Deal Or No Deal Australia 2025 - Episode 27 (February 26th, 2025)
00:00It's time to play deal or no deal.
00:12Here's your host, Grant Denya.
00:13Hi everyone.
00:14Did you know that inside those cases are varying amounts of money from 50 cents all the way
00:15up to $100,000?
00:16I'm looking for Zali Muscatello.
00:18Come and see, this is Zali everyone.
00:19of money from 50 cents all the way up to $100,000 I'm looking for Zali Muscatello
00:40This is Zali everyone
00:44She was so excited she even decided to bring a handbag with her
00:50You clearly are ready to win big because you needed somebody to put all the cash
00:54It's sitting somewhere over there in those 22 cases so which number would you like Zali?
01:00I would like case 9 please
01:03Okay Jojo's going to grab number 9
01:05Why 9?
01:07Funnily enough I got a cookie this morning
01:11Thank you
01:13I got a cookie this morning and I thought I'd count the chocchips on it
01:16and however many chocchips on it that's my lucky number for this
01:19There were 9?
01:20There were 9 that I could see on top
01:22Oh my god let's win all the monies
01:23Let's do it
01:24All the monies it's deal time
01:26Does case number 9 contain $100,000?
01:30To find out let's play deal or no deal
01:35Get out
01:38Oh my god
01:40I know
01:42Is this wild?
01:44Are you going to be okay?
01:45Yeah I will be good but oh my god losing it right now internally wow
01:49You know what great things can happen right here right now because it's deal time everyone
01:566 cases to open in your first round
01:59Oh you've just seen yourself on
02:00I've just spotted myself
02:01There you are look at this this is your moment to shine where would you like to start?
02:05Wow okay straight into it case 3 please
02:09Good luck all the best I think I've got $5 for my 5 children
02:13Thank you Lauren
02:17Wow that's $10,000 a child
02:19Yeah that's what they cost
02:21Holy moly
02:23That wasn't supposed to happen
02:25That wasn't supposed to happen
02:27It's okay
02:28So you've got some friends here who's with you?
02:29So I have my mum Andy and on number 12
02:33Hi Andy
02:34Hi Grant
02:35My sister Tara
02:37And then we have my dad Sam
02:39Hey Sam welcome mate
02:40Thanks Grant great to be here
02:41What a great family
02:42Yeah I'm wrapped I'm lucky
02:44Let's see if we can make you guys rich 5 cases to open let's get through this first round
02:52Alrighty we'll go for number 7
02:55Good luck all the best I reckon I've got $10
02:59Alright let's have a look
03:03Guys I'm not doing great
03:042 cases 2 greens this is worst case scenario
03:094 cases to open
03:10Let's go Taz number 13
03:14I'm hoping that I have $100 in here
03:18Okay $1,000 is fine
03:20Okay we're on track
03:223 cases to open
03:24I'll go number 4 please
03:26I think I've got $10
03:28Thank you Kylie
03:29Inside case tall is 7,500 getting a little high
03:34We'd love something from the left hand column something from the blues
03:37Yeah that would be wonderful
03:38She's sweating bullets right now it's intense
03:40Little bit yeah okay
03:42Can I have someone's input please mum
03:46She's freaking out mum help her out
03:47I'm freaking out a little bit just a little bit
03:49I'm thinking 21
03:51Okay let's go with that
03:53Happy with Laura's case
03:54Let's lock it in Laura please
03:55Hi Laura
03:56Hello good luck I think I've got $250
03:59Please we finally need a blue one and it is
04:02It's my dog
04:03Thank you
04:06I thought this game was going to be over in the first round
04:08Me too
04:09One more
04:10We'll go 17 please
04:11Sophie's case hi Sophie
04:13Hi I think I have $250
04:19It's my dog
04:20Now we go
04:21It took so long to find them
04:23What have we got there
04:24We're going to pay a little bit of a price for losing the $50 and the $75,000
04:28But tell me how you feel about this
04:34It's $5,340
04:40Don't take it honey no deal
04:42Look I know we hit some greens early but maybe if we just fight off for another couple of rounds
04:47Some hope I think no deal
04:50I like it
04:52No more greens for you
04:53No more greens
04:54Until we get a green at the end which could be $100,000 and we return
05:05Welcome back to Deal or No Deal with Zali Muscatello
05:08Wow man you may have been a bit worried about how this game was headed when you lost
05:12$50,000 and $75,000 in the first two cases we opened
05:17I'm just good
05:18No that's a method of good in fact
05:21But we can build a great game here because we've got $100,000 still sitting there
05:24Plus another two greens as backup spares
05:27What could we do with that much money
05:29For me if I was to win the $100,000 I would love a new car
05:33I was T-boned a couple of months ago so my car was written off
05:37And I would also love to share it with my family
05:39So my sister is a musician she'd love to record some music
05:43And then my mum and dad are wanting to move to Queensland so
05:46Okay there's our family goals let's chase it down
05:49Five cases to open this time
05:53Let's see
05:55Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue
05:59I'm gonna say case 19 please
06:03Oh I think there's blue in here
06:05I hope I'm right
06:06What one Leanne?
06:07I'm gonna guess $250,000
06:09Is it there?
06:11It's $50,000
06:13Perfect with the colour spot on
06:15Not really
06:17I am going to lock in case 22 please
06:21I think I have $500
06:24Thank you so much Amanda
06:26It's $10, it's blue
06:29The game's starting to swing to our favour right now
06:31It is, it is, it is
06:33Did you have a little tough time with health growing up?
06:36I did actually
06:37So when I was nine years old I dropped a money box on my foot
06:42And the angle it hit on it pretty much set off my entire nervous system
06:45So now I have something called complex regional pain syndrome
06:48I used to be wheelchair bound, I used to be bedridden, homeschooled
06:52I couldn't do anything really
06:53And just in extreme amounts of pain
06:55Extreme pain, you couldn't even touch me with a feather
06:57It would cause a whole reaction to my entire body
07:00So exceptionally rare?
07:02Yeah very, especially in children it's extra rare
07:04Dad to see your little one in so much pain
07:07That must have been harrowing for the entire family and you
07:11Tough time
07:12Horrific, yeah
07:18She's doing great now though
07:29She pretty special?
07:31She's incredible
07:32Yeah, oh I'm gonna cry now
07:34But like she couldn't walk at one point
07:36She had to relearn how to walk and how to run
07:39And she was on so many medications at one point
07:42And now she's living the life that she has always wanted
07:45And that she deserves
07:46So we're all really proud of her
07:51Where is this?
07:52It's a little bit, where's the onions?
07:56Are you all good now?
07:57Yeah, so it's a lifelong condition
07:59But luckily I've come a long way with it
08:01I can still have little triggers
08:03And I can fight my way back
08:04And it won't take me back to wheelchair position
08:07But yeah, I've always got to be cautious
08:10You're a positive person, I can tell
08:11Thank you
08:12Let's push through this game, three cases
08:14And we'll get closer to the big money
08:16Is there $100,000 in case nine?
08:18What a day that would be
08:20It's a cookie lie
08:21Okay, case six just caught my eye
08:24Hey Lily
08:25Good luck, I think I have $25
08:28Here we go
08:33Two more to go
08:36Dad, what are you feeling?
08:38I'm still crying honey
08:42He's feeling a lot right now is what he's feeling
08:44A lot
08:45He's feeling all the feels
08:47I get it, I'm a father of three girls
08:49I hear you man
08:51I'm thinking number 11
08:53Alright, number 11
08:54We're going Jenny
08:55Hi Jenny
08:56Hi, good luck, I think I have the $10,000
08:59Let's see
09:01Alright, yes
09:04Just one more before your next bank offer
09:06Okay, amazing
09:07Let's go number one please
09:09I think I have $100
09:13Bring us home Jessie
09:14It is
09:16Oh, it's another green $30,000
09:18We were so close to the perfect round of all blues until then
09:22Here's your latest offer from the bank
09:30It's $10,820
09:31The 100 grand being still in play has helped this
09:38What do you reckon?
09:42What do they say?
09:43They're saying no deal
09:44No deal
09:46We're all in this together
09:47Hopefully we can win our $100,000 in just a few minutes time
09:51See you back here in a sec
09:54See you back here in a sec
10:00Welcome back to Tell It Only
10:01We're with Zali Muscatello and the entire Muscatello family
10:04They're all here
10:05You want a little bit of money to kind of get yourself a new car
10:08because you got T-boned the other day
10:09That would have been scary
10:10Car's written off
10:12Your sister would like to record some music
10:13She's a singer
10:14The family wants to move to Queensland
10:16How much do we need?
10:17Well for all that I'd only need $100
10:19But $40,000 would be nice
10:21$40,000 would be nice?
10:23Let's see if we can hang on to the $100,000 right?
10:24And that puts you in a better stead with the banker
10:27Three cases to open now
10:28Number two please
10:29I think I've got $10,000
10:31Thank you Lisa
10:33You do have $10,000, you're right
10:35You also get $250 for a correct guess
10:38and your very own deal or no deal board game
10:41available at Big W
10:47Two cases to open
10:49I'm heading back to mum
10:50What's your gut saying?
10:51I'm thinking number eight
10:53but don't blame me if it's wrong
10:54That's where my gut's going, number eight
10:57Rosalie, good luck
10:58I think it would be $750
10:59Thanks Ash Beer
11:04Good man
11:06That's what we like
11:07Mum's got it going on
11:08Mum's got it going on
11:09Down here
11:10Nice work
11:11Good instincts mum
11:12Just one more before your next bank offer
11:14Mum, how does $16,000 feel?
11:15That was the one I was thinking
11:17Stop it, you guys are amazing
11:18We're just in sync
11:19We're just in sync
11:20Alright, number 16 please
11:21Hi Kay
11:23I feel like I've got $75
11:25Inside Kay 16 is
11:27$250, it's blue
11:29The game is coming to you
11:31Nice right?
11:33We were wobbly at the start
11:35We were accidentally knocking out greens really early
11:37but look at this
11:38Strong position to be in right now
11:40Strong enough to get a better offer from the bank
11:42Should be
11:52That's serious money
11:57There's three amounts still in play that are higher than that current bank offer
12:01including $100,000 right?
12:03No deal
12:04No deal
12:05No deal
12:12Two cases to open
12:13I'm feeling like
12:16$14,000 or $20,000
12:18Well, one's dad
12:20Mum, you want to sign off on this Andy?
12:22I think $14,000 is a good choice
12:24Alright, nice
12:25What do you think it is?
12:27Here we go
12:32It's alright, you only need the $100,000
12:35That's all you need
12:36Thank you Captain Positive up the back there Andy
12:41One case to open
12:42Mum, $15,000 or $5,000?
12:44I didn't make a good call the last time
12:46Oh, that's true
12:49I think I've got the $500,000
12:55That was much, much larger than we were hoping for
12:58Interesting to see what our banker would think of this
13:00because look, it's a one in six chance that we now have $100,000 in case nine
13:05Case nine chosen because you had a cookie this morning
13:07with nine chocolate chips on top
13:10Let's have a look at our latest offer from the bank
13:15Tell me how you feel about this
13:26There's four blues to be found
13:28That's kind of good at this stage
13:32What do you think? I see the fear in their faces
13:34Go with your gut
13:35Go with your gut
13:36I don't know what my gut's saying
13:39I know the risks that is involved here
13:41If we knock out $100,000, we are gone skipping
13:43You know what?
13:44Let's kick this around a little further
13:46and find out what the answer is
13:47when we come back from the break on The Deal
13:49Don't go away. What are they going to do?
13:59Time for a reality check
14:03Towns got all your favourite local and international reality shows
14:09Let's get to it
14:10Straight to the brain
14:143, 2, 1
14:16Banker is back with vengeance
14:18to prepare to face the most dramatic and unpredictable twists ever
14:25I want Survivor
14:26I can be a cult leader if I want to
14:28Property gains the trust of minions
14:30and squeezes them until they die
14:34I'm not telling anyone
14:35about the greatest Australians
14:38I am the Undertaker
14:39Everyone that wins Survivor is insanely talented
14:43Every single person is a narcissistic psychopath
14:48She's got a secret. She's not telling us
14:51Every treasure hunt needs what, man?
14:53A map
14:58I really do not want you to drop
15:00There's a switcheroo
15:03Open a store and you change the game forever
15:05Open a store and you change the game forever
15:06Carpet the hell is deal
15:20This is the most money anyone has ever won
15:24in the history of television
15:28It's not official until Joe says it
15:31Deal or no deal?
15:33Deal or no deal, I guess
15:35And money on top of it
15:37We're the bank
15:38You never know what she will do next
15:44That's the juries
15:45Tango Japan, Colombia and the USA
15:47Craig Cross is going to shoot for distance
15:51The She-Very-Bus-Cuz streaming from this line
15:54on Paramount Plus
15:56Paramount Plus
16:00Just a couple of moments ago
16:01A few moments ago, our banker offered Izzali Moschitello $9,920 to leave right here, right now.
16:09But four blues still to be found. How do you feel about this situation?
16:14I feel like I'm gonna go no deal.
16:18Whoa! The fight continues! I like it! This is exciting!
16:26Imagine the reason why you won $100,000 was because you had that cookie.
16:33Two cases to wait before your next bank offer. Let's pray, let's hope, let's cross everything we have that both of those are blue.
16:40Best of luck. Thank you.
16:48Alright, let's go for number five please.
16:51Wishing you all the best. I do think I have the 100 grand though.
16:54Oh, Victoria, no! No is right! It's only $100, yeah!
17:00That's great! Oh, this is good. This is so exciting!
17:05Just one more. Alright.
17:08I think I might go with my gut and go $20,000.
17:12Yeah, yeah, okay. Let's do it.
17:15Alright, Frankie!
17:18What you got?
17:20Mike, I feel I have a blue and I believe it's $500.
17:26Take a deep breath, Australia!
17:34Oh my God, we're still in this! $100,000 is still on the board!
17:39There's a one in four chance it's in case nine!
17:48How good's our latest bankrupt are going to be then?
17:51Because we have a fight on our hands now, Mr. Banker!
18:07We'll just do one case at a time now, okay?
18:14I've got to go one more, nor do you!
18:24One case to go.
18:26Number ten, please.
18:28I think I have $100,000.
18:33I'm sorry.
18:35Inside, case ten. Is it $100,000? Is it going to crush our dreams?
18:39No, it's $75,000! Yeah!
18:44Yes! Yes! Yes!
18:51Oh man, there's a one in three chance we get $100,000 in case nine.
18:55One in three.
19:00Let's pray to the cookie gods and see if this is a good offer from the bank.
19:04Is it a fortune cookie?
19:07Oh, yes!
19:12Rosie, $9,999!
19:14Take it! Peel! Peel! Peel!
19:17Take it! Take it! Take it!
19:20Alright, people hope and pray that at this stage of the competition they have a green left.
19:26You have $100,000 still left.
19:32If we move forward and you eliminate the $5,000 or the $500,
19:36your next offer from the bank will be amazing.
19:43Take the money. Take the money.
19:45Darlene. Take the money.
19:47He's saying something. He's starting to make a decision.
19:49Take the money. What's it going to be?
19:51Don't look at me as I do this, Terrence.
19:53Is it a deal? I can't watch this.
19:55It's a deal!
19:57Oh my!
19:59Oh my!
20:12You know what we did? We backed the biscuit and here we are!
20:18You've heard the saying, you've got to risk it for the biscuit.
20:21And that's exactly what you have done.
20:24Where are we going?
20:2618 or 12?
20:2818, what do you think you've got?
20:30I think I've got the $5,000.
20:32That'll be great. Andy?
20:34I think I've got $100,000.
20:38Okay. Well on that note, we might go for 18, please.
20:43Who's excited, everyone?
20:45Inside! Case 18!
20:52Yes, yes, yes!
20:54Oh my God!
20:56You did it!
20:58That's the greatest risk I've ever seen in this game!
21:02And it paid off!
21:09What have we got, sir?
21:22I love this so much.
21:24You okay? You alright?
21:26Yeah. Take it. Take it.
21:29Deal's ours.
21:32Deal's ours.
21:34Deal's ours.
21:36Before we go any further,
21:38there is a 50% chance you have $5,000 in Case 9.
21:43There is also a 50% chance you have $100,000 in Case 9.
21:51$50,000 is on the table from the banker now.
21:54Talk to me.
21:56I don't know what to do. I'm sorry.
22:02I'm going to do something I might regret.
22:06I'm sorry.
22:12I'm sorry!
22:14I'm sorry!
22:16Oh my God!
22:19Oh my God!
22:23Alright, we're all in this together, family.
22:25You've been through this thick and thin,
22:27this wild rollercoaster ride.
22:29We may as well do this together.
22:30Why don't you come on down and we'll open it up as a family.
22:35In your case, Mum. Thanks, Andy.
22:37Dad, jump on in.
22:41Come on in, Andy.
22:44I'm going to ask you one last time without opening.
22:48What do you have, Andy?
22:50I think there's $100,000 in here.
22:52How about I just go round to Case 9?
22:58Here it is.
23:01You saw a cookie with nine chocolate chips on top.
23:05You chose Case 9.
23:07Is it $100,000 or is it $5,000?
23:13Inside Case 9 is...
23:38Inside yours, Andy. Open yours up.
23:42Oh, my God.
23:44I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud of you.
23:48Oh, my God.
23:50You must be Taylor.
23:53You must be Taylor.
23:55You just won $100,000!
23:58I feel annoyed now.
24:01Oh, my God.
24:04It's so beautiful.
24:08Braddell Farms was early, everyone.
24:10$100,000 in a big, bold, crazy old game of the deal.
24:15I'm Brad Denyer, and this is why I absolutely adore this show.
24:20Who's that?