• yesterday
El caso de Elías Pichirilo se intensifica con nuevas revelaciones que podrían llevar a su detención inminente. En una cena el 17 de enero, un informante clave proporcionó detalles comprometedores sobre un operativo policial irregular en Buenos Aires. Se sospecha que Pichirilo orquestó la detención de Francisco Auque y su esposa para evitar devolver seis millones de dólares. La investigación también podría implicar a varios policías tras el hallazgo de drogas y armas. Este escándalo promete más sorpresas mientras las autoridades continúan desentrañando la trama.


00:00There are some news about Elias Pichirilo and Jessica Sirio.
00:04Be careful with this topic, because it's much heavier than it is so far.
00:09When Marina Luis opens the secret of her Mario.
00:14Ah, what may appear there.
00:18Do not rule out some testimonies that incriminate the couple.
00:23For now, we put a cloak of mercy.
00:26There are details of what was that dinner on January 17 in the duo.
00:29Compromising details, Luis.
00:31Yes, because there was an informant in that place, in that space,
00:34who was the one who dated precisely ...
00:37There were three vehicles, two patrol cars and a white Audi,
00:41where there were two people who were receiving the information.
00:45Apparently, Pichirilo's calls should calm Dr. Cafarella,
00:52who said that at no time Pichirilo had established telephone contact with his wife.
00:59With Sirio.
01:00With Sirio, which is why it does not appear in any part of the complaint and the investigation.
01:05According to what has transcended, Pichirilo in less than a week could be in the shadows.
01:11The same ...
01:12Sorry, what did you say, Luis?
01:14That Pichirilo in less than a week, according to how the statements and the data are developing,
01:20there is an informant in all this, who is giving precisions,
01:24and half of the police would also be impeached directly,
01:28from the appearance of drugs and also of a weapon.
01:32So what you are contributing is that it could be imminent,
01:35the arrest of Elias Pichirilo,
01:37for having orchestrated this operation through the police of the city,
01:42absolutely irregular, which led to the arrest of Francisco Auque and his wife,
01:47to avoid returning the famous six ...
01:50They are not Lucas, the six green sticks.
01:52Of course, the six green sticks.
01:54Exactly the same.
01:56Shocking information brought by Ventura, then ...
02:00This is just beginning.
02:02Yes, this is just beginning.
02:03We did not see anything about the Pichirilo-Sirio issue.
02:08Fourteen, twenty-eight, thirty-five degrees, temperature in the city of Buenos Aires,
02:13forty-four, four.
