I hope you enjoy this weeks vlog, my loves 🤍🕯️📖
my sleepwear brand: https://www.girlofmuse.com
Ikea media wall: https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/hauga-storage-combination-white-s39387901/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&utm_content=free_google_shopping_clicks_Storeandorganisefurniture&gQT=2
Connect with me—
Gemma's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_gemmalouisemiles/
Jamies Instagram: https://instagram.com/jamie.southerland?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Our Home Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gemmalouiseathome
My Brand: https://www.girlofmuse.com
Playlists you may like-
Cleaning Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNwFrMmiNemz5Lm1gebANDOeedrZmEwdn
Autumn playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNwFrMmiNemzkIG1PfRXRx_MPah0BBK2h&si=I0RIUzW-ZYkY9SLl
Christmas Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNwFrMmiNemy3j7STYeY8W-5j_L74rTkt
Pregnancy Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNwFrMmiNemzp__NnzdzZKNlUSGKLYCY0
#weeklyvlog #dayinthelife
my sleepwear brand: https://www.girlofmuse.com
Ikea media wall: https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/hauga-storage-combination-white-s39387901/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&utm_content=free_google_shopping_clicks_Storeandorganisefurniture&gQT=2
Connect with me—
Gemma's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_gemmalouisemiles/
Jamies Instagram: https://instagram.com/jamie.southerland?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Our Home Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gemmalouiseathome
My Brand: https://www.girlofmuse.com
Playlists you may like-
Cleaning Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNwFrMmiNemz5Lm1gebANDOeedrZmEwdn
Autumn playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNwFrMmiNemzkIG1PfRXRx_MPah0BBK2h&si=I0RIUzW-ZYkY9SLl
Christmas Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNwFrMmiNemy3j7STYeY8W-5j_L74rTkt
Pregnancy Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNwFrMmiNemzp__NnzdzZKNlUSGKLYCY0
#weeklyvlog #dayinthelife
00:43Good morning!
00:45I hope you're all really well.
00:47I have to speak quietly because I am the only one awake this morning.
00:52I actually got up at 6, it's now 6.30.
00:57So I've had a lovely half an hour of peace and quiet.
01:01And honestly, I feel like before you have children,
01:05you never appreciate those moments of just, like, quietness.
01:11No one needing you for anything.
01:13Just peace and quiet is just absolutely, it completely hits different when you're a mum.
01:18Yeah, getting up before everyone else, it's definitely not an everyday thing
01:21because Noah and Jonah still wake up multiple times throughout the night.
01:25So it's definitely not an everyday thing.
01:28But on the mornings, I have been getting up before everyone else.
01:31It's so nice, like, I just, it's life-changing, I love it.
01:34And I saw the sunrise this morning, which means spring is coming.
01:39I love spring. I love all the seasons, to be fair, apart from, like, midsummer.
01:42Midsummer is not my vibe.
01:44I feel like autumn will always be my favourite.
01:47Then it's spring because I just think it's such a lovely feeling,
01:52like, when it's lighter for longer, like, getting warmer but not too hot.
01:57Everything looks really pretty and it just feels nice.
02:00And then winter's my third favourite because that's just hibernation season.
02:05Summer's my least favourite because I'm not made for the heat.
02:11But that being said, I do feel like I have a newfound appreciation for summer
02:17since having children because it's just, I feel like there's so much more to do.
02:22Noah loves being outside, like, it's his favourite place to be.
02:25So he just, I feel like there's just so much more to do with children
02:29and, like, I love a barbecue, actually.
02:31That's probably my favourite thing about summer.
02:33I love the beach and I love a good barbecue.
02:36Like, barbecues every night for the whole of summer.
02:40That is something I am looking forward to.
02:42Yeah, I've had a lovely little relaxing morning to myself.
02:45Well, half an hour, I wouldn't really say morning.
02:48A relaxing half an hour and now it's just time to wait
02:51until a small human summons me.
02:55First one awake is Mr Jonah.
02:58Should we get you some breakfast?
03:00Yeah? Wait for big bro to wake up?
03:04Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:05Mmm, so scrummy.
03:18Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:20Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:22Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:24Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:26Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:28Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:30Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:32Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:34Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:36Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:38Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:40Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:42Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:44Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:46Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:48Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:50Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:52Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:54Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:56Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
03:58Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
04:00Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
04:02Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
04:04Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
04:06Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
04:08Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
04:10Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
04:12Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
04:14Oh my god, I love nothing more than seasonal decor.
04:18It just, it's just, it's good for the soul.
04:21So, first thing I picked up, which I immediately have to share with you guys
04:25because I want you to get your hands on these before they go anywhere.
04:29I picked up the most beautiful faux flowers from the range.
04:32I got these rose stems, which were £2.50 each.
04:36So affordable.
04:38And they look so realistic.
04:40They're just so beautiful and I thought they would be perfect for spring.
04:43I feel like they can go in so many different places in our home.
04:47Then, look how gorgeous these are.
04:50These were £2 a stem.
04:52And you actually get like quite a lot of flowers on one stem.
04:55And these are just so beautiful.
04:58I feel like they're kind of like rustic and like wild flowery.
05:01So again, they're gonna go really nice in so many different places of our home.
05:05I've already actually popped some in this vase.
05:07There's only one, two stems in here.
05:11So, for £4, you can create a really beautiful little bouquet.
05:16I feel like the range is so affordable and you can find such gems.
05:20I'm so happy with these.
05:22A couple of little bits from Next Home because I cannot resist Next Home's seasonal decor.
05:28I got this candle, which is just beautiful.
05:31I loved that like the centre was a daisy.
05:34I just thought that was so cute.
05:36It smells just really fresh and floral and just like spring in a jar.
05:40And I just thought that was so pretty.
05:42And I got some little ceramic bunnies.
05:44These are so cute.
05:46You'll notice that I have to get everything in pairs.
05:48Like if there's a mummy bunny and a baby bunny, I have to get both.
05:52Like I cannot possibly just get one because they would be lonely.
05:56And how cute do they look like sat next to each other?
05:59I also got these ones.
06:00They look like they're stargazing.
06:02Oh my god, they're so cute.
06:04Again, I had to get the baby.
06:06And I'm thinking, again, these will just go anywhere really nicely in our home.
06:10They'll go on the coffee table.
06:11They'll go on the shelves in the dining room.
06:14Speaking of bunnies, a lot of you guys still ask if we have Maple and Marshmallow.
06:18Well, Marshmallow's name is actually more Snowy.
06:20Like Snowy rolls off the tongue a little bit easier than Marshmallow.
06:24But yes, we still have them.
06:26They are gorgeous.
06:28They are just such gorgeous bunnies.
06:30They actually spend most of their time outside.
06:34We have them in the house quite a bit.
06:36But they are just honestly so much happier outside.
06:39They've got a big hutch.
06:40They've got a big run.
06:42They have like access to most of the garden.
06:44Sticking with the bunny theme, got some more bunnies.
06:47Again, mummy and baby.
06:49These are like a terracotta bunny.
06:51I'm trying to add a little bit more of this color into our home.
06:54It's like a, like terracotta, like a tan.
06:56Because I feel like it's just, it adds so much coziness.
06:59So from M&S, I picked up these bowls.
07:02Just thought they were so pretty and a really nice size.
07:05Like that is a good size cereal bowl.
07:08Then from Next, I picked up some new bedding.
07:11I love getting like a nice fresh bedding set for the new season.
07:15And this, I don't know how well you guys can see this.
07:18But it's like, let me try and focus a little bit more.
07:21Oh, that's better.
07:23It's like a vintage-y flower, I guess.
07:27And I just think it's so gorgeous.
07:30Last thing I got is gonna be like a little bit of a mini DIY.
07:33I have been looking for, I really want like a vintage-inspired frame.
07:40But they're so expensive.
07:42They're like, they're just so expensive.
07:44So, I popped a done out and I got this like, it's like an antique gold frame.
07:51It's £3.50, what a bargain.
07:54And then I picked up a brown mount, which I'm gonna pop in here.
07:58Which I think instantly makes it look a little bit old.
08:01And then I've ordered a really nice like vintage flower print from Etsy.
08:07Which when it comes, I will show you the finished product.
08:09But I think that's gonna look really nice.
08:12And it probably cost a grand total of like, this was £2, this was £3.50.
08:17The print was £2, so like under £8, which is so cheap.
08:22Yeah, that's everything I've collected for spring so far.
08:25Like I said, we're gonna be going to HomeSense next week.
08:28And have a browse around the other shops as well.
08:30So we can get like a really nice spring decor collection together.
08:34I've also got some bits in the loft.
08:36But yeah, seasonal decor shopping.
08:38I just love it so much, it makes me so happy.
08:41IKEA delivery has just arrived.
08:44We are starting, I say we, I mean Jamie.
08:48Is starting a very exciting little home project today.
08:53We're gonna be creating a kind of like DIY media wall storage kind of situation in the playroom.
09:00Always really wanted a media wall in the playroom, like the one in the dining room.
09:06But I just feel like we, I've spoken to you guys about this lots in the past.
09:12But we know that in the next few months, years, we are gonna be moving.
09:19Obviously we have no solid plans yet.
09:21We're kind of just, to be honest, waiting for the right house to come up.
09:24And we don't really know whether we're gonna relocate to Cornwall.
09:28We feel like that, we're kind of like edging more towards that.
09:32So basically we just, we know this, as much as this house is, I love this house.
09:37This is literally my sanctuary.
09:39So many memories are made in this house.
09:41And it does make me feel really sad to know that we'll one day be leaving it here.
09:46But I just, we just know in our gut this is not our forever home.
09:50So I kind of don't really want to spend the money on a media wall that's like built-in.
09:58Because they are quite expensive.
10:00So I bought an Ikea media wall and it was just under £500.
10:06Which if you compare that to the price of a built-in media wall, we are saving like £4,000.
10:13And it's gonna be just so nice to have the storage.
10:16So yeah, I'm excited to see what it looks like up.
10:19And then what we're gonna do is we are gonna add a few little bits to make it look a little bit more built-in.
10:24So I'm thinking about getting either like a shelf or some MDF.
10:30And popping it across the top, I'll have to explain when it's up.
10:34It's quite hard for me to explain when there's nothing there.
10:37Yeah, I'm excited to see how it looks.
10:39We're gonna try and like do everything on a bit of a budget.
10:41Like I said, I don't really want to spend too much money.
10:44But this way, we can take this with us when we move.
10:47That's the problem with like built-in stuff, isn't it?
10:50Like you can't just pick it up and relocate it.
10:53I know you guys have seen the playroom before.
10:55But I just kind of want to do a little bit of a before.
10:58So this is what it's currently looking like.
11:00As you can see, it's like a toy shop.
11:03So many toys since Christmas.
11:07The first thing I really need to do is just go through everything.
11:11And I'm definitely going to implement like a toy rotation.
11:15So the media wall is going to go on this back wall.
11:18Obviously, the TV is going to stay where it is.
11:20That's going to be in the middle.
11:21Completely transform this back wall and give us loads of gorgeous storage,
11:26which is just a dream.
11:29Just need all the storage.
11:31So the other things we've got to kind of think about is this tent.
11:35As much as I love this tent, it's really not used very often.
11:39And as you can see, it's just kind of become a place where we collect thousands
11:44and thousands of cuddly toys and balls.
11:47So again, I need to go through that and figure out what Noah actually uses,
11:51what we could potentially donate, find a new home for them.
11:55And then the great thing about the media wall is because the cupboards are quite large,
12:00we can store all of these types of things in there.
12:04Oh, my God, I hate that giant spider.
12:09Whenever I see this laying around on the floor,
12:12tell me you're a boy mom without telling me.
12:16But yeah, I'm hoping these bigger kind of toys fit in the media wall along with these
12:23because that would be nice to just have a home for them.
12:26And it would make I feel like this room look a lot tidier.
12:29And then this down here is Noah's creation this morning.
12:33We also have this little storage unit here, which is two actually two separate ones from Ikea.
12:38I think they're called Kallax.
12:40And they're really, really good.
12:41So I'm thinking we'll probably keep this here because as you can see,
12:44when there's not just toys everywhere, it actually doubles up as quite a nice little window seat.
12:50And I feel like you wouldn't really use this space under the window for anything else.
12:54So, yeah, we're going to have to have a little bit of a play around with everything.
12:57But I'm excited.
12:59I feel like it's going to make this room feel a lot bigger, a lot less cluttered,
13:04and it will be really, really nice to have just a place for everything.
13:09The building has commenced.
13:11They look so good already.
13:13Having a coffee break.
13:15Which one's mummy?
13:18Which one is mummy?
13:19I can't wait for this.
13:23That one.
13:25Oh, that one.
13:27Well, at least you didn't point to the witch.
13:30Jamie's desperate for him to point to.
13:36Is that mumma?
13:40Thank you, Noah.
13:42My darling boy.
13:46That one?
13:47I'm telling her.
13:49I'm going to tell mummy.
13:53So, how long do we think this is going to take?
13:57It says three hours.
14:00That's not a good sign.
14:01They normally say, like, five minutes.
14:03Three minutes.
14:04Five to seven working days, I think.
14:06No, I think you'll...
14:07I think this will not take long.
14:09It looks so good.
14:12The doors.
14:14Love it.
14:18Break it.
14:20Make it?
14:21Break it.
14:22Daddy broke it.
14:23Did you break it?
14:24You broke it.
14:27By eye order.
14:28We have got a little bit of a joint nap situation going on.
14:33So, Noah and Jonah are both asleep.
14:35Jamie's building.
14:36So, we're going to spend a little bit of time in the kitchen.
14:39Something I've wanted to do for ages is make my own butter.
14:45I've seen all the mums on TikTok making their own butter,
14:49and it looks so easy.
14:52So, that's what I'm going to do.
14:54Literally, all you need...
14:56I actually find it fascinating that this is how butter is made.
14:59All you need is some double cream and either an electric whisk
15:05or, like, a KitchenAid.
15:08So, I'm going to use my KitchenAid.
15:10I probably wouldn't...
15:11I mean, I haven't made it before,
15:12but from the videos I've watched,
15:13I probably wouldn't use a hand whisk
15:15because I fear you might be whisking your butter until 2029.
15:21So, yeah, electric whisk or a KitchenAid,
15:24and you simply just tip the butter in
15:26until it, like, it goes through a couple of different stages
15:29and it, like, curdles,
15:31and then you, like, squeeze the butter out and wash it.
15:35You guys will see what I mean in a minute.
15:36It sounds really weird me trying to explain it.
15:39And, yeah, then you have, like, butter, actual butter,
15:42and you can put...
15:43you can, like, do your own different flavours.
15:45So, I'm probably going to do, like, a sea salt one and a garlic one.
15:49And apparently it tastes so much nicer than shop-bought butter,
15:53and it's also a lot more affordable as well
15:56to buy just some cream than some actual, like, Lurpak.
15:59So, yeah, I'm going to do that.
16:01And then, after I've made my butter,
16:04something else I want to make is
16:07some strawberry chocolate yoghurt bark situation.
16:14I picked up this MyProtein yoghurt vanilla flavour.
16:17It's got 45 grams of protein in the whole pot.
16:20So, I'm going to basically just pop this on a baking sheet,
16:26pop some fresh strawberries on there.
16:28Hello, Tilly.
16:29Some fresh strawberries on there,
16:31a little drizzle of milk chocolate,
16:33and then I'm going to pop it in the freezer for, like, two, three hours.
16:36And it's meant to be really, really nice.
16:39Hopefully it doesn't get icy,
16:41because every time I freeze yoghurt, it goes, like, all frosty.
16:45Oh, my God, there's just cats everywhere.
16:47I'm living my dream.
16:50Okay, this is how we're looking.
16:52So, with the butter, from the videos that I've watched,
16:55it goes through a couple of different stages.
16:57So, the first stage is, like, whipped cream,
17:00and then it looks like cottage cheese.
17:03So, we're looking like we're on the right path.
17:05I mean, I can't really go wrong.
17:06All I've got to do is this.
17:08So, I'm going to start with the butter,
17:10and then I'm going to do the yoghurt,
17:12and then I'm going to do the strawberry,
17:14and then I'm going to do the strawberry.
17:16I mean, I can't really go wrong.
17:17All I've got to do is this.
17:19And wait.
17:20Okay, it's like a minute later,
17:22and as you can see, it's kind of gone a bit more curdled now.
17:25So, I'm just going to push all of that cream down,
17:28because I feel like there's quite a lot that's stuck around the edges.
17:31And probably whisk for another couple of minutes,
17:34and then we'll see what it looks like.
17:35Okay, the third and final stage is this.
17:40It looks like butter and milk.
17:43Do you know what?
17:44I've been stood here watching this for, like, 10-15 minutes,
17:47and it, like, it did the whipped cream,
17:50the cottage cheese,
17:52and then it, like, went really milky,
17:54and I was like, oh no, I've gone too far.
17:56But then I just thought, I'm just going to leave it and see what happens.
17:59I left it, and this has formed.
18:02So, now what we need to do is we need to drain out the buttermilk,
18:05and keep that in the fridge for pancakes or waffles,
18:08or to soak chicken in,
18:10or you can just use buttermilk in baking.
18:12And then, I'm going to give the butter a rinse under the tap,
18:16just to make it, like, a little bit under cold water to make it a little bit firmer.
18:21And then I'm going to add some sea salt.
18:23How exciting!
18:25Homemade butter.
18:26I mean, it doesn't look very appealing right now,
18:28but hopefully it will in a minute.
18:30It actually looks like butter!
18:56That was the most satisfying thing ever,
18:58and look at all that lovely buttermilk.
19:26I'm so proud of my butter!
19:28That was so easy,
19:30and so, like, therapeutic and satisfying.
19:33And it's made so much.
19:35So this one is just, like, a lightly salted butter.
19:38Well, if you can call that lightly salted.
19:40There is a lot of salt on there.
19:42And then this one, I think,
19:45I might roast some garlic later,
19:48and add it to that.
19:49I kind of want to do, like, a garlic and herb butter for this one over here.
19:54I did taste a little bit as well,
19:56and it does taste like butter, but, like, so much creamier.
19:59It's really yummy.
20:00It tastes loads better than, like, a store-bought butter.
20:03And also, something else you can do,
20:05have, like, a local farm shop or something near to you.
20:09Get local cream, because then that's meant to be even better for you.
20:13So, yeah, here's my first ever butter.
20:16Now we've got to learn to make bread.
20:18So we can have homemade butter and homemade bread.
20:48Okay, here is the yogurt bark ready to go in the freezer for about three hours.
21:12It would be really nice with some raspberries and blueberries,
21:14but I only actually had strawberries.
21:16And something else I thought would be nice with is little,
21:18you know those little mini meringues you can get?
21:21They'd be nice on top too.
21:24The media wall is finished, and it looks so good.
21:30I feel like, oh my god, I'm so happy with it, let me show you.
21:33And here is the after.
21:36Oh my goodness!
21:38I'm so happy with it.
21:39Look at all that gorgeous storage down there.
21:43I have just spent a little bit of time kind of like moving everything,
21:46having a bit of a play around.
21:48I've popped a couple of little bits on the shelves just to get a bit of a feel for it,
21:53and I absolutely love it.
21:55As you can see, I've just popped the table in the middle of the room,
21:57which can just be moved whenever we're kind of like playing on the mats.
22:01But I thought, I just love it.
22:03I love it so much.
22:04It feels already so much tidier, less chaotic, and also a lot cosier.
22:12So yeah, really, really, really happy.
22:14We have moved the tent over here.
22:16It felt really sad to get rid of the toy tent,
22:18but I'm thinking what we might do is get something slightly smaller.
22:22You know like the teepee tents?
22:24I feel like that could work a little bit better in this corner
22:28because it does feel a little bit crammed.
22:31But yeah, how much better does it look?
22:33The only thing is, ah!
22:36These toys, the ones that I wanted to hide, don't fit.
22:41Of course they don't.
22:42They are like ever so slightly, like if this bit wasn't here,
22:47it would fit in there.
22:48And I said to Jamie like, is there any way we could snap that off?
22:51But then I'm kind of like snapping my child's toys just to fit them in a cupboard,
22:57which is just a bit pathetic really.
22:59So yeah, they don't fit, but they're nicely kind of like tucked away there.
23:05And I don't know, it just feels like more of a room.
23:08It feels less like a toy dumping ground
23:13and feels more of like a nice cosy room that we can all watch films together in
23:17and like play.
23:19I love it. I absolutely love it.
23:20As you can see, Teddy's testing out his new climbing frame.
23:25So what I was thinking we could do to make it look a little bit more built in
23:29was get some kind of like MDF or shelf above this bit
23:33and then I'll pop some pictures on screen.
23:36But I was thinking maybe creating some kind of like cladding on this bit,
23:40you know, like the wall panelling, which is like great explanation, Gemma.
23:45I'll pop some pictures on screen.
23:47But that might make it look a little bit more built in.
23:51But to be honest, I'm happy with it.
23:53Like I didn't know if I'd be super happy with it
23:56because I do feel like sometimes Ikea's a little bit hit and miss.
23:59Sometimes it looks really good, whereas sometimes it looks like not that great.
24:04But the quality of this is beautiful.
24:09Oh, there's some screws in a car already.
24:12Over here is quite a small little gap,
24:14but I was thinking we could even maybe pop a little shelf here
24:22and then we could have this corner as like a little bit of a craft desk.
24:27I don't know if it's a little bit too small, but I mean, Noah is probably the size of this bear.
24:31So like just imagining him sat there, it would actually maybe be perfect.
24:37And we could then maybe keep like put some shelves here
24:39and keep all of his like drawing bits and bobs, crafts.
24:43That could be a nice little idea.
24:46We will see.
24:47I don't want to ask Jamie to do that just yet.
24:49It might tip him over the edge.
24:50Of course, we have some new Amazon organisation bits.
24:54You know, people buy like new gym clothes to motivate them to go to the gym.
24:58I buy new organisation bits to motivate me to organise.
25:04So I got, let me show you guys.
25:07Oh, I'm sweating.
25:10It's not even, it's not even hot.
25:12I just have the breastfeeding sweats.
25:15Too much information, but oh my goodness.
25:19Breastfeeding and sweat levels are just something I never knew about, to be honest.
25:30Oh, these are perfect.
25:32So I got some of these little tubs.
25:34I think there's six in here.
25:37And I thought these would be great for just like, we've got quite a lot of little toys going on,
25:41you know, like cars, dinosaurs, little thready toys, like lots of little toys.
25:50So these will be great.
25:51And they've got little handles so Noah can like carry these around.
25:54These will be great in the little cupboards.
25:58And then I got this size.
26:03They're actually, they're going to be so good, which kind of just like pop open.
26:07And these are stackable.
26:09So these will be great for the slightly bigger cupboards.
26:13And I'm thinking for these, these will be good for like puzzles, coloring bits, stuff like that.
26:19More flat toys, Lego, stickle bricks.
26:25I'm in my toy era.
26:28All the best toys, if you know, you know.
26:31So yeah, I am excited to organize.
26:33I'm probably just going to like get everything out of the, you know, like the IKEA storage over there.
26:40I'm probably going to get everything out of there.
26:44I did have a sort out in here the other day and the bits that I knew Noah didn't really use anymore.
26:51And Jonah's probably not going to really use.
26:53I've popped them in a big bag for the charity shop because I just feel like we don't really need them.
27:00So we're going to donate those.
27:01And then I've popped a couple of bits in the garage for like a toy rotation.
27:04But yeah, I'm going to get everything out of that unit, see what we've got, organize it into these.
27:10And then we'll still use those.
27:12But I think they'll be better for more bulkier things.
27:15Like I can see a little music set and stuff like that.
27:18So yeah, let's get organizing.
27:22This one is what I like to call bits and bobs.
27:36It's just the most randomest things.
27:43But Noah actually loves going through this.
27:46It keeps him entertained for ages.
27:49So I don't want to get rid of any of it.
27:50It's just full of like weird and wonderful things.
27:55Do we think Noah will notice if I get rid of this train?
27:59Right, picture this.
28:06It gets better.
28:14I mean, it's fun.
28:15It's so fun.
28:17Sensory overload.
28:18Be real with this.
29:17Just found a little white feather on my sleeve.
29:25And I love it when this happens because I just feel like it's a sign from my dad.
29:30And I've been thinking about him so much recently.
29:33Not like I don't, like he literally pops in my mind every single day.
29:37But the past couple of weeks I've been having like so many dreams about him.
29:41And I get this like reoccurring dream.
29:44I probably have maybe like weekly every two weeks where, oh my god, it feels so real.
29:51And it puts me in like such a strange mood all day.
29:54A dream that he hasn't died.
29:57And him dying was a dream.
30:00And I just feel so happy in these dreams.
30:03And I'm like, oh, thank God.
30:05Like, thank God that was a dream.
30:07And then I wake up from my dream and realise that was a dream.
30:10And it just kind of like hits me like a ton of bricks.
30:13My dad's been gone almost five years now.
30:17I just can't even believe it's been that long.
30:20It feels like it was yesterday but also feels like it was forever ago as well.
30:24Such a strange feeling.
30:26But I always think when it's like springtime, I always think of him just so much.
30:34Like this time of year really makes me think of him because it was his favourite.
30:37He loved spring and autumn.
30:41He loved it being like lighter in the evenings and lighter in the mornings
30:45so he could get on down to his allotment even earlier and stay down there earlier.
30:49And yeah, just feel like the birds.
30:52Like birdsong really reminds me of him.
30:55Because he always used to tell me like which birds they were.
30:58And like when he heard them like singing, he would know exactly which birds they were.
31:04And do you know what?
31:06I remember when I was younger and he used to do that.
31:08Dad, you're so old telling me about the birds.
31:11And now I kind of wish I'd listened a bit more because I would love to be able to hear birdsong.
31:18And know which bird that was singing.
31:21I don't know, it's one of those where it's like I wish I'd listened a bit more
31:26instead of just being like, Dad, you're old.
31:31I don't want to know about birds.
31:33Just a little thought I thought, thought I thought?
31:36A little thought midway through organising which I thought I'd share.
31:42Oh, no, don't fly away.
31:44Oh my goodness, this room feels so much nicer to be in now.
31:49It just feels strange, like more like a room.
31:53Less like a toy shop, more like a room.
31:56So happy with our new unit and everything being organised.
32:01I'm ready for Noah to come in here and mess it all up.
32:06I'm going to try and keep on top of it.
32:08I'm going to try and like when we've got a toy out, put that one away before we get another one out.
32:13Noah's actually pretty good at that to be fair.
32:15He is very like much a tidy boy.
32:18Like he actually really loves tidying up.
32:21But yeah, I'm going to try and keep on top of the organisation of this room.
32:25Okay my loves, that is going to go ahead and conclude this part of the vlog.
32:31I'm actually going to pick up my camera again when we have our Girl of Muse photoshoot.
32:37Because I really, really, really want to start bringing you guys along for more of like the behind the scenes of running a business.
32:46And to be honest, it's something I don't usually, I don't usually do because photoshoot day is usually very go, go, go.
32:56And I always just forget to pick up my camera.
32:58But I'm going to make a really conscious effort this time to bring you guys along.
33:01Because I think it would be just really lovely to bring you all on the journey of our rebrand, which is so exciting.
33:09I feel like I can tell you guys more about it now.
33:12It's kind of been like under wraps for the past few months.
33:15But Girl of Muse is relaunching as a sleepwear brand.
33:21Which I just feel like it is so aligned to me.
33:27You guys know I, pyjamas are like my favourite thing in the whole universe.
33:31I spend my days looking forward to putting on my pyjamas.
33:35And I feel like at this point in my life I'm a bit of a pyjama connoisseur.
33:39I know what fit I like, I know what colours, I love like a seasonal print.
33:44So that's what we're going to kind of like specialise in.
33:46Especially the seasonal prints.
33:48So think the most perfect autumn printed pyjamas, Christmas printed pyjamas.
33:55Maybe even matching family pyjamas.
33:58And yeah, I just feel really, really, really good about it.
34:01I feel like last time with Girl of Muse we kind of did a lot of different things.
34:07Like we did, we've already kind of like dabbled in pyjamas.
34:10And you guys loved them.
34:12So we really wanted to just specialise in something.
34:15And I just think pyjamas is the most perfect thing.
34:18The most perfect thing.
34:20We all love being like cosy at home.
34:22And just wearing something comfortable that makes us feel really nice.
34:25So yeah, exciting times ahead.
34:28So next time I see you guys will be on photoshoot day.
34:33And I can show you the whole collection.
34:35We are actually shooting for our spring summer collection.
34:40So that's going to be coming out in the next month or so.
34:44Keep an eye on our Instagram for like official launch dates of things.
34:48But I think it will be really cool for you guys to see the behind the scenes of a photoshoot.
34:53Photoshoot day is my favourite day.
34:55So busy.
34:56But it's so much fun.
34:58And Jonah's actually coming with us.
35:00Just to throw our baby in the mix.
35:03Obviously because I'm still breastfeeding.
35:05And he's a very, very easy baby anyway.
35:09So I think we're just going to take his bouncer.
35:11And he can just bop around.
35:14And be part of the day.
35:16Would take Noah.
35:17But feel like toddler is slightly harder to look after at a photoshoot.
35:25And I also think that would just not.
35:27Noah would just be like, listen, this is not my vibe.
35:31So he is at nursery that day.
35:33And then Jamie's dad's going to be picking him up and looking after him.
35:37So yeah, really excited.
35:39We're going to such a cool studio in Manchester.
35:45Which, yeah, I'm just so excited for that day.
35:47So I thought it would be a really nice thing to bring you guys along to.
35:50So not much happening for the rest of the day.
35:53I think we're going to have like a really quick dinner.
35:56And then it's going to be baby's bedtime routine.
36:00Which is always just like mum mode activated.
36:03And then I'm going to get an early night.
36:05Because I was awake so much last night.
36:08Not with Jonah, with Noah.
36:12Literally Noah was awake at like midnight, 2, 4, 6.
36:16And oh my goodness, I've just remembered what you did last night, Mr. Teddy.
36:21He's a naughty, naughty boy.
36:23This, you, this culprit here.
36:27He may look cute.
36:29Trust me, at 4am, he is not cute.
36:33So I literally spent so long getting Noah to sleep.
36:37So we do this thing at the moment.
36:39It's so cute, but at 4am it's just not so cute.
36:42So we lay by his cot.
36:44And he has his hand out of the cot.
36:47And we like hold his hand until he falls asleep.
36:49Reminds me of that scene in Dumbo where like the mum has got her trunk through the cage.
36:55It's so cute.
36:56It's so sad.
36:57So when he puts his hand, like at 4am, he's like mummy hand.
37:00I can't resist.
37:02So I laid in there for about an hour.
37:04Whilst Noah fell asleep.
37:06And Noah had just gone off to sleep.
37:09Teddy comes bulging in the room, like going,
37:12I was like, oh my god.
37:14He jumps on Noah's cot.
37:16And falls on Noah.
37:19Poor Noah was terrified.
37:21He was like, I was like, oh my god, this cat, this cat.
37:25So then he woke Noah up.
37:27So I was in there for like, probably like 3 hours last night.
37:29So yes, anyway, I'm rambling.
37:31Early night for me.
37:34Yeah, I will see you all on photoshoot day.
37:38Good morning.
37:41It's 4.11am.
37:43And we are up bright early.
37:45I feel like we're going on holiday or something.
37:47That's the only time we usually get up at the crack of dawn.
37:50Got my hate this curler in.
37:53Gonna do my makeup in the car.
37:55Ooh, Jamie's got snacks.
37:58Could really be a road trip without all the snacks.
38:01Ooh, Mentos.
38:06Could just see your glasses.
38:09My blue lights.
38:11That's how I play.
38:13You look like you've got ski glasses on.
38:16We're in the darkness.
38:18We have to whisper, because tell me how
38:21I was able to scoop Jonah
38:24out of bed at half three this morning
38:27and get him in the car
38:29without him waking.
38:31Really, like, stirred a little bit.
38:33But he's still asleep.
38:35Just a dream boy, isn't he?
38:37I've got my saviour in, which is
38:39my heatless curler.
38:41Love this thing.
38:42So hopefully when I take my hair out
38:45it looks like, well, it'll be done.
38:47It will be all done.
38:49And I'm gonna do my makeup when it's light.
38:51Is he?
38:53Wake up.
39:13If you're a parent, you know,
39:15if you know, you know.
39:17My white noise is just a dream.
39:19We've, like,
39:21we do different types of white noise
39:23here in the, um...
39:25At this party.
39:27We do. Remember the one where we go
39:29shh, shh, shh.
39:31Shh, shh, shh.
39:33Shh, shh, shh. And then we do one where we go
39:35shh, shh, shh.
39:37I'm too tired. I'm just talking
39:39absolute rubbish. I'll be back
39:41when we've had coffee. When are we getting coffee?
39:4325 minutes.
39:47We need to collect our pal, Jake.
39:49We're collecting Jake from Leicester.
39:51He's steaming. Coffee.
39:53He's steaming.
39:55Jake's jobs today.
39:57He's the steamer, the steamer of clothes
39:59and the babysitter.
40:01And creative director.
40:03And creative director too.
40:05What kind of motivation I wish I had.
40:07I just saw someone running,
40:09running in shorts
40:11at 5.41
40:13in minus
40:15one degrees.
40:17Minus one degrees.
40:19Wow, I wish I had that motivation.
40:21And there's me
40:23moaning about the car
40:25blowing cold air on me. What a guy.
40:27Yeah, what a guy.
40:29Good morning.
40:31Good morning.
40:33Where are we?
40:39Good morning.
40:41We might even
40:43have some pyjamas for you to wear,
40:45Jonah. Hint, hint, hint.
40:51It's coffee time.
40:55We made it.
40:57And we are the first people here,
40:59which is always nice.
41:01We are just waiting for
41:03the photographer, hair and makeup artist,
41:05our two models,
41:07and our social content
41:09creator as well. So yeah,
41:11they should all be here soon and we can get started.
41:13There's Jonah set up in his little bouncer.
41:15Are you okay?
41:19How gorgeous is this studio?
41:21So nice.
41:23We've got this studio for the first half of the day
41:25and then we have got
41:27another studio for the second half of the day.
41:29I need this entire
41:31situation in our house.
41:33So Mr. Jonah is wearing
41:35something very special.
41:37Girl of news,
41:39baby, matching minis.
41:41You've got matching minis on.
41:53It's on a photo shoot, be like.
42:07Uncle Jake with
43:03We have just moved to the next
43:05studio and it's absolutely
43:07beautiful. I feel like I'm abroad.
43:09So sunny and warm
43:11in here.
43:17So we
43:19are here.
43:21Everyone's busy and active.
43:23We've got Ellie over
43:25there strutting her stuff.
43:27And Isabella.
43:29Jonah does not approve.
43:31What's the matter?
43:33Eh? What's the matter?
43:37Andy on the long shot.
43:39I'm just messing all the shadows up.
43:45And we've got Zoe and Elise
43:47in hair and makeup.
43:49Rocking it.
43:53That's what we like.
44:29As you can see,
44:31we are now home.
44:33It is Saturday morning and I'm up
44:35bright and early because
44:37I really want to get this vlog
44:39edited and up today.
44:41So yeah, she's looking a bit disheveled.
44:43Please ignore that.
44:45I've had a grand total of about
44:47two hours sleep.
44:49Let's have a bit of a debrief about yesterday.
44:53I feel
44:55a little bit sad to be honest because I had
44:57every intention to
44:59vlog way more
45:01than I did.
45:03But it was just such
45:05a fast paced,
45:07busy day.
45:09And I think we messed up a little bit
45:11with the change of studios.
45:13So we spent four hours in one
45:15studio and then four hours in another studio.
45:19having to move
45:21the amount of stuff
45:23that we had in that time
45:25as well into another studio
45:27that was like two more floors up
45:29really did just kind of mess us up
45:31a little bit. Oh my god, tell your tale.
45:33Because we obviously, in studio
45:35one we had all the lighting set up
45:37and we just won't do that again
45:39because I feel like it really was just
45:41a stress that was unneeded.
45:45But I hope you enjoyed the bits
45:47that I was able to
45:49capture and I
45:51hope you were able to see
45:53a little bit of our collection which is coming
45:55this month. Is it the first?
45:57It's the first of March.
45:59Happy March. This little one has just woken up
46:01and joined me.
46:03But yeah, guys, I really hope
46:05you've enjoyed this vlog.
46:07Like I said, in next week's vlog
46:09we will do a big
46:11HomeSense shop and
46:13decorate for spring which is so exciting.
46:15It's the first of March.
46:17Spring is coming.
46:19What a matter?
46:21Oh you threw your bag on the floor.
46:23You want me to get it?
46:25The house.
46:27Let me show you.
46:29A Noah bomb
46:31has gone off in the house.
46:35Such a mess.
46:37Noah had a grandad wrapped around
46:39his little finger yesterday.
46:41They were decorating
46:43gingerbread harks
46:49And then he was
46:51up until 11pm
46:53because grandad
46:55said he tried to get him to sleep
46:57but Noah said he goes back downstairs.
46:59Little bugger.
47:01So yeah, he was giving grandad the right
47:03run around yesterday.
47:05But yeah, I'm going to get this
47:07video edited for you guys to watch today.
47:09It's a gorgeous like sunny but
47:11frosty day today. I love days
47:13like this. But yeah, I will see
47:15you all next week.
47:17Love you all so much and thank you for watching.
47:19Have a gorgeous weekend.