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A captivating fantasy adventure based on C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia. This BBC adaptation follows Eustace Scrubb and Jill Pole as they embark on a perilous journey through Narnia to rescue Prince Rilian, the lost heir to the throne. Featuring enchanted lands, mythical creatures, and a dark underground kingdom, this classic TV miniseries remains a nostalgic favorite for fans of Narnia, epic quests, and timeless fantasy storytelling.

No. of episodes: 6
First episode date: November 18, 1990 (UK)
Networks: BBC, PBS
Adapted from: The Silver Chair
Directed by: Alex Kirby
No. of series: 1

#TheSilverChair #Narnia #ChroniclesOfNarnia #FantasyAdventure #ClassicFantasy #BBCMiniseries #PrinceRilian #CourageAndMagic #EustaceScrubb #JillPole #EnchantedLands #MythicalCreatures #TimelessStorytelling #EpicQuest #UndergroundKingdom #CinematicFantasy #BritishTV #FantasyLovers #ClassicNarnia #BestFantasyAdaptations #AdventureAwaits #FantasySeries #MagicAndMystery #EpicJourney #NostalgicFantasy #OldSchoolFantasy #BBCClassics #FantasyForAllAges #TimelessClassic #MagicalStorytelling


