• 3 days ago
Join ​⁠@CivRyan & myself in OCRP as we record the most botched episode ever! [OCRP Recording Server]

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00:00Well, what's going on with the plan?
00:08Uh, we're going to try to steal every cop car on this RP server.
00:12Oh yeah.
00:13Those cops are going to know what's going to hit them.
00:15I only have 24 hours to steal every cop car on this server, but yeah, no free cop car.
00:21We get turned, gets bigger and faster.
00:25One dollar cop car versus a million dollar cop car.
00:29Uh, no, we're going to try to, we're going to lure the cops and we're going to try to
00:36get it.
00:37Our goal for this episode is every cop at one scene and none of them have cars.
00:44So Ryan's going to move in with the tow truck and do a quick grab to hopefully limit the
00:48amount of time we're seeing around where the cops are going to be.
00:52He's going to drag them to me, drop them, go get another one while he's doing that.
00:57And I'm going to be loading the truck.
00:58So hopefully our goal is this thing's going to be piled high with just cop car on cop
01:03car on cop car.
01:04You got to make sure you, you got an out here though.
01:07Yeah, I do.
01:08I can, I can go out this way over there.
01:11So I think we'll be good.
01:13So we're going to call in.
01:14Originally, originally I was like, Oh, we can just get in the cars and I'm like, that's
01:17no fun.
01:18Cause like, you know, realistically someone would probably lock it and not have their
01:21keys on them or left in there.
01:24So yeah, well we're, we, we kind of, we're thinking about how we should do it, but we
01:28think this would be the best way.
01:30Cause then, I mean, ultimately what I want is I want to get all the cops to come out
01:35and realize that nobody has cars anymore.
01:38Nothing's there.
01:39And then I want to drive past in with the truck of all their cop cars just stacked on
01:45Um, well we got to call 911 to lure them up to the chicken, chicken plant.
01:51So we're going to fake call at the, uh, the clucking bell, which is right down the street
01:57So hopefully they'll respond.
01:58They're 911 call.
01:59I can do it.
02:00You need to have an Anita character.
02:01Do your, do your best Anita impression.
02:05I don't, I can't do an Anita impression.
02:07Yes, you can.
02:08No, I can't just, just be a, it's not hard for you.
02:13That's just me.
02:14Cause you're already kind of a, yeah, you can do it.
02:19I believe in you.
02:20I'm not doing it.
02:21You're doing it.
02:22I'm not doing it.
02:23I don't care.
02:24I'll do the 911, but I'm not doing it.
02:26Wait, what are we telling them?
02:27Uh, there's people, there's someone kidnapped and their, their, their tag got pinged to
02:33this location at the, at the chicken plant.
02:40And that they're, they were, they've been kidnapped for a month and we're, we're scared.
02:45You're scared.
02:46They're going to be murdered.
02:48And then they're on this.
02:51Do I tell it in the second floor or like where, where do I, uh, there isn't a second floor,
02:56but you could tell them like, maybe it's on the second floor and they'll, they'll have
02:59them guessing.
03:00Cause there is no second floor.
03:02But, and you have to be Anita.
03:04I'm not going to be Anita.
03:06You have to be, I can't, if you don't be Anita, I am, I'm unsubscribing and everyone watching
03:10should as well.
03:12I'm taking your channel.
03:13This is peer pressure.
03:14You can't do this.
03:15Oh yeah.
03:16This is peer pressure.
03:18There's only one Anita.
03:20There's only, there's only one Anita.
03:23There's only one Anita.
03:24You just be sassy and say you got a hair appointment.
03:28It's not like they're kidnapped and I found where they are, but I can't, I got a hair
03:35I can't get out.
03:37See, you're doing it.
03:38But I can't go out there.
03:39I got a hair appointment.
03:41Where's your emergency?
03:44Where's your emergency?
03:46Where's your emergency?
03:47Um, I have information about someone that might be kidnapped.
03:51What's your information?
03:52Um, I have been looking for my son for the past month.
03:57I don't know where he's been, but I just, I just checked his location on the iFruit
04:00app and it says he's at the Clucking Bell.
04:03That he's at the Clucking Bell?
04:06The factory up there in the Paleto.
04:09It says the, the, it says it's like 3013 I think.
04:15What's your son's location?
04:16What does your son look like?
04:17Um, he's 40, overweight, plays a lot of video games, glasses, receding hairline, big teeth.
04:31Sir, is your son at his job or, and just hasn't contacted you?
04:36Well, no, I don't know where he just vanished a month ago and then he never, he never showed
04:40up again.
04:41I didn't know what happened.
04:42I just looked for it and the cops said they were looking for him and then I just, I've
04:45been checking the iFruit app and I've never seen a location until today.
04:48And the location was at the Clucking Bell.
04:52Uh, I'll send someone to go check in on him for you.
04:57I'm going to need, there's a, he's been gone for a while and the last people he was with
05:01weren't good people.
05:02He was getting into a rough crowd.
05:04He was getting into a rough crowd.
05:06We'll check in on him.
05:07Uh, it'll be up to him to contact you back once we speak with him, but we'll, we'll check
05:10in on his wellness.
05:12I need every, I need you guys to really check it out.
05:13I want to make sure he's okay.
05:14Should I go there?
05:15Should I meet you there?
05:16You can meet, it's up to you, sir.
05:18Well, I have a hair appointment, so I really, I have other things I need to do.
05:19Oh, okay, sir.
05:20But yeah, just let me know, I guess.
05:21Like if he's okay.
05:22Yeah, I guess.
05:23You sound very concerned.
05:24I am.
05:25I'm super concerned.
05:26A whole month.
05:27I have no idea where he is.
05:28That's why I'm happy to see this.
05:29But I mean, like, I don't know.
05:30I don't know.
05:31I don't know.
05:32I don't know.
05:33I don't know.
05:34I don't know.
05:35I don't know.
05:36I don't know.
05:37I don't know.
05:38I don't know.
05:39I don't know.
05:40I don't know.
05:41I don't know.
05:42I don't know.
05:43I don't know.
05:44I don't know.
05:45I don't know.
05:46I don't know.
05:47I don't know.
05:48I don't know.
05:49I don't know.
05:50I don't know.
05:51I don't know.
05:52I don't know.
05:53I don't know.
05:54I don't know.
05:55I don't know.
05:56I don't know.
05:57I don't know.
05:58I don't know.
05:59I don't know.
06:00I don't know.
06:01I don't know.
06:02I don't know.
06:03I don't know.
06:05Alright, well good luck.
06:09You kind of get it.
06:11What was that description?
06:13I felt personally attacked a little bit with that description.
06:15Is that what you look like?
06:17I mean…
06:18Are you 40 with a receding hairline with big teeth?
06:21Everything but the big teeth.
06:24I'm about 40 with a receding hairline.
06:28Aren't we all?
06:29Aren't we all?
06:33I don't know hide so they don't see me.
06:36Yeah, I don't know if that's going to get every single cop up there,
06:39but I didn't sound too concerned.
06:41I think that's going to get.
06:43It's going to get one or two, one or two,
06:44and then hopefully the one or two seeing that they're gone.
06:47What I can do is oh my God, oh my God, what are you doing, God?
06:51I'm not doing anything.
06:52But why am I going out of two frames per second right now?
06:54You're smashing into my trailer.
06:56Oh, I'm glitching like a mother right now.
06:59Well, maybe start with that first one.
07:01I'll go take this one then.
07:02OK, I'm going. All right.
07:04Yeah, dude, I don't.
07:04I am unconfirmed on whether I'm assuming he's inside.
07:11But it should be that black Durango there.
07:14If I get caught, it's going to be like, sorry, man, you're just you're double parked.
07:17Yeah, just give them some BS.
07:20Keep an eye out still.
07:21I don't see anything else.
07:22This might actually work out better
07:24because then it's going to force us to do multiple scenes
07:26to try to get more and more cop cars while I drive around with all the stolen ones.
07:31OK, so this one, you know, you know, the next one, it's a work.
07:36OK, nice. Perfect.
07:40Then I'm hooked.
07:41Yeah, it's on out.
07:44OK, let me get attaching.
07:47You good?
07:48Is he attached or broken?
07:51And very well might be.
07:52I think it is.
07:54Hey, so just to hide the car, then.
07:58OK, we're just hiding the cars.
08:00OK, we got one.
08:01Well, it's locked. I can't even get into it.
08:04Oh yeah. Pick it.
08:06What are we supposed to do now?
08:08I don't know. The task doesn't work.
08:09That kind of is a bummer.
08:11It shows up that it like I can do attach and start the process of attaching.
08:15But then it just I'd get no lines or anything for any vehicle.
08:20Is it working? No, no.
08:23This is large. Yeah, it is.
08:25Here, let me just let me just you can just tell you get it.
08:28You know, I'll call an audible.
08:29You get a tow truck.
08:30We'll just we'll just tell him.
08:36We've we did this recently.
08:39We did do this recently.
08:40Very recently.
08:42Oh, I see another car with lights on over there.
08:45I'm going to go drive over there. OK.
08:51I'm just going to put this one in and drive it down the alley a little bit.
08:56Wait, where are these?
08:57Oh, I see it here.
08:58I can get another one.
09:00No, they're inside.
09:01They're inside looking. I'm getting this car bugs.
09:03OK, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going. OK.
09:10I mean, that's good, we're getting them.
09:12I just wish we had none, but I wish we could just put them on the trailer.
09:15We can put them on the tractor.
09:17Now what? I don't know.
09:19I don't know.
09:20Oh, good. Thanks.
09:21I don't know what to do with this.
09:23It's got lights on.
09:24Oh, God, put it down.
09:27OK, lights are off.
09:30I'm just going to park it over here next to this one.
09:32I don't know, man.
09:34I don't know what we do.
09:36We're we're too deep now.
09:37We're too deep with this.
09:39It's going. I don't know.
09:41Do we just keep doing it?
09:44I guess.
09:46I guess.
09:46I mean, they're going to ping it.
09:47They're going to be here.
09:48And then I don't know.
09:49We kill them all.
09:51They haven't noticed yet.
09:53Like we would have seen the ping already.
09:55Yeah, no, they haven't pinged it.
09:57Hmm. Hmm.
09:59I don't know.
10:00Like, what do we do?
10:00So we when they show up, when they ping it
10:03and they show up here, we kill.
10:06We kill them.
10:08I don't know, man.
10:10It was banking on the attack script.
10:11That's always worked working.
10:13And now it doesn't work.
10:14Ransom. We hold the ransom.
10:15OK, you know what?
10:17Yeah, we we kidnap them
10:19and we put them in their own cars.
10:22With their own handcuffs.
10:24OK, and then we ransom them for money.
10:27Get rid of the truck.
10:28This will be this will be an ambush.
10:30So when they come over here.
10:32OK, here, let me get a gun.
10:35Yeah, I need a gun, too.
10:37Yeah, I'm getting armor.
10:39OK, we're calling an audible.
10:41So get rid of the truck.
10:42And then this is where well,
10:44we'll ambush them from like the rooftops
10:46and we'll just tase them.
10:47We should get a taser.
10:48OK, so we just run up
10:51and we tase them right away
10:52and then grab them.
10:53Yeah, take hostage.
10:56But let's see how many we can get
10:57first before we do that.
10:58Or should we just do the two?
11:00Well, let's see.
11:01Well, let's see if we can get more.
11:02How many officers are going to show up?
11:04Or if they ping?
11:07Let's see what happens first,
11:08because if they bring
11:09a lot of people over here,
11:13we're going to be outnumbered.
11:14Yeah, that's why I think if we
11:17if they if they ping,
11:19we're going to have to just.
11:21We're going to have to do it then
11:22if they don't hang and they keep sending,
11:24we'll just keep grabbing cars.
11:29They're not out here, OK,
11:31I'm going to go park this
11:31and get eyes on the front
11:33so I can see them, OK?
11:35Yeah, it's probably a good idea.
11:36I'm keeping an eye.
11:37This was the perfect building to do
11:39because they took them
11:39and it's taking them forever.
11:41And just imagine if we had them
11:42on the truck and ready to go
11:44and then we could have just got more
11:45and then we could have had
11:45a whole truck loaded
11:46and it was everything
11:47and then it didn't work
11:48and now we're scrambling
11:49and this is botched episode.
11:51And why do people watch us
11:52and what is?
11:53I'm keeping all this in
11:54because this is all valid criticism.
11:59Wait, I can get my little
12:00I can get my mask back on.
12:02Oh yeah, yeah, you got time
12:03with your safety back on.
12:04Don't put my safety on.
12:06All these people here.
12:07Oh, they're here.
12:08Oh, dude, I got caught
12:11with my pants down.
12:12I was behind this building
12:13putting a mask on
12:14and they run right to me.
12:16And I took I turned my face
12:18into the wall so they don't see the mask
12:20and I take it off.
12:21I'm like, hey, I was
12:22I was having a smoke
12:24and I'm standing right by my
12:26being tow truck.
12:27Oh my God, everything's me.
12:31It's all so they know
12:33their cars are gone, it's not botched.
12:34I'm going to OK,
12:35I'm going to put my chastity back on
12:37and we're away for them to ping it.
12:38Doesn't matter if they see the tow truck.
12:41I haven't seen any other units roll in,
12:43it's just so it's just two cops.
12:45It's just two cops.
12:46OK, so they're going to ping it.
12:48I'm going to put my sweater on.
12:50I was in the middle of changing
12:51my outfit and they rolled up.
12:53Where were you?
12:54Just directly across the street.
12:56I don't know how they saw me.
12:57I wasn't in their view.
13:01Truly, I don't know how they saw me.
13:04Just so funny mask.
13:06I was like, I was like,
13:07I'm just out here by my house
13:09and then I look up
13:09and the sign says motel and I go,
13:11well, I've been living here for three months,
13:13so it feels like my home, you know?
13:14Oh my God, dude,
13:16I was literally getting
13:17caught with my pants down.
13:19I think they knew they knew it, too.
13:21They haven't paid yet.
13:22Oh no, I chose a sweater
13:24in the back of it says
13:25I will miss you, Daddy.
13:27Oh, there's a cop.
13:28Yeah, I see somebody just rolled up.
13:31I think or no, no, he's he's.
13:33There's a cop in the alley stalking me.
13:36Oh no.
13:38Another cop just rolled up to the.
13:40Oh, there's a cop in the alley.
13:41Oh, there's a cop in the alley.
13:43Another cop just rolled up
13:44to the clock and bell.
13:46There was a I caught
13:47this cop stalking me.
13:50Oh God, man, bugs, grab a car.
13:52I'm chasing this cop, OK?
13:54I'm at 3015, OK?
13:57Hurry, I'm coming.
13:58I'm coming.
13:59I hear a cop.
14:023015 you got it.
14:04I want to stand off.
14:06Oh, I shot a cop.
14:09Wait, I heard it to the left.
14:11I'm ready.
14:13Where I literally I can.
14:14I pulled a gun out of my off my back.
14:18Where I don't run.
14:20I gotta run.
14:20I don't know where you are.
14:22One six poluto poluto Boulevard.
14:27I'm at the gas station.
14:28Blue Boulevard.
14:29These are what things I'm running.
14:30Hang on, I'm coming back.
14:33It got botched.
14:34It's everything's botched.
14:36Hey, hey, right here, right here.
14:38Get in.
14:40Dude, he was.
14:42There's a cop.
14:44He was like hunched over
14:45and I was trying to walk towards you
14:47and he was hunched over
14:48behind a garbage can.
14:49I was like, what's up, man?
14:50And I look like a criminal.
14:52So then he starts following me.
14:53So I'm like, well, this guy, I tase him.
14:55Immediately there's a cop there.
14:57Oh my God, dude.
15:00So I shoot her.
15:01I can pull out my M4
15:03and I just can let her up.
15:05So you tase one
15:06and then you shot another one?
15:07Yeah, I killed the cop.
15:09OK, I panicked.
15:11And now we're just in a cop car.
15:13But we got a cop car.
15:17I don't know how they see it.
15:21They haven't pinged it either.
15:25I don't.
15:26Oh, God, this is this episode
15:29has gone to shit.
15:34Because I was trying to run to you
15:35to do the whole ambush thing
15:38and there was a cop in the alleyway
15:40crouching and I was like,
15:41oh, ran right by him.
15:43And then he started chasing me.
15:47Well, he was just following me.
15:48I was like, what's up, man?
15:49He's like, like your mask.
15:49I'm like, cool, see you later.
15:50And he just starts following me.
15:51So I tased him.
15:53OK, all the cops
15:54are going back there now.
15:55Oh, yeah.
15:56Well, we got a cop car.
15:57I killed a cop for three grand
15:58worth of cop car here.
15:59This is this is good.
16:03And I didn't have a gun on me,
16:04so I had my I feel kind of bad
16:06because I didn't have the M4 on me.
16:07It was kind of pulling it out of my ass.
16:09But I'm going to.
16:11Yeah, that's botched.
16:12I'm sorry, officer.
16:13I shouldn't have pulled that gun out.
16:14I mean, it's fine.
16:16Well, even if you did
16:17have it already on you,
16:18you would have just pulled it
16:19out of nothing anyway.
16:20Yeah, but he would have saw it.
16:23It was a it was FRP.
16:25And I apologize.
16:27To be fair, I would have just shot you
16:28with a pistol and you would have
16:30been dead either way.
16:31Yeah, that's true.
16:32And also this is botched.
16:35It's botched, dude.
16:36I'm like, I'm flustered.
16:37I feel our pain.
16:39I don't know what to do now.
16:40I don't want to do anymore.
16:41We got a cop car.
16:42Now what?
16:44Let's go turn ourselves in.
16:50Just turn ourselves.
16:52Listen, we were trying to do this.
16:53I don't know what happened.
16:54The truck didn't work.
16:56I don't know.
16:57I'm sorry I have.
16:59I pulled out of my asshole.
17:02It was up there real good.
17:04You know what?
17:05That's what we'll do
17:06when we get when we eventually get caught.
17:08That's exactly what we'll do.
17:09We'll just admit to everything.
17:12I'm sorry we tried
17:14stealing your cop cars.
17:15That didn't work out.
17:16We tried to work out.
17:18You guys caught me.
17:19You guys were stalking me for no reason.
17:21To be fair, they were talking to me for.
17:22I mean the tow truck.
17:23Maybe what it was?
17:24Well, that is like maybe them
17:26just walk it up to you
17:26like mask on facing the wall.
17:29Is a little suspicious.
17:30A little suspicious.
17:31What do you mean?
17:32Oh hey guys, what's going on?
17:35I'm just a normal citizen here.
17:37Nothing to see.
17:38Don't look at that tow truck.
17:40Oh, I'm just going home at this hotel.
17:42What do we do?
17:44I don't know man
17:44if there was a sieve on server
17:46we could pull him over and take his car,
17:47but I don't think that's the thing.
17:49OK, what we're criminals?
17:51What's our game plan?
17:51Here is these criminals
17:52can get into their heads.
17:54OK, well we have a cop car.
17:55We have a cop car.
17:56We have guns.
17:58We have guns.
17:59Our plan went to.
18:02So now we rob stores.
18:05Now we got it.
18:05OK, we're robbing stores, I guess.
18:07OK, going to the flega
18:09robbing stores.
18:11I don't know man.
18:13OK, wait, you know we should do.
18:15Let's get the tow truck
18:16and let's steal a car on scene.
18:18Let's go out
18:19because they're all there
18:20treating into an officer down.
18:21OK, so you just go back.
18:23We'll go back.
18:24OK, we're going back.
18:26But we'll get a different tow truck
18:27and we'll try and steal a car on scene.
18:29Yes, to keep on theme.
18:31Because we can.
18:31Yeah, we've done a million store robberies.
18:35I mean, we've done this before.
18:36This is so stupid dude.
18:39We quit like I'm quitting OCRP today.
18:42You should too.
18:44Standing ourselves
18:46recording server, but doesn't matter.
18:49I just wish that it all fell apart
18:51once we realized
18:52we couldn't get it on the truck.
18:53The attached script.
18:55That's the thing is, it's always worked.
18:57I didn't bother checking it
18:58because I was like, oh, it's always worked.
19:00Oh, that's so stupid.
19:03OK, we'll just go.
19:04You know what?
19:04We'll go back.
19:05We'll try to blend in.
19:07And we'll try to grab another police car.
19:11Somehow they still haven't
19:12paying this one or the other one.
19:14No, because the Durango
19:15still in that alleyway.
19:17I love catching it was 033
19:19just crouched in the alley.
19:20He wasn't even hiding.
19:22He was in the middle
19:23of the alleyway crouching,
19:24just watching me.
19:27That's why were they watching you?
19:29Well, you're right.
19:31I mean, it was very suspicious.
19:33It was suspicious.
19:34I'll get over that.
19:40This this is the episode
19:42that proves not everything works out.
19:44Everyone's like you guys
19:45script your episodes, yeah?
19:48Yeah, definitely.
19:49You think we should strip this garbage?
19:52I'm going to title this
19:52the most garbage episode
19:54we've ever recorded.
19:58OK, we're just going to go blend in.
20:00We're cops right now, OK?
20:03They won't notice we have the lights.
20:05We have the car.
20:05They just think that we're cops.
20:07OK, we gotta go get that tow truck.
20:08OK, we're going to go back
20:10and get that tow truck.
20:11I think I remember where it is.
20:13I think I do too.
20:14It was like the next alleyway over
20:16or like near that motel, right?
20:18Yeah, yeah, they're just thinking
20:19we're responding, right?
20:20We're just responding.
20:23Oh look, cops.
20:25Yeah, we're just going.
20:25Keep going.
20:26We're just responding.
20:30Oh, they're there.
20:31They're so good on.
20:32Where's that tow truck at?
20:33I thought it was back there.
20:35Oh, it was.
20:36It was, yeah.
20:37Here, let me here.
20:38I'm going to go right.
20:40It was by it was
20:41yeah, one more street over OK.
20:44One and then the next
20:45right on that street by this motel.
20:50We're blending in.
20:51We're blending in.
20:51Blending in.
20:52We're blending in.
20:52We're blending in.
20:53They have no clue.
20:54Here's the tow truck.
20:55Oh yeah, right here, right here, right here.
20:56Hang on.
20:57Yeah, here go and go get it.
21:02Oh, they see.
21:07No, no, we're blending.
21:08We're blending.
21:08We're blending.
21:09No, they're not.
21:10Just saw me get in this car.
21:11They saw me get in this car.
21:13OK, I'm a cop.
21:14I'm a cop.
21:15I'm a cop bugs.
21:17I can't leave this way.
21:18Can't leave.
21:19No, it's blocked here back out.
21:26I'm I don't know if I'm compromised.
21:28You're compromised.
21:29I don't know if I am.
21:31I think I might be.
21:35Yeah, I definitely am.
21:38Oh God.
21:39Just get out of here, dude.
21:40Just get out of the area.
21:42I think I'm gone, OK?
21:45Just get out of the area.
21:47I dumped the tow truck.
21:55I dumped the tow truck at the hospital.
21:57I'm going to the beach.
21:59OK, I'm in a pursuit now.
22:01With every single cop.
22:03OK, good luck.
22:07Oh my God.
22:11I almost lost him.
22:16I almost lost him.
22:16Hang on.
22:19I'm going to come get you.
22:20You're going to get me.
22:21Wait, I'm gone.
22:22Don't come get me.
22:23Well, I think I'm gone.
22:25Are you?
22:25I think so.
22:26I think I am the back of my shirt.
22:29I can't not keep looking at it.
22:31Just as I'll miss you, Daddy.
22:33You said you're down by the beach where?
22:35Yeah, 3018 on that road.
22:37OK, I'm coming down that road right now.
22:39No one's behind me.
22:39No one saw me come this way.
22:41Jump, do the job.
22:42OK, I'm going to take the job.
22:44I want to see it jump over me like free Willy.
22:48OK, full speed on the dirt road.
22:51I'm going to take the job.
22:52I'm going to take the job.
22:53I'm going to take the job.
22:54I'm going to take the job.
22:55I'm going to take the job.
22:56I'm just off to the side.
22:57I'm going to watch you take this sweet jump.
22:59OK, I'm taking the job.
23:00Hit the jump now.
23:04Oh, hell yeah.
23:06You fell in the middle of it.
23:07I look so cool.
23:10That was awesome.
23:11Where are you?
23:12I was underneath the job.
23:14I didn't even see you.
23:15Oh, there you are.
23:17I fell.
23:18OK, we need to go back for the tow truck.
23:21He's at the hospital.
23:22OK, we're going back.
23:23We're blending.
23:24We're blending in a car.
23:26Wait, maybe the Durango is still there.
23:29Go take the Durango.
23:30Yeah, let's go back and see
23:31if the Durango is still there.
23:32Then we can blend with the Durango.
23:35I mean, the smartest thing
23:36would be to get a different car,
23:38but that's no fun.
23:40At this point, we're just seeing
23:42how bad of criminals we are.
23:44We're the worst criminals.
23:45I'm going to shoot myself on the foot.
23:48I think at the end of this,
23:49we should definitely
23:49just give ourselves up and be like,
23:51we're so sorry.
23:52Listen, this all this went way out of
23:55way and we didn't plan for any of this.
23:57We were on a simple.
23:59We don't know.
23:59We're sorry.
24:01Go get the Durango.
24:03OK, let's go.
24:04They haven't seen the Durango yet.
24:05Well, they've never pinged it
24:08unless they just happen
24:09to be going down this alley
24:09and I've seen it.
24:11It's gone.
24:13Oh, they saw it then.
24:14OK, a tow truck.
24:16Go right and then left at the hospital.
24:19OK, so right out of here.
24:21Left, left, left hospital.
24:24I saw a cop down the road.
24:27Good call.
24:28Wait for it.
24:28It was a silver Taurus.
24:31It's coming up north.
24:33Cool, I'll go tase it.
24:35But the car.
24:37Yeah, because I'm a good criminal.
24:41I'm going to walk out and get hit by a cop.
24:42That's not going to give up.
24:45They got.
24:47I don't think they know
24:48they're right there, you see him?
24:49No, the left or left.
24:53They're coming, they're coming now.
24:54Oh, really?
24:56They saw you?
24:56No, no, I don't think they saw me.
24:57They're just driving down this road.
24:59It should be passing away for it.
25:01They're going to turn it
25:02and do not turn in here.
25:04I will shoot you.
25:07They should have.
25:08Oh, they're not passing
25:09across the way.
25:11Don't come in here.
25:13Turn your engine off, turn your engine off.
25:15Hang on, hang on.
25:16Engine engine.
25:22OK, so left.
25:24Get left to the hospital.
25:27Yeah, yeah, where the hospital
25:28on the map is, you see that?
25:29It's in the back.
25:32A blending right in here
25:34and then right here, right here, yeah.
25:44Durango, Durango, Durango, Durango,
25:45Durango, or just fell off for no reason.
25:48We're going.
25:49Get out of here, dude.
25:50Go, go, go, go, go.
25:52We need to get out of Bolido.
25:54Go, go, go, go, go.
25:56I hear sirens.
25:57Keep going.
26:09They see me.
26:12I'm going as fast as I can.
26:16I'm going south 13.
26:17OK, good.
26:17I'm getting out of here.
26:22I have one trying to catch up to me.
26:27Dude, let me try and tell
26:28one of their cars mid pursuit.
26:30If you can get another one,
26:31get another one.
26:32Actually, no, because you can't
26:33grab when they're in.
26:34All right, true.
26:35Yeah, that's right.
26:41How long is this terrible
26:42recording been going?
26:43It's fine.
26:48Listen, we're doing this, man.
26:49No, our plan should just be to try
26:51and get away with everything
26:53and then revisit this.
26:54Truly, we can try
26:56and just get away with it.
26:58And just like literally.
27:00Stash the tow truck,
27:01stash the cop car.
27:04I mean, we could, but that's not really.
27:07I want to try this again.
27:09I mean, I definitely
27:09want to try this again.
27:12Or we just give ourselves up.
27:13Whatever works.
27:14I don't care.
27:15OK, we're going to try this again.
27:16I mean, we're going to try this again.
27:19Don't care anymore.
27:19I'm going to take this thing off a cliff.
27:22OK, I'm going South 13.
27:23I think I have one like far far back.
27:27How far have you gone?
27:30I'm at the tunnel.
27:31OK, I'm just going to continue South.
27:34Oh, you went that way.
27:35OK, I'm going Great Ocean.
27:37That actually works out.
27:38We went to completely different way then.
27:39Yeah, that works out
27:40because I didn't have one way behind me.
27:43You're on the one then.
27:44Yeah, I'm on the one.
27:46OK, maybe let's regroup in.
27:50Grape scene.
27:53Harmony, I can meet you over like in 68.
27:55OK, yeah, yeah, yeah, 920.
27:57Maybe at 920 and Harmony.
28:00Isn't that the is that the RV place?
28:01That's the gas station.
28:03The one on 68 in Joshua.
28:06OK, let's try.
28:07Let's OK, let's regroup.
28:10Let's try to get another.
28:11Like, let's get one more police car
28:13and then if we can do that,
28:14we'll just we'll just
28:15get away with it clean.
28:17OK, and then we'll try to revisit it.
28:22But I think we need to.
28:23We need to.
28:24We need to have something go right here.
28:26I'm going to hide it over here.
28:28OK, so tow truck secure.
28:31Let's figure out how to get another cop car.
28:33Yeah, I was wearing this mask.
28:34This isn't suspicious.
28:35No, nothing.
28:36Nothing about that.
28:37I don't know.
28:40The game I like literally was like.
28:42Oh and I just like went
28:43to the corner like this.
28:44You took the mask.
28:46Are you wearing a holster too?
28:48Yeah, well that definitely.
28:52Oh see, they saw a gun.
28:53OK, that works.
28:54It just wasn't my rifle.
28:58OK, we need to figure out
29:00how to get one more cop car.
29:03Yeah, we need to set this one up as bait.
29:05Do we want to do another 911?
29:09And we could just 911
29:10and say there's a cop car on over here.
29:12Like we could just tell him where it is.
29:14Yeah, try to use this as bait
29:16and then run up and steal two others.
29:19OK, so where do we want to place this
29:21where they're going to not notice
29:24us running up to their car?
29:25Oh, there it is.
29:27They pinged it.
29:29I didn't see that.
29:30Yeah, it just got pinged in the chat.
29:32Oh my God, my it's my text
29:34chat is like that thing
29:35where it's like a leg about 9.
29:37Oh my God, I'm lagging like crazy.
29:38OK, hang on.
29:39I'm going to respond to that.
29:43I'm going to say.
29:51At 1015.
29:57So we put it in liquorice
29:58and we can go on the rooftop or something.
30:00Yeah, but they would see us on the rooftop
30:01if it's at the liquorice.
30:02That's the thing is we need to like
30:04place it somewhere that.
30:07You can run up and get
30:08we can run up and get it.
30:10I'm thinking like.
30:13What if we put it in?
30:15Oh, I have an idea.
30:15We put it in the parking lot
30:17of the dollar pills.
30:19Yeah, we go to the rooftop
30:22of the 24-7 across the street.
30:25If they ping it again,
30:26then they'll know
30:27it's in the dollar pills parking lot.
30:28We'll see him pull up.
30:30Or maybe we.
30:32No, if we do around
30:33that they're just going to drive around.
30:34I like it.
30:36OK, yeah, let's just do that.
30:40Ah, so your message
30:42just showed up for me.
30:43Oh, OK, weird.
30:44Yeah, it's broken.
30:45Yeah, it's broken.
30:48So yeah, sick.
30:51Yeah, they they they pinged it.
30:53So I mean if they ping it again,
30:54I'll respond.
30:57But I'm going to wait for them to ping it.
30:59Yeah, because it's time to set up.
31:02Yeah, if we park it in here like this.
31:05Yeah, but the doors closed.
31:08Maybe they'll think someone's in it.
31:11Then we go across the street
31:12to the 24-7.
31:15And then hopefully one of the units
31:16that pulls up like when they.
31:18Go in or go around or look around.
31:21We can run up and grab two.
31:27Oh, you know what?
31:28I'm going to hide it.
31:29Is there a dumpster over there?
31:30There might be.
31:32If not, you can move a dumpster.
31:35Yeah, maybe we both hide in the dumpster, dude.
31:38Oh, that might be.
31:39Yeah, that might be a better idea.
31:41Or we hide in one of these parked cars.
31:44OK, what if you hide in a parked car
31:46and do the do the
31:48the Sunday's Sunday's?
31:50Yeah, I'm going to open this car.
31:52Actually, I think it's technically
31:53the cloud gaze do cloud gaze.
31:55Oh, but my text thing is broken.
31:57Oh yeah, that's right.
32:00Can you do that?
32:02I just unlocked this car for you.
32:03OK, I'm coming over.
32:04Hang on.
32:06Yeah, I can't do any emotes and bullshit.
32:08That's fine.
32:09I'll just hide over here in a bush.
32:12Oh, there's dumpster right here.
32:14Oh, dude, look at this dumpster.
32:17Wait, where is it?
32:17See where I'm at?
32:19Over by this lemonade stand or whatever it is.
32:21Oh, the taco place.
32:22Oh yeah.
32:23OK, oh, this is perfect.
32:24Yeah, let's do this.
32:26And then we have to.
32:27Oh, they're going to see us, though, man.
32:29Yeah, but my text is broken.
32:31Yeah, but we have to we just have to be quick.
32:33We have to like, why don't we move the dumpster closer?
32:37Yeah, yeah.
32:37Let's do that.
32:38Yeah, let's move the number.
32:39Actually, I'm going to I'm going to move the police car
32:42in front of the suburban.
32:44But then they think that we're inside.
32:46So then hopefully they go inside the suburban.
32:49Put it to where this silver car is.
32:51OK, yeah, yeah, yeah.
32:51The silver car.
32:52Yeah, I'm going to park it right between the middle.
32:55Oh, I'm moving this.
32:56Oh, OK, this.
32:57Oh, they just think that my text works, OK?
33:02I'm going to respond to that.
33:05I'm getting the dumpster.
33:07What is it, F?
33:08Yeah, I'm not sure.
33:09Three zero.
33:11You then hopefully this works.
33:13I hope they clear that building.
33:15That's what I'm thinking is like if it's parked out front,
33:17they'll they'll think that we're inside and I'm hoping a couple go inside.
33:21If we just get a handful, like just a just a couple of them to go in,
33:25we might have access to one or two cars.
33:27This is going to be super risky.
33:29This is risky.
33:31Oh, oh, no kid.
33:34Don't do that.
33:36Jesus, I just hit record.
33:39Oh yeah, yeah.
33:41That'll pop you out because it's a on the controller to get out.
33:44OK, now we wait.
33:47I'm scared.
33:49I have guns.
33:49Why am I scared?
33:50Yeah, no.
33:51If things listen.
33:52Oh, I'm crashing.
33:54It's happening.
33:55Oh, no, you're.
33:56Oh, we're good.
33:57We're good. We're good.
33:58OK, well, let me save this costume quick.
34:01If things go south, I'm pulling a gun.
34:04And I'm blasting.
34:06Oh, yeah.
34:06No, if it goes south, we're blasting.
34:07We're blasting our way out.
34:08Oh, come on.
34:09It was complicated.
34:12No lights or sirens, which is actually good.
34:15Damn, I wish I knew how to text.
34:17I think he's.
34:18Oh, why they park so far?
34:20Yeah, but there will be more.
34:21Once he sees it, he's going to call it in.
34:23More are going to show up.
34:24Well, there's two of them.
34:27Oh, yeah, that's that's Shannon.
34:32Yeah, they see the car.
34:35They're clearing it.
34:36I'm sure they called it in,
34:37so there's probably going to be more showing up.
34:40Yeah, so we almost need to wait, dude.
34:42I think we do need to wait.
34:44Or see now he's got his eyes on the server.
34:46Exactly. Oh, dude, that's what I wanted.
34:48Or do we just I think we just go.
34:51If we can run there, I hear a cop.
34:53I hear a cop roll up.
34:55Hey, that one's going around back.
34:57There's clear in the suburban.
34:58Do you want to go?
34:59Let's go go to the Durango.
35:01Go get it.
35:03I'm going to wait.
35:04I'm going to wait.
35:07Go, go, go, go, go.
35:11Yep, you're good.
35:13Sweet Jesus, you're good.
35:15I don't think anyone saw, dude.
35:17He I'm gone.
35:19I went, I took that dirt road.
35:23I they just came out of the suburban.
35:26Do they notice?
35:26I think they notice that the car is gone.
35:31They're going to ping it now.
35:32Oh, OK.
35:35One of them.
35:38Cops leave in between her.
35:40Jesus, it's gotten me so freaked
35:42that I stopped giving it for people's birthday gifts.
35:44Oh no, Shannon's just getting back in her car.
35:46We just swapped cars with them.
35:49I mean, you said you're going to go out blasting.
35:52Yeah, I don't want to just hop out of the dumpster
35:55and start blasting.
35:56I wanted a car in the box, jack in the box.
35:58I wanted a car.
36:00They just they just left in there.
36:01We just swapped cars with them.
36:02We just swapped cars.
36:05Well, this one's nicer.
36:08Damn it.
36:10Wait, let's go.
36:10So let's go set up another bait for them again.
36:12I mean, you might as well.
36:13They're going to ping that one.
36:15OK, this is running at the Redwood
36:16Lightstripe right now with this thing is pretty good.
36:18They just they just left.
36:20Yeah, there's another Durango driving by.
36:21They're in the area.
36:22They're looking for it.
36:25Oh, I'm doing it.
36:26I'm taking jumps right now.
36:28It's like sweet.
36:28It's been paid.
36:29What's your location?
36:31Uh, yeah, nine, three, eight.
36:36I guess we got it.
36:43Nine, three, eight.
36:44I guess we got it.
36:46Nine, three, eight.
36:48It's been paid.
36:50OK, I'm getting out of the dumpster.
36:51Should I come back and get you?
36:54If you would like to.
36:55Oh, oh, why are they slamming on the brakes like that?
37:01I don't like that.
37:02No way.
37:03They see you in a dumpster.
37:04No, I just I just got out and they slammed on the brakes.
37:05But I don't think that was related to me.
37:10If a cop pulls up on me, I'm blasting.
37:11I got a freaking mask on.
37:13I mean, I'm not.
37:14They know something's up.
37:15No, I think they're OK.
37:16They're just heading up to nine, three, eight.
37:19Oh, I gotta I should just leave this on the highway.
37:25I'm heading over to the twenty four seven.
37:28I don't know if you want to come get me.
37:31Yeah, I'm over on the 13 now.
37:35Just kept driving.
37:37I'll let you know if they ping.
37:40We literally did like they just gotten like they just got in the Taurus and just left.
37:44It was like, all right, well, I guess we'll take this one then.
37:48I should have got out with you and took the Taurus again.
37:50Yeah, it would have been the perfect timing.
37:55But I just figured more cops were going to show up.
37:58Were you 68?
38:01Nine to eight on Route 68 at the twenty four seven.
38:02OK, I got to fly there.
38:04Hang on.
38:05I'm just on 13 now.
38:06I'm taking the exit for Sandy.
38:08OK, let's go a max speed if they.
38:14That's fine.
38:15Just blend in.
38:16We'll get into a pursuit.
38:17You're just a cop.
38:18Oh, another ping.
38:19What's your what's the closest postal?
38:22Do nine, five, four, nine, five, four.
38:26That means I'm going to come back this way.
38:27I got to hurry.
38:28Oh, this thing's so slow.
38:31Yeah, the Taurus was fast.
38:33Oh, you're the twenty four seven.
38:36Oh, can I go back roads?
38:39No, I got to stay on 68.
38:41It's going to be a race.
38:43But I think, oh, this is we're going to actually get past them.
38:50I hear sirens.
38:51Oh, do you?
38:53I'm I'm coming full speed.
38:54Yeah, just come for me.
38:55I'll miss you, daddy.
38:57Well, they're passing me, they're passing me.
39:06Are they flipping?
39:09Oh, they're flipping.
39:10Oh, yeah.
39:11I'm doing it.
39:12But you're at the 24th.
39:13I'm here.
39:14I'm here.
39:15I'm here.
39:16I'm here.
39:17Get in.
39:19I'm right here.
39:20Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
39:22Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
39:31I'm shooting.
39:32I see that.
39:33It's just we do.
39:35We're going out blast.
39:36I think we're dying today.
39:37We're going out blasted, man.
39:39Let's just go to the sheriff's station.
39:40Let's turn ourselves in.
39:41Should we?
39:42Yeah, I think so.
39:43After we've shot at them, let's die in the sheriff's station.
39:49Shoot on the sheriff's station.
39:50Here we go.
39:51Is that you shooting?
39:52Yeah, I'm shooting.
39:54I don't think I'm hitting anything, to be honest with you.
39:55Oh, I shouldn't have taken the AP pistol.
39:56That's OP.
39:57Yeah, I always take the standard pistol for the hostages, just because sometimes I've
39:58had a glitch where it's like, you need a pistol.
39:59There, I'm shooting traffic.
40:01I see you.
40:02I see you.
40:03I see you.
40:04I see you.
40:05I see you.
40:06I see you.
40:07I see you.
40:08I see you.
40:09I see you.
40:10I see you.
40:11I see you.
40:12I see you.
40:13I see you.
40:14I see you.
40:15I see you.
40:16I see you.
40:17I see you.
40:18I see you.
40:19I see you.
40:20I see you.
40:23I see that!
40:24Maybe that will mess them up.
40:25I like that, when you shoot at cops, all they do is, they don't slow down, they just start
40:29swerving side to side.
40:31They start swerving.
40:37Okay, we're running in.
40:49Oh, run the back, run the back, or I'll cover the back.
40:55You cover the front.
40:57I got the, I got the front.
40:59Oh, my frames are so bad.
41:01My frames are horrific inside, dude.
41:05I'm going out back.
41:06They're here.
41:08I'm still on front.
41:12I'm running.
41:13I got front covered.
41:15I just headshot a cop!
41:21I just domed a cop!
41:24I'm taking his car!
41:25I got another Durango!
41:30Wait, what?
41:31I took his car.
41:32I'm in the sheriff's station.
41:33Good luck, fucks!
41:35I'm going, no, I'm coming back.
41:36They're never gonna see this.
41:38Don't you leave me.
41:42I'm running them over, dude.
41:46Run them over at the front.
41:46I just domed James, man, like right in the head.
41:50They're at the front.
41:51Are they up front?
41:51Watch this.
41:53Oh my God.
41:59I just shot one.
42:01I'm dead, I'm dead.
42:03Oh my God.
42:05That was so good.
42:08Oh my God.
42:12Did you see that?
42:13Yes, that was horrific.
42:15That was so good.
42:20Oh my God, dude.
42:21I ran over Shannon.
42:23I ran over two of them.
42:25They made them glitch into the building.
42:31One of them glitched into the building
42:32and I shot him in the head.
42:34I'm sorry, James.
42:35I just popped James in the head.
42:37That's the luckiest shot I've ever done.
42:40I'm barricading, man.
42:41I'm holding out.
42:43I'm going to make them make entry.
42:45They're trying to revive.
42:46They're glitching.
42:50Oh my God.
42:51Oh, dude, this cop is just glitching.
42:57Oh my God, dude.
42:59The power of Christ compels you.
43:01You see this cop in the doorway?
43:03No, I don't.
43:05Oh my God, dude.
43:08It's horrific.
43:13I can't wait for you to watch this.
43:15It looks so funny.
43:18I'm just barricaded.
43:19I'm in the interrogation room,
43:23like the listening room to the interrogation room.
43:26These poor cops,
43:26because they're dealing with two dead officers here
43:30and a third one that I killed already.
43:34And this one is just,
43:36dude, it's like the swing set glitch in GTA 4,
43:38but with a body.
43:40It's so good.
43:41That's amazing.
43:42Oh my God.
43:46I tried to, I mean, I tried to come back for you.
43:48Oh, no, you did.
43:50You're welcome.
43:51I appreciate it.
43:52I didn't know you were going to leave.
43:55Well, I wasn't planning on it,
43:56but I had to leave because the frames got so bad for me.
43:59Oh no, they're horrific inside, yeah.
44:01So I left out the back.
44:06I'm just, I'm just covering this.
44:07I want them to make entry.
44:12You hit this panic button.
44:13Oh, we're aware you're panicking, dude.
44:16Oh, I bet there's a lot of panicking happening.
44:20Yeah, panic, yeah.
44:21So James, panic is one, zero, three, zero.
44:23I literally did a bugs one shot on him with a pistol.
44:26It was insane.
44:28I'm so sorry, dude.
44:31I don't know if they're moving in
44:32or if they're dealing with that
44:33or what's going on out there.
44:37Just come up with a bottle and start mailing them.
44:40I'm just going to get domed if I do that.
44:44If you want to have a barricaded thing, go for it.
44:47Yeah, I want them just to make,
44:49because I'm right by the front door.
44:50So they make entry.
44:51I'll be able to see.
44:52I just can't see the front door.
44:56Also, I shot James in the head.
44:59He hits his panic button.
45:05This was so botched.
45:06Oh, this whole episode was botched, man.
45:10But I think people will like it
45:12because it's us just thinking on our feet of like,
45:15what do we do?
45:18I've never had to pivot so much in an episode.
45:21Oh, here they come.
45:22I shouldn't say anything.
45:24I don't think, a lot of these cops
45:26have never even been in here.
45:29Dude, if we're lagging, they're going to be lagging too.
45:31So just be aware of that.
45:33Well, I mean, it'll be a fair advantage
45:34because we're both getting terrible frames in here.
45:38I'm like looking through the slots of the shades
45:42of the door to this room.
45:43Like I can barely see.
45:45Like Jim in the office when he's staring through the door.
45:50I'm just glad you saw me bowl over those officers, dude.
45:53That was so funny.
45:53Well, I was running.
45:54I was going to leave the front door
45:55because they were like shooting like crazy through it.
45:58And I heard you coming in.
45:59So I ran back to watch.
46:03I want to see what it looked like.
46:05It looked like a unit responding,
46:06just full speed into the front of the sheriff's station.
46:10It could not have been more perfect
46:11where they were standing.
46:12Like two of them right into the front door.
46:16It was so good.
46:19Oh, so many footsteps.
46:23One of us is dying.
46:24Let's just get this over with.
46:25Oh, I'm dying.
46:27I am for sure dying.
46:37Told you.
46:39Did you die?
46:42You got one?
46:46The door saved his life.
46:51It's awesome.
46:52I can't wait to watch it from your perspective though.
46:58These damn bulletproof doors in this office.
47:04I'm like pinned in a corner.
47:07You're so toast.
47:08Oh, I don't think I'm getting one.
47:10Oh, I got one.
47:13Oh, they're flashbanging.
47:14Oh God.
47:16Please don't flashbang me.
47:20Please don't flashbang me.
47:22Bang them.
47:23Please don't flashbang me.
47:24If I hear that go off and I'm not flashbang
47:27and I'm running out and I'm shooting all these cops
47:28that are flashbanged out here.
47:32Come on.
47:33Come on.
47:34Peek around the corner.
47:38Yeah, shooting the door isn't gonna do anything.
47:40Come on.
47:45I think I got two.
47:47What was that grenade?
47:48That was the flashbang.
47:52I died.
47:54They got me.
47:57I think I got two of them.
48:00The grenade was the flashbang.
48:01That's the sound effect for it.
48:03Although it didn't work.
48:04It went off in the room,
48:05but I didn't actually get flashbanged,
48:07which is interesting.
48:09No, no, that's not me, Kim.
48:11That's the guy outside.
48:13They're searching me.
48:14I said I had a diary and I wrote,
48:15says plan has gone to, we must adapt.
48:21No, Kim.
48:22Kim's thinking that you're me.
48:27Whatever that means.
48:29It means you caught me with my pants down,
48:32changing my outfit is what that means.
48:36And the tax script's not working.
48:39Yeah, it's a diary.
48:40There, I just did the same thing.
48:43Repeat, that's crossed out.
48:44It says we're screwed.
48:45I don't know what to do.
48:46Let's get more car parts.
48:47Oh, I'm so sorry to these cops, man.
48:57I did not mean to kill so many.
49:00How many did you end up killing?
49:03Oh my God.
49:05Well, I think, cause I killed Shannon at the start.
49:09Shot James in the head and then ran these two over.
49:15So I don't know, I don't know if they're dead,
49:17but my body counts four.
49:20Are you good?
49:21Well, my game's not, but we can do our outro.
49:23Okay, well.
49:23I can't make it to you.
49:25It's fine.
49:25I'm stuck PowerPointing in the sky, dude.
49:28It's fine.
49:30Well, that was fun.
49:31I'm sorry to all the cops.
49:33I'm sorry to the viewers.
49:35I'm sorry to my parents.
49:38We had a plan.
49:39It fell apart.
49:41We were too invested.
49:42We were like 25 minutes into the episode
49:45and it was like, what do we do?
49:47There's no adapting.
49:48So we just went with what we could.
49:50I mean, honestly, I think it still turned out pretty good,
49:53but it was just, it was a mess.
49:55We just tried to make it entertaining for you guys.
49:57We tried to recoup.
49:59You know what?
50:00We'll get the attached script fixed.
50:02We'll try the original idea again.
50:05But regardless, I hope you guys enjoyed
50:07just the pure panic of us just being like,
50:09I don't know what to do.
50:12Oh my God.
50:13Ever since they saw me and then they were staking me out,
50:15I got flustered.
50:17Oh dude, both of us were like,
50:18I didn't know what to do with the attach not working.
50:20You got seen like immediately.
50:22It was just, there was a lot.
50:26But yeah.
50:27It was fun.
50:28Yep, thanks for everybody helping out.
50:29Really appreciate it.
50:30Let us know if you have any suggestions
50:32and always, you know, thanks for watching.
50:35Whatever that was.
50:36See ya.
50:37See ya.
50:38See ya.
50:39See ya.
50:40See ya.
50:41See ya.
50:41See ya.
50:42See ya.
50:43See ya.
50:44See ya.
50:45See ya.
