Eial Moldavsky, hijo del humorista Roberto Moldavsky, se encuentra en el centro de la controversia tras realizar comentarios sobre un supuesto encuentro con la cantante Lali Espósito. En un intento por aclarar la situación, Moldavsky ofreció disculpas públicas a través de las redes sociales, afirmando que sus declaraciones fueron inventadas para llenar tiempo en un programa de streaming. Este incidente resalta el impacto de la cultura de la cancelación en los medios digitales y cómo figuras públicas enfrentan las consecuencias de sus palabras.
00:00After the controversy and scandal over the words of Eyal Moldavsky about a alleged meeting with Lali Espósito, the son of the comedian apologized on social media.
00:13I come to offer some public apologies that I think the situation does not deserve, also perhaps a little context on my part, but above all to apologize, which I think is the most important.
00:24First of all, clarify that at no time did I refer to Lali. The story is completely false in the framework of feeding the air of a program, of a slogan, and where one runs the risk of saying a lot of nonsense, and here is a person saying nonsense.
00:40The truth is that it ended up being canceled and he is not the first to suffer it. Last year on the streaming program, My Cousin Is Like That, he surprised with a peculiar living perseverance, but the one who was left in the eye of the storm was Tomás Kirchner, who dressed as a child Jesus.
00:57Continuing with Toto, he had already been canceled previously for some sayings about Pepito Cibrián.
01:05Let's go to Pepe Cibrián's last publication, and we're going to put him in the orin.
01:13He is obviously very distressed that they tell him that he cannot have a son or a daughter, whatever. Then he tells Susana.
01:22Susana, there is a five-year-old girl who sucks your dick for two pesos. And I, with my partner, who we want to give her a home, we are questioned, Susana. So I ask you.
01:40But you asked me.
01:42Susana Jiménez, what do you prefer?
01:45No, where is Tania?
01:48Or Pepe?
01:49No, Pepe, Pepe.
01:50But the cancellations are not only related to streaming.
01:54Azaro was canceled twice for some statements he made on TV.
01:58On one occasion, he was at the center of the controversy for a series of discriminatory and out-of-place comments about the homophobic attack suffered by an inclusive bar.
02:10But what does it mean?
02:12I can't go?
02:14Yes, obviously you can go.
02:16That's what I wanted to know.
02:18The idea is that it is inclusive for the community, but you can go in and have coffee.
02:22I can go in. I like women. I can go.
02:26On another occasion, he questioned what happened with a rape in Manada to a girl in Palermo.
02:33Gustavo, but if you wanted to, you wanted to drug yourself, and at some point you wanted ...
02:39You can do whatever you want, but that does not allow you to be raped by a group of beasts.
02:44I'm asking you something else, Gustavo. How do you evaluate?
02:47Let's suppose that the girl at some point wanted to have sex with some of them.
02:51She was unable to give her consent. She was incapable at that time.
02:55And they can say the same thing. I was also drugged, and I was unable to understand if she was drugged or not drugged as I was.
03:01No, because she was defenseless, and they knew perfectly well what she was doing.
03:04And some famous people, such as Darío Barassi and Santi Maratea, asked for their cancellation.
03:10There are people who should not be in the media. Really.
03:14I am one of them for some, because I can fall for them and it is valid.
03:19But I speak of objectivity, of people whose opinions or nefarious speculations cannot be disseminated.
03:27Hey, I'm going to ask a question, and try not to see it as a mess, but as a serious question that needs an answer.
03:34Why is Azaro still working in the media?
03:38If we go to the field of networks, Martín Sirio suffered a cancellation and was denounced by Apologia a la Pedofilia for some tweets from many years ago.
03:49Then he was acquitted by justice.
03:52Natti J had to apologize after being canceled by racist and discriminatory tweets.
04:00The actors Juan D'Artés and Fabián Llanola were canceled for their causes of sexual abuse, although the latter was acquitted by justice.
04:09Jimena Barón suffered a cancellation for her controversial poster of the song P***.
04:15Without going any further, Jay Mamon, after the denunciation for the abuse of Lucas Benvenuto, was also canceled.
04:22The culture of cancellation promotes withdrawing support from people as a consequence of certain comments or actions.
04:31But does it really achieve its goal?
04:36Well, although the last cases of Bolonqui were in the streaming, as Laura says, they were also broadcast on TV, as you may have seen, and in music, and in several other cases.
04:47But it's true what Laura says, the last ones were in the streaming.
04:51What seems more ridiculous to me, I said it a little yesterday, are the false apologies.
04:54If you apologized, you apologized for real.
04:56And the unbelievable apologies, because Lali stopped following him, Rosenblatt stopped following him, he stopped following Natti J, who was in the middle too.
05:03But hey, it's obvious that Lali can feel offended by the words of the program.
05:08But hey, they can also fix it among themselves.
05:11Let's talk to Feyman. What do you say, Feyman?
05:13What's up? What's up?
05:15They disgust me. Disgust.
05:17Of course.
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05:35Could you see what happened around a streaming where a driver, Eyal Moldavsky, made some comments to Lali?
05:43Did he talk about a relationship he had had? Tell me a little about the intimacy too, right?
05:49What happens to you when you hear this, when you see that the streaming world talks about certain topics with lightness, that a controversy is generated around it?
05:56Yes. I heard something like they apologized later, right?
06:01They apologized later, yes.
06:03He and a certain Natti J.
06:05Natti J.
06:07You don't really know her?
06:10I met her one day, they interviewed me there in Olga, I met her there.
06:14I don't know, what they did with Lali seemed totally out of place to me.
06:19It disgusts me.
06:21And it's a little gentleman, really.
06:24To say what he said, a little gentleman.
06:27Later, when he apologized, he mentioned that, well, it was actually an invented story, it was not something real.
06:34It was like to fulfill and complete lost time that was left there because we did not have a topic or something like that, he said.
06:40But the story he told was real, because he told specific things about Lali, his colleagues named her.
06:46There was no one to stop this situation at the table, I say.
06:49I reiterate, it disgusts me, a little gentleman.
06:52It seems to me a little man, a little gentleman.
06:55They are things that are not done.
06:58They are not done, they are not done.
07:00I don't know.
07:01I think he is a fourth-rate philosopher.
07:03A psychologist came out a little while ago on a radio show and mentioned that he also found it violent.
07:08That it was violence against a woman.
07:12That's very violent.
07:13A man has no memory.
07:16I don't know, my grandparents used to tell me.
07:19I don't know.
07:20A man has no memory.
07:22I also believe that a woman does not have to have a memory, right?
07:24This thing of counting by the means, how was your relationship, what did you do, what didn't you do.
07:30It seems that many values have been lost in key society.
07:35Are apologies enough in a situation like this?
07:40And you just named Ana Tijota, who is a girl who always carries the flag of feminism and who has stayed.
07:47I also asked her, well, how was it, were you intimate, were you not intimate?
07:51She forgot.
07:52There it seems to me that she forgot.
07:54Did you feel that she forgot?
07:55She forgot, yes.
07:56She pretended to be crazy.
07:58They had to close the comments on their networks.
08:01She had to block all the comments they had made because the followers criticized this situation a lot and repudiated it a lot.
08:09Do you think there is a wave of cancellations or that this does not happen because it is a cancellation or not?
08:15Or that there is a wave of cancellations?
08:17If not, it's okay for a comment like that to be repudiated.
08:19It gives me the feeling that they have been making mistakes systematically, right?
08:22In that streaming channel.
08:24They did it with the Perseverance.
08:27With Perseverance.
08:29Of course, that's why they have been making mistakes.
08:34Well, ugly, they disgust me, they have been making mistakes for a while, with several examples.
08:37We went to look for Coco Silly.
08:40To see what Coco Silly thinks.
08:42What will he say? Weird.
08:44The vertigo of so many hours of talking ahead.
08:47Can you say something like that or does it show that there was something wrong?
08:51It seems to me that you can't say goodbye.
08:55Wasn't that Coco?
08:58Other eyes, other eyes.
09:01That's Pergolinia. We already asked Pergolinia, I don't know, until the Constitution.
09:05We have 100 Pergolinia issues.
09:08Are you okay with him or not?
09:13There is something that Feynman said that he is right and there we have to blame ourselves, women.
09:17Because it is always funny when a woman is asked if she dated a celebrity, the celebrity counts and tells details.
09:23How many celebrities did we see who became famous?
09:26From the relationships with celebrities.
09:27So there we also have to say, well, it's not good to talk about the intimacy of a man either.
09:33Yes, it's true, it's true.
09:35But hey, it's like a habit.
09:38Being a woman doesn't mean being smart or being loud or not looking to be media.
09:43There are women and women.
09:46But I'm saying something else, I'm saying that many times it is taken with grace when a woman is asked.
09:51You had to tell the song.
09:52When the intimacy of the man is exposed.
09:54When the size is exposed.
09:55But stop it.
09:56But if the woman doesn't want to expose herself.
09:59I don't remember having participated in that year's conversations.
10:01How not?
10:02I don't want to hear it.
10:03Here Marix and Nazareno told us the whole story and we didn't say anything.
10:06Yes, but at the same time.
10:07The chupadas of Matilda.
10:09Yes, exactly, thanks.
10:10The chupadas of Matilda.
10:11But why?
10:12But there Matilda got out.
10:14She laughed a lot.
10:16She was doing part.
10:17But that's why she became famous.
10:20But he didn't bother her later.
10:22We didn't know if he bothered her or not.
10:26In the case of Lali, we know that it bothers her.
10:30It is clear that it bothered her.
10:31But there you are talking about a sexual action.
10:33Normally I don't usually agree with Feynman, but at that point it seems to me that he was right.
10:39It seems to me that this is from another time.
10:41Before it was much more common to listen to the girls who wanted to become famous,
10:46to talk about well-known men who had been.
10:49For me the problem is not the anecdote, but the details, the form.
10:56I mean, I was with a famous woman.
10:58We all know that Lali is very different.
11:00With many details and they were not positive details of a relationship.
11:03He talks about a sexual relationship, practically.
11:05He talks about everything that happened in one night.
11:09He even says that he involved a woman.
11:11Supposedly now it is a fantasy.
11:13He invented it.
11:16He involves her in a whole story.
11:18There is no mutual consent for the story.
11:20If it were a lie, it doesn't matter because they made her look like Lali.
11:23They pass the subject, they say the name.
11:25He doesn't say.
11:28It is clear.
11:29Everyone stopped following the doubts.
11:30But well, let's see what Coco Silly says.
11:35Well, Coco.
11:37Something that happened in a streaming with Eyal Moldavsky was made public.
11:40He talked about the intimacy with Lali.
11:42And we want to know your opinion because you always made the man's category.
11:46You are a person who has a fairly decisive opinion about this.
11:49Yes, but I don't know much about the story because I don't know the boy who said it well.
11:53I know he is Moldavsky's son, whom I appreciate.
11:56But it seems to me that he was wrong.
11:58It seems to me that he is wrong.
12:00It seems to me that this is what is happening in the streaming lately.
12:03Where there are no limits.
12:05And more and more people are stumbling.
12:10Because they are leaving.
12:12Or maybe, as I don't watch the streaming a lot.
12:14Maybe they compete with each other.
12:16To see who plays it the most.
12:18And that takes you to a place.
12:20You can't.
12:22Everything about my age.
12:24Whoever you do.
12:25Those who are my age and the neighborhood.
12:27They are going to tell you that those things are not done.
12:30And if they are going to look for you.
12:32And the father of that girl.
12:34Or the boyfriend of that girl.
12:36You have to beat him.
12:38There is no other way.
12:39That's not said.
12:40I understand the deconstruction.
12:42I participate in the deconstruction.
12:44I know that Lali or any woman can defend herself.
12:47But you say that about my daughter.
12:49Or my partner.
12:51And I'm going to look for you.
12:52That's not right.
12:53That's not right.
12:54They have to take care of themselves.
12:55To protect themselves.
12:56You see?
12:57Because really.
12:58I don't know if it's because they are leaving.
13:00Or why.
13:01Because I don't consume a lot of streaming.
13:03But it's not good to tell that.
13:05Not even from a man.
13:06A woman from a man.
13:08A gentleman doesn't have to have a memory.
13:10A gentleman doesn't have to have a memory.
13:12He has to have.
13:13Save certain codes.
13:14You see?
13:15It's not said.
13:16From an ex-partner.
13:17Nothing that has to do with intimacy.
13:19And the woman is the same.
13:20It's like a woman says.
13:26A micropenis.
13:27Or I don't know.
13:28Something like that.
13:30I don't know.
13:31I don't know.
13:32That's a decision of.
13:33Of those involved.
13:34Especially of.
13:35Of her.
13:37To whom I want.
13:38I admire.
13:39I respect.
13:40And she will decide.
13:41What she has to do.
13:43This debate is not going to end.
13:44It never seems.
13:46Because I don't remember.
13:47Cocosili contributed.
13:48To say that.
13:58The majority, I don't know.
13:59Which is when you.
14:00Talk directly about a.
14:02Pass by.
14:06And to.
14:07I like that or.
14:08What or.
14:09What he.
14:11Lower me.
14:13I'd know.
14:15I'm not talking.
14:20Your favorite.
14:21The organic.
14:23Electricity that.
14:25Where or.
14:27Do you want me to introduce you?
14:29No, no, no.
14:31And the sea lions.