.
00:53:26I wrote my first book in the garden.
00:53:28It was called The Unicorn Princess.
00:53:31It was about a lost butterfly.
00:53:33Clearly my narrative skills have improved with time.
00:53:36But you haven't been back much over the years.
00:53:38He came to all my book signings.
00:53:40Always in the front row.
00:53:42It's not every day you get a best-selling author in the family.
00:53:44They weren't always.
00:53:46My first two weren't successful.
00:53:48And then I gave Violet magical powers to help children solve their problems.
00:53:52And everything clicked.
00:53:54If only we all had a magical cat.
00:53:59My marriage was struggling and I didn't know how to fix it.
00:54:04So you gave Violet the power to fix problems that you couldn't.
00:54:08Something like that.
00:54:10But now everything has to be a best-seller.
00:54:13You can't please all the people all the time.
00:54:16You gotta write what speaks to you because that's when your voice is the most powerful.
00:54:21At least that's what I hope for when I write my sermons.
00:54:24Well, it's working because you're very well-received.
00:54:26As are your books.
00:54:28I just write what moves us and hopefully our passion comes through for others.
00:54:34That's what I'm missing.
00:54:36I think I've lost my passion.
00:54:38Well, we all do from time to time.
00:54:40But you can get it back.
00:54:44I didn't realize what time it is.
00:54:46I'm sorry. I gotta...
00:54:48No. Go ahead. It's fine.
00:54:50Okay. See you.
00:54:52Nice talking to you.
00:55:02Good morning, Dooley.
00:55:06I put your cereal there on the counter. Help yourself.
00:55:15I gotcha!
00:55:20It was frozen. The whole bowl.
00:55:23Wow. You really stepped up your game. I'm impressed.
00:55:26I can't take all the credit because I found it online, but I got good.
00:55:30Dooley, are you excited to see your grandpa?
00:55:33Yeah. I mean, I love being with Barnabas, but I miss my grandpa.
00:55:38I know everything feels upside down, but that's just for now.
00:55:41Yeah, you'll be together in no time.
00:55:45Nope. You can't see him. No exceptions.
00:55:48You need to be twelve to come into this unit.
00:55:50Sorry. I don't make the rules, but I have to follow them.
00:55:54But it's his grandfather, and it's his only family.
00:55:57See, the thing is, his parents are away in the military. You can't bend the rules just a little bit.
00:56:02Sorry, Tim, but you tell him that Russell is improving every single day. He'll be home soon.
00:56:08He even took a walk by himself to the garden yesterday.
00:56:11So he can leave the unit?
00:56:13For a short period of time, yeah.
00:56:17I have an idea.
00:56:19I'm right there with you.
00:56:24Thank you, Dr. Harper. I haven't seen him this happy in a while.
00:56:28Well, technically, we haven't broken any rules. I mean, they are outside the hospital.
00:56:32And yeah, this will do them both some good.
00:56:35Family always does.
00:56:37You guys will have him back in ten, though, right?
00:56:39You got it, Doc.
00:56:51Thanks for taking me to see Grandpa. Can we do it again?
00:56:56Sure we can.
00:56:58Good night, you two.
00:57:00Good night.
00:57:01You're staying right there.
00:57:02Good night.
00:57:03Good night.
00:57:05Good night, Barnabas.
00:57:06Good night, Barnabas.
00:57:18This hat is way too small for me.
00:57:20That's mine.
00:57:23You have a big head.
00:57:25That means I got a big brain.
00:57:27That jacket looks great on you.
00:57:30The women in this town are not going to know what to do with this dapper dam.
00:57:33Well, thank you for helping me pick it out. I've been needing one for a while.
00:57:37You look like a new man.
00:58:00It's happening, Violet.
00:58:03Your magic is helping someone else.
00:58:27You look not like a priest.
00:58:30Well, today I'm a carpenter.
00:58:33I feel like I'm always fixing things around here.
00:58:35One time in a sermon I hit the lectern so hard that it broke.
00:58:38I bet you that woke up the people in the back pew.
00:58:41Sadly, it did not.
00:58:44So, are you working here all day?
00:58:47I am. I got a lot done this morning, so I'm all good.
00:58:50All good.
00:58:55Do you think maybe that you could lock up for me? Because I've got an appointment that I need to get to.
00:58:59Sure, I can do that.
00:59:00Yeah? I'll just leave the keys in the office, okay?
00:59:18Hey, Al.
00:59:21Listen, thanks for letting me use it, man.
00:59:24Yeah, what's it for anyway?
00:59:26Oh, a surprise for Cynthia.
00:59:30You like this girl.
00:59:31Just trying to be a good neighbor.
00:59:34Thanks, Al.
00:59:54Oh, my gosh.
00:59:56This is incredible.
00:59:58I knew you said you had a guy that was going to do this, but I thought I would have to help.
01:00:02What an unbelievable surprise.
01:00:05I didn't really...
01:00:06Oh, you got everything.
01:00:09How am I ever going to thank you?
01:00:11You don't have to thank me.
01:00:12You know, this is better than I could have ever imagined.
01:00:17Tim, did you see what Jack did? The garden's been transformed.
01:00:21What Jack did? Yeah, well, I mean, Tim helped.
01:00:25You did?
01:00:27Oh, Tim, that is so sweet.
01:00:31Thank you so much.
01:00:32This is the kindest thing that anyone has ever done for me.
01:00:37Yes, very kind.
01:00:39I mean, I want to give Tim credit where credit is due.
01:00:41No, no, no, thank you.
01:00:43But you really seem to have it under control, so I will...
01:00:49I'll let you finish.
01:00:52And I'm more than happy to help you.
01:00:56Yeah, thank you, Jack Emery.
01:00:57Gosh, I have the most beautiful garden in Medford.
01:01:11I'm done, Violet.
01:01:22And if I may toot my own horn...
01:01:25It's pretty darn good.
01:01:40Please tell me you're awake.
01:01:41I was awake, and nothing is waking Julie up. Come on in.
01:01:44I have news, and I wanted to tell you first.
01:01:47An honor I do not take lightly.
01:01:49I finished my book, and I did it for me and nobody else but me.
01:01:53Oh, and Julie. You'll see.
01:01:56This does call for a celebration. Come on.
01:01:59It's just sparkling apple juice, in case Julie was awake.
01:02:02Oh, well, I'll save him some.
01:02:07Tim, I just wanted to say thank you for being such a good friend since I've been here.
01:02:16A friend, yeah.
01:02:19Because that's what friends do.
01:02:21To honoring your own voice.
01:02:35Well, sign us up.
01:02:36So soon?
01:02:37Well, you finished your book. Isn't that what you were waiting for?
01:02:40I guess.
01:02:43Hey, I'm doing a deal in Boston. I'm going to be there in two weeks.
01:02:46This isn't the end.
01:02:47I just had to put the sign up now.
01:02:49I just had to put the sign up now because I've got a conference caller in an hour.
01:02:51But I'll see you later?
01:02:53Oh, I can't. I'm going to the Labor Day party at Howell in Marches.
01:02:57Okay, then I'll have to show the house without you.
01:02:59Show the house? It's not listed.
01:03:01Okay, so maybe I went ahead and listed it.
01:03:04But just to get a jump on the market, and I told everyone we wouldn't show it until you were ready. Right?
01:03:10Okay, I'll leave you at the key.
01:03:31There are the jeans.
01:03:32Well, you said it was a picnic, so I wore my picnic clothes.
01:03:35This place is beautiful.
01:03:37I'll show you around.
01:03:38Sure. Thank you.
01:03:43Oh, hey, Tim. I found out that Barnabas' owner was an old man of Blackstock who passed away.
01:03:49Oh, that's too bad.
01:03:51Does that mean Barnabas is ours? I mean, yours for good?
01:03:56I guess it does. And he is ours. You come by and you play with him anytime you want. Okay?
01:04:13I took down those posters to find Barnabas' owner.
01:04:17I just, I didn't want him to leave.
01:04:24You know, telling the truth takes a lot of courage.
01:04:31And a boy with courage grows up to be a man with courage.
01:04:37Come on.
01:04:41This is the tire swing that I grew up in. We brought it over from the other one.
01:04:45You have horses?
01:04:46Yep. You can ride one if you want. Joker's pretty tame.
01:04:50I don't know how.
01:04:51I can teach you.
01:04:53You ride?
01:04:55God, I keep a running list of all your hidden talents. I just can't keep up.
01:04:59Come on. Let's go ride.
01:05:07You know, dude, riding a horse is about building a bond of trust, just like you have with Barnabas.
01:05:16She's great with Dooley.
01:05:18Oh, yeah. She's great with everyone.
01:05:22Grab hold of the horn. There you go. Put it in there. You've got it.
01:05:27You sure are going to miss her around here.
01:05:35Now, I'm not going to let you fall. But if you do fall, I'll catch you. Because that's what family does.
01:05:42Good job.
01:05:44How's that girl doing?
01:05:46She's going to catch you when you fall.
01:05:48Oh, honey. He's already fallen.
01:05:53You ready to try it by yourself?
01:05:56You look great. Come on.
01:05:59You got it. That was great.
01:06:03Where's your belly? Come on. Where's the ball?
01:06:06Baked or mashed?
01:06:08I'm going to have baked for sure. No doubt about it.
01:06:15Why don't you tell her? I know you want her to stay.
01:06:20It doesn't matter. She doesn't look at me that way.
01:06:23Big city woman, settling in a small town to become a pastor's wife. That story has been told before, and it didn't have a happy ending.
01:06:31You'll never know unless you give her a chance. Take a leap.
01:06:35It's what you're always telling us to do.
01:06:44Come on, everyone.
01:06:48Bedtime, Dooley.
01:06:50Thanks for teaching me how to ride today.
01:06:53Oh, you're welcome. You did great.
01:06:56All right. You go brush your teeth, okay? I'll be there in a sec.
01:06:59Okay. Come on, Barnabus.
01:07:01I'm going to miss that kid.
01:07:03He's going to miss you, too. A lot of us are.
01:07:06Well, you've all become very special to me, too. I understand why my uncle didn't move away. It's hard to leave.
01:07:12But you're still going to.
01:07:14Well, Jack has a few offers on the house. I don't know.
01:07:20I'm sorry. Sorry.
01:07:24What were you saying?
01:07:25It's not important. You go ahead and take the call. I can wait. I'll ask you another time.
01:07:29Okay. I'll see you later.
01:07:30Okay. Bye.
01:07:32Hi, Jack.
01:07:43Hi, James.
01:07:45Cynthia Coppersmith. The best thing you've ever written. Hands down.
01:07:48Now, we have press and promotion to plan. Not to mention they want four more Violet books after this one.
01:07:53That is incredible.
01:07:55It's almost like you found your voice. It's unlike any of the others.
01:07:59Can't quite put my finger on it. But you were right.
01:08:02The change of pace is just what you needed.
01:08:04Now, when are you coming home? I want to sit down and craft a plan.
01:08:08I'm not sure.
01:08:09We'll figure it out. Because Cynthia Coppersmith is back and better than ever.
01:08:13Thanks, James.
01:08:28What do you have there?
01:08:29Ice cream. We have to celebrate.
01:08:31My editor loved my book and they signed me for four more.
01:08:34I'm so happy for you. You deserve this.
01:08:36And you deserve this ice cream.
01:08:38No, really, Tim. I don't think I could have done it without you.
01:08:41Well, then I'll take that gratitude with chocolate sauce and sprinkles.
01:08:48My uncle was wise to come to you for counsel. All of your parishioners are.
01:08:52You have a gift.
01:08:57Is that what you are? A parishioner?
01:09:00That and a friend.
01:09:02I wish I could repay you.
01:09:05No need. That's the job I signed on for.
01:09:10I can't wait to read your book.
01:09:12Do you want to hear some?
01:09:13I would love that.
01:09:16Young Dooley felt alone. His parents were away. His grandfather was ill.
01:09:22And he wasn't sure where he belonged.
01:09:25Then in walked Violet.
01:09:27The magic cat.
01:09:29And his whole life changed.
01:09:31It's about Dooley.
01:09:33And you, the kind priest who comes in and saves us all.
01:09:39Russell, Dooley, Barnabas, me.
01:09:46But you'll have to wait until it's published to read the rest.
01:09:49Well, I can't wait.
01:09:52How much longer for the paintings, do you think?
01:09:56I'll finish the last section today and then I'll be out of your hair.
01:09:59I'm sure it'll be a welcome change to be rid of your nosy neighbor watching all the comings and goings of your house.
01:10:06There aren't that many.
01:10:07Other than the occasional casserole being dropped off.
01:10:10Yeah, and the, I don't know who she is, the,
01:10:16Yeah, and the, I don't know who she is, the,
01:10:20your girlfriend.
01:10:22Why would you think I have a girlfriend?
01:10:24Well, the pretty, mysterious woman that comes by.
01:10:27I've never seen her around town, so I just assumed.
01:10:32I can't really say too much about that. I don't mean to be evasive.
01:10:36But she's not.
01:10:37No, she's not.
01:10:45There you are.
01:10:46I've been looking for you.
01:10:47Why aren't you answering your phone?
01:10:48Oh, I'm sorry. I've been busy painting all morning.
01:10:53Anyway, good news.
01:10:54We've got a buyer for the house.
01:10:56We have multiple offers, over-asking.
01:10:58There's no way you can turn that down.
01:10:59This will truly honor your uncle's memory.
01:11:03So, that's that.
01:11:06Yeah, that's that.
01:11:09Hey, Hal.
01:11:10Hey, hey.
01:11:11The patient is ready for his shots.
01:11:14Oh, there he is.
01:11:16There he is.
01:11:18You know, I'm so glad he decided to adopt you.
01:11:21You two are a good pair.
01:11:23I guess we are stuck with each other, eh, buddy?
01:11:25Just you and me, one of us.
01:11:28Only you two?
01:11:30Well, and Dooley, of course.
01:11:33No one else.
01:11:34No one else.
01:11:35Well, and Dooley, of course.
01:11:37No one else.
01:11:40She sold her house, Hal.
01:11:41She's going back to Boston.
01:11:43And you're just gonna let her?
01:11:44Let her?
01:11:46What am I supposed to do?
01:11:47Well, for a start, you could tell her how you feel.
01:11:50Ask her how she feels.
01:11:52She's told me how she feels several times.
01:11:54I'm a friend, and I've offered good counsel.
01:11:57And like I said, this story has been told before.
01:12:00Well, then you need to rewrite the ending.
01:12:03Are you a vet or a therapist?
01:12:07Well, you're not the only one around here who gets to tell people what to do.
01:12:14Tim, if I've learned anything from you over the years, it's...
01:12:20You gotta have a little faith.
01:12:24Come on, you.
01:12:27Let's go.
01:12:33Let's go.
01:12:45These shelves are gonna look so empty without all his books.
01:12:50I know, Violet.
01:12:52I'm having a hard time packing up, too.
01:13:03I mean, we could go to these old clubs if you just like.
01:13:06Yeah, hit balls.
01:13:07You could, but I probably wouldn't recommend it.
01:13:11Hey there.
01:13:13I brought macaroni and cheese with bacon.
01:13:16Homemade, so it's probably terrible.
01:13:18No, it's the thought that counts.
01:13:20That's right.
01:13:21Russell, you look great.
01:13:23I feel great.
01:13:25I'm just glad to be at home again with this guy.
01:13:28But we'll still see each other.
01:13:30This guy.
01:13:31But we'll still spend lots of time together, right?
01:13:33You, me, and Barnabas?
01:13:34Yeah, and Miss Coppersmith.
01:13:36Of course, for as long as I'm still here.
01:13:39Can't thank the two of you enough for everything you've done.
01:13:43My pleasure.
01:13:44No problem at all.
01:13:50Go over and say thank you.
01:13:52I just...
01:13:56Grandpa said I should say thank you.
01:14:06I'm gonna go put this on the table.
01:14:17Faith, my friend.
01:14:24Come on, let's go!
01:14:25So, I found out who that woman is that's been visiting Tim.
01:14:28Her name's Olivia Davenport, and she is from Wesley.
01:14:31That explains why I've never seen her around town.
01:14:34Turns out that she's just having marital problems, and he's helping her talk it through.
01:14:39Just like he helps everyone.
01:14:41One of the reasons why he's our most eligible bachelor.
01:14:46And looks like he's off the hook with Sally.
01:14:48Well, good for Sally.
01:14:50Every pot deserves its lid.
01:14:52And I'm glad she has hers.
01:14:54Every pot?
01:14:56Well, maybe I've already had my lid, and that's all I get.
01:15:00I don't think that's true.
01:15:02Look, he's not interested in any of them.
01:15:05Have you seen the way he looks at you?
01:15:08It does always feel like he wants to say something to me, but he never does.
01:15:13Maybe he will now.
01:15:15Can I talk to you?
01:15:19Father Tim, can you come for dinner on Friday? My niece from...
01:15:22I'm sorry, Mrs. Shipley. I'm not going to be able to do that. Thank you.
01:15:26Tim, what is it?
01:15:29I'm going to follow my own advice, and I'm going to take a leap of faith.
01:15:39Sorry about that, bud.
01:15:42Well, I didn't get the girl.
01:15:47But at least I got the deal.
01:16:01I have to catch my breath. I'm sorry.
01:16:12So, what happened? Tell me everything.
01:16:14Oh, what's to tell, Marge? You saw what happened.
01:16:17Yeah, everybody saw.
01:16:20So, have you seen him?
01:16:23Not since yesterday.
01:16:24Well, what are you going to do?
01:16:26I don't know.
01:16:28Well, how do you feel about him?
01:16:31I just don't think we fit.
01:16:32Why would you say that?
01:16:34Well, he's a priest, and I'm me.
01:16:36He is not looking for a saint. He's looking for his person.
01:16:40Besides, after everything he did for your garden...
01:16:43You mean what he and Jack did.
01:16:46Look, Jack is really good at taking credit. Not so good at taking action.
01:16:53The garden was all Tim.
01:16:55All Tim.
01:16:57Look, he is the whole package, and you are his person.
01:17:07Jack, you can come pick up the sign. I'm not selling.
01:17:11Look, there is no use in trying to give the hard sell. I have made up my mind.
01:17:16All right, Jack. You take care.
01:17:24So, you closed escrow?
01:17:28No, I... I canceled escrow.
01:17:33Looks like you're not getting rid of your nosy neighbor after all.
01:17:36Whose garden? You redid it by yourself.
01:17:41You know about that?
01:17:42Yeah, I know about that.
01:17:45And you're not going home?
01:17:48I am home.
01:17:51It just took me a while to realize it.
01:17:54I can't say I'm disappointed to hear that.
01:17:58I am thankful.
01:18:01And I apologize.
01:18:03You apologize? For what?
01:18:07From the moment I got here, you saw me. You made me feel like the woman I used to be.
01:18:13I have changed.
01:18:15I had closed up shop after my husband left, and you opened it.
01:18:21But for some reason, I couldn't see you. I mean, I did, but as a priest.
01:18:29And not as the incredible kitsch that every woman in this town knows you are.
01:18:36But I won't make that mistake again.
01:18:38Well, you better not. I am a kitsch.
01:18:41And you're caught.
01:19:07So, it's a beautiful day. You want to go for a ride through our fair town?
01:19:17I'm yours, but I'm driving.
