• 2 days ago
Cain violently attacks Sadie and kidnaps both her and Tom. Tom seizes his chance to escape and grabs Cain’s gun to reverse the roles on his captor. After demanding his phone back, Tom realises that the gun is empty and Cain overpowers him. He drags both of his hostages into the car where Tom tells a now conscious Sadie that he knows she is allied with Cain. Chas heads back to Home Farm where the Kings receive a phone call from Sadie. Cain forces Sadie to demand a £5 million ransom and the brothers hear Tom and Sadie's screams as the line goes dead. Tom infuriates Sadie by bargaining with Cain and telling him to leave, insisting that he will identify Sadie as the sole kidnapper. Cain is forlorn and after hearing a helicopter close by he drives off with both hostages, unsure where he is going. As panic takes over, has Cain blown it? Tom notices that Cain has disappeared and takes the opportunity to untie Sadie and himself. Sadie is unable to move her legs and begs Tom not to leave her. He stops a car which is coming towards them but instantly regrets it when Cain is in the driver's seat pointing a shotgun at him. Cain has stolen a police car and a uniform before taking Sadie and Tom hostage in a shack. Tom and Sadie squabble. Sadie tells Tom to give Cain the money but Tom tells him to do his worst. Cain prepares to shoot Tom whilst Tom goads him about not having the bottle to be a real killer. Tom tells Cain to shoot Sadie to prove himself, but when Cain asks if he'll contact the Kings, Tom tells him that he won't shoot Sadie. Cain shoots Sadie in the stomach with one arm, and she falls to the ground. Tom is horrified and Cain orders him to ring Chas.
Sadie lies unconscious and Tom believes she is dead. Cain orders him to get the money.
Tom tells Carl to get Chas to deliver the money to Lundale. Cain drags Tom to the other side of the room and knocks him out with the butt of the gun.


