• 2 days ago
Max Original drama series. | dHNzX2pRUEFkTzRBQVlJ


00:00There's an urban legend going around that I sewed up the finger of our costume designer.
00:04I'm not going to confirm or deny that.
00:10Hi, I'm Siobhan Rizzi from the new Max Original Series, The Pit, and I'm going to be answering some questions.
00:16Oh. Any hidden talents?
00:20I can do this with my tongue.
00:23I used to sell rhythm sticks in a market in Honolulu.
00:28So I can take two sticks and a third stick and I can flip it up and I can do a bunch of tricks.
00:33I'm really profoundly good at it.
00:36It's deeply helpful for my career.
00:38Biggest pet peeve?
00:39In L.A. people don't pick up their dog mess.
00:42I've got a menagerie of pet peeves.
00:44I've got Noah's fucking ark full of pet peeves.
00:48If I was a doctor in real life, what would my specialty be?
00:52Golf. A lot of doctors are really good at golf.
00:55If I got my own crap together, I could be a good therapist.
00:59I think at this point I have to say emergency medicine.
01:06If you had to pick an actor on the show to operate on you, who would it be?
01:09Siobhan because I love her.
01:11If I don't say Supriya she'll be mad at me, but probably Noah because he's done it for years.
01:15Noah Wiley, obviously.
01:17Sometimes we all feel like maybe he's a doctor.
01:20Our costume designer who'd worked with him before had her stitches done by Noah.
01:24There's an urban legend going around that I sewed up the finger of our costume designer.
01:29I'm not going to confirm or deny that.
01:31If you weren't an actor, what would you be? A lawyer.
01:34I once got a refund on a camcorder because I knew about the EU law.
01:39They had to provide repairs on the item for six years.
01:43I learned to be one of the wildfire fighters that jumped out of the plane and into the wildfire.
01:48My dad is a paramedic, my mom is an ER nurse.
01:51I like to tell people that I was conceived in a state of emergency and I've lived there ever since.
01:55Ever broken a bone? Only thankfully minor bones.
01:58I've broken both pinkies, broke one rib and a toe.
02:03I was a long jump champion at school.
02:05I was practicing in my living room.
02:07I was like, I'm going to do this.
02:08Then I came down on my toe and I just heard crunch.
02:10I have never broken a bone, I've never injured myself.
02:12I've never even sprained an ankle.
02:13Last text message?
02:15It's to Shabana, I say, where are you? With seven U's.
02:21Supriya was like, you have to text me before you go into the interview so that I'm your last text message.
02:25But she's my second to last, so I guess just not Supriya is what I'm saying.
02:28We had a pit Halloween party.
02:30I went as a giant inflatable chicken.
02:33Kristen, who plays Princess on the show, is asking to borrow my chicken head for an audition.
02:38I said, oh my God, of course.
02:40The head doesn't work alone because the whole thing is a onesie, but that's freaking insane.
02:44Oh, I'm afraid to go down here. What's down here?
02:47Apparently there are questions here, okay.
02:52Sorry, mate.
02:53Favorite home remedy?
02:55If I have a cold, a hot toddy works.
02:58Maybe it doesn't make the cold better, but it makes me feel better.
03:00I'll make ginger ice cubes.
03:02Get ginger, peel it, blend it, ice cubes in the freezer.
03:05And then whenever you're sick, just put it in hot water and then bish bash bosh, you're better.
03:08I'm Filipino. We put Bix VapoRub on everything.
03:12That will cure all.
03:14Well, thank you for watching.
03:16Sir, I'm so sorry. It seems you've lost all of your organs.
03:20But we can figure it out.
