• 2 weeks ago
Max Original drama series. | dHNzX2w5V1RBZ3I3Ynln


00:00I would love to do the intubation in real life
00:02because I'm so good at it on fake dummies.
00:08Can I say all of them?
00:10I feel like everybody's gonna say suturing,
00:11so I don't want to say suturing.
00:13Probably becoming really good at sutures.
00:14I want to get so good that, you know,
00:16if someone gets a cut on my face,
00:17they're gonna be like, oh, yeah, Supriya.
00:20Supriya can fix that.
00:23We started casting Harry Potter, but without cast.
00:25We haven't decided on me yet.
00:27Somebody said Harry at one point, and I took offense.
00:30One of them was during boot camp
00:32when I was learning how to do the CPR,
00:35and they played Staying Alive
00:37because it's like, that's the beat to it.
00:39We all just decided that we weren't gonna do CPR.
00:41We were gonna, like, have a dance-off competition.
00:44What we often do is there are swivel chairs everywhere.
00:48We kind of like to put our stomachs on them
00:52and kind of turtle around.
00:55Embarrassingly, a lot of Taylor Swift.
00:57Maybe that's not embarrassing.
00:59Proudly, a lot of Taylor Swift.
01:01Love, love, love Nathaniel Bassey.
01:02He has a song called You Were Mighty.
01:06Anything by Travis Green, intentional.
01:09Just phenomenal songs, because they remind me
01:11that you can do anything, and that there's a plan
01:13and a purpose for your life.
01:14You just have to keep trusting and kind of have faith
01:17that it is gonna work out.
01:19Just keep showing up.
01:20And doing your best, and that's all you can do.