• hace 2 horas
Remaking Boss Pets but Even Better in Minecraft! These new Biome Pets are the best yet! I designed a bunch of custom pets to make Minecraft even BETTER!

✅ PLAY the Updated Marketplace Add-on Biome Pets! ➡️ https://cutt.ly/BiomePetsKipper

✅ SUBSCRIBE TO Kipper ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoRDf_M8ljQq5V_rR8CSzww

#minecraft #mobs #minecraftshorts

🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
All music used with permission from its creator.

0:00 Better Biome Pets!
0:10 Taigar
1:35 Sallowing
3:20 Vultrox
5:05 Sporon
7:05 Gelinda
10:35 Floofy
13:10 Arctusk
15:55 Echodile
18:27 Bamboon
21:44 Arrowfin


