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The Chateau Diaries Episode 780
Escape to the chateau with ’The Chateau Diaries’ 🏰
This channel follows the adventures of chatelaine Stephanie in her French 16th century home, the Chateau de Lalande, in the heart of rural France ❤️
We share our life in this ancient chateau in the heart of the French countryside, and show you the diy, renovations, crafts, cooking and gardening that are needed to bring a home like this to life!
A very special thank you to all of you who have become Patrons of the Chateau de Lalande. You have made The Chateau Diaries one of the top 400 Patreon accounts in the world, and have transformed not only our lives here, but the future of this beautiful chateau! I’m overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. On behalf of this beautiful chateau that will continue to survive and flourish because of you, thank you!!!
If you're interested in becoming a Patron of The Chateau Diaries, click here:
#chateau #chateaudelalande #château #chateaudiy
It’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee!
If you'd like to check out our new kitchen products for yourself, please go to and use code 'KITCHEN' at checkout to get free shipping when ordering two or more products!
The Chateau Diaries Episode 780
Escape to the chateau with ’The Chateau Diaries’ 🏰
This channel follows the adventures of chatelaine Stephanie in her French 16th century home, the Chateau de Lalande, in the heart of rural France ❤️
We share our life in this ancient chateau in the heart of the French countryside, and show you the diy, renovations, crafts, cooking and gardening that are needed to bring a home like this to life!
A very special thank you to all of you who have become Patrons of the Chateau de Lalande. You have made The Chateau Diaries one of the top 400 Patreon accounts in the world, and have transformed not only our lives here, but the future of this beautiful chateau! I’m overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. On behalf of this beautiful chateau that will continue to survive and flourish because of you, thank you!!!
If you're interested in becoming a Patron of The Chateau Diaries, click here:
#chateau #chateaudelalande #château #chateaudiy
00:00Good morning from La Land, where I have just woken up in a great mood
00:03because last night we had the most perfect launch for our kitchen products.
00:08It has gone so so well so thank you to everyone who has bought one
00:12but I also find myself in the center of a storm of controversy and that storm is
00:19pockets because I woke up to so many comments saying that they loved the
00:23aprons but they wish they had pockets and I
00:27would love to blame Philip for this one but I'm the one who said to him nobody
00:33uses the pockets and I said it's much nicer to have a
00:37clean line it looks much prettier and no one uses the pockets Philip
00:41whilst Philip was agonizing over the placement of the pattern on the pockets
00:45I was like no no it just messes up the front of the apron
00:48no no no one uses them and Marie chipped in as well no I never use the pocket
00:53and I say no but I do when I cook and she's like you never cook
00:56rude true when I do I use the pocket so Philip has actually come up with an
01:03idea of how we can find a pocket solution for
01:07the aprons and Andrew is going to come around later
01:10today to do an emergency talk about pockets and
01:14we'll tell you more about that later when they have planned what they could
01:17do but there's definitely an idea at the moment taking shape it was
01:21already in production now however um what we can do is maybe
01:26have a detachable pocket or an attachable pocket I suppose an
01:30option that will be available on the website in future
01:33hopefully in the near future the very near future we're designing it today
01:37I would just like to say to any of you out there who were disappointed by the
01:40lack of pockets mea culpa mea culpa mea maxima culpa
01:46I take this heavy burden on myself but Philip's gonna fix it for you
01:50big announcement ladies yeah in spite of my mess up
01:54over the lack of pocket in the apron Philip is working on the two of you are
02:00the most fabulous models in the world
02:06and it's going to be massively helpful in the new kitchen oh my god
02:15and thank you so much everyone who in spite of the lack of pockets
02:19has purchased an apron and all of the other products thank you so much
02:23it's really amazing for the kitchen and to be fair I did see the comments about
02:27the pockets and I never it never occurred to me until I saw the comments
02:30and I thought well we've had this entire debate about it
02:33I don't like the thing is I don't either I don't like pockets because of the
02:37crummage well I don't like that really so
02:41none of these two ganged up on me I had a design with the pockets
02:45and these two were like because Steph asked you you were like I never use the
02:49it's not good for your phone also I think we don't like having the phone
03:04on us no I don't like holding the phone and then putting the phone down and then
03:07losing the phone not having it in pockets like
03:10yeah what am I supposed to put in the pocket it's just the crumbs for me
03:13oh I like that and then you think you forget what's there you shove something
03:16in the wash and you've got tissues and I know
03:20yeah yeah no no that's what I wanted to avoid anyway
03:26next edition now we're gonna go back in time to the day of the launch
03:31when my aunt and uncle cooked some of the recipes that are on the recipe cards
03:35that we're issuing with the products there'll be one
03:38recipe per product type they cooked some of them for all of us
03:41and they're family recipes so we've got to taste some of the
03:44recipes that will be with the products and enjoy the launch together I'm off to
03:48the market now with my aunt and uncle we're going to be cooking a big meal
03:51for everyone tonight but first oh it is
03:56hello I've kept it as a surprise for everyone
03:59hi I'm so happy this is such a lovely market and
04:05Tachinette is here to get everything that we need for tonight's dinner
04:08everything the meat the vegetables everything
04:12my aunt's going to be making her famous loin of pork with mushrooms
04:15on basmati rice I'm going to be making dessert lemon drizzle cake which
04:19everyone loves and believe it or not Philip is joining us in the kitchen and
04:22he is going to be making the french classic
04:25ratatouille and no he's never made it before so I'm going to quickly pick up
04:28everything we need then we're going for a drink
04:30our Jerusalem artichokes we have loads of those in the garden now
04:34swede and parsnips but that's not what we're doing tonight
04:38no oysters for us today I love the way that they put the wine next to it and
04:41makes them even more appealing we are meeting again I know we keep
04:46doing this bumping into one another it's unusual to see everyone out of
04:49the picture isn't it lovely strange this is what we look out and about in
04:54the wild of the community it's like you'll just remain there
04:57though for me I just come and you're all there
05:00always come back like Catalina and it's like she's never been away I know it's
05:04weird isn't it it's good getting any good ones
05:09stalking what have you gone for
05:24is Galahad enjoying the market I think he was it was smells
05:29this is the life isn't it my goodness sunning ourselves
05:34waiting for drinks Tatiana and I have the right idea
05:37and yours little bit very nice what cheers
05:45where's your recipe from it's a very an old family recipe
05:50so I mean I used to make this I used to do it and then
05:54I carry on the flamboyant as you say and your ratatouille as well is that the
05:58family recipe yes well a lovely ratatouille from the south so you're
06:02passing the torch to fill it today yes I will be passing the torch to
06:07Philip for the rabbit under supervision we're going to be
06:12eating up here and whilst we're doing that
06:13Philip's decided to just lie under the table you want to do what I'm doing
06:17Steffi you're being a hero darling the middle part of the table was put on
06:22the wrong way around which meant it couldn't close properly
06:24we get crumbs caught so the middle part is fixed
06:28but when Emery and I put it up here for your mother
06:31you have to take the top off it wouldn't fit through okay and
06:34when we did that went on the wrong way yeah
06:37mommy's so happy that we're all in here now because all of these things like the
06:40lack of handles everything's going to get fixed because we're all in here
06:44I thought we were keeping those handles have you seen what Pavlina's done
06:47seriously Pavlina you get here and straight away you make the place better
06:50what's he done made handles with tape
06:55actually it's it's very cost effective Andrew Philip is no longer doing this
06:59alone Galahad is helping with the entire
07:02situation is he just letting you know which
07:04screws you need to be on doing oh superb okay
07:09i'm going to need to thank you oh he's
07:12we're all watching Philip with great interest because we're not having lunch
07:16till it's done and everyone's starving no pressure it also means push on the
07:20center finally okay well done thanks darling
07:24that side needs to be uh screwed still okay the cheese is
07:27amazing amazing bread it's really good at the
07:31market wow i've just come through to my office to
07:33proof the text that Philip has been writing for the Jarvis Jansen website
07:37ready for the launch tonight it all looks really good i'm amazed by the
07:41photos of Marie and Annalise they look absolutely stunning
07:44and as i'm working on my computer and going into Shopify and doing anything
07:48back end i always use Nord VPN and i'm very lucky
07:52because Nord have kindly offered to sponsor today's video with this ad
07:55for those of you who don't know what a VPN is it masks where your computer or
07:59devices in the world and one Nord account
08:02protects up to six devices so we have it on our tv fire stick
08:07Philip and i have it on our mobiles you have it on your iPad it's on my computer
08:11and as soon as i'm going to start working on any admin i
08:14automatically switch on Nord VPN because Nord VPN
08:18is far more than a VPN to use for entertainment
08:21though i did originally get it to watch tv in the UK whilst i was in France
08:25which is what we still use it for a lot it's actually a powerful
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08:45quite literally for business and for pleasure i couldn't live without Nord
08:48VPN in my life and if you'd like to try it for
08:50yourself click the link in the description box below
08:53or go to forward slash chateaudiaries
08:56and if you sign up for a two-year plan you'll receive four bonus months
09:00on top for free and you'll receive a gift on your birthday
09:03and now i'm going to go back to Proofing Philip's incredibly beautiful website
09:07i'm getting increasingly excited for tonight's launch
09:10we're actually going to do most of the cooking in the TAC room today we have
09:14this lovely kitchen it's Michael's kitchen
09:16because we're all hanging out in the other room but for cooking a big meal
09:20we're going to have much more space here so i've laid out
09:23all of the ingredients that we need this is all for the Hatatoi
09:28we have the mushrooms for the pork loin and the rice and over here everything
09:32for the lemon drizzle cake i'm in charge of the lemon drizzle cake
09:36and i always use the Thermomix to make my lemon zest because you
09:40just put the peel in like that with the sugar
09:42and it whizzes it all up there isn't that incredible
09:45like magic i've just added the rest of the sugar the butter and the
09:49eggs they're starting to rise nicely Tati has just started by washing all of
09:54the vegetables for that actually i like them
09:56looking like that in a big pile covered in little tiny bits of water i know it's
10:00like a painting a huge bouquet of parsley our
10:04parsley is about to be turned into something majestic
10:07that everyone should make at home because it is the best thing for any
10:10meal it's persillade so you're washing it
10:12then you dry it on here just take the the leaves not the stalk
10:17okay but you leave some of the little stalks like that is fine
10:21and the big stalks have been set aside that's it
10:24how are you making this i'm just trying to avoid losing my fingernails
10:28chop it very finely and then you chop the parsley very finely and mix them
10:32together and the pesto and this is how it's as
10:35simple as that food of the gods it goes in everything
10:39omelets so you always have some in a little tupperware in the fridge
10:44always yes you make one at the beginning of the week if the parsley's dry
10:49um it'll last a week if it's if it's damp
10:52it'll it'll turn so that's why you're careful to dry it really carefully yes
10:56yes you'll know when it's turned the smell
11:00some people use blender things i'm not too keen because it goes mush
11:04especially the parsley goes into much so i'm an old-fashioned um
11:08chopper type phase two you're just chopping the parsley so you haven't put
11:13them together yet no no it's small small batches so you can
11:18make sure that you don't have anything too large and that's about right
11:22this is what you always find in my aunt and uncle's kitchen in the fridge
11:25always parsley add just the mixture of that garlic
11:29and parsley and you sprinkle it everything
11:32well maybe not dessert okay i'm leaving the madness of the kitchen and seeing
11:37how chris is getting on down here well in the other kitchen
12:30nice this is a lot of pork and we have to take
12:34all those bits yes we can actually slice it and cook it
12:38so you take a knife and very carefully you go oh you have to remove all of that
12:44yes because it's a bit hard and it doesn't
12:48taste very nice so we just look it's very easy
12:52top tip from andrew if you're not as skilled as chantal
12:56with a knife get your butcher to take the senior
12:59but i think in america and the uk a lot of it is now removed
13:03france is still a bit more you get the extra bits to make soup and stock and
13:07add flavor yummy things yeah and whilst this is happening the smell
13:11in the kitchen is extraordinary you've moved on to onions
13:15yes you really do spend most of your life chopping you've been allowed off
13:18chopping yes you know what's happened the rules
13:20have been reversed spreading loss and a bit of stir
13:24tickling it tickling it massaging oh will you massage away
13:29you have some piece of meat yes that's what you want yeah
13:32and there's a lot of meat in a smallish pan this is not the real
13:36recipe for six people yes markets this is a recipe which we have double
13:42because we are going to be 12 to 13 tonight
13:45so do not worry about the quantity of four it should be half itself
13:50well i'm feeling very hungry triumphant from his success with the puttisa
13:54lights ben is now working on repairing all of the lighting in the three rooms
13:59here in the enfilade on this side of the chateau
14:01it looks quite complicated yeah so this is um
14:05this is these three rooms it's all the wiring
14:08okay in one point it's going through one box
14:12that feeds this room the puttisunnel and the dining room next door
14:16so it's quite hard to see what's what i'm it's i've made sense of it now um
14:22but initially yeah it's nothing's labeled
14:26yeah so it's a trial and error tracing circuits
14:29but you've got it yeah got it yeah yeah yeah i'm just um i'm just finishing off
14:33the fixing the sockets in the dining room now
14:35lights are done uh petty salon's pretty much done
14:39yeah great so yeah bit by bit yeah through the list
14:43excellent thanks ben is doing a great job of fixing
14:48everything and now i think philip might have started on the batatouille
14:52as you see philip has already dried the onions okay
14:55we are putting in a different pan so you don't do it all in one pan
15:00way more steps to it than i thought we fry each batch of vegetable
15:04on its own in olive oil as soon as they are ready
15:07you add them up to the precedent one so now he's doing the paper next it will
15:12be the courgette then it will be the
15:14aubergines and they're going to end with the
15:16tomatoes well we have to switch pans i can see um
15:20how much are you making at least it makes it much easier to
15:23mix i had to mix everything and it was just spilling over nearly is he a good
15:28student a very good student and now just two or three spoonful of
15:33persian i do like persian very much enjoy it
15:37as much as you are this is going to be good
15:42i better get back to my cake my cakes are done and i'm just
15:45pouring the glaze over them for it to sink in whilst we're having the rest of
15:51the meal i know it's not traditional to have
15:53cake for dessert but why not we all love it
15:59good to see you good to be back look how adorable
16:02this was from already yeah it wasn't for me so they would be
16:05lovely to have a little cabbage where i love them hi vas good to see you
16:12it's so good to see you it's like a hat and it is very very cute
16:17it's jack's oh okay he's lent it to you for the evening
16:21uh yes so please do not let me forget it because uh he will not forgive me
16:25that's all i had in the car i was like uh no one will notice
16:30the table is all ready pavlina found what we had in the garden
16:34and actually did wonders with it look at that
16:38really pretty and the food's just come down oh this is the poor
16:43so good i wish you could smell excellent that smell is
16:48philip's first ever version of the family it was more your arm than me
16:53you watched and you learned i i hope i did yes so this is the
16:57in a mushroom and white wine sauce oh look at that
17:01can you just show the world what you're wearing because you look amazing
17:05no go on
17:07a little an arm turn
17:29it's time for cake i know it's for afternoon tea but what the heck
17:34we enjoy it all our thanks
17:40she would never usually serve the hat with the pole
17:43they offer separate meals but people love it she did it to please us
17:48now this is the way to end the day cake and a lot of lovely friends
17:55and one darling dog you called this it's why he peeps look philip said half that's half
18:00no i didn't to the future of lalan's kitchen rebirth like a phoenix from the water