Namaz e Taraweeh Aur Khulasa e Taraweeh | 2 March 2025 - Part 1 | ARY Qtv
#ShaneRamzan #ramzan #aryqtv
#ShaneRamzan #ramzan #aryqtv
01:57O you who have believed, the punishment for you has been decreed in the killing
02:03The free with the free, and the slave with the slave, and the female with the female
02:09So whoever is forgiven from his brother by a thing, then follow the good, and return to him with good
02:18That is a lightening from your Lord and mercy. So whoever transgresses after that, then for him is a painful punishment
02:26And for you in the retribution is life, O people of understanding, that you may be righteous
02:34It is decreed for you that when death comes to any of you, if he leaves good, it is a commandment for the parents and those closest to Allah, in the right hand of the righteous
02:49So whoever changes it after he has heard it, then his sin is only against those who change it. Indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing
03:01So whoever fears harm or sin and makes amends between them, then there is no sin against him. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful
03:14O you who have believed, the fast has been decreed for you as it was decreed for those before you, that you may fear Allah for a number of days
03:26So whoever of you is sick or has no travel, then a number of other days. And for those who avert it is ransom, and food for the poor
03:41So whoever volunteers for good, then it is good for him. And that you fast is good for you, if you only knew
03:55The month of Ramadan in which the Qur'an was revealed is a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and distinction
04:04So whoever of you witnesses the month, then let him fast. And whoever is sick or on a journey, then a number of other days
04:15Allah wants ease for you, and He does not want hardship for you. And that you may complete the number and that you may exalt Allah for what He has guided you, and that you may be grateful
04:32Allah is the Greatest
04:40Allah is Hearing and Praising
04:46Allah is the Greatest
04:56Allah is the Greatest
05:01Allah is the Greatest
05:03Allah is the greatest
05:15All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
05:23the Sovereign of the Day of Judgment. It is You we worship and You we ask for help.
05:29Guide us to the straight path, the path of those on whom You have bestowed Your blessings,
05:34not of those who have incurred Your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray.
05:43And when My servants ask You about Me, I am near.
05:50I answer the call of the caller. When he calls Me, let them respond to Me and believe in Me,
05:56that they may be rightly guided.
05:58The night of fasting has been made lawful for you, and you have turned to your wives.
06:03They are clothing for you, and you are clothing for them.
06:09Allah knows that you used to deceive yourselves, so He has forgiven you and pardoned you.
06:17So now give them good tidings and seek what Allah has written for you.
06:23And eat and drink until the whiteness becomes clear to you,
06:28whiter than whiteness, blacker than dawn.
06:31Then come to fasting at night, and do not give good tidings,
06:38and do not stay in the mosques.
06:41Those are the limits of Allah, so do not approach them.
06:44And thus does Allah make His signs clear to the people, that they may fear Him.
06:54And do not consume your wealth among yourselves with falsehood,
06:59and lead it to the rulers, that you may consume a part of the wealth of the people by sin,
07:06while you know.
07:14Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest.
07:41Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest.
08:11Salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
08:37Salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
08:52Allah is the Greatest.
08:56Salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
09:26Salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
09:56Salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
10:03And kill them where you find them, and drive them out from where they have driven you out.
10:09And sedition is worse than killing.
10:12And do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight you therein.
10:19And if they fight you, then kill them. Thus is the reward of the disbelievers.
10:26And if they desist, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
10:32And fight them until there is no more sedition, and the religion is with Allah.
10:38And if they desist, then there is no hostility except against the wrongdoers.
10:44The Sacred Month is the Sacred Month, and the Sacred Months are stories.
10:49So whoever transgresses against you, transgress against him in the same way as he transgressed against you.
10:55And fear Allah and know that Allah is with the righteous.
11:00And spend in the way of Allah, and do not throw your hands into destruction, and do good.
11:07Indeed, Allah loves the doers of good.
11:10And perform Hajj and Umrah for Allah.
11:14And if you are lost, then it is not easy to find a guide.
11:18And do not bow your heads until the guide has reached his destination.
11:24So whoever of you is sick or has a headache,
11:31then it is a sacrifice of fasting or charity or alms.
11:37So when you are secure, then whoever has enjoyed Umrah to Hajj,
11:43then it is not easy to find a guide.
11:46So whoever does not find, then it is the fasting of three days in Hajj,
11:52and when you return, it is ten days in total.
11:55This is for those whose families are not present in the Sacred Mosque.
12:00And fear Allah and know that Allah is severe in punishment.
12:07Hajj is the Sacred Month.
12:11So whoever has forgiven, and in them is Hajj,
12:15then there is no reproach, no transgression, and no dispute in Hajj.
12:20And whatever good you do, Allah knows it.
12:24And if you increase, then the best increase is Taqwa.
12:28And fear Me, O people of understanding.
12:32It is not a sin for you to seek bounty from your Lord.
12:37So when you depart from Arafat, then remember Allah at the Sacred Mosque.
12:45And remember Him as He guided you.
12:48If you were before Him, you would have been astray.
12:53Then turn away from where you have gone astray, and ask forgiveness of Allah.
13:00Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
13:18Allah is the Greatest.
13:30Allah is the Greatest.
13:34Allah is the Greatest.
13:42Allah is the Greatest.
13:48Allah is the Greatest.
13:54All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the Beneficent, the Merciful,
13:59Sovereign of the Day of Judgment.
14:01It is You we worship and You we ask for help.
14:05Guide us to the straight path,
14:07The path of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace,
14:12Those who have not incurred Your Wrath, nor have they gone astray.
14:20So when you have completed your rites, then remember Allah as you remember your fathers,
14:27or as much as you remember.
14:29And among the people are those who say,
14:33Our Lord, give us in this world, and in the Hereafter we have no creation.
14:40And among them are those who say,
14:42Our Lord, give us in this world a good thing,
14:46and in the Hereafter a good thing,
14:48and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.
14:51Those will have a share of what they have earned,
14:55and Allah is swift in reckoning.
14:58And remember Allah in any number of days.
15:02So whoever hastens in two days, there is no sin upon him,
15:07and whoever delays, there is no sin upon him for those who are righteous.
15:11And fear Allah and know that to Him you will be gathered.
15:18And among the people is he whose word pleases You in the life of this world,
15:24and Allah bears witness to what is in his heart, and he is a man of justice.
15:29And when he turns away, he strives in the land to cause corruption in it,
15:34and Allah does not like corruption.
15:39And when it is said to him, fear Allah,
15:41pride has seized him by sin,
15:43so Hell will be enough for him, and what a miserable abode.
15:48And among the people is he whose soul seeks the pleasure of Allah,
15:54and Allah is kind to His servants.
15:57O you who have believed, enter into peace completely,
16:03and do not follow the footsteps of Satan.
16:06Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.
16:09So if you slip from some of what the clear proofs have come to you,
16:15then know that Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.
16:19Can they be excused except that Allah should come to them
16:27in the shadows of the clouds and the angels and the matter be decided?
16:33And to Allah are returned the affairs.
16:49Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise
16:53Allah is Great
17:01Allah is Great
17:05Allah is Great
17:14Allah is Great
17:19Allah is Great
17:26Allah is Great
17:33Allah is Great
17:35As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
18:06Subhanal Mulki wal Malakut
18:08Subhanal Izzati wal Azamati
18:10wal Haybati wal Qudrati
18:12wal Kibriyai wal Jabarut
18:16Subhanal Maliki al Hayy
18:18alladhi la yanaamu wa la yamut
18:22Subbuhun wa Quddusun
18:24Rabbuna wa Rabbul Malaikati wal Ruuh
18:32Allahumma ajirna minan maar
18:38Ya Mujiru Ya Mujiru Ya Mujir
18:44Salat war Muhammad Sallallahu ta'ala alayhi wa sallam
18:58Allah is Great
19:08Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen
19:11Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
19:13Maliki Yawm Al-Deen
19:15Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nasta'een
19:19Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema
19:21Sirata Al-Ladhina An'amta Alayhim
19:23Ghayri Al-Maghdubi Alayhim
19:25Wala Al-Dallin
19:28Wala Al-Dallin
19:34Sal Bani Israel
19:40Sal Bani Israel
19:42Kam Aataynahum Min Aayatin Bayyinah
19:46Waman Yubaddil Ni'mat Allah Min Ba'di Ma Ja'atuhu
19:51Fa'inna Allaha Shadeedul A'iqaab
19:55Zayin Lil-Ladhina Kafaru Al-Hayatu Al-Dunya
19:58Wa Yasfaruna Min Al-Ladhina Amanu
20:01Wal-Ladhina Attaqau Fawqahum Yawm Al-Qiyamah
20:05Wallahu Yarzuq Man Yashaa'u Bighayri Hisaab
20:11Kana'nna Sunnata Wahidata
20:16Fa Ba'atha Allahun Nabiyyin Mubashshirin Wa Munzirin
20:24Wa Anzala Ma'ahumul Kitaba Bil-Haqq
20:28Liyahkum Bayna An-Nasi Fee Mahkhtalafu Feeh
20:32Wa Mahkhtalafa Feeh Illa Al-Ladhina Ootuhu Min Ba'di Ma Ja'atuhumul Bayyinat Baghiyan Baynahum
20:41Fahadha Allahu Al-Ladhina Amanu Limahkhtalafu Feeh Min Al-Haqqi Bi'ithni
20:48Wallahu Yahdi Man Yashaa'u Illa Siratun Mustaqim
20:54Am Hasibatum An Tadkhulul Jannata Walamma Ya'tikum Mathalu Al-Ladhina Khalaw Min Wa Qablikum
21:04Massathumul Ba'sa'u Wa Al-Darra'u Wa Zulzilu Hadda Yaqula Al-Rasul
21:12Wal-Ladhina Amanu Ma'ahu Madha Nasru Allah Alaa Inna Nasru Allahi Qareeb
21:21Yas'aluna Kamatha Yunfiqoon
21:26Qul Ma'a Anfaqatum Min Khayrin Wa Falil Walidayn Wa Al-Aqrabin Wa Al-Yatama Wa Al-Masakin Wa Ban Al-Sabeel
21:35Wa Ma Taf'alu Min Khayrin Fa'inna Allaha Bihi Alim
21:42Qutiba Alaykumul Qitalu Wa Huwa Qurhun Lakum
21:46Wa Asa'an Takrahu Shay'an Wa Huwa Khayrun Lakum
21:52Wa Asa'an Tuhibbu Shay'an Wa Huwa Sharrun Lakum
21:57Wallahu Ya'lamu Wa Antum La Ta'lamun
22:02Yas'aluna Ka'an Al-Shahari Al-Harami Qitalin Wafihi
22:07Qul Qitalin Wafihi Kabirun Wa Sattun An Sabeel Allahi Wa Kufrun Bihi Wa Al-Masjid Al-Haram
22:16Wa Ikhraaju Ahlihi Minhu Akbaru Ainda Allahi
22:19Wa Al-Fitnahu Akbaru Mina Al-Qatli
22:22Wa La Yazaaluna Yuqatilunakum Hatta Yaruddukum Aan Deenikum Min Istata'u
22:30Wa Man Yaruttadid Min Wakum Aan Deenihi
22:35Aan Deenihi Fayamut Wa Huwa Kafiran
22:38Wa Fa'ula'ika Habitat A'maluhum Fid Dunya Wa Al-Aakhira
22:45Wa Ula'ika As'habun Nariyum Feeha Qalidun
22:50Inna Al-Lazeena Aamanu Wa Al-Lazeena Haajaru Wa Ja'adu Fee Sabeel Allahi
22:56Wa Ula'ika Yarujoon Rahmatallah
22:59Wallahu Wafoorun Rahim
23:04Allahu Akbar
23:08Sami'Allahu Liman Hamidahu
23:17Allahu Akbar
23:22Allahu Akbar
23:30Allahu Akbar
23:35Allahu Akbar
23:47Alhamdulillahi Wa Rabbil Alameen
23:51Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
23:53Maliki Yawm Al-Deen
23:55Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Na'sta'ween
23:57Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema
23:59Sirata Al-Lazeena
24:01An'amta Alayhim
24:03Ghayri Al-Maghdoobi Alayhim Wala Al-Dalleen
24:11Yas'aloonaka A'ni Al-Khamri Wa Al-Maysir
24:14Qul Feehima Ithmun Kabeerun Wa Manafi'u Linnaas
24:21Wa Ithmuhuma Akbaru Min Nafa'ihimaa
24:27Wa Yas'aloonaka A'ni Al-Yatama
24:31Qul Islaahun Lahumu Khair
24:33Wa In Tukhalituhum Fa Ikhwanukum
24:36Wallahu Ya'lamu Al-Mufsida Mina Al-Muslih
24:40Yas'aloonaka A'ni Al-Khamri Wa Al-Maysir
24:44Qul Feehima Ithmun Kabeerun Wa Manafi'u Linnaas
24:49Wa Ithmuhuma Akbaru Min Nafa'ihimaa
24:54Wa Yas'aloonaka A'ni Al-Yatama
24:56Qul Islaahun Lahumu Khair
24:59Wa In Tukhalituhum Fa Ikhwanukum
25:02Wallahu Ya'lamu Al-Mufsida Mina Al-Muslih
25:06Walahu Sha'a Allahu La'a'anatakum
25:10Inna Allaha Azizum Hakim
25:14Wala Tankihul Mushrikati Hatta Yu'min
25:18Wala Amatum Mu'minatun Khairum Min Mushrikatin
25:23Walawu A'ajabatkum
25:25Wala Tunkihul Mushrikin Hatta Yu'min
25:29Wala Abdum Mu'minun Khairum Min Mushrikin
25:33Walawu A'ajabakum
25:35Ula'ika Yada'una Ila Al-Naar
25:40Wallahu Yada'u Ila Al-Jannat Wa Al-Maghfirat
25:44Bi Ithnih
25:45Wa Yubayyinu Ayatihi Lin-Nasi
25:48La'allahum Yatawakkaroon
25:53Allahu Akbar
26:01Sami'Allahu Liman Hamidah
26:06Allahu Akbar
26:15Allahu Akbar
26:19Allahu Akbar
26:29Allahu Akbar
26:36Allahu Akbar
26:39Allahu Akbar
26:42Allahu Akbar
26:45Allahu Akbar
26:48Allahu Akbar
26:51Allahu Akbar
26:54Allahu Akbar
26:57Allahu Akbar
27:00Allahu Akbar
27:03Allahu Akbar
27:06Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
27:17Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
27:36Allahu Akbar
27:48Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin
27:52Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
27:54Maliki Yawm Al-Deen
27:56Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nasta'eem
27:58Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema
28:02Sirata Al-Lazina Am'anta Alayhim
28:04Ghayri Al-Maghdubi Alayhim Wala Al-Zaalim
28:12Yas'aloonaka'an Yas'aloonaka Mada Yunfiqoon
28:20Yas'aloonaka'an Al-Khamri Wal-Maysir
28:23Qul Feehima Ismun Kabeerun Wa Manafi'u Lin-Nasi
28:30Wa'ithmuhuma Akbaru Min-Naf'ihima
28:34Yas'aloonaka Mada Yunfiqoon
28:36Qul Al-A'af
28:38Kathalika Yubayyinu Allah Lakumu Al-Ayati
28:40La'allakum Tatafakkaruna Fid Dunya Wal-Akhira
28:42Yas'aloonaka'an Al-Yatama
28:44Qul Islaahun Lahumu Khair
28:46Wa'in Tukhalituhum Fa Ikhwanukum
28:48Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
28:50Mina Al-Muslih
28:52Wa Lahu Sharafa
28:54Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
28:56Mina Al-Mufsid
28:59Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
29:01Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
29:03Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
29:05Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
29:07Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
29:09Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
29:11Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
29:13Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
29:15Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
29:17Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
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29:21Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
29:23Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
29:25Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
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30:03Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
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30:13Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
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30:17Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
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30:21Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
30:23Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
30:25Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
30:27Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
30:29Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
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31:01Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
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31:31Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
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31:55Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
31:57Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
31:59Wa'Allahu Ya'alamu Al-Mufsid
32:01Allahu Akbar
32:07Allahu Akbar
32:11Allahu Akbar
32:19Allahu Akbar
32:21Allahu Akbar
32:51Allahu Akbar
32:53Allahu Akbar
32:55Allahu Akbar
32:57Allahu Akbar
32:59Allahu Akbar
33:01Allahu Akbar
33:03Allahu Akbar
33:05Allahu Akbar
33:07Allahu Akbar
33:09Allahu Akbar
33:11Allahu Akbar
33:13Allahu Akbar
33:15Allahu Akbar
33:17Allahu Akbar
33:19Allahu Akbar
33:21Allahu Akbar
33:23Allahu Akbar
33:25Allahu Akbar
33:27Allahu Akbar
33:29Allahu Akbar
33:31Allahu Akbar
33:33Allahu Akbar
33:35Allahu Akbar
33:37Allahu Akbar
33:39Allahu Akbar
33:41Allahu Akbar
33:43Allahu Akbar
33:45Allahu Akbar
33:47Allahu Akbar
33:49Allahu Akbar
33:51Allahu Akbar
33:53Allahu Akbar
33:55Allahu Akbar
33:57Allahu Akbar
33:59Allahu Akbar
34:01Allahu Akbar
34:03Allahu Akbar
34:05Allahu Akbar
34:07Allahu Akbar
34:09Allahu Akbar
34:11Allahu Akbar
34:13Allahu Akbar
34:15Allahu Akbar
34:17Allahu Akbar
34:19Allahu Akbar
34:21Allahu Akbar
34:23Allahu Akbar
34:25Allahu Akbar
34:27Allahu Akbar
34:29Allahu Akbar
34:31Allahu Akbar
34:33Allahu Akbar
34:35Allahu Akbar
34:37Allahu Akbar
34:39Allahu Akbar
34:41Allahu Akbar
34:43Allahu Akbar
34:45Allahu Akbar
34:47Allahu Akbar
34:49Allahu Akbar
34:51Allahu Akbar
34:53Allahu Akbar
34:55Allahu Akbar
34:57Allahu Akbar
34:59Allahu Akbar
35:01Allahu Akbar
35:03Allahu Akbar
35:05Allahu Akbar
35:07Allahu Akbar
35:09Allahu Akbar
35:11Allahu Akbar
35:13Allahu Akbar
35:41As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
36:01As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
36:31As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
36:33As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
36:35As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
36:37As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
36:39As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
36:41As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
36:43As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
36:45As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
36:47As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
36:49As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
36:51As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
36:53As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
36:55As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
36:57As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
36:59As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:01As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:03As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:05As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:07As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:09As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:11As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:13As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:15As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:17As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:19As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:21As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:23As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:25As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:27As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:29As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:31As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:33As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:35As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:37As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:39As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:41As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:43As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:45As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:47As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:49As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:51As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:53As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:55As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:57As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
37:59As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:01As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:03As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:05As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:07As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:09As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:11As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:13As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:15As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:17As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:19As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:21As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:23As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:25As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:27As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:29As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:31As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:33As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:35As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:37As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:39As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:41As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:43As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:45As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:47As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:49As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:51As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:53As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:55As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:57As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
38:59As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:01As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:03As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:05As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:07As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:09As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:11As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:13As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:15As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:17As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:19As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:21As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:23As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:25As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:27As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:29As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:31As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:33As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:35As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:37As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:39As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:41As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:43As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:45As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
39:47Allah is the Greatest
39:53Allah listens to those who praise Him
39:59Allah is the Greatest
40:09Allah is the Greatest
40:13Allah is the Greatest
40:23Allah is the Greatest
40:29Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin
40:33Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
40:35Maliki Yawm Al-Deen
40:37Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nasta'een
40:39Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema
40:43Sirata Al-Lazeena
40:45An'amta Alayhim
40:47Ghayri Al-Maghboobi Alayhim
40:49Walad Zalmeen
40:51La Junaaha Alaykum
40:55In talaqatumun nisaa ma lam tamassuhun
41:01ma lam tamassuhun
41:03aw tafriqulahun faridatan
41:07wa matti'uhun ala almusi'i
41:11qadaruhu ala almuqatiri
41:13qadaruhu mata'an milma'ruf
41:15haqqan ala almuhsideen
41:17wa in talaqatumun
41:19min qabli an tamassuhun
41:21wa qabli an tamassuhun
41:23wa qad faradtum lahun faridatan
41:27fa nisfu ma faradtum
41:29fa nisfu ma faradtum
41:31illa an ya'fuhun
41:33aw ya'fuhu allathi biyadihi
41:35waqadatun nikaah
41:37wa an ta'afu
41:39wa qarabu littaqwa
41:41wa laa tansabu alfadl
41:43baynakum innallaha
41:45bimaa ta'amalun baseer
41:47haafizu wa laas salawat
41:49wa salatil mustaab
41:51wa salatil mustaab
41:53qumulillahi qaniteen
41:55fa in khiftum farijalan
41:57aw rukbana
41:59fa idha amiratum
42:01fadhkuru allaha kama allamakum
42:03ma lam takumunu ta'alamun
42:05wa allatheen yutawaffaun
42:09wa yazarun
42:11aswajan wasiyatan
42:15mata'an ilal hawli
42:17ghayri ikhraj
42:19fa laa junaha alaykum
42:21fee maa fa'aln
42:23fee anfusihin min ma'ruf
42:25wa allahu azizun hakeem
42:27wa lilmuttalqati
42:29mata'un bil ma'ruf
42:31haqqan alal muttaqeen
42:33kathalika yubayyinullahu
42:35lakum ayatihi
42:37la'allakum ta'qilun
42:39la'allakum ta'qilun
42:43Allahu Akbar
42:49Sami'a Allah
42:51liman hamida
42:55Allahu Akbar
43:05Allahu Akbar
43:09Allahu Akbar
43:15Allahu Akbar
43:19Allahu Akbar
43:23Allahu Akbar
43:25Allahu Akbar
43:27Allahu Akbar
43:29Allahu Akbar
43:31Allahu Akbar
43:33Allahu Akbar
43:35Allahu Akbar
43:37Allahu Akbar
43:39Allahu Akbar
43:41Allahu Akbar
43:43Allahu Akbar
43:45Allahu Akbar
43:48Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah
44:05Puraan-e-Ki-Ayat Mein
44:13Ramazan, Ramazan, Ramazan
44:16Shaan-e-Ramazan, Shaan-e-Ramazan
44:24Shaan-e-Ramazan, Shaan-e-Ramazan