We start the next day at Becky’s sister’s house with Becky singing to Twinkie. Eric was home alone all day until Rickie got off work. With the beans out shopping with Becky’s nephew, Eric spent some time alone catching up on tv shows. Now that Rickie is home, it’s time to make dinner. Rickie says he wasn’t much of a cook until the car wreck that he and Becky were in, then he had more time to dedicate to the art, starting with Meatloaf. While Becky and Amberlynn are out shopping, they check out the garden center in search for the perfect outdoor table and chair set. The birds in the garden center are out of control. Rickie wanted to clarify that their anniversary is on April 21st, not 420, and they’re aware of its significance. After diner, Eric and Rickie make their way to Walmart to shop for some odds and ends, and stuff like that, plus it’s supposed to snow tomorrow and they’re low on groceries. They pick up some mills and dills, a Roku, then make a stop at the Red Box machine on their way out. With so many appealing options in the available through the machine, Rickie suspects that they’re probably going to be a Red Box family from now on. We take a look back on another Red Box family we used to know. We get a mini haul when they get home before taking us along for the ride that is setting up the Roku. Meanwhile, Amberlynn is at a book club meeting without Becky. Eric and Rickie end the vlog.