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Ehsaas Telethon - Ramadan Appeal

Fund raising from International Community.

$185 for Water Hand Pump in Pakistan
$200 Iftar Meal in Pakistan
$65 Rashan Pack in Pakistan

For Call: 1-718-393-5437
For Donation: 1-855-617-7786
Online: www.ehsaasfoundation.org

Account Name: Ehsaas Foundation
Bank Name: Chase Bank
Account Number: 202535861
Routing: 021000021

Subscribe Here: https://bit.ly/3dh3Yj1

#ehsaastelethon #ramadanappeal #aryqtv
00:00There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
00:12Peace be upon him who has helped the needy.
00:15Peace be upon him who has helped the poor.
00:20Peace be upon him who has explained the secrets of love.
00:24Peace be upon him who has given flowers to the wounded.
00:27Peace be upon him who did not have gold in his house.
00:32Peace be upon him who did not have a broken sack.
00:36Peace be upon him who used to cry for the Ummah at night.
00:40Peace be upon him who used to sleep on the floor.
00:44All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
00:46All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
00:50Our Creator, our Sustainer, the Uncountable.
00:54The Creator of the world, the One and Only.
00:58Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammadin wa ala al Sayyidina
01:05wa Mawlana Muhammadin wa barik wa sallim.
01:07My dear viewers, welcome to all of you with the Islamic greetings.
01:11Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
01:13I am your host and once again we are here with our humble presence
01:18to make you appeal once again for the people,
01:21for the humanity who are in need.
01:24There are people in thousands, there are people in millions
01:27who are waiting for your help, who are needy,
01:30who are deserving, who are suffering from hunger, from thirst,
01:33they are shelterless, they need mosques,
01:35they need water hand pumps, they need food
01:38so that they could welcome the upcoming blessed month of Ramadan
01:43as we are going to welcome this blessed month of Ramadan
01:46by the grace of Allah Almighty.
01:48You know very well Assaas has been serving the humanity for last 16 years
01:53without any discrimination of sect, colour and race.
01:57And you people, you viewers, you donors are witnessed, Alhamdulillah.
02:03You see usually our aids, our visuals and photos
02:08and through them you can understand, you can witness that Alhamdulillah
02:13how extraordinary efforts are being made by Assaas
02:18and in this noble cause the people who are blessed with wealth,
02:21they are requested to come forward to help such people
02:26who are needy and deserving and who need our help.
02:30So in the dire need of food, in the dire need of water,
02:33in the dire need of mosques, the people who are blessed with wealth,
02:36the people Allah Almighty has given sustenance to them,
02:40they are supposed to come forward so that these people could be helped out.
02:45In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty mentions that
02:48يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ أَنْفِقُواْ مِمَّا رَزَقْنَاكُمْ مِنْ قَبْلِ أَنْ يَعْتِيَ يَوْمٌ لَا بَيْءٌ فِيهِ
02:54وَلَا خُلَّةٌ وَلَا شَفَاءَةٌ وَالْكَافِرُونَ هُمْ زُوَلِمُونَ
02:58O people who believe,
03:00spend from the sustenance what Allah Almighty has given you
03:04before the day comes, the day of resurrection, the day of judgement
03:08when there will be no bargain, when there will be no friendship,
03:12when there will be no intercession. Indeed, the disbelievers are cruel.
03:17So, my dear viewers, in the light of this Quranic verse,
03:20we can understand how much it is important
03:23for the people who are blessed with wealth or who have been given more than their need,
03:28more than their sufficient need, so they are supposed to spend from the sustenance
03:32what Allah Almighty has given them so that they could be blessed
03:36not only in this world but in the hereafter as well.
03:41As always, I have come to you to give you this call, this call,
03:46I have come to give you the call of your share
03:48that there are thousands and millions of people who are waiting to be helped.
03:52You and I, by the grace and blessings of Allah,
03:55are waiting for the arrival of Ramadan Mubarak.
03:58We are busy in the preparations for its reception.
04:01There is a class which Allah has deprived due to His wisdom.
04:05That class was not blessed with wealth in that way.
04:09That class was not blessed with facilities, facilities and necessities
04:15in the way that you and I were blessed.
04:18It is as if Allah is testing them whether they are patient or not.
04:24They are being examined by Allah Almighty
04:27whether they show their patience in need or they don't.
04:30The people who are blessed with wealth, they are also being examined by Allah Almighty
04:35that if they spend from the sustenance what Allah Almighty has given them,
04:40so it means that they are showing gratitude to Allah Almighty
04:45to have such a wealth that is more than their need.
04:49It means, Alhamdulillah, they are the people,
04:51they could be said that they are blessed by Allah Almighty
04:55and inshallah, they will be rewarded with the best rewards on the Day of Judgment.
05:00So with this passion, we come here
05:04that the people who can feel pain for others
05:08or who really want to come out to help the humanity as us
05:12is going to play its role as a communication bridge
05:15between the people who are needy and the people who are blessed with wealth.
05:18That this is a golden opportunity, Alhamdulillah, we are going to share it with you
05:22and we always love to share it
05:24that we are going to play our role as a communication bridge.
05:27If you, my viewer, my donor, if you are watching from any corner of the world right now,
05:33this is a special or exclusive transmission of Asas.
05:37You can help any needy person, you can help any needy family,
05:42you can provide them with a Ramazan ration pack,
05:45you can make Asas, you can ask Asas to install a water hand pump
05:51or a small hand pump in such an area where there is a dire need of water
05:54in any area of Pakistan.
05:57If you want to feed people, Muslims, brothers and sisters
06:02with Iftar plus dinner, Alhamdulillah,
06:05we are going to play our role as a communication bridge.
06:07Yes, you can feed people with Iftar plus dinner so easily
06:13and Asas is going to play its role, Alhamdulillah,
06:15as usual as it has been doing for last 16 years.
06:21If you want Asas to build a mosque in such an area
06:24where there is a dire need to build a mosque
06:26so that our Muslim brothers would go there and offer their prayers,
06:30recite the Holy Quran and do some other good deeds
06:33so that you could be blessed in this world and in the hereafter.
06:37We make a package as usual, which we share with you,
06:41that whoever is a Mukhiyar,
06:43who has wealth and riches and wants to help his Muslim brothers and sisters,
06:49we have adopted many methods,
06:53we have taken many precautionary measures,
06:56we have made many arrangements
06:58so that the coming Ramadan is an ideal Ramadan for us.
07:02How is it ideal?
07:03We try in every way to please our Lord in this month.
07:10May Allah's guest month be pleased with us.
07:14In the light of Ahadith, we have been told that
07:17if you observe the fast in the way that is right for you,
07:25this fast will intercede for that believer in the presence of Allah,
07:31in the presence of Allah,
07:33who fulfils all the requirements for the attainment of Taqwa.
07:40This is such a big opportunity that we are going to get.
07:43Remember that this blessed month of Ramadan is also a month of grief.
07:48It brings a message of helping others.
07:51It brings a message of people's grief.
07:54When you are fulfilling your needs,
07:56making arrangements and preparing for Ramadan,
07:59there is another group of people who are not able to prepare.
08:03They also want to welcome Ramadan like you and me.
08:07They want to make all the efforts in Ramadan to please their Lord.
08:13But the financial crises and difficulties become hurdles for them.
08:19You know the inflation rate in Pakistan and the rest of the world.
08:25They have to travel a lot and face a lot of difficulties.
08:30They may not be able to make arrangements for their Iftar.
08:35In the summer, we make it easy for them to fast.
08:40They can drink as much water as they want.
08:43But we are talking about that group of people who are deprived of water.
08:48In such areas, if you can provide hand pumps,
08:54and if the people there can drink water,
08:57then God will make it possible for them to get water.
09:01He will bless you a lot.
09:03You can keep plates of your share on that desk.
09:06You can make people fast.
09:08It is such a great blessing to make people fast.
09:12If a believer can make another believer fast,
09:16then the one who makes them fast also gets the same reward
09:22as the one who fasts.
09:25So, this is a golden opportunity for you.
09:28If you want to make 50 people fast at a time,
09:33at the time of Iftar plus dinner,
09:36you can make 50 people fast together.
09:38If you pray to God, you can help them with $200.
09:43You can help them by donating £150.
09:46Similarly, we have other projects.
09:49We need your help.
09:51You can note down the details.
09:53You can call us.
09:54We have representatives with us.
09:58They are the volunteers who are working for the sake of Allah.
10:03It is our cause.
10:04It is a cause for all of us.
10:07It is a cause for those who are deprived, needy, and suffering.
10:11We are on the ground and on the field to help them.
10:15We are serving people by playing the role of the front man.
10:20Syed Fahad Hussain is with us.
10:22Sir, welcome.
10:23Peace be upon you.
10:25Thank you very much for being here with us once again.
10:28Initially, as we always say,
10:32first of all, the viewers who are donating
10:35and their love is contributing.
10:37The emotions and feelings that people have for this noble cause
10:41through their donations,
10:43those who are practically performing and contributing to this noble cause,
10:47we need their support and encouragement.
10:49Sir, what are your plans?
10:50How many achieved targets have you set?
10:52How many targets do you want to achieve?
10:54So that we know what we have achieved.
10:57Our donors will be happy to know.
10:59They should also know how much more work needs to be done.
11:02What do you say?
11:04First of all, I would like to thank you again for inviting me to your program.
11:07Our preparation starts three to four months before the Eisaas.
11:11Because a lot of people apply there.
11:14Our local people who represent the Eisaas,
11:19on a daily basis, we are receiving calls and messages from them.
11:23Because the number of people there is increasing.
11:26Those who are waiting for the Aftar,
11:29those who are hoping that this year, they will get the ration of Ramadan
11:32like they did last year.
11:35Whether it is related to hand pumps or ration,
11:38or if it is related to their Aftar.
11:39People have become hopeful.
11:42We are in contact with our local people on a daily basis.
11:47They keep informing us.
11:48Now, we need to understand the situation of inflation in the cities where we live.
11:52The situation there is not different.
11:55Even here, a lot of people do not have proper food to eat.
11:59So, think about the situation there,
12:01where there is no one to do the Aftar for you.
12:05Our Datsar Khans are decorated with Aftari.
12:08Our Datsar Khans' Aftari is decorated with all kinds of ornaments.
12:11But there, they are deprived of the taste of these things.
12:14The reason for that is that there are no resources there.
12:17No one can reach there.
12:19It takes seven to eight hours to reach from one city to another.
12:22Imagine, it takes seven to eight hours to reach from one city to another.
12:26It takes another one to two hours to reach the places
12:29where our brothers and sisters live.
12:31Just think, even after travelling such a long distance,
12:34you still reach there.
12:35So, you have a lot of expectations from them.
12:38They know that this year too, they will arrange for Aftari.
12:42This year too, they will arrange for clothes for our children.
12:46This year too, they will arrange for water for us.
12:48Our focal person is informing us
12:50on a daily basis that we have received the Ibn-e-Ablication today.
12:56This is the problem in this house.
12:57So many people are coming to us for Aftari.
12:59Not only for Aftari and water,
13:02we are also receiving requests for the mosque.
13:07Do you know for whom all this will be possible?
13:10Allah is the Greatest.
13:11We call upon you with this hope.
13:15We call upon you. We call upon you.
13:17Allah is the Greatest.
13:18There are good people in this world.
13:21This is why the factory of nature is running.
13:24We want to show our concern and our feelings.
13:29Fawad and others are on the ground.
13:32Other volunteers and people from our administration
13:35have seen the situation there.
13:37They know the situation there.
13:39They have first-hand knowledge.
13:41They have seen that there are houses where many days pass
13:44and they don't have any ingredients to cook food.
13:52In such a situation,
13:54if one of you sends a Ramzan ration pack to a needy family,
14:01and I want to motivate you,
14:05for that group of people who don't want to beg in front of anyone,
14:12they just want to be dependent on Allah.
14:15May Allah keep us all dependent on Him.
14:17May Allah not make us dependent on anyone.
14:19There are many difficulties in life.
14:24If you want me to get out of this difficulty,
14:27tell me a way to get out of it.
14:29There is a very simple way.
14:31Start making the work of the earth easier.
14:33The sky will make your work easier.
14:36There are many people who tell their success stories.
14:40We didn't have much and we were worried.
14:43Allah put in our hearts that we should help the poor.
14:46We should feed the hungry.
14:48We should install a water pump.
14:51We should install a water machine.
14:53May Allah's creation drink water from there.
14:54They admit it with their own words
14:58that Allah has given us more than we can imagine.
15:02And such doors have been opened for us
15:05that we couldn't even imagine.
15:07We give you motivation and motivation in this world.
15:12Allah has given us in this world as well.
15:14What you give in the way of Allah,
15:16it is a trade with Allah.
15:18It is a business with Allah.
15:19And remember, whatever business you do in this world,
15:22its basic definition is that every business brings risk with it.
15:26But the trade you are doing with Allah,
15:28it is a risk-free trade.
15:30It means that your profit is your profit.
15:32And this profit, no matter how much profit you earn in this world,
15:36no matter how much profit you earn in this world,
15:39but remember, there is a definite reality of death.
15:42You may become a millionaire,
15:43but one day you will leave this world.
15:45So why don't we focus more on that bank balance
15:48which will be useful even after death.
15:51Today, our homes are bright.
15:53As much as we thank Allah, it is less.
15:55But we should definitely do such work
15:58so that our graves can also be illuminated.
16:00A large number of ration packs are needed.
16:02We have to deliver the Ramadan ration packs to those homes.
16:05We have thousands of targets.
16:06Before Ramadan, we want to reach those homes,
16:10especially the white-collar people,
16:12who are not called professional beggars.
16:15They are shy to ask for money.
16:17Their egos are hurt.
16:18And we also want to compromise their egos,
16:23their self-knowledge and their self-respect.
16:27With the full protocol,
16:29we want to convey your love, your contributions, your donations,
16:32in such a way that one brother
16:35has brought a gift or help to another brother's home.
16:39And he doesn't feel any shame in accepting it.
16:41You saw in our footages,
16:43our volunteers do iftar with them.
16:47If there is a water pump,
16:48they get along with people as if they are family.
16:52And Allah has made him an angel for us.
16:54He has made him a means for us.
16:56And there, from the installation of the hand pump
16:58to the execution of his plan,
17:00until the clean water is dispensed from there,
17:03the activities of the people there are not allowed.
17:07And every heart will pray with their tongue
17:09as soon as they get clean water.
17:14At some places, iftar is offered for people.
17:17At some places, Ramadan ration packs are distributed.
17:21Believe me,
17:22we are not saying this, but the people who live on the ground,
17:24we heard these words from their tongue
17:27that there is a time for Eid among people.
17:29And remember,
17:30if you become a reason for people to smile on sad faces,
17:35then there is no one richer than you.
17:38What will you say about the person
17:39whom Allah has blessed a lot,
17:43but he doesn't get help from anyone.
17:46He doesn't feel like feeding someone who is hungry.
17:49He doesn't feel like installing a hand pump for someone who is thirsty.
17:53Believe me,
17:54the people who are doing this,
17:56who are contributing to this noble cause,
17:57who are taking part in this noble cause,
17:59they deserve this noble cause.
18:01But believe me,
18:02let me say that Allah has chosen you.
18:05You are chosen by Allah.
18:08Because not everyone gets the opportunity
18:11to hear about someone's pain, someone's trouble,
18:14or someone's need and take it out of their pocket
18:17and spend pounds or dollars.
18:20Only those who deserve this opportunity get this opportunity.
18:24Otherwise, Allah is enough for everyone.
18:27If Allah wanted, He could have distributed the wealth equally to everyone.
18:34But how is the test?
18:36And how is the trial?
18:37Allah has given all of us,
18:38those who have wealth and riches,
18:40those who have been given wealth and riches
18:41except for their needs.
18:43May Allah make us successful in this test
18:46when we are being called for help and need.
18:49Please listen to this carefully.
18:53The motivation we get from the scholars,
18:55how big the motivation is.
18:57In the books of authentic, credible Hadith,
19:00we get the story that a woman who is a sinner
19:04and she has not done any good deeds,
19:07she is a disobedient woman.
19:08But she sees a dog that is thirsty and she is making it thirsty.
19:12It is in pain, it is in trouble and it does not have water.
19:17She has a feeling in her heart.
19:19This is the message of feeling for you,
19:21that we should awaken the feeling.
19:22When the feeling is awakened, it moves forward
19:24and it makes the dog drink water.
19:26Allah, the Lord of Glory,
19:29the feeling that was awakened in her heart for the dog
19:32and then the water that she made the dog thirsty,
19:35Allah liked this feeling so much
19:37that the scholars say that Allah, the Lord of Glory,
19:39has forgiven that woman.
19:42Now think for yourself,
19:43that in your mind, in your imagination,
19:45think that those are our mothers,
19:47those are our old women,
19:49weak women who are so weak.
19:51There is nothing in the house to eat,
19:53there is nothing in the house to drink.
19:54If in that house,
19:56a Ramzan ration pack will reach,
19:57outside that house,
19:59a water hand pump will be installed,
20:00outside that house,
20:01an Iftaar counter will be installed,
20:03you ask your heart and tell me
20:05that then the prayers will come out of their hearts for you.
20:09I do not have the words to describe it,
20:12to express those feelings, those emotions.
20:14But this is the reality,
20:15prayers will come out of their hearts for you
20:17and for whom these prayers have come out so far,
20:20those people are witnesses.
20:21They have shared with us
20:23that Allah has certainly blessed us a lot.
20:25Because the business you do with Allah,
20:27the way you give in the way of Allah,
20:29you certainly give a loan to Allah.
20:32And the one who gives a loan to Allah,
20:34he returns it to you without accounting in this world
20:37and God willing, he will return it to you without accounting in the hereafter.
20:40The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
20:41is an inspiration for us,
20:43he is a role model for us.
20:44Till the Day of Judgment,
20:46you are a role model for all humanity,
20:48you are the best example.
20:50When the month of Ramadan comes,
20:51although you are, Alhamdulillah,
20:53the best of the best,
20:55the best of the best,
20:56but when the month of Ramadan comes,
20:58especially your generosity increases a lot.
21:01The Companions say that the state of the Prophet's generosity
21:04was such that more than the speed of the rain,
21:09the Prophet's generosity increased.
21:11If we express our love for him,
21:14we are his Ummah, we express our love for him,
21:16then one of the requirements is that
21:18we follow the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
21:21and the example he has set for humanity,
21:24it is our duty, it is our obligation,
21:27it is our ethical responsibility,
21:29it is our religious responsibility,
21:31it is our moral responsibility.
21:32If someone is in pain, then you should move forward.
21:35Fahad Bhai, what would you say,
21:36that there is an eye that sees someone in pain,
21:39someone helpless, someone falling,
21:42and it moves forward and gives support.
21:44Mrs. Zeenat Mushtaq,
21:45my dear viewers,
21:46she is a sister from England.
21:48She has contributed £65 for this noble cause.
21:54In the month of Ramadan,
21:56may Allah accept your love and your donation
22:00and may He bless you abundantly.
22:02The other people who contribute to this,
22:04Fahad Bhai, we are also sharing
22:06so that the other viewers and viewers
22:10also get a motivation, a cross motivation.
22:13Sir, how does it feel to be on the ground?
22:16There is a hand pump somewhere,
22:18there is an iftar table somewhere.
22:19I want the people's impressions,
22:22the people who are sharing their happiness
22:25with you in their words, in their style,
22:26what feeling are they sharing?
22:28If you can share that feeling with our viewers
22:31so that they are more motivated
22:32and we can do something more for those poor people
22:36for this noble cause.
22:37Absolutely, Sumer Bhai.
22:38As I told you,
22:39we have to go to those places
22:412-3 times a year to visit those places.
22:44I will tell you the truth,
22:45if you are looking at the walls and doors
22:47in the background from the photos,
22:49then you must have guessed what the situation is there.
22:52There are houses of raw walls,
22:54no floor is fixed there,
22:56so what facilities will be there,
22:57what needs will be arranged to be fulfilled.
23:00I am telling you with my own eyes
23:02that it was time for iftar,
23:03there was only some leftover bread and some leftover curry.
23:06There were four people.
23:08When we went to survey,
23:09they held our hands and asked us to have a bite with them.
23:13It will make us happy.
23:14Allah o Akbar.
23:14Can they be beggars?
23:17Can they be professional beggars?
23:19Their time is bad.
23:21Allah has given them the opportunity to reach out to them.
23:25We see a lot of things there
23:27that we don't tolerate in our homes.
23:30No head of the house
23:32will want to beg in front of someone for a piece of bread.
23:36Allah o Akbar.
23:36If he begs,
23:37it is for his children,
23:39for the women who live in his house.
23:41There are old women, old people and children there.
23:45Their age is the same as in my and your homes.
23:48Allah o Akbar.
23:49Whether they are old or children,
23:51if you think for a moment,
23:52none of us will want to beg in front of someone
23:58for a piece of bread.
24:00Allah o Akbar.
24:01We see this moment after moment there.
24:04If I tell you a story,
24:06there is a story in every house.
24:08Allah o Akbar.
24:09Where there is no bread available,
24:11what will be the problems there?
24:15What can we say about a person
24:17who doesn't know whether he has bread available or not
24:21after having his breakfast?
24:24What you see in the photos,
24:26what you see in the promos,
24:28the reality is the same.
24:30There is no shooting there.
24:32There are realities.
24:33I told you a few days ago,
24:35even if you go there randomly,
24:37you will see such incidents.
24:40You might think that there is a shooting or promos.
24:42There is nothing like that.
24:43People naturally live like this there.
24:45There is no arrangement for food in people's homes.
24:49There is no water to drink.
24:50A person from one place and an animal from another.
24:53You tell me.
24:54I can't imagine.
24:55Think about it.
24:57Can you drink water from such a place?
24:59There is no question.
25:00But people use these things there.
25:04Because if they don't have a hand pump,
25:09a tube well or a water well,
25:11they might not get affected by this water.
25:13How long can a rain stop the rain?
25:17And how long can it be maintained?
25:19There is water lying on the ground in the open sky.
25:21How long will it stay there?
25:23How long will we use it?
25:24Will it be drinkable?
25:26Will it be usable?
25:28In reality, it won't be.
25:30People use these things.
25:32Tell me, is there an arrangement for everything there?
25:37Whenever we tell you about the situation of people there,
25:43so that you can see what condition our brothers and sisters are in.
25:47The purpose of telling you and showing you
25:49is to show you their situation.
25:53We don't want to promote anyone.
25:56Because you trust your senses.
25:58The purpose of showing you is to show you
26:00to the people who are facing these problems.
26:05It is my prayer and my wish,
26:06and I always hope from you
26:09that just like every year,
26:10you will support Aisaaz in the same way
26:12as you have been doing for years.
26:14And as I have said before,
26:16the number of applications has increased a lot.
26:19The number is increasing on a daily basis.
26:22The number of facts and figures has doubled since last year.
26:24Our intention was to have 1,20,000 people inaugurated.
26:28But I think this figure will exceed 1,50,000.
26:31God willing.
26:33We should have high hopes from God.
26:35And the people who have the passion to help,
26:41they will definitely help.
26:42We have a brother, Mohammad Afzal.
26:45He has given his contribution to Aisaaz.
26:48He has donated $185.
26:52For the hand pump for water,
26:54may God accept his contribution.
26:58It is a test of the level that God has not given.
27:02The situation that Fahad is sharing with you right now,
27:05viewers, it is a bitter reality.
27:07It is a bitter reality that is faced there.
27:11And there is definitely a story in every house.
27:13Because the kind of situation, the kind of unemployment,
27:17such houses have been seen
27:18where there is no one to earn.
27:20There is no one to do it.
27:22So that someone can make an effort and arrange something for them.
27:25So Aisaaz, Alhamdulillah, helps them on a monthly basis.
27:30And all this is possible
27:32when you are the chosen ones who have the passion to serve the people.
27:36When you come forward, our hopes are also high.
27:39And what happens is that in the creation of God,
27:43the helpless class can be helped.
27:45We cannot end poverty.
27:48We cannot erase darkness.
27:50We cannot end darkness at all.
27:52But anyway, we can definitely light up our share.
27:55You can definitely spread the light of your share there.
27:58If even a sad face smiles because of you,
28:02then you will understand that your wealth has been recovered.
28:06God has accepted you for this work.
28:08He has selected you.
28:10And this is the love we want.
28:13The need, as Fahad is saying, is increasing.
28:15Applications mean that the voice that is being called for help right now
28:21has increased.
28:22The voice has become louder.
28:24It means that people are in great need.
28:27The number of those who are in need is very high.
28:30So what do we have to do?
28:31We have to increase our love.
28:32We have to increase our motivation.
28:34We have to come forward with more passion.
28:36And for these poor people,
28:38who are our own Muslim brothers and sisters,
28:40we have to help them.
28:41How did Prophet Mohammad motivate us
28:44so that we understand this?
28:46So that we understand this
28:47and then act upon it.
28:48If God has blessed us and given us more than what is necessary,
28:53if we fulfill our basic needs today,
29:02if you have wealth today,
29:04we are not standing here to convince you
29:07to give it all to the poor
29:09and help them.
29:11We want to tell you
29:13to keep your share of the wealth on their desks.
29:16You must make some people fast.
29:18You must have a water hand pump in one or two places.
29:21For a water hand pump,
29:22I would like to make a special request to you.
29:25There is a big charity going on.
29:27As long as the people of God drink water from there,
29:29you can eat one roti instead of two rotis.
29:33You can eat half a roti instead of one roti.
29:36As Fahad shared with you,
29:37there is no shortage of water.
29:39There is no availability of water.
29:41There is no shortage of water.
29:43Even if they have to walk for miles,
29:48even if they have access to water,
29:50you and I should not keep that water close to us
29:54which our Muslim brothers and sisters are forced to drink.
29:59Because water is life.
30:00There is no concept of life without water.
30:03So, we have to give them clean water.
30:05Look at how many blessings God has blessed us with.
30:07How much generosity.
30:08Believe me, the test they are going through,
30:11and they have to go through it.
30:13They have to go through it.
30:14One day, life will pass.
30:16If you and I think about our age,
30:18how many years of life have passed
30:20which we did not even realize.
30:21Life has passed like a dream.
30:23So, death is a definite reality.
30:25If death comes and a person leaves millions of crores in this world,
30:29and after death, a person imagines,
30:32I wish I could go back to life.
30:34I wish I could help the poor.
30:35I wish I could help God.
30:36God has blessed me so much.
30:38It is better than regretting
30:40and saying, I wish I could do this.
30:42I wish I could do that.
30:44You get life once and you have to get it back.
30:47If you want to prepare for eternal life,
30:50the real destination for which we have come into this world,
30:52you have to make that destination successful.
30:54Then the destination will go in search of you.
30:58Remove the stone from the path of God's creation.
31:01Make things easy for people.
31:03Your destination in this world will become easy.
31:05Your destination in the hereafter will become easy.
31:08On behalf of your parents,
31:09whatever you are today, whatever God has blessed you with,
31:12whatever your status is,
31:14how strong you are financially,
31:16every successful person has a big role of his parents.
31:21They have sacrificed a lot for you.
31:23They have made a lot of sacrifices.
31:24It is the best opportunity.
31:26It is the month of Ramadhan.
31:28It is about to come. It is knocking.
31:30So, imagine that if you take part in this charity,
31:33and in the name of your parents,
31:35to reward them,
31:37you can install water pumps somewhere.
31:39Their good deeds will continue to increase.
31:41Scholars say that our deceased ones,
31:43those who have separated from us,
31:44those who have left this world,
31:47their souls are waiting for their loved ones
31:51to reward them.
31:52So, this is the work of good deeds
31:54through which you will also get reward.
31:55And especially if your parents are not in this world,
31:58for their reward,
32:00the best opportunity, golden opportunity,
32:02and a very big charity
32:04cannot be better than this.
32:06You should make people do Iftar.
32:07It is your own blessing to expand your library.
32:10If you want to expand your library,
32:12if you want to have blessings in your wealth,
32:14may Allah protect you from heavenly calamities and calamities.
32:18I mean, charity is such a thing,
32:20it avoids big diseases, big problems,
32:23and big calamities.
32:25I mean, this money is such a thing
32:27that you give it for your security in the way of Allah.
32:30Allah will provide you security in every way.
32:33We spend lakhs of rupees for external security
32:37to secure our wealth and wealth somehow.
32:40Let us not settle this matter with him
32:43that when he decides the security,
32:45then the whole world cannot harm you.
32:48We give our security in his hands,
32:50in his way, for the benefit of his people,
32:52to make it easier for his people.
32:55Your life, I guarantee you,
32:57as much as we have heard from the light of the Qur'an and Hadith,
33:00your life will become easier.
33:02If you want peace in your sleep,
33:04then try to make four people sleep peacefully because of you.
33:08If you want to have blessings in your wealth,
33:10feed four people who are hungry,
33:13and then see what peace you get in your sleep,
33:16your inner peace,
33:17this is what the journey of Khidmat-e-Khalq guarantees.
33:20So come, make the work of the people of the earth easier
33:23so that the people of the sky make your work easier.
33:26There is a big requirement in terms of Ramadan ration packs.
33:29Iftar is being prepared on the platform of SAS.
33:33There, we have prepared this for millions of people.
33:36We have made a commitment to ourselves
33:39that we will do Iftar for our Muslim brothers and sisters.
33:42And in the same way, we want you to help us
33:45in a large number in terms of Ramadan ration packs.
33:50If there are ingredients in your kitchen right now,
33:53there are things, there are things to eat and drink,
33:56you have spices, you have ghee, oil, you have lentils,
33:59at least somehow manage
34:01and you get two meals a day.
34:04You feed your children something or the other.
34:07This Ramadan ration pack,
34:08for us, whatever the amounts are, all the details are available in front of you.
34:13For you, it may not be anything for the viewers,
34:15but it is a lot for them who are waiting for it.
34:18Their whole family, which consists of eight to ten people,
34:21this is not a normal ration pack.
34:23It is specially designed in the name of Ramadan ration pack.
34:27And with this concept, with this planning,
34:30that this family, which consists of eight to ten people,
34:32is a deserving family, a needy family, and it is enough for that.
34:35And God willing, this whole month,
34:37at least that house can arrange for two meals a day,
34:40can arrange for its Iftar.
34:43All this motivation is only for the service of the creation of God.
34:48This is the message of feeling.
34:49This is the mission of feeling.
34:51This is what the feeling wants from you.
34:52Sir, as you said,
34:55that on a large scale, we are getting more requirements.
35:00This means that we need more funds.
35:04So, if our viewers, who see a little bit of water,
35:07today decide that yes,
35:09feeling is a credible institution,
35:11with which we have to stand.
35:12And for the help of the poor,
35:13from any corner of the world, if someone is watching us right now,
35:16whether they stand up or not,
35:17we have to be their companion in this journey of help.
35:19After this credibility, people want
35:22that in which projects, we need more support.
35:26Or where, in which sector, more funds are required.
35:29So, I want you to pinpoint a little bit,
35:31to highlight a little bit,
35:32that right now, especially for these packages,
35:35we want you to help us as much as possible,
35:37so that we can fulfill the current need.
35:40As far as transparency is concerned,
35:42it is very clear, there is no doubt about it.
35:44For a long time, for a period of 10 years,
35:46in connection with the feeling,
35:47they continue to give donations to the feeling.
35:51Because this is their belief,
35:52this is their belief,
35:53that the feeling can reach those remote areas as well,
35:56where not everyone can reach.
35:58And if you talk about,
35:59especially what things are needed these days,
36:01you know that summer has arrived.
36:03In the whole of Pakistan, summer is at its peak.
36:06In many areas, the atmosphere of summer has also happened.
36:08The use of water has increased a lot these days.
36:12You think that where there is no water,
36:15there is one drinking water,
36:17there is one water availability,
36:18it is not there.
36:19How much need for this thing would be felt there?
36:22Ramadhan has arrived,
36:23it is difficult to go for two to three days.
36:25And in such a situation, at such a time,
36:28there are no things of iftar available there.
36:32In your homes, things must be being used,
36:34they must be available.
36:35But what our focal persons are telling there,
36:38that people are coming and crying to them,
36:40when requests are being collected,
36:41that will we be able to do iftar this year as well?
36:44Will our children be able to do iftar this year as well,
36:46with their family members, with their neighbors?
36:49We want an answer to that from you.
36:51Because look, the number is increasing a lot on a daily basis.
36:55People have become hopeful.
36:57People know that this year as well,
36:58in the same way as iftar is being done,
37:00this year as well, iftar will be arranged in the same way.
37:03So people are bringing in requests one after the other.
37:06And they are also sharing their other issues with us.
37:07In which the first priority is iftar.
37:10Look, iftar is such an event that everyone needs it.
37:13At Dasht-e-Khan.
37:15There, Sumer bhai, there are not wishes, there are needs.
37:17There are needs.
37:18If you arrange for their two meals a day,
37:20when prayers come out of their hearts at the time of iftar,
37:23in the month of Ramadan,
37:25only Allah can give you the reward for this.
37:27And it will come out of the hearts of those people,
37:29who do not even have anything to eat.
37:32Home and other things, we will come to these things later.
37:36But the one who does not even have two meals a day,
37:37how sad he must be with his heart.
37:40Allahu Akbar.
37:41Viewers, this is a matter of survival.
37:44Whether it is water or food,
37:46these two things a person needs for his survival.
37:49He needs to save his life.
37:51What Fahad bhai said,
37:52that we are not talking about facilitating them
37:55and providing a lot of luxuries.
37:58The basic necessities,
38:00the basic needs,
38:02without which it is impossible to live a life.
38:05We are talking about fulfilling those needs.
38:08And believe.
38:09What should we believe?
38:10Every believer believes,
38:13that this is the distribution of Allah, the Lord of Honor.
38:15You must at least imagine this.
38:18Every person who has been blessed by Allah,
38:21that we can be in their place,
38:23and they can be in our place.
38:25But Allah has blessed us.
38:27We have been given such an environment since childhood.
38:30Our upbringing and education has been like this,
38:32that Allah has blessed us today.
38:34We were born in such families,
38:35that Allah has blessed us today.
38:37But those people who have seen a child born in such a house,
38:41that the house is not a house, it is a hut.
38:43And then the way he got the means,
38:46the way he got the resources,
38:48then how he had to take himself to that status.
38:52So the kind of situation he has gone through,
38:55if he is unemployed today,
38:57he has no education, he has no water,
38:59then surely,
39:00that class who has all this today,
39:03it means that Allah has blessed him,
39:05has given him special grace.
39:07So now his responsibility is also given by the same Lord,
39:09that go and fulfill the need of that brother of yours.
39:12Tell your heart that if right now there is a knock at your door,
39:16you open the door and your own brother is standing,
39:18and says that I am in dire need of food right now,
39:21I am in dire need of water,
39:23you will pick up the food of your share and give it to him.
39:26You will pick up the water of your share and give it to him,
39:29that my brother has come to my door with so much hope.
39:31So you should also consider the feeling that,
39:33that Muslim class who is your brother,
39:36Muslims are brothers among themselves,
39:38we have come to knock at your door today for those poor brothers,
39:43for that poor class, for that poor class,
39:47and we have come with this hope.
39:48We have great faith in Allah,
39:49that just as he always opened many doors after this knock,
39:54and such people appeared again,
39:55such people came again,
39:57who really helped those brothers in the same way,
40:01as a brother helps a brother.
40:04With great protocol, with great discipline,
40:06fulfilling all the Shariah requirements,
40:09we will try our level best that your donations,
40:12your charities, your charity, your Zakat,
40:16should be delivered to the place where it is right to be delivered.
40:20This is a very big responsibility,
40:23which takes the feeling on its shoulders.
40:25If you think about it, taking money from someone,
40:28to help Shariah,
40:30ethically, religiously, morally,
40:32to help someone,
40:33giving you a voice is not a small thing,
40:35it is a very big burden,
40:37which is on the shoulders of the feeling at the moment.
40:39But when the emotions are true,
40:41when your intentions are good,
40:42and the pleasure of Allah is your goal,
40:45your achievement,
40:46then what happens?
40:47Then it happens that today, at the age of 16,
40:49you know how many achievements there are,
40:51all the successes that have come in the part of feeling,
40:55first of all, we thank Allah,
40:57and we thank Him,
40:59and secondly, we acknowledge,
41:01appreciate all those donors,
41:04who have shown trust,
41:06showed confidence on the feeling,
41:08the feeling was awakened in them,
41:10and then they came forward for help to their Muslim brothers and sisters,
41:13and in every project, Alhamdulillah,
41:15the way you strengthened the feeling,
41:18and then we were able to,
41:19with the grace of Allah,
41:22and He gave us this help and victory,
41:24that we can say that millions of people,
41:27in the shade of the umbrella of feeling,
41:28Alhamdulillah, they benefited,
41:31the needs of water were fulfilled in thousands,
41:34the Ramadan ration pack,
41:35this is our daily trend,
41:38that no matter what,
41:40our ration pack does not stop for the whole year,
41:44this help and support continues,
41:46because food, and as I told you,
41:48water and food,
41:49one cannot compromise on these two things,
41:53so the feeling is also ready to compromise on it,
41:55it is not ready,
41:56for the pleasure of Allah,
41:57only for the pleasure of Allah,
41:59we have continued this journey,
42:01and this journey,
42:02this is not our journey,
42:04this journey is going on by the command of Allah,
42:06and it will continue like this,
42:07someone helps,
42:09someone does not help,
42:10Inshallah, the feeling will continue to work,
42:12the one who has a feeling in his heart,
42:14he will continue to connect with the feeling,
42:16and with us,
42:17certainly, a contribution has been made,
42:21on this platform of feeling,
42:22Mrs. Wajia Ghadanfar,
42:24our sister,
42:25she has contributed 300 US dollars from America,
42:29and this donation,
42:30she has given in the amount of Zakat,
42:34Ms. Rashida,
42:35our sister,
42:36Rashida Hanif,
42:37she has contributed,
42:39in the amount of 2250 US dollars,
42:42she has presented her love,
42:43and her contribution,
42:45and similarly,
42:46for three big hand pumps of water,
42:49we have received a donation,
42:53from Ms. Sabah Aamir,
42:55and she has also contributed,
42:57from England,
42:58with 75 pounds,
43:00she has given her contribution,
43:01in the amount of Namdan Nashan Pack,
43:03in the amount of this love,
43:04for her Muslim brothers and sisters,
43:07Ms. Farhal,
43:09our elder,
43:10she is our sister,
43:12she has given her contribution,
43:14in the amount of 185 US dollars,
43:15in the amount of a small hand pump,
43:19she has presented her love,
43:20Allah, the Lord of Glory,
43:21may He accept all these contributions,
43:23all these services,
43:24all these donations,
43:25in His Bargah,
43:27certainly, when you fulfill someone's need,
43:30then understand,
43:31you have given your need,
43:32your need to your Lord,
43:34and He is such a Giver,
43:36that when He sees,
43:37that what a lovely person I am,
43:39that from the wealth I have given,
43:40to others,
43:41to my creation,
43:42to my well,
43:43in this manner, He spends,
43:44then the blanket of mercy of my Lord,
43:47is very vast,
43:48certainly, He will bless you a lot,
43:50I want a message from you,
43:52such a message,
43:53that this transmission,
43:54because after the break,
43:55InshaAllah, the viewers will continue,
43:56this program,
43:57after the break,
43:58after continuing,
44:00after continuing for another hour,
44:01will end for today,
44:03but in any case,
44:04this journey of goodness should continue,
44:06and you have to lead it,
44:08because this is a collective work of all of us,
44:11a collective and collective effort of ours,
44:14which is for that group,
44:16which is waiting for us.
44:17Sir, what message would you like to give?
44:18As you said,
44:19the program will end,
44:20but the process of your donation should not end,
44:23because there are many people from there,
44:25who are waiting for your help,
44:26they have placed a hope,
44:28they have placed a hope,
44:29that this year also,
44:30in the same way,
44:31we will arrange for iftar for our children,
44:33and water will also be arranged for them,
44:35I have full hope,
44:36that this year also,
44:37you will support Aisaaz in the same way,
44:39as you did last year also.
44:44Muhammad Afzal,
44:45is one of our brothers,
44:46he has also presented his contribution,
44:48from 185 USD,
44:50in the amount of Zakat,
44:52may Allah accept this contribution of his as well,
44:55and after the break,
44:56he will continue,
44:57Syed Adnan Khalid,
44:58he is our co-host,
44:59he will continue this transmission,
45:01and with him will be Mr. Fawad Baig,
45:03he is the representative of Aisaaz,
45:05he will also talk to you,
45:07and the observations there,
45:09the witnesses there,
45:11the situation of the people living on the ground,
45:13their problems,
45:14and what all Aisaaz has achieved,
45:16this whole journey of service,
45:18he will share with you in his own way,
45:21I thank you very much, Syed Fawad Hussain Sahib,
45:24thank you very much,
45:24you have always been an inspiration and motivation for us,
45:28this journey of goodness will continue,
45:30viewers, we hope that you will stay with us,
45:32and this journey of goodness should not stop,
45:34when this has become our work,
45:36then whether we continue it from here or not,
45:39you have to continue it by staying there,
45:42encouraging goodness is also a very big goodness,
45:45and the biggest motivation that Islam has given us,
45:48that if someone gives a motivation for goodness,
45:50and he does the work of goodness,
45:51then the one who encourages goodness,
45:53the motivator also gets the same reward and reward,
45:56so let's join our hands together and make the souls smile,
