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React.js Course
1. Introduction to React
What is React and why use it?
Setting up a React development environment
Understanding JSX (JavaScript XML)
React vs Vanilla JavaScript
2. React Fundamentals
Components and Props
State and Lifecycle
Handling events in React
Conditional rendering
3. Working with Lists and Forms
Rendering lists with .map()
Keys in https://futureittechnology.com/react-js-courses-in-rawalpindi.htmlControlled vs Uncontrolled components
Handling form submissions
4. React Hooks
Introduction to Hooks
useState for managing state
useEffect for side effects
useContext for global state management
5. Advanced React Concepts
React Router for navigation
Higher-Order Components (HOCs)
Render Props pattern
Error boundaries
6. State Management
Using useReducer hook
Context API for global state
Introduction to Redux
Redux Toolkit & Middleware
7. Working with APIs
Fetching data with fetch and axios
Handling loading and errors
Custom hooks for API calls
8. Performance Optimization
React Memoization (React.memo, useCallback, useMemo)
Lazy Loading with React.lazy and Suspense
Code splitting
9. Testing in React
Introduction to testing libraries (Jest, React Testing Library)
Writing unit and integration tests
Mocking API calls in tests
10. Building and Deploying React Applications
Setting up a production build
Deploying to Vercel, Netlify, or Firebase
Server-side rendering (SSR) with Next.js
TypeScript with React
React Native for mobile apps
WebSockets & real-time updates
Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
Address: 2nd Floor, FIT Computer institute, Al-Mustafa Plaza, near Chandni Chowk, C Block Block C Satellite Town, Rawalpindi, Punjab 46000

Phone: 0344 5701828

Products and Services: futureittechnology.com
