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00:00All right, let's see if I get cooked. Let's see if I'm being uh, welcome to the cookout today
00:08No, dude, why are they so bad for me, dude? I uh, oh man, I might at this point. Oh my oh my god
00:17I might take rykard for like an evo
00:19I know that's a crazy coat but like because I actually kind of want to evo him if it's possible in the future
00:24I mean, he does need a lot of work, but nah chat take the 90 dude. That's so bad
00:28Did you analyze the games today in terms of what I think I just locked in my predictions
00:33Yeah, I didn't my analyzing was 20 seconds though
00:37No way this guy is gonna get an l
00:39No way level 44 the l
00:43Oh, no, dude. We had so many good ones yesterday. What happened? They fell off like crazy, huh overnight
00:49Where's the team of the year pele on reset?
00:53My god, you actually did for me no evil north is it hard to do that evil looks crazy
00:58Did you did you try him out? Did you like him? It's like 20 games
01:03No way guys north has crazy pack look the fact that he's not
01:07He did get himself a jay-z, which is I mean, we will take that every single day. That's not too bad at all saved
01:13I mean I was about to say if he gets a bad pack i'm concerned about this one, but
01:17Gets himself a jay-z in the end. I don't even think that's making his team though
01:20Are you even gonna use him? That's what i'm saying, bro. You pack give out at skelia, dude
01:24Your pack look is crazy, man. I don't know every week. You're packing the you packed mccallister
01:29Dude, he he this guy's he has one of those accounts that he just packs like the promo card the the marquee promo card
01:34Like every week, I don't understand bro mccallister the week before that's like crazy man
01:40Wrighton is unbelievable when I was using uh mbytes his team with him
01:46Bobby moore
01:48I know guys we've only had a couple we've done like two or three level 40. So garincha's not bad. We take those
01:54Dude, that return is a joke 400 goals. Wow. He took silverside as well
02:06Puyol, oh my god, dude. Oh my god, dude
02:09What should you take for level 40?
02:11Dude, honest to god the icon the icon seems to give you the best poll
02:14but a lot of people like to say you could do the
02:1787 10 and if you get nothing you could just throw it into an icon
02:20But the normal icons are significantly worse than that icon
02:23I've noticed just in terms of like the what they're what the drop rate is
02:26I was thinking for me, you know guys, but I don't know man does not feel like the right decision
02:31All right, dude. Good luck. We are here back at it. Another level 40. Let's get a tyrian re can we can we get a tt?
02:39Can we get a tt? Henri?
02:45My goodness that is horrendous i'm, sorry, bro, that is terrible guys. He's been absolutely cooked. He's been absolutely destroyed
02:53It's not worst possible, but i'll tell you it's damn close to that man
02:56So this means that guy got a bad one out of the way for you
02:59Yeah, and look at this guy's account. This guy is about to get the best possible player. Oh my 400 in
03:06Bro, that return is a joke what you're doing for each account
03:09I was thinking of taking for me though, but now from seeing the icon picks the risk definitely seems worth it
03:14I never even really considered the 87 10
03:17Because those have been mid i'm figuring if I take icon on two accounts. Surely one of them has to be good like right?
03:26Kofu oh my and you can play my cone left back bro. Michael has left back. No way
03:40This guy got two w's. Oh my god. Kofu is crazy, bro
03:46Are you good enough to get my cone? I mean, yeah, don't you feel like if I do two?
03:49Yeah, one of them has to be good. That's what i'm saying, bro
03:51One of them surely has to be good. We're seeing some good pulls, but I already know i'm gonna get an l
04:01Javi cooked show mama got cooked
04:04Obama got cooked man. That's crazy. I can't believe that guy got viera and kofu man. That's the first time we've seen kofu
04:12That is the first time we have seen kofu guys. He is so rare, man
04:18Okay, we've got haji we've got oh no, oh really ea oh
04:27Alessio i'm not gonna have time to open the whole season. I'm not gonna lie, bro
04:31I think we should just do the icon or whatever you want to choose from level 40
04:34And you could save the rest for another time for like another promo if you really wanted to do it
04:38You can open get whatever you want here though. All right, he's going to icon bro. That's crazy
04:41You see honestly, bro. You should just save it for full birthday man at this point man
04:45Just save it for full birthday. It's like probably two or three weeks away max, bro
04:50No way
04:55So rare
04:57Oh my god thunderstruck zico that's so rare i've never even seen that card once
05:02Stop it, dude. That's crazy. How much is this guy? No, i've not even played this card one time
05:081.2. Why he dropped quite a bit. He was like two mil. Wow
05:12Five five zico man. That's awesome. Wow. That's a very rare card got to test them out. I mean obviously that's crazy
05:18What other positions does zico have cam center mid we've been doing the icons and we've been cooking
05:22All right. Let's see. Oh, uh, I got your team up. He's coming in on discord from xbox. All right from xbox
05:28He's also selecting the icon. Good luck. We're just spamming level 40 rewards this week. This is all we're doing
05:34We're just spamming these man
05:37Oh man miyama, that's the first time i've seen her out of this one. Is that his team of the year used up though?
05:48Yo, we're getting a lot of dubs right now lily and taram
05:52Yo chaos in my chest to be losing it right now chaos. You're probably so mad
05:56I think you literally had the only bad one today. I'm feeling so bad for this guy
06:01Zico i'm trying to think kafu the era to rom zico bro. That card is probably I mean the base is so annoying
06:08I don't even know how much how many coins that card is. Did you do like an evo or something?
06:12Cooking bro. The chat is cooking on these
06:15Yeah, see he had an evo chat, but that's an upgrade plus two in stats. Come on now
06:19Plus three plus two. Yeah, he had an evo a little dupe theory right there boys. Yeah, you could just do taram center back easy
06:27All right, we got jamtona
06:31We got smith
06:33And we got rivaldo. Yeah, so it's got to be the icon. It's got it's 100 the icon. Oh
06:41Yo, that is oh my god. Can you imagine he gets someone else?
06:46Holy shit, bro. He actually exists
06:50Team of the year pele is he always in the first slot?
06:52Is that we have to watch out for nah, this is obviously the play man
06:55I mean the risk for at least one of these players is
06:58Oh, man, dude, I wish I was stokes and had five accounts for this icon. There's no way he already had a pele
07:06vinny sala
07:08How many team of the years did you pack bro?
07:10Oh, there's no way he already had a pele the last guy already had a taram as well, dude
07:15What am I seeing man, you should take the level 40. It doesn't matter if you didn't pack a team of the year
07:21Your time is now bro
07:23lock in
07:24Lock the fuck in man
07:28Oh my god, this was a oh my god, I didn't even realize it 88 plus we got taram again same slot
07:32same slot for taram
07:34Lilian taram level 40 bro. I mean level 40. I think we had like eight of these seven have been a dub today
07:39We've got like a very high percentage chance to get a dub 70 80 percent and they're they're not just a dub
07:45I'm, not coping. They're all really good players really meta players. The chat is cooking today on these bro
07:50I think chaos needs to turn off the stream
07:52Am I even trolling bro? I feel so bad for this guy
07:55He was literally the only person who got an l from level 40 today
07:57The only dude chat if this is another dub i'm gifting 10 subs
08:01If this is another dub
08:04No way
08:08No way bro another one he's one and a half mil, oh my god, dude
08:21Does that mean 20 subs nah, bro 10 subs chat someone else could gift a 10 though
08:25These are 100 boosted today. They're so much better than they were yesterday
08:29I mean dude price wise one is definitely more expensive. But this uh, this is a tough decision
08:35Can I see the roles that matias has please sir? So he's only got dop box to box plus plus center mid
08:41Oh, man, I don't even know if there's a full-on right answer here. He's obviously got a tough one. He goes with zico
08:48He goes with zico over matias. Wow
08:51Wow, man, that was crazy. I chat. I really don't feel like there's any wrong decision there
08:55I'm not gonna be too annoyed with whatever he goes with
08:58All right. We got another xbox one on pc bro. Congrats to everybody getting dubs chaos again
09:02I i'm at this point. I feel like I we owe you compensation in the chat, bro
09:06This is out of hand man, dude. The chat is cooking
09:14Yo, yo, he's joining chaos no
09:18That's eight out of ten. All right. Does that mean prodigy's gonna get a dub?
09:25No, maybe not I feel like the ones that have oh my god, you did that they cooked you
09:32They cooked you
09:34They cooked you
09:38Oh man, bro, bro, they actually cooked you prodigy. Oh my god boys. We have so many of these today
09:44I appreciate you guys sharing them man. Good luck to you, man. Hopefully hopefully you can get yourself something good here, man
09:56No, is this gonna be bad
10:01No, dude
10:03We've gone cold, bro
10:04The last like well even I guess the last three have all been bad bro because prodigy got a dub
10:09But it was a duplicate. All right, i'll be honest guys. This guy has insane first owner cards
10:13I'm feeling pretty good about this account
10:15I do believe in account theory this guy had some crazy first owner cards in that team
10:20This guy might be our on reaccount. Surely one of your two accounts is good
10:25I told you
10:26Bro, it's so rigged though. It's honestly gross guys. Wait until you see this guy's team
10:31Now wait until you see this guy's team man
10:35Some accounts just got it man
10:37Like it's crazy, bro. Look at this guy's first owner squad, bro. He packed him out of skelia and malin this week already
10:45Oh my goodness
10:47Pele again
10:48Oh my god pele again. No, that's insane
10:51What's the best two best two poles in that is pele and on re right? Oh, man
10:56I'm, so jealous 4213 user as well. EA's favorite. It makes sense. It checks out. Oh
11:02Man, dude, I am so jealous bro. Congratulations, dude. I think that was the second pele today
11:07What if we just default our squads at 4213 before we open the level 40?
11:12Is that give us better? Oh my god out of the 87 plus you just got a team in the roberto carlos
11:17That's very hard to do chat is moving different right now, bro
11:21W after w at the moment guys. Yeah at the moment on re is the most rare
11:27I suppose r9 is in that as well. Yeah, you could get r9. Yeah, I would go icon over 87 10, dude
11:32I'm, so mad i'm not level 40 today because I gotta tell you the rotation specifically today is
11:38Unbelievable, man. Oh my god
11:41He already has matias. Is that his good player used up? Hopefully not
11:45Oh one more chance, dude, that sucks
11:51Oh, I need this now I need this now because this afternoon it's just it's it's it's fully glitched through it bro this afternoon
11:58It's fully glitched, man
12:00Getting like two dubs now
12:02Oh, how much is this guy? Uh, this guy is literally the fc25 devil. I can't stand playing this card
12:08Just hold l2. He is, uh, he's one mil
12:11I mean look
12:12I mean i'll say this much guys the fact that he got a dub and it was matias and then he got saved
12:17Oh, man, I mean we'll just we'll take it bro. This is what a level 40 should look like though
12:22No, I agree charlton from the 87 plus
12:26Charlton for the 87 plus
12:30Back we're back. No way
12:34Oh my god, this guy is actually living in the first slot
12:38This man is living full-time employment in the first slot of these icons
12:42Goodness, man. How many matias's have we seen today saved bro?
12:46Ah, let's go. Yes. We're gonna get someone crazy for you, man. Oh my god zico
12:55Let's go
12:58All right, guys, this will probably be one of the final ones we go for this guy wants 95 or 9
13:03I'm, not sure what he has if he has an 87 or an 88, but oh, no, he's got an 88
13:09Rooney in the first one gattuso in the second one
13:18Yo, yo, yo, I need to I need to pay a boosting service man. I need to get this today
13:24There is no way this rotation is gonna hold
13:27There is no way it's this good man. I'm telling you. This is ridiculous, man
13:31I think they're gonna nerf it on thursday, man. They're gonna reward all the people that got to 40 quickly
13:36Becks nah arthur. Come on. We gotta get a dub
13:40No, this could be an l maybe matias to save us in the first slot. No
13:45Yo, what you have pele on re-enhancing bro, you have like the coldest attack i've seen in this game
13:52Honestly, this game is probably so much fun to play with this team you have
13:56Anticipate on califiori. I'm expecting to see a w here. I'm expecting to see a dub here
14:00I think this guy is gonna cook up something pretty crazy
14:03Seems to be the people running four two one three are getting massive w's out of this
14:07So, let's see. Hopefully he doesn't get himself a dude pele or on re that would be very evil of ea
14:12Let's see what the arsenal fan gets here ea do like rewarding these people
14:16Let's see starts off with a rush might be a bit of a hate watch for the chat after seeing the team
14:21Gets himself a jerezinho in the middle, which is a dub. It's a small dub from this and what else do we have?
14:27And we've got lillian to rom
14:31Lillian to rom straight into the team he goes
14:34That's gotta be that's gotta be a win
14:37I think this is gonna be one of the last ones probably one or two more of the level 40s chat
14:41But these have been just I just these have been insane man
14:45Really really crazy guys pick taram. Yeah, it's gotta be taram. That one has got to be taram
14:50I might change my formation of four two one three before I open mine. Maybe play a couple games with the formation just to kind of
15:01It seems to be a trend today man, we're getting saved in the last one we're getting a crazy dub in the last one
15:07wow, man
15:09Four two one three four two one three is not a coincidence chat
15:14I'll tell you this man. It's not a coincidence
15:17I need that card so badly bro, but my cone is better
15:20Yeah, but you could use my cone at left back and you could also use taram at center back
15:24I don't understand how this many people have first owner on reese bro. It's like matthias or taram at the least. Yeah
15:31Essentially you are correct
15:35Yeah, no, no, no, it's the level 40 guys, it's not the spc that's out the spc that's out it looks like that
15:40That's what we get from that
15:43Oh my god, that's the worst possible start. Oh, he's actually in the middle for once
15:48What he's always been in the first slot. That's insane
15:52Nah, we take that we take that we take that new rotation maybe bro. I don't know we take that for sure though guys
15:58Huge thank you for all the support
16:00I just putting these at the end of the video just to talk through just things you guys can do if you want to support
16:03The channel i'm leaving the links in the description down below. We have 25 off coffee company that i'm a part of
16:08It's a very good coffee. I drink coffee every day. I talk about it all the time on here
16:12We just restocked so I talked about in the video like three days ago
16:15We sold I think 15 more bags. We had to restock because we sold through 400
16:18You guys been loving it so much couple you guys been ordering a couple bags
16:21We're running 25 off just the whole week. So if you just go to the website website down below beans with benefits
16:27Uh, I linked it for you guys just to click on so it's easy and use pick 25
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16:36I know a lot of you guys in canada been wanting it. There's nothing I can do
16:39Um, but if you guys want to support man, uh, it's not beans. It's just ground coffee
16:42So you just it's just the grinds you just got to put it in the machine
16:44It's very easy to do
16:45Um, if you haven't done it and uh, yeah, man, nothing better than coffee in the morning
16:48So if you want to support there you can and if that isn't down, you know your lane
16:52You don't drink coffee. We also have if you want to support with buying some food buying some meals. Hello fresh
16:56It's a healthy way, uh good portion sizing very good quality food. Uh, trust me. I I eat very healthy
17:01So for me i'm not going to promote something that I I know is is is not good for you
17:05It's very solid food and we have a huge discount. We literally have like 50 off meals
17:08So if you want to get meals for whoever you can kind of customize your plan size
17:12For example here you could do like two people four meals per week
17:14It's only going to be 35 bucks your first box your first set of your box
17:18So you can go through you can choose from a really good menu
17:20Uh, we have a link and a code and or a code and this is worldwide
17:23So you guys you know for you guys us uk that want to support this one is specifically worldwide
17:28You guys can order food pretty much anywhere through this
17:30Uh, and it's going to be a direct referral support for me and uh, I appreciate you guys, man
17:34Thank you guys so much for watching the video today. See you guys the next one. Peace