• hace 4 días
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00:00Good morning!
00:02Okay, I've got a little bit more life in me.
00:06I was a bit tired on the plane, not gonna lie.
00:08To be fair, I still am a little bit tired.
00:10But I've woke up.
00:12It is 7.13am and do you know why I know that?
00:17Oh, now it's 7.14am.
00:19There is conveniently a massive clock outside my window.
00:24I've literally just turned my head
00:27and saw this big clock, digital as well, my kind of clock, outside my window.
00:33Look at that. That is perfectly placed.
00:36Anyway, I am indeed in Brisbane.
00:38I'm not in Perth.
00:40So, Perth, Australia is actually five hours flight away from Brisbane.
00:45So, I'm not in Perth. I'm nowhere near my family.
00:48But never fear, I will be going to see my family in a week's time.
00:53So, I have a week here. It's Monday.
00:55I leave here on Friday, so less than a week actually.
00:58And I'm going to see my parents.
01:02But whilst I'm here, I have some work to do.
01:05Really exciting job that I got actually.
01:07And very exciting. Right up my strata.
01:11And I don't know if I'm allowed to say to you guys yet.
01:15So, let me talk to the team and then if I'm allowed to say, I'll say.
01:18If not, then it's a secret until it's a secret.
01:21But I'm currently having a little coffee.
01:24And I feel like Australia is the only place that I can have the instant coffees
01:29and still be okay with it.
01:33Like the instant coffee even hits differently over here.
01:36Coffee is an Australian thing.
01:39Australia is known for its coffee, I think anyway.
01:43And I miss its coffee.
01:45So, I'm having a coffee before.
01:47I must drop some energy to go and do a workout
01:49because I have been sat down for many an hour.
01:53I went from sitting down for 20 something hours
01:56to then sleeping for another 6 hours.
01:58So, I just feel like my body's been horizontal for a very, very long time
02:03or just sat upright.
02:05So, I need to go move it.
02:07And I'm going to go to the gym first up and do a workout.
02:11Go get myself some breakfast and explore Brisbane
02:14because I've never been here before.
02:15And I have today off.
02:16I have one day off to explore Brisbane and get to know Brisbane.
02:21So, that's what we're going to do today.
02:25I've got myself ready.
02:26I've showered for the first time in like two days.
02:32And I'm off to the gym.
02:36Don't know how this is going to go because I am still a little bit jet-lagged and tired.
02:40But let's do it.
02:41He said to me last night, I think it was on level 4.
02:43So, let's go see.
02:52That was the pool, which looks really cool.
02:55But I can't find the gym.
02:57Fitness center.
03:01Hibiscus room.
03:04Fitness center.
03:10Found it.
03:14Fitness center.
03:15And workout done.
03:18I did probably about 45 minutes, maybe 40 minutes.
03:25I do feel a little bit tired, so I've stopped.
03:27But it is the best way, I think, to like regulate your body.
03:31It's just to come, get moving.
03:35Otherwise, I would have just been laying in bed feeling jet-lagged and sorry for myself.
03:40So, I'm glad I did it.
03:42Glad I did it.
03:43Now, I'm going to go down, see what this breakfast is saying.
03:45See what the Aussie breakfast is saying to me.
03:48And then go get ready for a little walk around Brisbane.
03:54I'm at the breakfast and it just screams Australia.
03:58For breakfast, they have lamingtons.
04:00They have lamingtons for breakfast.
04:16About to head off.
04:17I've got my laptop on charge because today I'm recording the podcast.
04:21But because of time difference, I'm doing that tonight.
04:24But Chris, it's on charge, okay?
04:28My laptop is on charge.
04:30If you don't know what I mean by that, then go ahead and watch Winning Isn't Everything.
04:34Might as well plug that.
04:36Podcast available now.
04:38Where all you get your podcast from.
04:43Which that could be Spotify.
04:45That could be podcasts on your phone.
04:48Wherever it is you get your podcast.
04:50I can't speak.
04:51I'm jet-lagged AF.
04:52Today's podcast is going to be a funny one.
04:54My eyes are a bit bloodshot.
04:56And also, all my clothes in my bag just really smell.
05:00So, I might buy a few new little bits because, honestly, there's nowhere to wash my clothes.
05:07And they all really smell.
05:09Like, this smells.
05:12It really does.
05:13So, anyway.
05:14I'm dressed.
05:15I'm going to go and explore Brisbane as much as I can kind of cope with because I am pretty tired.
05:21That's my outfit of the day.
05:23My very smelly outfit of the day.
05:25Literally wore this on a bloody safari not long ago.
05:28These aren't see-through, are they?
05:29No, they're okay.
05:30I've just walked outside and it is very, very hot.
05:3430 degrees today.
05:37There's the Australian gift shop.
05:40Filled with koalas and kangaroos.
05:42And I actually just went, I really fancy a juice.
05:45And as soon as you walk out, look what there is.
05:49Fresh juice bar.
05:51So, here we go.
05:52Let's get my fresh juice.
05:56I've got my green juice.
05:58Happy days.
06:00The Australian way.
06:03Well, I nailed that.
06:05And, yeah, I feel like I'm, like, smack bang in central.
06:09I've just tried to call Zofia.
06:12But my phone's not going through.
06:14So, anyway.
06:16Cotton On is one of my favourite Australian shops.
06:19And I'm going to have a little browse in Cotton On.
06:24Maybe get myself some less smelly clothing.
06:29I've totally forgot how good shopping in Australia is.
06:32So, I got quite overwhelmed in there actually because there's so many things that, oh, I want that, I want that.
06:37So, it's right next to my hotel.
06:39So, I'm going to have a look later.
06:42For now, I'm just going to stay in what I've got.
06:45And, yeah, just keep on browsing.
06:48Another great store.
06:50Peter Alexander.
06:52It's a pyjama store.
06:54But, yeah, only in Australia.
06:56And it's very, very good.
06:59So, I have no idea where I'm going.
07:02I'm literally just walking the street.
07:04I'm pretty sure I'm literally just in, like, the shopping district of Brisbane.
07:12So, I don't even have internet on my phone.
07:16I feel like I'm back in when I went to Hong Kong and I had no internet.
07:21And I was just kind of walking around, kind of guessing where to go or what to do.
07:26So, yeah, that's me right now.
07:30I'm going to check in there.
07:32This is called Winter Garden.
07:34Blackpool Winter Gardens.
07:38Again, just having a wander.
07:41It's the best way to find things is by foot, I say.
07:47I haven't stopped walking.
07:48I've tripped over, like, four or five times, which has been really embazzling.
07:52However, I'm kind of walking and not seeing that much.
07:59So, I'm a little confused.
08:00But I'm going to take a little ride here and see how we go.
08:02Oh, that's my green van.
08:06Yeah, my pants are these flowy ones, and I keep getting my feet caught in them.
08:13Therefore, I have, yeah, tripped over, like, three or four times in front of those people,
08:19which has been really embarrassing.
08:22I'm yet also to see, like, a really cute cafe that I'm like, yeah, I want to stop there and have a long black hat.
08:30Because big deal here in Australia, having a long black.
08:36So, this one looks quite cute.
08:39Oh, it looks really cute.
08:44However, I think I can do better.
08:52It did look cute, but I think I can do better.
09:00So, this looked intriguing.
09:03I'm going up some stairs, and it said Skydeck.
09:06It also said casino, so I could be going into a casino right now.
09:13And I do want to see the view.
09:16Oh, there's a little coffee shop.
09:18Okay, we have people with their phones out.
09:20So, I'm guessing this is a touristy spot, maybe.
09:23I'm not sure.
09:26Oh, okay.
09:31Okay, am I going to do it? Am I going to be a tourist?
09:35It says public access to Skydecks.
09:39So, I think I'm going to do it. I'm going to do the Skydeck.
09:45Public access.
09:48I'm being a tourist in my own country.
09:51However, not my own city.
09:54Alright, here we go, guys.
10:00Oh my god, I'm going up to level 23.
10:03This kind of freaks me out a bit.
10:06Okay, it's alright. I'm good. I'm good.
10:15We're fine, aren't we? Yeah, we're good. We're fine.
10:18It's not going to do anything in here.
10:23We're good. Happy days.
10:38Okay, embarrassingly, I went up.
10:42I'm just going to sit for a second because I'm going to have to go back up again.
10:46Embarrassingly, I went up to the Skydeck, but I thought it was level 25.
10:53It goes up to level 23.
10:55People were getting in and I was like, oh, it's still going to go up further.
10:58And it came all the way back down again.
11:00So I was like, oh, this is embarrassing. I just got off with him.
11:02But now I'm going to go back in and actually head to the level, top level.
11:13Okay, I made it.
11:17Apparently, this is the Skydeck.
11:23Oh wow, whatever that is down there looks cool.
11:26It's like a fake beach.
11:28What is that?
11:30So basically, this is a really good view.
11:33Wow, the light just makes that flusher look really odd.
11:37This is a really good view of the whole of Brisbane because, I mean, I didn't even know this existed, to be honest.
11:46I didn't even know there was a river there.
11:51Wow, it's actually super pretty.
11:53Oh, no, thank you.
11:56That is disgusting.
11:58That is disgusting.
12:00Oh, I can't do it.
12:02In fact, there's this like shield of glass that's stopping you from dropping all the way down.
12:09It makes me feel very sick.
12:16Oh, honestly, I don't know if I can do it.
12:24It's actually proper funny watching people get to the edge and going, oh, absolutely not.
12:32Honestly, it's like so weird because you know it's not going to drop, but you just, there's like something about it that makes you feel really like, ah.
12:41I genuinely can't do it.
12:44You see like loads of people like jumping and I don't know.
12:48It's just, it's so scary.
12:53Come on, mate, nearly.
12:55Come on.
13:03So many people are like, nah, no way, no chance.
13:08Come on.
13:31I'm well proud of myself for doing that.
13:34Oh, my God.
13:36It's crazy.
13:38I love this place.
13:42It's really pretty up here.
13:46Frangipani tree.
13:49So, so gorgeous.
13:50Like, look at that view.
13:52Really pretty.
13:53That is really pretty.
13:55Little seating area.
13:57Oh, I'm so happy with myself that I did that.
13:59That was really nice.
14:01And I'm happy that I walked across that bit.
14:04Usually I'd be like, nah, I'm not doing it, not doing it.
14:08And I went, no, do it.
14:11And it made me feel like really scared, but I did it.
14:14I did it.
14:15Love that for me.
14:17That's the building I was just up.
14:19And just there is where I was walking out on.
14:25As you can see, it's got that glass bit there.
14:29So it's quite high up.
14:38Usually this would not be something I would actually be interested in.
14:43Museum of Queensland and Convict History.
14:46However, I do actually love anything to do with convicts and prisons.
14:50And this does look like it's an old prison.
14:53I don't know whether to go in.
14:55I don't see anyone else around.
14:58I don't think it's open today.
15:00However, I really want to find out what that's about.
15:04Because there's bars on the windows, which means prison.
15:07And it looks like a very, very old building.
15:11So, yeah, it does look very interesting.
15:14If anyone does know the story to that, please let me know.
15:19Because I'm very, very interested now.
15:22And I can't seem to get in there.
15:25It doesn't seem to be open.
15:26So, yeah, if anyone knows the back story to that museum, the convict museum in Brisbane,
15:33leave it in the comments section.
15:35I could always just Google it, but I think it's nicer for someone else to tell the story.
15:39On my walk, I saw a frozen yogurt and acai bowl place.
15:46And, you know, if I had internet, I could just easily pop it in and go back to where it was.
15:51But I'm trying to remember where it was that I saw this frozen yogurt place.
15:58Because I really fancy a frozen yogurt now.
16:01And it is about lunchtime.
16:05So, yeah, I really want to go get one.
16:11Meanwhile, there's some sort of recording going on here.
16:16Ooh, looks like a newsman.
16:32This coffee shop is very cool.
16:35That's the real deal.
16:38So I went for an iced matcha because they just look like they do it well here.
16:44It's a really, really cool cafe.
16:47However, no Wi-Fi because what I was going to do is use my Wi-Fi to get some credit.
16:53Ooh, that's me ready.
16:55Taste test time.
16:57Oh, wow.
16:59She did look at me when she said, do you want any sugar?
17:02I said, no sugar. She was like, no sugar?
17:05It's very, very earthy.
17:07Just a little update.
17:09I'm just still walking around.
17:11I think I've made it to a little dead end there.
17:13It's getting close to lunchtime.
17:15I had my little green tea, but I do feel like I need some kind of food now.
17:21And, yeah, I feel like I've walked this way already.
17:26And I'm just trying to find that one place where I'm like, yeah, that's what I want for lunch.
17:31Because I want to be chilled.
17:33I don't want anything too cray-cray.
17:35But I want it to be nice.
17:37Right, I'll keep looking.
17:39Update you in a bit.
17:40I'm getting very tired, by the way.
17:42That looks kind of cool.
17:46Titanic exhibition.
17:51I might do that.
17:56I had a little bit of a sushi salad.
17:59And now I think I might do this Titanic experience.
18:03Right, I did it.
18:05I got me ticket for the Titanic experience.
18:07Apparently it's the human story.
18:09So you hear about how the humans felt.
18:13The Titanic human story.
18:15Which is quite interesting.
18:40It was absolutely incredible.
18:44I really enjoyed that.
18:46So, so good.
18:48Anyway, I've just seen a shop that I used to bloom in love when I was younger.
18:52Supre, as if there's still Supre.
18:56I'm definitely going to have to have a look in Supre.
18:58I used to come to this shop when I was like 16, 17.
19:02That is so funny.
19:04Oh my god, this is bringing back too many memories.
19:06I think I found my frozen yogurt place again.
19:19So there's tart, which is my favourite.
19:23Salted butterscotch.
19:28Also acai.
19:30Ooh, okay.
19:34Some acai.
19:54Feeling tired? Yes.
20:05So I've just come into my favourite little shop.
20:09It's called Priceline.
20:11I haven't seen these Listerine pocket packs like forever.
20:15I don't even know if they're illegal in the UK.
20:17I've never seen them.
20:18However, I am getting a packet.
20:20I have missed these.
20:21They're like the things that dissolve on your tongue.
20:23Nice one.
20:25I've just come back to the room.
20:27I've literally been out all day.
20:29I'm going to do a little bit of TLC now.
20:31I'm going to do a little bit of TLC now.
20:33A little bit of tender love and care.
20:35I'm going to put a face mask on.
20:37Do my hair.
20:39And just, yeah, give myself a little makeover.
20:42Before I do podcasts this evening with Charisma Causland.
20:46Because, yeah, we've got to film that.
20:49It's a Monday.
20:50However, time difference, I'm doing it at night.
20:52He's doing it in the morning.
20:54So I've got about an hour and a bit until we need to do that.
20:58In that hour and a bit, I'm going to make sure all my devices are charged.
21:03And also, yeah, do a little bit of a little pamper session.
21:09I've showered.
21:10I've done a little pamper session.
21:12I ordered dinner.
21:13I ordered this chicken.
21:14Luckily, I had already bought salad from the shop.
21:17Because it doesn't really tell you that that's just how it comes.
21:20Like nothing else, just the chicken.
21:22Anyway, I'm starving.
21:24I'm going to eat quickly before we do our podcast in, like, seven minutes, to be precise.
21:31And Chris doesn't like to be late.
21:32So I need to scoff this down in seven minutes.
21:35Talk to you soon.
21:36Don't know what I did.
21:37Peace out.
21:39By the way, that is the tastiest chicken we have ever tried in my life.
21:44Bloody hell.
21:50And done.
21:51Podcast is done.
21:52I'm knackered.
21:53I feel so jet lagged.
21:56All right, guys.
21:57I'm continuing on my Brisbane vlog.
21:59It's actually day three in Brisbane.
22:02I'm videoing this way because I can't let you see where I am.
22:06Because it's a part of a work that I'm doing.
22:08And it's under embargo until I actually can tell you what I'm doing.
22:15Oh, can you see?
22:16No, you can't see.
22:17I don't think you can see.
22:19Anyway, it's very, very hot today.
22:21And I'm going to go and sweat buckets now.
22:24Hopefully that doesn't give it away.
22:26Probably won't be able to video anything whilst I'm in there.
22:29But if I do, you're lucky.
22:32If I don't, you're still bloody lucky.
22:36This is such a bad angle.
22:38Hair and makeup is done.
22:40And I'm about to go do a rehearsal.
22:44And that's all you get.
22:45I have finished for the day.
22:47I told you I wouldn't vlog much.
22:50I couldn't.
22:51I couldn't.
22:52I can't wait to share with you, though, what it is.
22:54It was such a fun day.
22:55Honestly, so cool.
22:56I've just been dropped off at the hotel.
22:58It's about 7.30 maybe.
23:01And I'm just going to grab some dinner.
23:03I'm not that hungry, weirdly.
23:05I think my circadian rhythm is a little bit off.
23:08But I think I might just get a little faux takeaway.
23:12Or do I get either Vietnamese or sushi?
23:17I just want something quite light.
23:23I'm undecided.
23:24Maybe a little bit of sushi.
23:26I'm going to go get some sushi and then take it back to the room.
23:29And that's it, really.
23:31Have a chilled one.
23:33Probably do nothing, which is a bit boring.
23:35Actually, I've got to edit a vlog.
23:37So that's what I'll do.
23:38Anyway, let's go get some sushi.
23:40I got to the sushi.
23:41Was looking at the sushi.
23:43Didn't feel like sushi, so now I'm going to go back to Vietnamese.
23:46And I think I'm going to get Vietnamese.
23:49I opted for rice paper rolls.
23:52I was actually going to go for a soup as well.
23:54And then I was like, I'm not that hungry.
23:56So I feel like the soup would be wasted.
23:59So I just stuck with the rice paper rolls.
24:02I think that'll be plenty.
24:04This is the little restaurant.
24:06I love the fact it's got a little fish tank.
24:09But it looks authentic.
24:10It looks good.
24:11This is what we got.
24:13We got rice paper rolls.
24:17I'm going to munch into them now.
24:20And then have a shower.
24:22And then get myself ready for bed.
24:24And it's only 7 o'clock.
24:25Such a nana.
24:27But it's been such a good day.
24:29Again, it's one of those moments where I'm like, this is so cool.
24:32What I get to do is so cool.
24:34And I'm so grateful.
24:36Do you know what else I'm grateful for?
24:38That big clock that's outside my window.
24:41It's 7.19.
24:44Just in case I forget.
24:46Although this morning it was super handy.
24:48Because my phone had died.
24:50My laptop had died.
24:51Because I just don't charge things.
24:53And so I was like, oh, my God, there's a clock outside my window.
24:57So I just opened the curtain slightly.
24:58And I was like, ah, it's 6 o'clock.
25:05Good choice by me.
25:07Real good choice.
25:09I feel so stupid right now.
25:11I've been panicking getting into this lift.
25:13Came into this lift five times.
25:16I did my card and I pressed 15.
25:19And it kept not moving.
25:21I was like, this lift is broken.
25:23I was on floor 15.
25:25I need to go to floor 4.
25:26Wow, Diane.
25:28Anyway, it's another beautiful day in Brisbane.
25:31And I am going to the fitness center.
25:37I'm going to do a run today.
25:40Little 5K up.
25:45Breakfast for champions.
25:49Today is my actual last day in Brisbane.
25:52I fly out tomorrow morning to go to Perth.
25:55However, I am still working today.
25:57But my shifts have been starting from like 1 o'clock I leave.
26:04So I've actually had all morning free.
26:07Like every day that I've been here.
26:09The first day, Monday, I actually had the day off, as you saw.
26:12Tuesday I was in.
26:14I didn't film anything Tuesday.
26:15Wednesday was yesterday.
26:17I filmed the tiniest bit.
26:19And then today.
26:20So I'm going to go out into the city today.
26:23It's currently like 11 something.
26:25So I don't actually have that long.
26:26But I wanted to maybe see if I could get a quick little massage on my back.
26:30Maybe like a half hour slot on my back.
26:33And I also wanted to change a skirt that I bought the other day from Cotton On.
26:41Which is a shop that we only have in Australia.
26:43I think it's only in Australia.
26:44Maybe it's in other countries.
26:46I bought this green skirt, but it's a little bit too big.
26:48So I'm going to go and see if I can change that.
26:51And then I'll have to come back and get ready to go to my last day of filming.
26:59Right. Anyhow.
27:01Off we go into the Citoir.
27:04I am wearing...
27:06I feel like I'm just wearing the same stuff out of my case now.
27:09It's got to that point where everything in my case just feels the same.
27:14So yeah.
27:16I smell a bit.
27:19Oh my gosh, guys.
27:20I found the coolest pants ever.
27:26I have to buy them.
27:28I have to buy them.
27:30I love them.
27:33Oh my God.
27:34This is what happens when I go for a browse.
27:39So it's really funny walking around the shops in Australia.
27:42Because there's just shops that remind me so much of when I was younger.
27:48And this is one of them.
27:51Oh my God.
27:52This was where...
27:53It's like a sewing shop.
27:55And it would be...
27:57I would always go to Lincraft to get material for my dresses for dancing.
28:02And that just...
28:03It's such an old school shop.
28:05But they still have a Lincraft here.
28:07I love that.
28:11Massage has been done.
28:12And it was one of the best massages I've ever had in my life.
28:16This is the card.
28:17His name is Oliver.
28:19At Chi Link in Brisbane.
28:21I'll find out the mall that this is in.
28:24Because if anyone is in the Brisbane area around here...
28:27You must have a massage from Oliver at this place.
28:31Because it's so good.
28:35I've just been given a tea which is this tea over here.
28:39And it looks like there's ginger and turmeric in there.
28:48And this is the tea.
28:50And then you get a little of that as well.
28:55Oh my god.
28:57That tea is so good.
29:02Oliver is the best.
29:04That's it there guys.
29:09That's Oliver.
29:11Top notch.
29:13That was literally 11 out of 10.
29:15Oh no.
29:17I've just come down the flight of stairs.
29:19I've just come down the flight of stairs.
29:20And there's a retro second hand shop that I'm going to have to have a look in now.
29:30I've changed my skirt for a top.
29:32Now I'm going to get a juice and then go and get ready to leave.
29:38Also the girl that just served me in cotton on over there was from the UK.
29:43And she moved over here in April.
29:46And then as soon as she was like, oh my god, you're dying from Strictly.
29:49And then the other people in the queue were like, it's Joe Sung's girlfriend.
29:53So to a UK person, I'm dying from Strictly.
29:56To anyone from Australia, I'm Joe Sung's girlfriend.
30:05Uh oh.
30:10I think they're cleaning my room right now.
30:16I'll come back in like 10 minutes.
30:18So I'm sorry this vlog was very bitsy and piecey.
30:21And kind of I told you stuff and I didn't tell you stuff.
30:23I was kind of just like angling my camera down here.
30:27And being like, yeah, I'm doing some cool stuff.
30:29But I can't tell you what it is.
30:31Which is like, who wants to know that?
30:33But anyway, I'm going to finish my Brisbane vlog here.
30:38Because tomorrow morning I'm flying to WA.
30:42So I'm going to start a new vlog tomorrow morning.
30:44And I'm flying very early.
30:46So my car picks me up at 4am.
30:48And it's currently 10 o'clock now.
30:50So 10 to 11, 11 to 12, 12 to 1, 1 to 2, 2 to 3.
30:54I can try and get 5 hours sleep in.
30:56So goodnight everyone.
30:58And I shall see you when I'm in Perth.
