• last month
00:00How much of a difference do you think... That's the reason why Elon Musk supports us.
00:05Okay, and how much of a difference do you think his support made to that historic
00:09outcome in the election for the AFD? Not really much, maybe 1% there to the best
00:17of my knowledge. This has not been examined. The main thing for our
00:22success is that AFD addressed the main political themes in a way which people
00:30found convincing. And the second reason is that the party has professionalized
00:36over the past years. So we had a very professional electoral campaign and our
00:41politicians have learned how to communicate to society in order to
00:48secure such a success. What's also important to know is that the paradigm
00:55of AFD being a Nazi party and all this nonsense doesn't work anymore. People
01:00have come to know who we are and this is complete nonsense. We are neither a Nazi
01:06party nor are we an extremist party. We are just a conservative patriotic party
01:10as you find them in so many countries of the world for the best of their
01:15countries. And so this doesn't work anymore. People don't believe that
01:21narrative anymore. So all these factors together made for the success that we
01:27had yesterday.
