👉 Una familia fue víctima de un violento robo en Buenos Aires tras asistir a una entrevista de trabajo. Cuatro delincuentes armados los abordaron, llevándose su auto y pertenencias, dejando un profundo trauma emocional.
"Se ve que vienen delinquiendo"
👉 Una familia fue víctima de un violento robo en Buenos Aires tras asistir a una entrevista de trabajo. Cuatro delincuentes armados los abordaron, llevándose su auto y pertenencias, dejando un profundo trauma emocional.
"Se ve que vienen delinquiendo"
00:00I don't know if you can see it, but I'm going to show you a little bit of what's going on here.
00:10I don't know if you can see it, but I'm going to show you a little bit of what's going on here.
00:20I don't know if you can see it, but I'm going to show you a little bit of what's going on here.
00:30I don't know if you can see it, but I'm going to show you a little bit of what's going on here.
00:40Fortunately, when they commit this type of theft, they are identified.
00:49Because there you can see the face perfectly of the criminal who is with the gun and who was one of those who participated in this theft of this car to this family where Paula Wilberger is.
01:00I think Paula Wilberger is working at the Paula Buendia 24 place. How are you?
01:06How are you? I'm with the victims, the protagonists of this nightmare, Maria and Alejandro.
01:13They are already listening to them because they recognized the people who assaulted them.
01:19It was really a terrible moment that they lived because their children were also in the back of the car.
01:25They even tried to hit the girl several times in the head.
01:29Maria was told to get out of the car now because if they didn't, they would shoot her in the face.
01:34A really desperate situation. The car doesn't show up, the criminals don't show up either.
01:38But yes, they hang out on social media above their car. They are already listening to them.
01:43Hello Maria, I send you a big hug. First, how can we help you?
01:50Hello, good morning. The truth is that it is very kind of you to have invited us again because yesterday we already made a note with the same channel.
01:59The truth is that we had a desperate moment. It was a second.
02:06We went in search of work with my husband, with my daughter and my seven-year-old daughter, my fourteen-year-old daughter.
02:13And well, four armed criminals appeared to us like piranhas and they stole what little we had.
02:22My wallet with thirty-five thousand pesos, the car and well, and the great trauma that remains in the head of my child, of my child and of us.
02:34That we will never forget in life.
02:36I imagine, you Alejandro, one day you were going for a job offer because a job offer had been published, right?
02:43Good morning. Yes, yes, yes. A job offer had been published, which I applied for.
02:50I went to the interview, I left with great expectations of the interview and suddenly, in a matter of seconds, the world came down on me.
02:57Because not so much for the material, but for the moment and for the situation that they wanted to leave and it did not matter that they were the creatures and they wanted to take the creature up.
03:07They wanted to take it in the car and it was forcibly and that they trigger the gun, both to my family, to me, to the creatures and I desperately wanted to get the creature out of the car.
03:19I did not want them to take the creature.
03:21The truth is that it was a moment ...
03:23Of course, I imagine. The job interview existed, it was effectively, you did the interview and you still have expectations.
03:29Yes, I did the interview, I did the interview, I left with the best expectations.
03:33They were waiting for me outside, at the door of the place and suddenly, in the light of the afternoon, at four in the afternoon, in the middle of Camino Cintura,
03:42in a lot of traffic, because that area is very busy, these delinquents appeared, which left another car that they had already been delinquenting.
03:53You can see that car, because they left a car, a Pario, a Pario, a white Siena, new, they left that car and took ours.
04:00Even in the car they left, there were toys of children, small children, as if they had attacked other families.
04:09And how do you find out, Alejandro, Maria, of the existence of this video, where they go to glory of having stolen the car?
04:20Because, luckily, my wife's cell phone, I had it in my younger son.
04:25Out of fright, he hid it in his pocket, then we were able to rescue him.
04:31And she automatically uploaded photos of the car, in the groups there, around, where it was done.
04:39In the room, in Olimpo, in Trasradio.
04:43And, automatically, we got millions of videos, millions of comments from the neighbors, who already know him, they have marked them,
04:52who are tired of the robberies, but, unfortunately, they can not do anything, because if they report, they have problems with the same guys in the house.
05:01And there, one of the neighbors told me, look, they are uploading videos, celebrating, showing this car.
05:08It may be your car, he tells me.
05:10And yes, it was the video of our car, that they were going to, as they were celebrating the achievement they obtained.
05:18Enlarged because they had stolen the car from you.
05:21This is what is done, show it, so that the rest of the, in quotation marks, colleagues say, look at this, how good.
05:28They robbed the car of Alejandro and Maria.
05:31And how does it go on? As soon as the neighbors tell you, how does it go on?
05:37We go, well, the fact happened, they take us to the third police station in Trasradio.
05:42Which, to make, to take the complaints, they asked me for the registration.
05:48I tell him, the registration, they just stole all my car with the documentation.
05:51Then, looking on the cell phone, the application of my Argentina, I tell myself, to corroborate the data, I tell him, they stole everything from me, I have nothing.
06:00He tells me, well, I'm going to find out if I can take the complaint from you.
06:03The creatures do not cry.
06:05Stop a second, because this is already great.
06:07What police station is this, Alejandro?
06:09The third police station of Trasradio, I think it belongs to Esteban Echeverria.
06:14Let's see, dear commissioner, they stole from the citizen, it is highly likely that they do not have.
06:20And the cell phone with the application and the document, well, they stole it from him.
06:23And finally, do they take the complaint from you?
06:27He went to ask.
06:29They took about 50 minutes to be able to take the complaint from me.
06:33The creatures in a sea of crying, on the floor, were not able to tell me, to pay attention, more than anything, to the creatures.
06:40If they are well, if they need a glass of water.
06:43After they take the complaint from us, I ask him if he does not have a cell phone, or a phone, to call a relative to pick us up.
06:51Because we were left out of nowhere.
06:53He tells me, no, we do not have a phone.
06:55I tell him, can not you give me the cell phone to call?
06:58And he tells me, no, I can not give you the cell phone.
07:01And another person, who was in the victim's police station, of a crime too,
07:06facilitates the cell phone to my wife, to be able to call a relative to pick us up.
07:10Because we were there, in the middle of nowhere, with the creatures in a sea of crying, and in despair itself.
07:17Maria, what happened to your head?
07:20First, the track, the horrible moment, when they steal you, with the creatures there.
07:27And then in the police station. What was going on in your head, Maria?
07:32At that moment, when they steal us, I thought it was the end of our lives.
07:37Because, one never knows.
07:40They were armed, and apart, they pointed us in the head, they beat us, and I said, no, here it is.
07:46And I, I do not know, it was a second.
07:51And then in the police station, a ...
07:54The truth is that a barbaric shame.
07:56And how not?
08:12And how not? How not to cry in despair?
08:14Because these guys, that we are seeing on the right of our screen, in Maria and Alejandro's car,
08:20they have more to show, right?
08:22Yes, of course. They are a well-known band in the area.
08:26What is striking is that they are well known by the neighbors.
08:29Look at what Alejandro just told us.
08:31The neighbors themselves told him, we can not stand them anymore, but we can not denounce them,
08:36because if not, then comes the reprisal.
08:38Which is understandable.
08:40What is understandable is that the police, that not only mistreats those who are assaulted,
08:45but knowing who they are, they still have this impunity.
08:49Look at the number of facts that they have in which they are filmed,
08:52and they come out to show themselves exposed in the facts.
08:57If you can give me some, Mr. Director,
08:59so that you can see that the modality of robbery that they did to Maria and Alejandro
09:03is exactly the same as the infinity of cases.
09:06The infinity of cases that we have of this band of thieves, there in the area of Camino de Sintú.
09:13Let's see, there we will see them.
09:16Can we see it? There it is.
09:18There it goes, look.
09:19These are the same.
09:21The same, we are talking about February 28.
09:25Robbery 11 days ago, more or less, right?
09:2910 days.
09:3110 days.
09:32There it is.
09:33It is the same band that all the neighbors know.
09:36Give me.
09:37That should be filmed again, as to show, now we are going to show one car to the other.
09:45Yes, it is striking that being in security cameras,
09:49and they themselves uploading the videos to the networks,
09:53the police do not manage to identify them.
09:55The truth is that it is too striking, right?
09:58Very striking.
10:01Alejandro, did you get the job?
10:04Because you went to look for, let's remember, work.
10:07They gave you the job.
10:08What happened with this?
10:11They agreed to communicate with me, but I had the number of my cell phone.
10:15I am now getting the company's number to call and return all my data,
10:19because if they called me, and so thousands of jobs that I also had,
10:24that I had interviewed, I had the old cell phone number.
10:27Then I am communicating one by one to explain the situation.
10:31And what was the job offer, Alejandro?
10:34What was the job offer?
10:35The job offer was in a kerochlor production plant,
10:38which made all chemicals, detergents, laundry detergents,
10:41powder soap.
10:43And I was just needing ten workers.
10:45We left the interview with another boy,
10:48we talked in the interview, and the boy himself told me,
10:51crossing Camino Cintura, he told me,
10:54I don't like this area, I have a vehicle,
10:56he told me, I'm not going to come with the vehicle.
10:58I tell him, you know I don't like it either,
11:00I don't know if we call the misfortune, or if ...
11:03No, no, no.
11:04Call him, call him as you like, but after two seconds ...
11:07No, don't chase, Alejandro.
11:08This is because it is a single ...
11:10Are you unemployed now? Are you unemployed, Alejandro?
11:14I'm doing work in a food house with my wife,
11:18she in the kitchen, and I do deliveries in the morning and in the afternoon.
11:21But what do you like, suppose I offer you,
11:23what would be your ideal job?
11:25What would you like to work?
11:28And I, all my life I worked in factories.
11:30I have experience in factories, as a production operator,
11:34of industrial machines, I know how to handle self-lifting,
11:38I have a lot of experience.
11:41Well, let's try to make the miracle work.
11:43My dear industrialists, factory owners,
11:47you saw that I believe in intuitive intelligence,
11:51just look at the faces of Alejandro and Maria
11:53to realize that they are good people.
11:55Let's see if we get a job for Alejandro,
11:59we open all our social networks,
12:02now let's see if ...
12:04Do you have a phone? Did you get a spare phone?
12:09Yes, yes.
12:10How long have you been unemployed?
12:13And it's been two years since I've been in Changas,
12:16in Changas, in Changas,
12:21working with applications with the car,
12:23we did remis, whatever came out,
12:25whatever was within reach,
12:29one grabbed it because everything adds up,
12:31the idea is not to stay,
12:33but now they left us, as the saying goes,
12:36they left us the last one because they took us ...
12:39And Maria, you cook to sell food abroad,
12:43said Alejandro.
12:45I work in a food house,
12:49in the kitchen, yes,
12:51I also work as a maid,
12:54also, whatever comes.
12:56I do pastry.
12:58Indiscreet meeting, Maria.
13:00I work with a family house, cleaning too.
13:02How old are you, Maria?
13:05Me? 41.
13:07Very young.
13:08And what country do you dream of?
13:13A dignified Argentina,
13:16the truth is that without criminals,
13:19that we can walk down the street
13:24Nothing less.
13:25And what do you want for your ...
13:27You have two daughters, right?
13:29No, no, no.
13:31A 14-year-old girl and a 7-year-old boy.
13:34And what do you dream of for your children?
13:36What do you want for your children?
13:38The best.
13:42The best of life.
13:44That they do very well,
13:46that they can study well.
13:49Thank God they study.
13:51Today my little boy started second grade.
13:56Happy, poor thing.
13:58After the scare that hit him,
14:00and the great trauma that he does not forget,
14:03as today he is going to clear with his classmates,
14:06in school, studying.
14:09And my daughter starts the third year of high school,
14:11and starts the week that comes.
14:13Let's put ourselves in motherhood.
14:15You are very proud of your children, Maria, right?
14:18Yes, yes.
14:24Alejandro, if you are seeing us ...
14:26I don't know, some authority, someone ...
14:28Do you want to tell them something?
14:32How can you repeat the question to me, Luis?
14:34Because I didn't hear.
14:36If you are seeing some authority, the mayor ...
14:38I assume no one went to give you a hand.
14:40The governor, the minister of security ...
14:42An authority.
14:43Are you seeing an authority?
14:44What do you want to tell them?
14:47What do I want to tell them?
14:49I could tell them many things,
14:51but only we know what we lived in that moment.
14:55Because you have to be in that moment
14:57to live what really is the issue of insecurity,
15:00to live it in your own flesh,
15:02to realize what really happens.
15:05Because we, from seeing it many times on TV,
15:08from seeing the information of the cases that there were,
15:13we never thought that it would happen to us,
15:16and we had to live it in our own flesh.
15:19The truth is that it is desperate,
15:21it is frustrating to see how they are carried away in seconds.
15:24They can take the life of your family,
15:26they take the effort of years of work from us,
15:29because we are two people, fighters, workers,
15:32who take the work, the fruit of our work in seconds.
15:36And so, with total impunity,
15:38they went and lowered the glass in the window
15:41and started shooting like a fake,
15:44threatening us,
15:46me putting my family behind me,
15:48because, well, if the shot comes out,
15:51or if we were the luckiest,
15:53that they hit me and I didn't do anything,
15:55but with total impunity,
15:57the only support you have for the well-being of your family,
16:02the truth is that it is outrageous,
16:04because you are left in the mud, as they say.
16:07What do you think?
16:09It's a bad time to meet you, Alejandro.
16:14It's a bad time to meet you, Maria.
16:16But how good it is to talk to people of good quality,
16:21like you.
16:22You are seen as good people,
16:24good people, workers, fighters.
16:27Sometimes one wonders why,
16:29when there are so many Fernandos and so many Marias,
16:32what happens to us happens to us, right?
16:34We have to bet on this side.
16:35Paula, do you want to ask the guys something else?
16:38Yes, yes.
16:39Let's see, so they can tell you too,
16:42about the car.
16:43The car is fundamental for them,
16:45because they also work with the car,
16:47doing courier, doing delivery,
16:49to look for the guys.
16:50It was the only thing they had, right?
16:52And that was taken away by the criminals.
16:54They had delayed the insurance payment for a few days,
16:57nothing more,
16:58so they can't claim the insurance.
17:01But in addition,
17:02they get messages all the time with photos of where the car is.
17:05When they go to the police station to report this,
17:07and for them to accompany them,
17:09they tell them that they have to call 911.
17:11Well, they call 911 and they don't have an answer.
17:14If the neighbors found the car,
17:16they know where it is.
17:17They don't want to go alone to that place,
17:19first because they are afraid to face these criminals,
17:22they don't know what they can find.
17:24A hand, right?
17:25From the authorities in this sense,
17:28because the photos of the car come to you,
17:30they are there, the neighbors have found it.
17:32Yes, yes.
17:33Yes, yes.
17:34We receive information that the car is on one side,
17:37they have it on a storage balcony,
17:39as well as a red motorcycle
17:41that after they stole the car from us,
17:43they also uploaded it on social media as a new toy,
17:47also that they have it stored.
17:49People know them, they are tired of thefts,
17:52but unfortunately they are also prisoners of the criminals,
17:56because they can't...
17:57If they report it,
17:59they know that they are being repressed by the same people.
18:05Well, thank you.
18:06Let's get a job, Alejandro.
18:09For the TV to work.
18:12In all the networks, I am Luis Novaresio.
18:14So we can give the guys' phone number and we can...
18:17Let's get a job.
18:18If I had a company, I want it for my team.
18:21Alejandro, I want it for my team, Maria.
18:24Luis, the company where Alejandro went to look for a job,
18:28the group Queruclor,
18:30surely there is someone who is watching it.
18:32It's a company, it's a huge group.
18:34It's very big.
18:35It has many companies, it has many brands,
18:37we all know them.
18:38Do you know the name of the group?
18:42Don Queruclor, give us a hand.
18:44Surely there is someone who is watching it,
18:46don't doubt it.
18:48Give us a hand.
18:49Well, tell us what you need, Alejandro.
18:52The same, Maria.
18:54Well, thank you very much for making our event visible,
19:01because we turned to the police authorities,
19:04but there is nothing left, there is nothing left.
19:07Thank you very much for the moment.
19:09Well, a kiss, Maria, too.
19:11And great note, Paula.
19:13Thank you very much.