• 2 days ago
La inseguridad en Merlo, Buenos Aires, ha alcanzado niveles alarmantes con el aumento del 18% en robos de motos y automotores. Un reciente incidente en la calle Rawson expone la violencia de estos delitos, donde dos individuos armados asaltaron a un motociclista. Las motos robadas suelen ser revendidas ilegalmente en plataformas como Marketplace, exponiendo a los compradores a nuevos riesgos. La policía local y la Bonaerense están bajo presión para abordar esta creciente ola delictiva que afecta tanto a trabajadores como al comercio local.


00:00But it's the insecurity. And this is Merlo, Gustavo Merlo.
00:02Telephone for Lieutenant Menendez, who has been like this for a long time.
00:07At some point, his sister was there too.
00:11Look, there's a motorcyclist who gets stuck.
00:17We're talking about Rausson Street, between Pizarro and Curapaligüe.
00:22And it's not a good idea to get stuck between Rausson and Curapaligüe
00:28in Pizarro, in the San Martín park, in the Merlo area.
00:32Because two people come with white weapons,
00:36and they hit you and say, take the motorcycle.
00:39This happened last night.
00:42Look, there it is.
00:43Two people come down, they see him on top of the motorcycle,
00:47they pass a little, and there he puts the tip directly on his neck.
00:52Then he's going to make a little cut, and they throw him to the floor,
00:56and they steal the motorcycle, the motorcycle with which that boy worked.
01:02Because they're not just stealing some material from you,
01:05they're stealing your place of work.
01:08Because the motorcycle, for these guys, is their place of work.
01:12The possibility of carrying bread, if they have a small child,
01:15for the family table, or for their own expenses.
01:19This situation of motorcycle and car theft is incredible.
01:23We've been telling Luis all day, I brought you the graph,
01:25showing how it has grown by 18% in these months,
01:29but it seems that the police, in this case,
01:32the Merlo neighborhood and the Bonaerense have acted,
01:36as well as in other areas of the urban core,
01:39this is really exploded.
01:42Motorcycle theft also grew in the city of Buenos Aires.
01:46Of course, but help me with the issue of motorcycle theft.
01:49Are they resold or are they dispossessed?
01:52No, they're usually resold.
01:54There's a place called Marketplace,
01:56where all the stolen material is resold.
02:00People have to be very careful,
02:02because sometimes they see a motorcycle like this,
02:04and they're offering it to you for 300,000 pesos,
02:08and they go to the meeting,
02:10and when they're going to do the operation,
02:12they steal from them again.
02:15Thieves not only steal your motorcycle,
02:17but they also offer it to a certain value,
02:22and in Marketplace, generally,
02:24when you go to buy it, you say,
02:26look, what a cheap motorcycle,
02:28the cheap motorcycle always comes out expensive
02:30in principle because someone stole it,
02:32because it could be a matter of blood,
02:34and because that can happen to you,
02:36that you took the 300, 400,000 pesos
02:38to buy a motorcycle that may be worth a million,
02:40and you were left without the motorcycle
02:42and without the money because they also rob you.
