• last month
weather video


00:00Plymouth is reporting the highest temperature at 8 degrees, with moderate rain dominating
00:05the region.
00:06The south is under a blanket of similar weather, with Bristol seeing slightly varied conditions
00:11of patchy rain nearby.
00:13Overall, the area is wet with consistent rainfall across most cities.
00:19Worcester leads with the highest temperature in the Midlands at 9 degrees, under conditions
00:24of patchy rain nearby.
00:26The entire region shares a similar weather pattern, with moderate rain in Wolverhampton
00:30slightly intensifying the overall damp atmosphere.
00:34Sheffield, Manchester, Leeds, and Liverpool all report a high of 8 degrees today.
00:40The north and northwest of England is cloaked in mostly patchy rain, with Manchester experiencing
00:45moderate rainfall.
00:47This consistent wet weather affects the entire region.
00:51Aberdeen, Edinburgh, and Glasgow all share a high of 6 degrees.
00:56Scotland sees a mix of sunny skies in Aberdeen and patchy rain in Edinburgh and Glasgow,
01:01presenting a varied weather landscape across the region.
01:05Dublin records the highest temperature at 7 degrees with patchy rain nearby.
01:10Ireland is experiencing similar weather conditions, with Belfast slightly cooler at 5 degrees,
01:16also under patchy rain.
01:19Cardiff is today's warmest city in Wales at 8 degrees, with patchy rain affecting the region.
01:25The consistent rain across Wales contributes to a damp and chilly atmosphere, typical for
01:30this time of year.