new baby just dropped!
My friends:
Edited by: Oli B
My friends:
Edited by: Oli B
00:00I'm a dad now.
00:03Here she is.
00:04The little pilot has landed.
00:12The newest member of our little family.
00:15Did you just spit up milk, bro?
00:18I didn't bring your rag.
00:20I got a lot to learn.
00:21One second.
00:22Okay, now I'm prepared.
00:26What are we even saying these kinds of videos, huh?
00:29What do we even say, baby?
00:31How old are you right now?
00:33Nine days?
00:35Is that right?
00:36About nine days old?
00:38And since day three, you've been looking at me and recognizing my face.
00:44You're like an advanced life form.
00:46Like, how is this baby so advanced?
00:48I thought little newborns were supposed to just be limp and sleepy all the time.
00:54But no.
00:55No, you're an active big baby.
00:58Almost 10 pounds, right?
01:01Almost 10 pounds, big chunky.
01:04That's how you were born.
01:05Almost 10 pounds, big chunky baby.
01:07You're so cute.
01:09Well, I have a kid now.
01:10Our family has grown by one.
01:12The first baby.
01:14The first boy's baby of the boy's family.
01:17That's you.
01:18That's you.
01:19And then you're gonna get to meet Uncle Mully and Uncle Juicy and Uncle Josh.
01:24You already met Uncle Narrator.
01:26And he narrated your diaper change.
01:30Father, it's too cold.
01:34Father, please.
01:36I was very warm in my old home and now you're experiencing cold out here.
01:42Put those cold cloths away, please, Father.
01:45I'm sorry, little one, but you gotta get changed.
01:48P.O.V. your melody?
01:50Hello, Dad.
01:51Yeah, look at your cute little face.
01:54He's never said that to me.
01:57What the heck?
02:00That seems perfect.
02:02And now I'm warm.
02:05Good job, Father.
02:06You done did it.
02:07You did the dad thing.
02:10You happy baby now?
02:12Yes, Father.
02:12You want to get fed?
02:14Milky, please.
02:16Let me get you milky.
02:17You got your first narrated diaper change.
02:22How is that even possible?
02:24That's a first.
02:24That has to be a first ever.
02:27I don't know of anyone that has gotten an actual narrator to narrate their diaper change.
02:33Actually, I don't know any other babies.
02:35You're the only one.
02:36And I've had to learn a lot about you, right?
02:39I've had to learn how to change your diapers.
02:41I had to learn how to feed you when Mommy can't feed you.
02:45I've had to learn how to carry you.
02:47How to hold you properly.
02:51And look at that.
02:52We're nine days in.
02:53And you are doing so good, baby.
02:56You are the strongest little baby, right?
02:59Daddy's slow, but he's learning, right?
03:02It's been a huge change for us in the most positive way ever.
03:09Right, kid?
03:10You've changed our lives, right?
03:13Yeah, that's right.
03:14And I've been loving every second of it.
03:16I don't think I've ever been this happy.
03:18Do a handshake.
03:19Yeah, what's up, kid?
03:21Snap fingers.
03:23We've had a lot of support from family.
03:25We got grandparents here.
03:27And they've been helping us transition into being first-time parents.
03:30And it's been great.
03:31Right, baby girl?
03:32You got family support.
03:33Vin Diesel would be proud.
03:35What? You're getting hungry again.
03:36Don't tell me you just ate.
03:37Hey, I think your mom's out of the shower.
03:41Right on time.
03:45You're going to see Gabby Wonka in the milk factory.
03:50She's got a Golden Express ticket.
03:53I want you to hear the sounds that this kid is making.
03:57She sounds like a little squeaky toy.
04:14When do we do a baby's first cigarette?
04:21Baby's first.
04:24I was going to say chocolate chip cookie, but okay.
04:28Tequila first for sure.
04:30Baby's first strawberry.
04:31She's half Mexican.
04:32Yeah, true.
04:33Baby's first strawberry daiquiri?
04:39She looks a little more than half Mexican.
04:40She looks...
04:41She looks very Mexican.
04:42She looks very Mexican.
04:43Yeah, she was even late to her own party.
04:46To her own birthday party.
04:47You smell stinky.
04:48I just changed you, kid.
04:50And she has some strong kicks.
04:52Yeah, she does.
04:53She almost kicked herself out of my arm.
04:55Yeah, she is strong.
04:57She was born with really, really big legs.
05:00Long legs.
05:00She was a long baby.
05:02She is a long baby.
05:03She's going to be really tall.
05:04No wonder who she got that from.
05:12We're tired.
05:12Family visit.
05:13What are you doing, sweetie?
05:14We're here with the f***ing chef.
05:16The f***ing chef.
05:17I was going to say the f***ing chef's wife, but that sounds wrong.
05:26The f***ing chef's daughters.
05:30And Visco.
05:33And the baby.
05:34Gabby's sleeping right now because she's been keeping Gabby up all night, right?
05:39Quick interview.
05:40How do you feel about being an aunt?
05:42No, I can't wait to spoil her and to take her shopping.
05:45And to take her shopping.
05:47Yeah, where are you going to take her to?
05:49Anywhere that she wants.
05:51She rules my world now.
05:53Okay, how do you feel about being an aunt?
05:54I'm so excited.
05:55I can't wait to corrupt her and teach her a piece of this word.
05:59How do you feel about being a grandma?
06:06Okay, translation please, Ali.
06:10How do you feel about being a grandpa?
06:13I'm f***ing happy.
06:18Wait, I don't have one.
06:20Hey, to Melody.
06:28We've been printing out all of the pictures we've been taking.
06:31And I think they came out very good.
06:33These are going to be a nice memory.
06:34I'm going to put them in a little book for her.
06:36That one.
06:38The wide angle.
06:39Surprise birthday party for dad.
06:42We got him a cake.
06:44He came to visit the baby.
06:46The whole family came to visit the baby.
06:49But we just planned it so that he could have a surprise birthday party
06:53with his granddaughter.
06:55His first one.
06:56Happy birthday to you.
07:00Happy birthday to you.
07:04Happy birthday, dear dad.
07:08Happy birthday to you.
07:14All right, dad.
07:17Time to make a wish.
07:27How old are you?
07:31It's a question.
07:32Deepa, young as f***.
07:34John is f***.
07:35John is f***.
07:39Young as f***.
07:40Young as f***.
07:41Yeah, yeah.
07:43I'm f*** adult.
07:48I'm a senior citizen.
07:49I'm a senior citizen.
07:51Well, you're not a citizen.
07:56Happy birthday, dad.
07:59Happy birthday to me.
08:02Oh, man.
08:05It's a party now.
08:08I can't play more than five seconds.
08:12No way!
08:18Melody's first time outside.
08:22She kind of stuck her arms out like a roller coaster.
08:24She's like, give me a hug.
08:26That's our girl.
08:28There's Gabby.
08:28She's recovering well.
08:29Day six of fatherhood.
08:34Fatherhood review.
08:35Fatherhood review.
08:37Uh, it's pretty amazing.
08:40Isn't it?
08:41Isn't it?
08:43No, not you.
08:43The camera's not turning.
08:45What are you doing, huh?
08:47How do you rate the great outdoors?
08:48You want some sun?
08:50Oh, that's too much.
08:51Oh, sorry.
08:55Yeah, six days old.
08:56She's talking very well.
08:59She's already going to the bathroom.
09:01She came out potty trained.
09:03She's about a size 10 shoe.
09:06Not kidding.
09:06She's already like top of her track team.
09:10She's already speed running life.
09:13What a squirrel.
09:14No, but she was almost a 10 pound baby when she came out.
09:17Nine pounds, two ounces.
09:21How did you do that?
09:22I don't know.
09:24I guess head's the same size regardless.
09:27Well, I mean, she takes after me.
09:29Big ass head.
09:30Are you sure the nose wasn't the biggest part?
09:33Yeah, it's very weird to now be taking care of a tiny human
09:38who is just moving around too much, being limp sometimes,
09:43and just eats and poops and sleeps.
09:46But she's not a crier.
09:47She only cries when she's hungry and she's doing so good.
09:51You're doing so good, right?
09:56Open your eyes, sweetheart.
09:57It's the world.
09:59It's the world.
10:00And this has been Melody's first walk on the great outdoors.
10:04Say bye, Melody.
10:08That's what I'm talking about.
10:10That's what I'm talking about.
10:11Good morning.
10:15Good morning.
10:18It's a beautiful day.
10:21It's another day for Melody.
10:23Can you say I am one week old today?
10:28Oh, my God.
10:30Is that a baby?
10:31Uh, excuse me, miss.
10:32As part of the princess security detail, I must ask you, no pictures.
10:39Sorry, sorry.
10:41I know that's a yummy boobie you're on right now.
10:43That is not the boobie you want.
10:45This one's a dry supply and it's really, really sweaty.
10:50You don't want that one.
10:51And a little hairy.
10:54Only a little bit because I never grew the chest hair that I
10:58Never became a man.
11:01First guitar sound, Melody.
11:03You ready?
11:04You ready?
11:11What is that?
11:13What is that?
11:14Listen, listen.
11:27She likes guitars.
11:29I'm going to have to learn guitar for you now.
11:31I only know like four chords.
11:36Look at her reaction.
11:42We're going to introduce Melody to Visco.
11:47Hey, bud.
11:50This is this is your little sister.
11:52We've been waiting for her for a long time.
11:54Oh, give her a smell.
11:57Give her a smell.
12:02Oh, he's being so sweet.
12:03Look at him.
12:06Our little family.
12:07Thank for being gentle.
12:09Oh, somebody's waking up.
12:12Whoa, whoa.
12:15Look, it's your brother.
12:22It's your brother.
12:23He has fur.
12:26Thanks, buddy.
12:28Look, there he is.
12:29It's Chopo.
12:33He's behind the table over there.
12:35Look at him.
12:38We're on the way to the kids first photo shoot.
12:41How's it feel being a mom?
12:42It feels good.
12:43I mean, I'm loving it so far.
12:45When do we when do we resume the cooking videos with Melody?
12:50We'll see.
12:51Cooking breast milk pancakes for the baby.
12:58This will be real sour.
13:01So I'm going to lift her head up and slide her hands up a little bit.
13:08She really is a cute baby.
13:13Now, don't move your face.
13:16Don't move your face.
13:17Don't move your face.
13:19OK, pull her closer to you.
13:21OK, now.
13:25Now, both of you look at me.
13:31OK, look at me.
13:33So cute.
13:35So cute.
13:37Mom and baby.
13:39Did you put makeup on?
13:42You look like you did.
13:43Oh, thank you.
13:45Don't look up at me.
13:46Look right into my camera.
13:49That's perfect.
13:51Look right into my camera.
13:53That's tough.
13:54Finally got the baby out of my belly shot.
13:55I'm sorry, son.
13:59It's about damn time, son.
14:02You did so well at the photo shoot, baby.
14:05Yes, you did.
14:07She waited until right the moment we put her diapers back on.
14:11To poop.
14:14She's gone from having these like very cute crying fits asking for food
14:20to now just being extremely assertive, like.
14:26Oh, I scared her.
14:30Oh, sorry, baby.
14:33She looks so scared.
14:35She looks concerned.
14:36She's like, is dad OK?
14:39Don't be scared.
14:40I didn't do nothing.
14:45We gave her, we gave Melody a pacifier for the first time.
14:50And she's so confused.
14:51She's like, if I'm sucking on this.
14:55Who's that over there?
15:06You're doing it.
15:14Practice, practice my expression.
15:15Yeah, take your tongue out.
15:20She's watching you.
15:21She's looking at it.
15:25Are you doing it?
15:30Are you pooping?
15:31What are you doing?
15:34Are you got hiccups?
15:39Oh, you did it.
15:40You did it.
15:42Yeah, you did it.
15:44Good job.
15:45Come to daddy.
15:50Good morning, chamfering baby.
15:53Look at her little smile.
15:54Who is that?
15:55Is that your daddy?
16:03Give me some tummy time.
16:06There you go.
16:08Hey, bless you.
16:13Airplane time.
16:16Pilot coming in for a landing.
16:20Did she look scared?
16:32I don't even know if that's the sound that airplanes make.
16:45Oh, she threw up.
16:47Sorry, baby.
16:48I made you throw up.
16:50I'm sorry.
16:52Tell everyone how you feel.
16:56Dude, you're giving me that look.
17:00Are we in the clear?
17:02I'm waiting for a big explosion.
17:08So I'm in the middle of recording Poppy Playtime.
17:11I'm like 20 minutes into the recording
17:15and she started crying.
17:16You got to give mommy a break too, right?
17:19This is what it's all about right here.
17:20Wouldn't trade this for the world.
17:21Daddy's never going to be too busy to take care of you, baby.
17:28It's funny because on the recording,
17:30it's going to look like all of a sudden the room is a lot darker
17:34and that's because the window was open and I've been here for like an hour
17:40and it's dark outside now.
17:41So I'm going to have to just jump back into it
17:43and it's just going to look like a darker room.
17:49Oh, no, please.
17:52She is completely, completely zoinked.
17:55Yeah, it's going to be a bit of a learning curve to try and manage work and life.
18:01And what are you making funny noises?
18:06Yeah, like I was saying,
18:07it's going to be fun to try and figure out how to manage being a dad and recording
18:11and going to have to do most of my recordings when she's asleep
18:15and take advantage of the sleeping time, the baby sleeping time.
18:20Right, baby?
18:22That way, when you're awake, I can spend all the time with you that you want.
18:25Now, you want me to teach you how to walk?
18:27Be the first baby to walk at three weeks old.
18:30That would look weird.
18:33Okay, I think mommy's finished eating
18:36and then I'm going to go give you to her so I can eat
18:39and then I can come back and finish poppy play time.
18:46Gabby, everybody.
18:47She's doing great.
18:50She heard you.
18:51Now she wants you.
18:55Careful with that pillow.
18:56I don't want the skit I did earlier to be real.
19:00My hands are free.
19:01She just woke up.
19:07Look how she's looking around.
19:08Yeah, she's got so much more control of her head right now.
19:12Happy three weeks, baby.
19:13You're three weeks and two hours.
19:15Happy weekday to you.
19:17Happy weekday to you.
19:19Happy weekday.
19:24Happy weekday to you.
19:26Yeah, what are you doing?
19:28What is those noises you're making?
19:33Little miss.
19:36Bless you.
19:39Look at your mom.
19:40Hi, baby.
19:41Look at your mom.
19:43She turned.
19:44Hi, baby girl.
19:45She turned.
19:47She turned so fast.
19:49She said, is that the milk?
19:50Do you have my milk?
19:52Okay, you have to smile for me, yeah?
19:57She didn't like that.
20:05She's trying.
20:06You see that face?
20:08Baby, look.
20:08Baby, look, baby.
20:12Melody, focus.
20:14Focus, baby girl.
20:16I'm over here.
20:21What are you looking at?
20:23There's nothing over there.
20:24So we built her this little play gym.
20:28And so she can be on her tummy.
20:31And she can look at these high contrast cards.
20:35Look, she's paying attention to it, Gabby.
20:37All right, baby girl.
20:37This is hypnotization.
20:40You are now being transported into another universe.
20:48She didn't like that, Gabby.
20:50Look at this one.
20:51Look at the back of it.
20:52It's got little swirls.
20:55Oh, you're more interested in the ball.
20:56Oh, look at this one.
20:57This one's like, this one's got steak fingers.
21:00Look, it's like steak fingers.
21:02Like the ones from the cafeteria school lunch.
21:05What do you see on this one?
21:06I feel like I'm like giving her therapy.
21:09What do you see here?
21:12Please don't say some sort of like beautiful butterfly that's sad and depressed or something.
21:18It's just lines, dude.
21:19Look at this one.
21:19This one has, this one's bacon strips.
21:22Look, bacon strips.
21:26Oh, look.
21:27You know what this is?
21:28This is where you live.
21:30You live right here and daddy's from here.
21:32You see this big, big arm right here?
21:36That's Mexico.
21:37That's where daddy's from.
21:38Oh, look at this card right here.
21:39This one's a mirror.
21:40It's you.
21:46All right, baby.
21:46We're going to have to have this conversation now.
21:48Let me teach you about ethnicity.
21:56How's motherhood?
21:58It's good.
21:58It's a lot of work.
21:59A lot more work than I thought it was going to be.
22:01Are you surprised by how hard it is?
22:04Yes and no.
22:06I knew it was going to be challenging, but nothing prepares you for it.
22:09People can tell you all day long, but then once, once it happens, it's like, oh.
22:13What's been your favorite part?
22:15Learning her quirks and watching her grow.
22:17Like what?
22:18Her little.
22:19She goes.
22:22And when she sleeps, she goes.
22:24Oh my God.
22:24Her sleep.
22:26Her little sleep sounds are just the cutest.
22:28What's, uh, what's your least favorite part?
22:33Constantly, constantly having to feed her and I can't do anything else other than feed her.
22:41And like, I, I literally, that's all I'm doing.
22:43It's a full-time job.
22:45Well, you've been logging it, right?
22:46Like you've been keeping track of it.
22:48How do you mind sharing?
22:50Like how long the other day that she was feeding for?
22:54Oh yeah.
22:54The longest day was six and a half hours that she was feeding for.
22:59She accumulated six and a half hours feeding on you.
23:04It's about five, five hours a day.
23:08I am exhausted and starving all the time.
23:11I'm so hungry.
23:12You're doing amazing.
23:14So are you.
23:15We got Gabby's first time swaddling the baby on her.
23:20So why did you, why did you do the wrap carrier?
23:23Cause she was crying in her crib and I was trying to make lunch.
23:28So I was like, well, I'll just bring her with me.
23:32You look beautiful today.
23:35And you do too, baby.
23:36Wide angle baby.
23:38Transition out of baby.
23:40Here's a routine you guys haven't seen yet.
23:43And that's how I keep my hair so beautiful.
23:46Oh, we got beauty review, beauty product.
23:51I'll get some oil in there.
23:52Some oil.
23:53I know some of y'all say like oil, oil, oil.
24:00This is not normal.
24:02Like me finding time to do this is not normal these days at least.
24:07And we'll put a little cream on it.
24:09Put a little cream.
24:10You know how Mexicans love cream on everything?
24:13On chips, on our hair.
24:16Scrunch that bitch up.
24:17Get them curls in.
24:23Oli, do a slow motion L'Oreal commercial type thing.
24:34Oh yeah.
24:38Don't mind me.
24:39And then we top it off with a little bit of ear butter.
24:42This one's more for Gabby.
24:43I know I don't have a beard, but she likes the way it smells.
24:48Hey, I gotta keep Gabby happy.
24:54And that's it for...
24:55Thank you for coming to Eddie's tech beauty talk.
25:00What are you thinking about?
25:01What are you thinking about?
25:02You just ate.
25:03You've been eating a lot.
25:05You just spit up a lot of milk because you've been eating so much.
25:08What are you looking at now?
25:09Looking at cars on the TV?
25:13Oh no.
25:15No, I'm turning that off.
25:17No, you will not be taken hostage by the television.
25:21Kid, come back and look at me.
25:25Look at my eyes, not the TV.
25:28She's like, what is that?
25:30It's like the first time that you pay attention to the TV.
25:34Hey, listen to me.
25:35I'm trying to talk to you.
25:37I'm gonna tell you a little secret.
25:38I'm gonna tell you a little secret, okay?
25:40Toilets exist.
25:45Oh, she didn't like that.
25:49We just finished our first date night since the kid was born.
25:57It's nice out here.
25:58We had really, really good sushi.
26:00And now we're about to be on our way back to feed the baby.
26:07Before we go to sleep and then have to feed her again.
26:11And then two hours later, we gotta feed her again.
26:15It's all about her.
26:17That's right.
26:17I'm ready to get back home.
26:19I know, right?
26:19We were away for like four hours.
26:21I already missed this baby.
26:22All right, back in the car.
26:23See ya.
26:24It's a daddy kangaroo.
26:27Remember the first thing daddy said to you when you came out of the womb?
26:30Welcome back for the first time to the world.
26:33And if you want to go to sleep, I can just put you in here like that.
26:36And then we have...
26:40Sleep baby.
26:43She didn't want that.
26:44You don't want to?
26:46Oh, she...
26:48She actually said no.
26:50She's like, huh?
26:51You are so cute.
26:52Your head's getting back in shape.
26:53You just shit yourself.
26:56Oh, I think I heard that.
26:59I gotta get you out.
27:05All right, how do we get you out of here?
27:06Look at how she's...
27:07She's looking like she just committed a crime.
27:10She's just confused.
27:12It wasn't me.
27:15It wasn't me.
27:16Yeah, it was.
27:17Look who I found napping.
27:24Oh my god, they're so cute.
27:36Quality daddy daughter time.
27:40Happy one month to you.
27:44Happy one month to you.
27:47Happy one month little baby.
27:50Happy one month to you.
27:52Now that it's been one month.
27:55Whoa, look at you.
27:56Look how strong you are.
27:57Look at that.
27:58Oh yeah, strong buff baby.
28:00But we're still no sleep after a month.
28:07Listen to you.
28:08I'm alive.
28:11Right, baby?
28:13But look at her.
28:13She's so big and so strong.
28:16Okay, we got the hiccups again.
28:20Baby's always getting hiccups, yeah?
28:22You've got that look like you're about to blow out that diaper.
28:26You really do have that look of mischief.
28:28Okay, listen, I'm gonna tell you something.
28:30If you blow out a diaper, I'll blow out my diaper.
28:38Baby on the couch.
28:40Baby on the couch.
28:41Baby on the couch.
28:42What do you have in your hand?
28:43Oh, just your citizenship and immigration quiz.
28:49I gotta get quizzed?
28:51Are you ready?
28:51What is an amendment?
28:53It's a amendment to the constitution?
28:57Yes, I suppose you could say that.
29:00It says a change or an addition to the constitution.
29:03Same shit, right?
29:04Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication.
29:08Who cares, right, baby?
29:10What is freedom of religion?
29:13The freedom to practice whatever religion you want without government prosecution?
29:19It's freedom of religion, self-explanatory.
29:22It's freedom of religion.
29:25Yes, the answer they have is you can practice any religion or not practice a religion.
29:30Who does a U.S. senator represent?
29:33Who does a U.S. senator represent?
29:35The people of his state?
29:37These are easy, right?
29:38It's like I'm in fifth grade.
29:39What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy?
29:44By voting?
29:47And by protesting?
29:52Actually, yes.
29:54Publicly support or oppose an issue or policy that would be protesting.
30:01Good job.
30:02Hey, daddy's smart sometimes, right?
30:04There were 13 original states.
30:06Name three.
30:10New Hampshire.
30:11New York.
30:14And Vermont.
30:18Rhode Island.
30:19How many questions did I get right?
30:21I think that was six.
30:23So did you pass?
30:24No, I'm never gonna be a citizen.
30:27What'd you say in your hands?
30:28It's the kit, the handprint kit.
30:31We gotta open your little hank.
30:34Oh no, she blind.
30:36Do you think she's gonna let us do that?
30:37I don't know, that face is telling me she's up to no good right now.
30:41Yeah, you hang out here for a second.
30:43She's saying, oh my god, I'm so excited to do this kit.
30:48This is not gonna work, dude.
30:52She finally fell asleep.
30:54Little girl's been awake since what?
30:57Since 10.
30:57But you know, that's like compared to how much she kept us up last night.
31:02Whoever said that newborns sleep a lot is full of shit.
31:06Because this baby girl is awake all day long.
31:09And you know what she's doing right now?
31:11She's stirring.
31:12She is.
31:12And she's waking back up.
31:14She just fell asleep.
31:15She just fell asleep.
31:16She does this, right?
31:17She takes power naps.
31:19Like little five minute power naps.
31:21We step away to go to the bathroom or to go do something else and she starts crying.
31:25And she does this at night too.
31:27So the only one really getting rest right now is her.
31:32This one can't survive a four five minute power naps.
31:34No, I can't.
31:36I can't.
31:37I am a mess.
31:39I am a mess.
31:40But it's a good mess.
31:42And it's a good tired.
31:44I love her.
31:45I love her so much.
31:46She is the best.
31:48She's the best.
31:50But you know, I genuinely, I was like, hey,
31:54I'm finally going to get to take my shower and water my plants because I haven't watered
31:58my plants in a week and a half and they're going to die.
32:00We were also just about to unbox.
32:01We were also just about to do that.
32:03We've been trying to do this all day, but we've been waiting for her to sleep because
32:08obviously if she's just like constantly doing this with her hands, we're not going to be
32:12able to get a print.
32:13You know how many times we've tried recording?
32:16We're like, hey, we're going to do the print thing now.
32:18And then she has to breastfeed.
32:20And then she just.
32:22We sound like we're complaining, you know that?
32:26I'm not.
32:26Well, I'm just stating facts.
32:29Go get her.
32:32Two hours later, take two.
32:34She's dead asleep.
32:35We're going to try to do this hand thing.
32:36Okay, I'm going to unbox it, Gabby.
32:41What is this?
32:42It's like a cutout.
32:45Okay, what is, what else is in here?
32:47Is that it?
32:49Or something else?
32:51A tampon.
32:55What's that?
32:58Oh, so that's it.
33:00We don't have to like mix chemicals and shit.
33:04Oh, that smells like coconut and like petroleum.
33:08Oh, you're right.
33:13This is like that moment where you're trying to sneak into the dungeon room and take the
33:17treasure without waking up the boss.
33:21Okay, place aluminum foil.
33:24God damn it.
33:25Something loud as f**k.
33:26Not included in the kit.
33:29No flat objects such as a book.
33:30Come on, let's go to the flat objects over here.
33:48So much for being quiet.
33:50Yep, so much for being quiet.
33:52She's still asleep.
33:53Okay, good.
33:54Okay, so what do we do with this?
33:55Knead the impression material for two to three minutes.
33:58I need the impression material.
34:00Is that how you do it?
34:03Like knead it?
34:05I need it.
34:06Yeah, you can do this.
34:09For real?
34:13Two minutes later.
34:14Um, was I supposed to knead it like inside of the plastic?
34:22Because it just came out and all the plastic's here.
34:24Was I supposed to take it out of the plastic?
34:31That's the thing, it doesn't say to take it out of the plastic.
34:34It just says knead it.
34:35We have to wet her hand or her foot, whatever we're using.
34:39Yeah, I think it's probably gonna be easier to get her foot.
34:41Why didn't we read the instructions before this?
34:43We're gonna have to wake her up.
34:45Do you want to just put it back in the plastic and wait till later?
34:50Oh my god.
34:52The joys of being parents, right?
34:54Okay, no, no, we can figure this out.
34:56We can do this, okay?
34:57Look, we take a little towel and you wet the towel.
35:04She's threatening us.
35:07We can take the towel and just kind of pat her little foot.
35:12And then we take this guy and go right on her foot and then take it out.
35:16We can do this, it'll be mission impossible.
35:17Okay, what's next?
35:19Use the rolling pin on the...
35:21It says place impression material on the foil and flatten into a rectangular shape.
35:28Make sure it is thick enough in order to get a good impression.
35:33She made me flatten it.
35:35By the way, it says flatten it into a rectangle.
35:42But the thing isn't, it's a circle.
35:45Okay, I think it's good enough to get a good impression.
35:47And then what do you do?
35:47You take this and I think it's good enough to get a good impression.
35:51But I really, I really think like this thing is pretty thin now.
35:57It's also not very even.
35:58And if it's going to be a decoration, it would have me nervous.
36:06If it's how lopsided.
36:08You know what?
36:09Do you want to do it?
36:10Yeah, I'll do it.
36:10Okay, you want your tortilla press?
36:18There's a ridge.
36:22There's an impression.
36:26Am I doing it right?
36:27Nah, it's a little thick still.
36:33It's not smooth on this side.
36:34Okay, this rolling pin is really difficult to work with.
36:38Oh, now you feel my pain.
36:40This was supposed to be fun.
36:42Yeah, it's not, is it?
36:44This is shit.
36:48You left an impression on me, on me, on me when I met you.
36:51I was about to say you left an impression on me.
36:53You left an impression on me.
36:54I'm about to leave an impression on you.
36:55This way, this way.
36:57In you.
36:58In you.
37:02So take that.
37:04And then we grab the baby's foot and we place it there and we squish.
37:08And then we come back.
37:10And then we cut it.
37:12But we need a towel.
37:15Okay, go.
37:17Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
37:23Beat a woof.
37:26Hey Chumble, you didn't see anything...
37:32Oh, mission failed.
37:46Just do it, just do it, just do it, come on, come on, come on.
38:03It's not flat on the other side.
38:05We f***ed it up.
38:06How about, since she's awake, you hold her and I'll stick this on her foot.
38:10Okay, we're going to try this again.
38:14I got it.
38:15Look at that.
38:16I got it.
38:17I got it.
38:19Okay, baby girl.
38:20Oh, whoops.
38:21Now I stuck my finger in there.
38:31Then you press the ring on there and we got little baby foot somewhat.
38:37Okay, then we take this guy, the tampon, and then we stick it at the top like that so that
38:44we make a little hole out of it.
38:47And then when that dries, we can pass the ribbon through that.
38:50Mission accomplished.
38:52Can't do high fives because she's like, sleeping.
38:59How long have we been trying to record this?
39:04Yeah, look at her.
39:05She's sleeping, but somehow always watching.
39:06This is what it's all about.
39:07Our little family.
39:10Thanks for watching.
39:11We're going to go get her to bed.
39:12Choco, shut up.
39:13Choco, stop it.
39:14Dude, we love you, but you're going to ruin this.
39:17Our little baby.
39:22I'm sorry.
39:24I'm calling CPS.
39:25Do you know what that means?
39:48I'm calling CPS.
39:49Do you know what that means?
39:52That means, child, please stop.