Amis, vous ne croirez pas ce que Sam vient de découvrir. Il s'avère que les slimes et les serpents 🐍 sont des rivaux de toujours ! Vous pouvez imaginer ? Nous devons prouver cette théorie sur-le-champ. Et il n'y a certainement pas de meilleure façon de tenir ce duel qu'en jouant aux Échelles et Serpents. Alors, attrapez votre carton, les amis ! On s'y met ! ✂️📦
Avant toute chose, nous devons créer le terrain de jeu. Ce serait bien trop simple pour notre duo astucieux de simplement le dessiner, n'est-ce pas ? C'est pourquoi Sam et Sue ont décidé de rehausser leur jeu et de réaliser un plateau de jeu en 3D à trois étages qui sera bien sûr lumineux et coloré !
Comme toujours, tout le processus est agrémenté de faits amusants et de nombreuses blagues de notre slime rose préféré. N'attendez plus; appuyez sur lecture et rejoignez le fun ! Nous promettons que ce tutoriel étape par étape sera facile à suivre. Alors, réalisez ce bricolage avec nous et amusez-vous beaucoup avec vos amis en y jouant !
Aimez et abonnez-vous pour nous soutenir, amis ! Nous sommes heureux de partager encore plus de bricolages amusants et d'incroyables idées DIY avec vous :
Construction sur mesure de camion monstre RC en carton ! 🔥🚚
🐊 Organisateur de bureau Croc ! DIY en carton
MAGNIFIQUES 10+ Bricolages Arc-en-ciel 🌈✂️ Abonne-toi à la chaîne de Sam et mets-lui un pouce bleu pour le motiver à faire plus de vidéos pour toi !
Tous les produits et noms de compagnies apparaissant dans cette vidéo demeurent les marques commerciales™️ ou marques déposées®️ de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Leur utilisation ne suggère aucune affiliation ni approbation de leur part.
Musique par TheSoul Sound:
Liste du matériel :
OPENING THEME Title: Cuckoo Source:
Coucou les fans de Sam ! Découvrez nos chouettes nouveautés avec Sam sur la boutique de Sam le Slime 🎉
Avant toute chose, nous devons créer le terrain de jeu. Ce serait bien trop simple pour notre duo astucieux de simplement le dessiner, n'est-ce pas ? C'est pourquoi Sam et Sue ont décidé de rehausser leur jeu et de réaliser un plateau de jeu en 3D à trois étages qui sera bien sûr lumineux et coloré !
Comme toujours, tout le processus est agrémenté de faits amusants et de nombreuses blagues de notre slime rose préféré. N'attendez plus; appuyez sur lecture et rejoignez le fun ! Nous promettons que ce tutoriel étape par étape sera facile à suivre. Alors, réalisez ce bricolage avec nous et amusez-vous beaucoup avec vos amis en y jouant !
Aimez et abonnez-vous pour nous soutenir, amis ! Nous sommes heureux de partager encore plus de bricolages amusants et d'incroyables idées DIY avec vous :
Construction sur mesure de camion monstre RC en carton ! 🔥🚚
🐊 Organisateur de bureau Croc ! DIY en carton
MAGNIFIQUES 10+ Bricolages Arc-en-ciel 🌈✂️ Abonne-toi à la chaîne de Sam et mets-lui un pouce bleu pour le motiver à faire plus de vidéos pour toi !
Tous les produits et noms de compagnies apparaissant dans cette vidéo demeurent les marques commerciales™️ ou marques déposées®️ de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Leur utilisation ne suggère aucune affiliation ni approbation de leur part.
Musique par TheSoul Sound:
Liste du matériel :
OPENING THEME Title: Cuckoo Source:
Coucou les fans de Sam ! Découvrez nos chouettes nouveautés avec Sam sur la boutique de Sam le Slime 🎉
00:00We have way too many books, Sure!
00:20Let's classify them by category so we can put them away more easily!
00:23Oh, you won't believe it!
00:25Another one of your crazy theories?
00:27No, it's real this time!
00:31Look! Slimes and snakes have been rivals for centuries!
00:35Oh, I bet snakes won every time!
00:37Impossible! Slimes are smarter and harder to catch and can surpass any snake!
00:42Then prove it! Show me how slimes beat snakes!
00:45You're challenging me? Okay, we're going to create a board game and I'll show you exactly why slimes always win!
00:52Sounds fun! But no cheating, Sam!
00:55Deal! Let's start and I'll prove it to you!
01:00Okay, I'll do the DIY and you focus on your role as slime master!
01:05It works! Oh, by the way, this board lacks color!
01:08Oh, don't worry about that, it's easy to fix!
01:12Cool! And now let's make sure that slime is an advantage!
01:16No, no, Samy, it has to be fair! Let's make sure that the base of the game is solid!
01:23Ha! I have a good plan!
01:25Oh no! Don't tell Sue! Let's go!
01:31Oh, it's really fun!
01:34Sam, what did you do? It's too slippery!
01:37I'm just helping the slime to win more easily!
01:41It looks like you caught up! I told you the game had to be fair!
01:49Okay, okay! Huh? What's that? On my head?
01:52Oh, that's exactly what we need for the next step!
01:55Look, these will be the number of steps in our game!
02:03Did you know that snakes can smell with their tongues? They literally taste air!
02:07Really? Well, these are really amazing animals!
02:10Amazing! Slimes are much cooler! You can also taste them!
02:17Gross! Disgusting!
02:18It's not edible! It's a part of our labyrinth!
02:21It shouldn't be too easy for snakes to find their scales!
02:25Oh yes! You're finally on my side! I knew it!
02:28Watch out, snake! Slimes take control!
02:39I think the first level is ready! Oh, I can't wait to play!
02:44Before we can play, we should also finish the other levels!
02:48That's it! Even if they are enemies, they still deserve to play with style!
02:52You're right! And that way, we're one step closer to victory!
02:57Let's see if everything worked out as planned!
03:02One, two, three, four...
03:07Something's wrong with these numbers!
03:10One, two, three...
03:12I'm lost!
03:14Oh no! The snakes are coming back!
03:19Here's our brave fighter! All the snakes will be terrified!
03:26I've become myself again!
03:28Watch out, snake!
03:30Maybe snakes are faster and more agile than slimes, after all!
03:35Maybe snakes are faster and more agile than slimes, after all!
03:39Not even in my dreams!
03:46There you go! Slimes have always been smarter and more agile!
03:50Or maybe not! Help!
03:53Hey, little snake!
03:58Who would have thought that snakes and slimes loved candy so much?
04:03Did you say candy?
04:06Oh yes! Thank you!
04:08In the meantime, I'd better continue with our DIY!
04:13Wow! How did you do all this so quickly?
04:16The snakes did this part while you were gone!
04:19That's enough!
04:20I won't let the snakes ruin my DIY!
04:25Take this!
04:26Take that!
04:29I bet the snake could never have such precise numbers!
04:33Huh? What?
04:36It's a total failure!
04:39Oh, poor little thing! Stop crying!
04:42Sometimes I also mix up the numbers!
04:44Here! Everything is fine now!
04:47Well done, Sue! You're a real master of numbers!
04:50This is for you!
04:52Oh, thank you! And now, a focus for you!
04:56The game's soundtrack is ready!
04:59Paris, Sue, let's go!
05:02Here we go! It looks even better than I imagined!
05:06That's great! We can finally start playing!
05:08Wait, we're not done yet!
05:10But I want to play so much!
05:12Come on, Sammy! What will the snakes think of you?
05:18That I'm the coolest slime?
05:20That's well known!
05:22And it's my responsibility as a cool slime to test this DIY!
05:26I have to make sure that all the battles take place in a safe and secure place!
05:32Yeah! That's pretty solid for me!
05:35Which simply means that we can move on to level 3!
05:41OK, here's our last level!
05:44It must be smaller than the other two!
05:48And I'll make sure it's the same color!
05:51Oh, that's right! You remind me!
05:53Remind you of what?
05:55That we can't leave these cutouts open! The snakes will make fun of us!
05:59Oh, we can't let that happen!
06:04And now we have to put it all together!
06:07Let's go! Now let's put the last wall here!
06:16I got you, little snake!
06:19So this is where the last wall is! Thank you!
06:23You're welcome! In fact, I did it all by myself!
06:26What? OK, OK, you helped me!
06:31What's all this noise?
06:33It's the snakes! They found me!
06:35Here, I have to go!
06:37OK, and thank you for all this!
06:44This is where the finish line will be!
06:48And this is where we need ladders! Sam, do you have any?
06:52Here! I just finished it! But I only have one!
06:55Oh, it's OK! I'll take care of it!
07:04A few finishing touches!
07:08We need one here too!
07:11Oh no! How did I fall into my own trap?
07:14Oh, what's that? Who's there?
07:16I'm scared!
07:18I'm warning you, I'm armed and I'm ready to strike!
07:24Sam, where have you been? What happened?
07:27The snakes are coming!
07:29They're coming!
07:31They're coming!
07:33They're coming!
07:35They're coming!
07:37Sam, where have you been? What happened?
07:40The snakes are coming to get revenge!
07:43I'm sure they just wanted to take a look at our new board game!
07:48I'm sorry to scare you!
07:50I just wanted to add snakes to the game!
07:52Oh, OK, thanks for reminding me!
07:56Listen, I'm really sorry for everything!
07:58You seem to be a nice snake!
08:00You're a super slime!
08:02I watch your show, you know!
08:04Really? Oh, I'm so touched!
08:06Let's forget our grudges and become friends!
08:09Of course!
08:12Oh, you're so nice, guys!
08:14By the way, are we ready? Who's ready to play?
08:17I'm ready!
08:36This will be the greatest battle in history!
08:38Immortalized in cardboard!
08:40Oh, this is so dramatic!
08:42You play with the rose and I play with the snake!
08:45Your snake has no chance, Suzanne!
08:48Oh, really? This snake still has a few turns in its scales!
08:56That's what we'll see!
08:58Ha! Not bad!
09:01You're laughing at me now, aren't you?
09:05It looks like luck is on the side of slimes today!
09:11You see? I told you so!
09:14Yeah, yeah...
09:16Now it's my turn again!
09:201 and 1? Are you kidding me?
09:28How did this happen?
09:32Now I'm out of luck!
09:35Come on, Sammy, it's just a game!
09:38THE END
09:40The end!
09:43Thank you for being with us today, friends!
09:45Give us a like on this video and don't forget to subscribe!
09:49See you soon, friends! Bye! Let's keep playing here!