00:00We're just hearing, in fact, the Ukrainian president has said, quote, last Friday's meeting
00:04with Donald Trump was regrettable, and it, quote, did not go the way it was supposed
00:09to go.
00:10I mean, that sounds like an apology, regret.
00:15Is that likely to have the desired effect?
00:17Is that likely to bring about a reconsidering of this opinion by the U.S. President Donald
00:26I think an apology has some weight, some value, but quite frankly, in the geostrategic realities
00:32and open combat, it has really little relevance.
00:35What matters is that Zelensky came to D.C., there was every expectation that a deal was
00:41going to get set that would put the United States and Ukraine on track for an alignment
00:45of interest in an enduring way that would include security assurances over time, maybe
00:51not explicit in the treaty.
00:52That clearly was what Zelensky was hoping, but that was beyond political potentials
00:58in D.C. right now.
01:01His behavior in the White House really set things back unnecessarily, but back in Kyiv
01:06now in the last day, we're seeing positive movement by their own parliament signaling
01:11that they acknowledge Trump's interest in a fair peace treaty.