• 2 weeks ago
Lina, a Vilnius morgue medic who becomes fascinated by the mysterious disappearance of a sailor named Vilkas. Her obsess | dG1fTTV3YXhWRHhoenM
00:00This film was made with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
00:04and the Russian Film Institute.
00:06The film was made with the support of the Russian Film Institute.
00:09The Wolf of Seoul
00:19The Wolf of Seoul
00:22Your husband
00:24She came to meet her husband
00:26And she met him
00:27But I think she fell in love
00:29This is Lina, I'm calling you because of the Wolf of Seoul
00:32I know you're taking her
00:34I'd like to meet her and talk to her
00:39It's you
00:40And you?
00:42And me
00:43Are you Lina or Alina?
00:49Let's go
00:51I found her, I think
00:53Always in the same place, always punctual, almost invisible
00:58What do you want?
00:59To explain
01:01Kun came and said that the Wolf of Seoul showed his face
01:05I'm curious
01:06Come here
01:13I work in a morgue
01:17Do you like it?
01:19Yes, I do
01:23I love you, I love you so much
