• el mes pasado
This video filled my heart with so many fun memories, laughs, and spending time together! I hope you guys enjoyed having a little glimpse!

Sweater to pottery: https://liketk.it/566Gl

Yellow dress to dinner: https://liketk.it/56sQr

All my fits on LTK: https://www.shopltk.com/explore/nataliezacek

My amazon storefront:  https://www.amazon.com/shop/nataliezacek?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_aipsfshop_aipsfnataliezacek_4A03RRCSGXV4FBNRG7BD

follow along with me on:

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/nataliezacek/
TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/34TQUg/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/nataliezacek/
VSCO: https://vsco.co/nataliezacek/gallery


00:00Oh my gosh! Holy crap! You're not going to believe this!
00:07She found what at Coastline Color?
00:09I put what in the coffee?
00:14Her. Face. Yeah.
00:19Drop it off at least.
00:21This is not for everyone.
00:25Outfit check.
00:30I like it. I love it. I like it.
00:41Greta, you're done. I'm crushed.
00:43I'm like, hey!
00:45The man is following us.
00:47I was like, okay.
00:49Lauren, get in!
00:50Lauren, there's no one behind you.
00:53Get in here.
00:55I tried.
00:57This is not a joke.
01:00This is not a joke.
01:02Morgan won.
01:04He's coming!
01:06He's coming with his one-soul dog.
01:12Hello and welcome to this week's YouTube video.
01:15If you heard my voice, that's the reason that I'm starting it later in my girl's week trip.
01:21Because I literally had no voice.
01:24So anyway, my college roommate's best friends are here.
01:29Lauren is here from California.
01:32My other friend Tiff is here from Michigan.
01:34Greta and Rain.
01:36And we are all college roommates.
01:38So if you didn't know, now you know.
01:40The lore of college.
01:42The college lore.
01:44Yeah, a lot of deep stuff there.
01:46But anyway, it is Thursday.
01:50Yeah, so they got here on Saturday.
01:54And that's how long my voice has been gone.
01:57So I'm finally grasping for my voice again.
02:01And this is just your sign to find your voice.
02:06Anyway, today we are going to a cute coffee shop.
02:09We're actually going to hit up Old Navy because I keep seeing TikToks about how cute it is.
02:13And what else are we going to do?
02:16Maybe Beach Sunset.
02:18We don't know what the day's going to hold.
02:20So I'm excited to bring you guys along for it.
02:23We have a lot of fun plans for the rest of the time that the girls are here.
02:26And now Josh is going to cue music because I didn't start my vlog because I had no voice like I said.
02:33But we did do a really fun activity and that was painting pottery.
02:37So I wanted to include some clips of that because I thought it was the most fun thing ever.
02:41So cue music of us girls painting pottery.
02:46Seems like you're scared to show your competition.
02:49I think you're in it.
02:51Oh shoot.
02:53Yeah, this is kind of sending me over the edge because it's already uglier than the Pinterest one I'm inspired by.
03:31Wasn't that not the cutest thing?
03:33I'm so excited to get my pottery back.
03:35But without further ado, we're going to quickly get ready and go get a yummy breakfast and coffee.
03:42Emphasis on coffee.
03:45What is there even to say before you have food or coffee?
03:48Literally nothing.
03:50I can't address the elephant in the room.
03:53Who's going to change?
03:55Just two out of state girls.
03:57What is it?
03:59It's like friends don't steal, they twin.
04:02No, friends don't coffee, they twin.
04:04Oh yeah.
04:05Friends don't steal, they burglar.
04:09They burglarize.
04:11Yeah, no.
04:12Our weather was like 90 degrees and then when the girls came, it got cold so they just weren't prepared.
04:17So now they're wearing the...
04:18And so Greta prepared us.
04:19I think it's the coziest sweater ever.
04:21It is.
04:22It's so cute.
04:24I actually almost wore this one.
04:25Did we all three?
04:26What if we showed up and Raina's wearing it?
04:29All right, it's time to go.
04:45I just picked us up lunch because they're putting the kids down to head out.
04:48And I literally have so much food, but I'm like, that's a good problem to have for a pickup food for a bunch of people.
04:57Look at all that food.
04:59Vlog, you guys probably are missing me right now, but it's because I sound like this.
05:04I started it with saying I had to wait to vlog because I had no voice.
05:09Unfortunately, that always happens.
05:10Like when there's things going on, you're going to be taken down by a cold.
05:14By a cold.
05:15But every time you get knocked down, you're going to get back up.
05:17You're going to get back up and you're going to be stronger than ever before.
05:20And now I'm going to do something that will make it into the beginning, montage, because
05:24that's always my goal.
05:25Uh oh.
05:26Here we go.
05:27Okay, dump truck.
05:28Okay, montage.
05:29My emergency contact and it's just you sitting on me.
05:30I react to people being like, so pick me.
05:31They're like, no, seriously, don't take a video of this.
05:35If I was filming for my emergency contact, what would you do?
05:47My emergency contact.
05:48And it's Rachel doing a spin.
05:49Roundhouse kiss.
05:50I was fighting for that.
05:52Honestly, Greta's tall.
05:53I want you to literally...
05:54Josh over there, the actual emergency contact.
05:55Actually, though, Greta and I always make eye contact.
05:57Wait, come closer.
05:58Oh my gosh.
05:59She did what?
06:00She put what in the puppy gel?
06:01Oh my gosh.
06:02Holy crap.
06:03You're not going to believe this.
06:04You're going to even kick it.
06:05Okay, do your best kick.
06:06That was my worst.
06:07No, I'd break the house.
06:08Like this, Greta.
06:09Both of us.
06:11Oh my gosh.
06:12Oh my gosh.
06:13Oh my gosh.
06:14Oh my gosh.
06:15Oh my gosh.
06:16Oh my gosh.
06:17Oh my gosh.
06:18Oh my gosh.
06:19Oh my gosh.
06:20Oh my gosh.
06:21Oh my gosh.
06:22Oh my gosh.
06:23Oh my gosh.
06:24Oh my gosh.
06:25Like this, Greta.
06:26Both feet in the air.
06:27That was pretty great.
06:28I feel so tall.
06:29Thank you for that.
06:30No, you're not.
06:31Greta's postpartum.
06:32Can you do that, 10 weeks postpartum?
06:34Okay, transition now with me jumping into the beach water.
06:35So, I'm going to run and I'm going to go...
06:41And then transition to me riding the dolphin.
06:54The best thing about your friend owning their own business is when they're like, oh, yeah
07:06I have a bunch of stuff if you girls want to come in and look at it
07:08So we're going to the coastline color warehouse. I'm a customer. Knock knock knock. I want to go shopping. This wall looks absolutely
07:18When you buy from coastline color, this is who you're buying from
07:22That's so I think I need one of these brand new Sun ones
07:26They have little sparklies inside of them and the rare finds is the most gorgeous shell ever
07:31Pink and orange. Okay. All right. I feel like that goes really good together orange and blue. I think I need it Rachel's on color haul
07:38I got these earrings. I lost mine in the flood. I got this for me, but also like for Isla
07:44It's like an heirloom. Yeah, and then I also got it. I also custom ordered Wow
07:50Made to order made to order
07:52Orange sound orange that orange sound but like just picture this. Okay, Lauren. Whoa
07:58I'm not being greedy greedy. No for my feet. You're not beating the allegations two sisters and a mother
08:06Let's just get like an overview. Yeah Wow
08:09So many shells good. She found what at coastline color
08:14People have different duties in the friend group and as you just saw with rain
08:18Her duty is to supply us with absolutely gorgeous jewelry
08:21Greta's is to make our hair beautiful and so she'll probably style her hair and mine is to gain master
08:28Which is basically make the plans and things happen on time and also making the coffees
08:33So it's time for me to whip up a little coffee and that's cafe and I'm trying out
08:40This cherry vanilla syrup, which I'm not always big cherry person, but I've heard good things about JJ coffee
08:46They make house made syrups and I love making my own syrups
08:50But sometimes I don't want to and it would be nice to have just a little one that you can do
08:55So I'm excited to try this one refrigerate after opening best consumed after two weeks
09:00So I'm gonna make us a little afternoon iced coffee
09:09That said what
09:16Josh maybe you could put this over like aesthetic music to make us look peaceful
09:39Alright, give me a little baby hall, please. Well, maybe ha I'm begging for one. That's a big bag
09:43I I think I read it hard. I think I went
09:49Too much, it's not that much. I'm really nervous buying things
09:55Try on
09:57It show it first and then there I go and then Josh can cut it, okay
10:08Wait, that's all what yeah, but not in stores
10:13Every item has time everyone in pan the world isn't slightly see-through. So these are but
10:20Wait a second. How much were they you just don't wear?
10:24No, you don't get the receipt cuz they're always like 30 39, yeah, they're 39
10:28I'm a so kind of expensive. I mean, I think that's what linen girls. They really always have sales though this whoa
10:36Pretty vibrant. I have that
10:39And you do yeah
10:41Okay, twins that makes your tears. What's that? Yeah to be tan. Yeah, that's cute then a
10:48Long cute tank, you know creamsicle color, you know you and tip I like that. It's full-length, too
10:54Yeah, I do too because they have the crops. I don't have enough blue
10:58Okay, but that's a good one. That's a really good. You know, I love the beach club tank top
11:03That's shaped like that Lauren and I got 20 shirts you
11:07What do you want me to try on?
11:12Blue or orange orange orange a little weird with the bikini top but cute wait, let me see wait
11:20I love how low-rise those are. Yeah, I did you get extra small?
11:25It's so rude of her to get extra smalls when she knows
11:27I know I was like if you could have gotten me a small I could at least try it on but I'm not gonna humble myself
11:32No, actually you didn't get those in a large tall
11:35That's really rude
11:38Also like who gets a baggy pant in their actual size like no, that's actually so from the lady does
11:49Twin I can't wait. Oh Josh quiet on set. Wait, I can't find them on my new panels
11:59Kind of like where's Waldo? I think that red like boys always like a girl in red. That's a hot take
12:06Do you think well, it's like the whole sexual color, right?
12:19Last set are these shorts weirdly long? I was
12:26Natalie I tried them on and they were to my
12:36What if you cut them, that's the main crotch what if you cut her face, yeah
12:43Sorry, you're crap. You can cut them for sure
12:45I didn't think about do it on the vlog and then we can do a scissor transition again
12:49You never finish that transition people love so we don't wear basketball shorts. That's like
13:00Okay, so can everybody say what their favorite piece was I
13:04Like I'm gonna say the tanks the white linen pants and the things
13:13Illegally tan. Well, yeah, can you please roll them like no more than like Adam Sandler?
13:28I didn't know zoom is cold. We're at the sunset and the wind is whipping
13:32It looks
13:34It's not this cold in your house. I know
13:37We have to emotionally prepare but we didn't have to come see. Yeah, I think maybe we won't be plunging maybe no, I'm not plunging
13:44It's way too freaking cold. It's the fact about my house. You're like, I'm plunging for sure. I was literally sweating
13:49Yeah, the palm tree. Do you see the better gliders backwards?
13:54The wind is working for that
13:57the night of their lives
14:03No way, oh, I love her
14:08Her cheeks are red because the wind we have to go do a cartwheel or something
14:24Okay, it is beautiful the wires the waves like the East Coast
14:32Time to be cozy
15:12Was just a reality check that it's not pretty every time. Okay. I mean that was gorgeous
15:18But I'm actually so windblown
15:23My voice is gonna be gone again dinner vibes a little drink tacos chip squat queso
15:36Insert photos me flying with the birds
15:43Rachel what are you doing in there? Always whipping us up a dessert
15:46They said that because I don't have a southeastern degree. I have to cook for them every time with them
15:52Yeah, so go ahead and bring us the snacks
15:54I can't
16:00Drop it off on the table and go home
16:05Not as marshmallow as my mother's
16:10It's so good, right
16:13You popped off. We'll give you an honorary degree. Yeah, can we do it? Can I have a degree party? We actually wait
16:20Actually, none of us got a graduation or a ceremony so you can't have one either. Yeah, we can do it all together
16:27Rachel asked if she could have a ceremony with a degree and I said none of us got that
16:33So cuz Cove it graduation if you know, you know, well, what a fun like a life-giving day that I had
16:41Literally that filled me up so much between like getting to hang out with all the babies getting to hang out with all my friends
16:47eating good food laughing literally so much like that is everything to me and
16:54Shoot I was just thinking like I have clothes piles all over my room and my kitchen has like dishes in it and all that
17:01And I feel like I can tend to be someone who it's like, oh, I can't relax unless everything's put together
17:06And then the more that I host at my house, I realize like how much rather I would rather be in
17:12Let me restart those and it's how much I would rather be in like a fun atmosphere
17:18and not worrying about all those little things and making sure like every dish is put away and
17:24kind of like taking those breaks because I feel like as someone who
17:29Has a really hard time relaxing with the house isn't clean. That's like my tip to myself is to be like it is
17:35okay, and
17:37How much I would rather like be with everybody else. So
17:40Anyway, that's what I'm doing right now. I did put my house to bed and kind of have like a little tidy up
17:46Whatever, but I'm excited for tomorrow. I'm gonna make my breakfast that I've been loving to make which is a
17:53like potato scramble with
17:59Mushrooms spinach onions like a bunch of veggies and stuff all on a plate cheese hot sauce and it is
18:06So yummy
18:07so I'm excited to make that for everybody because I feel like I haven't been cooking out the house much and I
18:13Am actually in my cooking era. So I like to like make meals at the house and not have to eat out for every meal
18:19But I think we're gonna do that in the morning. Have a little Nats cafe coffee
18:23I coffee that I make here and I don't know chill and then we're gonna do like a
18:30farewell dinner and all get dressed up in our dresses and take photos and
18:35Maybe go out dancing or something, which is something I literally never do
18:39So it's always fun when you have like your friends in town. It's like, okay, we'll have a fun
18:45I don't know night
18:47Late or out like we wouldn't usually do or like it's college
18:51So I'm very excited for that and I was like not even sure if I was going to vlog for this week
18:58And then I was like, no
18:59I love vlogging because I can look back on my memories and get to see everything
19:03And I also got a comment on my tick-tock that was so cute and it was like
19:07Oh, I can't wait for this week's vlog and I'm like, you know what shoot. I really do want to do that
19:13so anyway all that to say I'm going to put away some of my clothes in my room right now and go to bed and
19:21I'm excited for tomorrow
19:33We have eggs
19:46Koda, we need-
19:54Hey, how did Koka get up there?
19:56How did Koka do that?
19:58Don't flip it
20:03She's not allowed to do that
20:05I can get up there
20:07That's Lauren
20:09That's me
20:11I don't know how to yet but I can do it
20:13Show us how
20:15You would literally do this
20:17I feel like Greta should be like right-
20:19Greta needs to come forward
20:21Get tied up
20:23Right, left, right, down, up
20:25Give me the loop
20:27Right, left, right
20:29There we go, there we go
20:32That was so funny
20:34There's nothing that will make me feel more like
20:36I'm a little cousin with my friends
20:38than doing a dance together
20:40We've been having so much fun learning them
20:42but I am making some of my
20:44blueberry syrup right now because
20:46I'm like how do I not have a homemade syrup
20:48while my friends are here
20:50I just did a little pizza and
20:52you really forget how
20:54many meals there are to cook for a day
20:56and I feel like when Josh and I are just home
20:58we get in a rhythm of like having
21:00homemade leftovers or random things
21:02but with this many people it's like
21:04oh shoot, food all the time
21:06This is something that I got on Amazon
21:08and it's really good
21:10if you are
21:12making a syrup because you can
21:14or like with fruit
21:16This side up
21:18Basically it just mushes your fruit into the bowl
21:20that you're using
21:22So you attach this in and then I'm going to pour my little
21:24fruit mixture. Honestly the recipe
21:26for this is so easy. I do a cup of blueberries
21:28a cup of water and like
21:30a little less than a cup of sugar
21:32and then I heat on like a medium high heat
21:34and until the berries
21:36start to like color the water and they get
21:38mushy and then I remove
21:40from the heat and
21:42pour it into my little
21:44contraption here
21:46I get so nervous with blueberries
21:48because they stain so bad
21:52and I'm wearing a white shirt
21:54so I guess I just decided
21:56to be incredibly bold
21:58This is what the mixture looks like when it gets into there
22:00and then you just turn
22:02the handle
22:04Honestly this seems really risky like I'm about to drop
22:06it all and then I would just rotate
22:08the handle and it's going to mush the berries
22:10down into there so I get optimal berry
22:12juice. I ran out of ice at my house
22:14from making so many coffees so I just
22:16ran down the road to get a literal bag
22:18of ice because
22:20I need that. Wow these are all
22:22so frozen
22:27Lauren, Tiff, me, Greta
22:29because Greta's drinking coffee now too
22:31Sorry just had to be featured in the vlog
22:33I feel like there's not like enough footage
22:35of me in the vlog this week because now Tiff
22:37and her other friends and I know you guys
22:39miss me. Yeah that's so true
22:41We're running into some
22:43not having enough milk so
22:45everybody's going to get a little bit of oat milk
22:47and hopefully there's no complaints
22:49but we're doing a little milk mixy
22:51and that's fine
22:53The main reason that I wanted to show this
22:55is I made my homemade blueberry syrup
22:57It's going to be delicious
22:59Blueberry syrup
23:01on fleek
23:03Now espresso shots
23:05and I have a little bit of maple syrup
23:07in some of those who
23:09prefer it a little sweeter. Every time I
23:11make these I think they look like peanut butter and jelly
23:13coffees and I love that
23:15This is absolutely delicious
23:19Well don't you know I'm in the middle of doing my hair
23:21I know and look at your clients
23:23Get out of the way
23:25Me, me, me, me
23:29So I'm tasting it?
23:33Do you think I'm going to love it?
23:35I hope. I try my best
23:37every time
23:39You hate it
23:41No, this is one of my top ones
23:45Okay next
23:47I have to go finish my hair
23:49Can you wait for the coffee
23:51Is it oat milk?
23:53I had to put a little bit of oat milk in there
23:55Okay cheers
23:57Wait Lauren tell me if you like it or not
23:59I like it
24:01It is giving oat
24:03but above all
24:05I'm sorry
24:07It's so good
24:09We ran out of milk
24:11I got more gas at the gas station
24:13And the blueberry is really good
24:15We've been literally making so much noise
24:17Do you want more blueberry?
24:19Natalie said
24:21Can you stop the blow dryer?
24:23Can you stop the blow dryer?
24:25We stopped it and started screaming
24:27I felt her
24:29Did you hear me tell you guys to shut up?
24:31When we went outside
24:33A noisy house is a loved house
24:37Cheers to that
24:39That is so good
24:41I needed like a little more
24:43Splash blueberry
24:47This one is the best one yet
24:49Miss you guys love you
24:51This is what my hair is looking like
24:53It looks really pretty
24:55Your hair always has to start
24:57Mine is feeling very shriveled right now
24:59Do you know I'm going to pop off with a curly iron today?
25:01You are?
25:03I've never seen you with a curly iron
25:05I realized she's scared of volume
25:07She told me that
25:09You loved it when I gave you volume
25:11I did but that's like natural volume
25:13I'm kind of scared of like
25:17Which I live for volume
25:19But Hannah is also scared of volume
25:21I also feel like I have a lot of hair
25:23So volume just takes
25:25It's giving only hair then
25:27And you want to give like body
25:29I want to give VDL allegations
25:33Okay turn this off
25:35I'm leaving it on
25:37Thank you
25:39Greta out
25:41Dang that was
25:43Nat and I didn't get a position
25:45In Greta's salon today
25:47Lauren doing art
25:49Lauren is glowing
25:51Hair done
25:55Honestly Tiff your hair is looking really long too
25:57Yeah it is
26:01The salon worked
26:03Outfit check
26:05Girls world
26:07Vlog style
26:09Vlog style
26:11Yeah Lauren
26:13Go Tiff
26:15Yeah Reign
26:17That's slick back
26:19Hair sunshine
26:21Okay P.O
26:23It's the zoo in other words
26:33Come on baby kiss me
26:37I love it
26:39We did go out and dance
26:41And please look at the state of my hair
26:45The side profile of your hair
26:47Goes crazy
26:49No look directly to the side
26:51Let me see if we fit together
26:53Like a puzzle piece
26:55Guys comment below if we fit together like a puzzle
27:03Oh Mio
27:05Are we going to tell them who Mio is
27:07But you have to tell them
27:11Mio is my son
27:13Because Koda came over
27:15When Koda met my son Romeo
27:17He goes Mio
27:19And today I don't have him here
27:21And he goes Mio
27:23And he's walking around
27:25Mio Mio
27:27He actually came in the house
27:29And he goes hi Mio
27:31It was so cute
27:33So we said Mio
27:35Oh Mio
27:37I have to find my garment so I can track my sleep score
27:39I was honestly thinking as I was dancing
27:41It sucks I'm not wearing my garment
27:43We would have clocked big hours on our garment
27:45Crazy intense dance
27:49Gotta go
27:51Alright guys we gotta go
27:55Rachel's parting gift
27:57Wait I have ziplock so you can take a video
27:59Oh on the plane
28:01Rachel is always making a snack
28:05I take the plate
28:07All the cooking utensils are clean already
28:11Wait Lauren you have to carry that
28:13I'm like can I walk
28:21Say bye
28:27Alright we give Brenna a big hug
28:29Good job
28:31Alright we give Koda a big hug
28:37Good job
28:39Bye everybody
28:41Love you
28:43Love you
28:45Love you
28:47I love you
28:49Good job Koda
28:51We love you
28:55We love you
29:03We love you
29:05We love you
29:07We love you
