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00:00First clip of the day.
00:06Leading the wrong way.
00:13Okay, we got ourselves one of those heavy flankers.
00:16There's a lot of players that play Siege like this.
00:18They kind of just go for flanks all the time.
00:20Honestly, it's one of the best strategies in ranked
00:22because your average ranked player does not drone.
00:24Jack did at least squat.
00:26Exhibit A.
00:33All right, you got it, though.
00:34Shell out.
00:37Okay, give me Rammsgamer tag.
00:40Yeah, never play Siege again.
00:41Your teammate just got shot in the back twice
00:43and you turned your back to where your teammate
00:45just got shot in the back from.
00:47You turned your back to danger.
00:58I love proning here.
00:59The reason why proning is going to win you
01:01so many gunfights in Siege,
01:02if they don't hear you proning.
01:04Like, whenever you go to prone,
01:05always mask it with a gunshot.
01:07But the reason why proning wins you so many gunfights
01:09in Rainbow Six Siege,
01:10and I learned this from Masamitsu,
01:12is because your average Siege player
01:13is always going to be aiming standing level
01:15or crouching level.
01:16So when you prone like this,
01:18you'll catch people off guard every day of the week.
01:20It's one of the best strategies in Siege.
01:22Well done, sir.
01:26This guy's actually not bad.
01:28He knows how to play the game.
01:29This guy's pretty good.
01:37W-Doc. W-Doc for the heal.
01:44For first clip of the day,
01:45I dare I say like 7.2 out of 10.
01:50For first clip of the day,
01:51dare I say 7.2 out of 10.
01:537.2 out of 10.
01:54You're not bad.
01:55Work on the aim a little bit.
01:57I like your flank play style.
01:59Work on the aim, you'll be good.
02:02Dude, I'm telling you though, bro.
02:03If you want to win like easy gunfights in Siege, bro,
02:06just start proning,
02:07but make sure like they don't hear you when you prone.
02:12So like if you're gonna prone,
02:14like mask it with a gunshot type-ish.
02:18Next clip of the day.
02:19This could be a good clip session here.
02:28No, could be.
02:37What rank charm is he wearing?
02:40Is that a diamond rank charm?
02:44This type of shit is happening in diamond lobbies?
02:48This is a diamond lobby.
02:52Yeah, no, that's literally a diamond charm.
02:54That is literally a diamond charm.
02:58How is this happening in diamond?
03:06That doesn't even make sense.
03:08How is this happening in diamond?
03:11That literally makes no sense.
03:13Next clip of the day.
03:14Coming in from BigProEel.
03:16Let's check it out.
03:19I guess that's diamond.
03:20I don't know.
03:21He could be playing casual, I guess.
03:23He could be playing casual, I guess.
03:33Okay, we're on Iyana.
03:37Iyana's like a super underplayed operator.
03:39Like I remember when Iyana was one of the most played operators
03:42back when you could cook grenades and she had nades.
03:44I just feel like Iyana like is always in the shadow of like Ashe, you know?
03:49Like, you know what I mean?
03:50I feel like Iyana's super underplayed.
03:51I don't think she's bad.
03:53I think she should be played more.
03:55Especially in ranked, bro.
03:56When like nobody's droning.
03:57So like you can provide your own intel.
03:59You know what I mean?
04:01She has to go in six as well.
04:02Like she has versatility.
04:04I would like to see Iyana get played more.
04:06I think she's just definitely in the shadow of like Ashe for sure.
04:09Which is, you know, that makes sense.
04:15Okay, they went CCTV.
04:16This actually looks like a decently high rank.
04:19Off of like a couple things.
04:21So the other team is using Tuberau, Bandit, Dock, and Azami.
04:26That's a super like comp hold for CCTV.
04:29Because you have the Azami play Raptors.
04:31You have Tuberau and Bandit tricking the main wall.
04:34And then you have Dock for stims.
04:35And then you have Dock for barbed wire as well.
04:37Like this is a super like super good setup.
04:40So I think this is a high rank.
04:42Also, anytime somebody uses a pro league skin like this cosmetic,
04:45they're normally a decent rank.
04:46I'd assume this guy's like at the lowest emerald.
04:52Torch out.
04:57I think he's gonna go for a Lodgy push.
04:59Because that's where he prepped his drone.
05:00Okay, yeah, he's going for Lodgy.
05:05I didn't like that.
05:06I feel like you should have probably checked your drone before you hot dropped.
05:09Like I know you already droned this area in the prep phase.
05:12But again, it's the prep phase.
05:13Like anyone could be in here.
05:15It's unlikely.
05:16But like still, anyone could be in here.
05:18I don't hate this play, but I don't.
05:20It does save time, but it's a little bit riskier.
05:29Bind you.
05:30Wow, he actually heard that.
05:32Rebind that.
05:33Actually rebind that.
05:34There's no way he heard that.
05:39You could literally hear his elbow pushing against the bathroom stall.
05:43And this guy responded to it.
05:47I think this guy's champion, to be honest, bro.
05:51Look at his movement as well.
05:59Where's he looking?
06:16Oh my god.
06:17He heard that as well.
06:20Okay, nah.
06:21This guy has like the best ears ever.
06:23This guy's literally heard the most slight sound cues twice now.
06:38I think this is a champ lobby, guys.
06:41Drop the diffuser.
06:47Four last stops standing.
07:00I mean, that has to be clip of the day.
07:02There's, I doubt anyone beats that clip because these are my favorite clips.
07:06I doubt anyone beats that clip because these are my favorite clips not when people are having a hitting good shots
07:11When people are hearing the slightest sound cues like these are my favorite clips, bro
07:16yo, uh
07:18Yo, big pro
07:21Message me on my main account. I'm actually down to play rank sometime bro. Like I'm being dead serious
07:26I'm actually down message me on my main account
07:28Bro, this guy was a beast ASAP rocky pick to W flick
07:33Bro, that was um
07:35Chat, I don't want to like never say never but I doubt somebody has a better clip than that
07:40Bro, that guy heard like everything, bro
07:43That guy was fucking locked
07:47We're a hundred and nineteen subs away from 94k. Let's get it
07:52Another diamond charm y'all actually oh no wait, is that a diamond charm?
07:56The scorpion. Yeah, is that a diamond charm or no? I know I've seen that before
08:01Beautiful now what your average player would have done here is your average player would have probably red pinged this guy
08:07Alerted him of your position and then doc would have just ran out of the room
08:10But you didn't red ping. You didn't even waste time to yellow ping. You immediately got the information got off it
08:18And went for a wallbang barely missed but I love the mindset
08:24Don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
08:27I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
08:29But I love the mindset
08:33Love that you prefired the reswing as well
08:38If I were you I'd probably be drawn this
08:42Why is he looking up there? Oh the windows open. Oh, it's to make up spawn Pete. I see I see I see I see
08:52Two minutes on the clock you have a lot of time. I don't think this is the high rank because you guys don't have a
08:56heart breacher
09:00The clips have been really good today so far chat y'all are locked in on the weekends
09:08Stop me
09:11Yeah, I mean that's a tough scenario like when you're shooting out an enemy and then your teammates in front of you like that's kind
09:16Of a tough scenario. You could probably could have saved your teammates life, but
09:26Rewind that
09:28Was that reaction time or just a prefire
09:32It's good reaction time it's really good reaction time
09:48Is it just me or can anybody else not see this guy
09:52for remaining
09:55At a got a got a got a got a got a got it you respond to the sound
10:01Wow, I'm not gonna give you clip of the day because the guy on Clubhouse still wins
10:05But I am gonna give you second best clip of the day so far
10:09second best clip of the day
10:12Bro, yo chat. I am genuinely fucking impressed with you guys right now
10:18This has been our best clip session in probably like two or three weeks, I'm impressed
10:24Genuinely impressed
10:27Okay 4v5 scenario
10:31Okay, one big thing I want to talk about is this guy's slow walking which is very important he's minimizing sound
10:42Pre-aiming default angles
10:45Bro it looks like site might be free beautiful
10:53He gets the kill and immediately repositions, I'd love that
10:59Shoots default
11:03What cosmetic is this chat this is like oh, bro. This is kind of a cool cosmetic chat. What's the name of this cosmetic?
11:26Close right close right close right you heard it nice
11:32Yo chat, uh, this is probably our best clip session of the month
11:49Mean god
11:52Wait the name of the skin cosmetics diamond bro, that shit's clean
11:57Does it cost uh?
11:59It costs
12:0090,000 Renown
12:03That cosmetic costs
12:0590,000 Renown is
12:07It universal
12:18Tattled it this is how you play Valkyrie. I'm down for some Valkyrie gameplay
12:27What is this camera spot
12:44You have been spotted by hostiles fall back
12:50Okay, that's kind of a nasty Valkyrie spot wait, I think I know what he's gonna
12:55Do he's gonna play below this balcony and then when he sees somebody on his camera
12:59He's gonna throw the c4 above him that detonated
13:14Think this is gonna win. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. This is actually such a smart box trap, bro
13:19He's playing under the balcony. He has a kick. Look at his camera
13:23It's in the CS cabinet as soon as he sees somebody above him
13:28He's gonna throw his c4
13:30The reason why this is so good is because if you do a preset c4 if they bring an IQ
13:36They can just see the c4. Also if they have any decent headset, they can hear the c4. This is actually really good
13:46Yeah, that's gonna work too well fucking played bro like dead ass well played
13:59Gonna stop for the lion scam. I gotta hurt the flank just one set it off
14:13Wow, wow, wow
14:28Chat I don't know what's clip of the day clip of the day might still be the clubhouse clip
14:39All you gotta do is just camp diffuser here
14:42Is inside is he inside or is he on a window he might be inside
14:52Bro this guy might be inside drop drop good movement
15:03Good wall back
15:10Might still say the club clip just because he's like awareness was so good in that clip
15:16Like I'm a big awareness guy. That's like my faith. That's my favorite
15:20Attribute of a siege player like out of aim movement
15:25Positioning crosshair placement like all that my favorite attribute of any siege player is like how good is he at
15:31Like all that my favorite attribute of any siege player is like how good their awareness is
15:38That's why stop is the GoPro cuz he has literally like
15:41Like no troll y'all are gonna say glaze but stop and literally has like every pillar of siege like a master
15:50Guy looks decent see the Platt charm he's using is from shifting tides, which is from
15:552020 so that means this guy was a platinum like five years ago
16:00So he's probably champ now
16:05Like shifting tides was literally like in late 2020
16:12Got rain got a rain I'd be droning here. I would definitely drone here
16:30Flashboarding on clips guys, please
16:45That's a good job they already use the c4 so they can't even kill you right now unless they sprint through the door
17:00This guy looks pretty cracked to be honest
17:08What did he just do
17:18How long has this been in the game for
17:29Last stop standing
17:55Bro you can sprint on to the balcony
18:04Yeah, I'm not a casual bro, I just never even tried that I've also never seen anyone do that
18:10You can sprint on the balcony. I might give that guy clip of the day just for like creativity. I
18:16Might give that guy clip of the day just for creativity next clip of the day coming in from this is pow world
18:34Did he just fart
18:46Oh my god, is he aggroed on you
18:54What are you doing get out of there run away bro, oh my god, he juked him he actually juked him
19:07What the fuck is that what the fuck is that
19:10Well, I thought power was like a Pokemon game
19:14There's like a rhinoceros throwing fucking tornadoes at this guy
19:28Fast travel yo, I'm gonna be honest bro. I have no idea what happened in that clip
19:35Dude dude, I'm gonna be honest. I have absolutely no idea what just happened
19:42I think you were evading a big monster and then you traveled away. I
19:47Don't know if that was like really good or something
19:56That's good
20:06Going out
20:13Okay, he does have four coils in his pocket which is fundamentally a rainbow succeeds blunder
20:19I do this every single time I play ranked but chat that's cuz I have a DD or ADHD
20:36It's jock with the five gifted subscriptions W jock
20:49So this is a really good coil spot on shall I because this denies the plant
20:5599% of shall I up top attacks and right here behind this half wall
20:59That is where 99% of attackers will plant
21:02So if you put this coil close to the half wall if you hear them get on that diffuser and shoot the coil
21:07They can't plant they have to get off the plant cuz they'll be on fire
21:10One of the best coil spots in the game hands down
21:18Yeah, putting one close pianos also really good
22:11Bro one little thing I want to talk about this really quickly whenever you see somebody quick peek like this
22:18Like okay, whenever you see somebody do this
22:22As soon as ash does that quick peek just immediately start pre firing
22:25Because once you get into like high elar lobbies as soon as somebody quick peeks, they're doing it for Intel
22:31Like they're not quick peeking to kill you they're quickening to see if you're there and then if they see that you're there
22:37They're going to full-on swing you
22:39So like this pre fire is actually really good his recoil controls
22:43Just not so he didn't get the kill
22:45But like if this guy had better recoil control he actually would have picked up the easiest kill ever
22:48Like whenever somebody quick pikes you quick peeks you especially on a tight doorway like this just pre fire, bro
23:02Wind up
23:05Okay, brother brother we got to work on the recoil control that took about 12 too many bullets to get that kill bro
23:23Dude this is what I'm saying bro the average siege player has gotten so much better
23:29Dude like I remember five years ago quick peeking was something that like only like diamonds would do bro
23:36This is probably a plat like slash emerald lobby and this guy's quick peeking
23:43It's literally the best mechanic in the game
24:04For last stop standing
24:09This guy's actually very good at quick peeking his recoil controls not good, but it's quick peeking is very good
24:15This guy's like kind of an interesting player here
24:18Normally when you're quick peeking stack good your recoil control follows
24:29Love this angle
24:32Close right of your double door
24:39In piano
24:43We got to work on the recoil control, but the quick peeking is definitely there
24:49Like you are very mechanically gifted at quick peeking, but we got to work on the recoil control brother
24:54Because that was kind of a disaster especially on the window and the first gunfight honestly
25:00It was all bad Taylor think of it. It's your water purple ghost
25:03They give it the prime Beck. They give it the gifted alley. They give it. It's your water Sam
25:07They give it the prime Q Vixie. They give it the back chat really good clip session so far really good clip session
25:13So yeah for the tournament today the bracket drops out like yo, I'll show you all the teams
25:19I'm gonna show you all the teams after we do clips
25:21I'm actually enjoying clips right now, dude. I like what I get sent good clips, bro. It actually makes clips like very enjoyable, you know
25:32Next clip of the
26:00Soldier incoming
26:18Did he knock somebody with that Nate
26:23Wow that was actually a good Nate
26:26He knocked two people with that Nate
26:29He likes pre-made it
26:36Okay, I okay, I'm not really one to judge Call of Duty clips cuz I don't play cod, but you look pretty good
26:45Junko there's an elite a Rooney bro. I think that came out like a week ago, and I think I already bought it
26:52This guy said war zone in the big two five crazy work
26:55I don't know man to each his own to each his own. You know to me to each his own to each his own
27:01Next clip of the day coming in from stellar
27:08Next clip of the day
27:10That Nate was so bad. It worked
27:12I mean now he like pre-fired a Nate at the bottom of the stairwell
27:17Assuming they would chase after him which they did but like
27:22That's like that's like a Nate I would throw in siege, bro. Actually, no, that would never work in siege. I'm Trump tree. I'm tweaking
27:29Bro Nades don't really work in siege anymore. It's kind of sad dude
27:33It's kind of sad like I remember when Nades were like the best thing you could have on attack and now they're just like nerfed
27:39into the ground I
27:41Honestly don't know why they removed cooking Nades
27:45Bro, they could keep cooking Nades in the game because the reason why they vaulted it was because they didn't want to
27:51It was because they didn't like the fact of getting nated from below where you can't even see or hear somebody you just instantly die
27:56Which I agree to that. So like if you get grenaded from below directly, it should just do like 50 damage
28:01It shouldn't like kill you but like the problem is like
28:07Because now when you eliminate cooking Nades altogether, you're like eliminating so much advanced like tech, you know, I was bro
28:15I'm not even kidding. I was probably like a top 5 grenade thrower in siege. I'm not even sure
28:19I was so nasty with cooking Nades
28:26Hopefully, it'll come back someday they just need to remove its vertical damage and it's literally fine
28:39Okay, you hear somebody proning I mean he's either injured or proning I'm assuming he's proning
28:45Yeah, so that's just bad awareness on your part bro, I'm gonna be honest like
28:49You literally heard the guy proning and like you weren't even looking like at the floor
29:04If you shoot this about
29:14Instead of shooting the Habana on a reinforced wall that they can't shoot you shot it on a soft wall that they can't you
29:27Time to ring some ears
29:44Christian thank you for the five gifted. Yeah, we're in silver right now
30:06Please don't ever throw a flashbang again. You literally blinded your teammate
30:28This at least you have IRL aura thank God because you do not have in-game aura yo big field
30:37First off dope bike second, I'm gonna probably go 2.6 out of 10 here
30:43You overly lean spam you have bought it a soft wall you flashbang your teammate and you didn't turn a single time
30:49It's just like I don't I don't know what to say guys like I'm gonna be brutally honest whenever you send in a clip
30:55I'm never gonna lie to you because at the end of the day the ultimate goal is for you to improve the game
30:59On the bright side. It's only up from there. Oh my god. It's 4 p.m. I think the bracket dropped
31:12Okay, this guy sent me a clip with no sound got it chat don't spam no sound I'm aware
31:22All right, why are we sprinting I just they just stop already stop
31:27sprinting is like
31:29Probably the most overdone thing in our six
31:33First and foremost your guns not up
31:35So you're susceptible to getting smoked because you can't aim in fast there can already have their crosshair up
31:42Second you are producing like four times the sound cue when you sprint
31:47You should always be like standing 80s or crouching 80s, especially in this scenario
31:53You're 26 meters away from a site and 30 meters away from B site
31:57Like you should never be sprinting here
32:02Mute is like terrible. So he didn't even he might just be afk
32:08This guy actually has really good recall control so that surprises me I
32:15Think he just got hit by an echo drone. Oh
32:20Never mind his recall control is not good. We're not brushing past this
32:29Never mind
32:37Yeah, you're better than the last guy
32:42Tonight's the night
32:454.4 out of 10 4.4 out of 10. He's better than the last guy, but my god
32:51Jaden they give me the prime sub wait somebody named Jaden just prime subbed and then somebody named just Jaden tier one sub like on
32:57top of each other
32:59Jaden think of it. It's your one Jaden. Thank you for the prime. Appreciate y'all. Dardane. They give it. It's your water reflux
33:03They give me the prime step. You're not clutching this. That was his caption. Okay, let's see it
33:141v4 scenario buck just hit a cap can trap on your right door, which means he's gonna be 50 HP
33:19Which means two bullets will kill buck
33:22Well done
33:24Flores John you got a move
33:32The nuttiest thing you did here was to turn on the reaction to sound here. This is the nuttiest thing you did, right?
33:37It's right here right here
33:41You kill this guy and you hear it chat. I'm gonna rewind this
33:44Let me know if you can hear the guy on the left
33:47Right there you can hear like his foot moving on the left. He immediately responded that that was the best thing you did
33:53I'm gonna be honest, bro
33:55The clip was so fast-paced that I can't really break you down as a player, but I'll go 6.2 out of
34:01Atachi PFP. I'm gonna go 7.2 out of 10. You're like in the top 5 clips of the day top 4
34:08Next clip of the day coming in for me. Did you win last night? Yes, we won
34:13We we won roller Friday. The goal is to go for a 3p, but to be fair, okay
34:20Stopping didn't play yesterday. So it's kind of just a fraudulent win stoppings playing today. We play stopping in semifinals
34:30Yo, Christian Conway with yet another five gifted we are 50 subs away from 94
34:46So, I think this is a high rank
34:48This Mira setup along with this rotation is like one of the most common champion strats on night Haven laps
34:55This is probably a high rank. We literally use this Mira in tournaments. Every team does this Mira in tournaments?
35:08For it located a bomb, you know what to do
35:22Close right
35:30Is this like stoppins brother or something
35:38Response to the sound cue
35:40full swing pre fires
35:43directly at head level
35:45Head shots him probably four times
35:48for last
36:01Good reposition no c4. You're gonna have to win this with a gun
36:06He's planting around the pillar
36:09Amazing sound fake Wow
36:12Bro, this is what I call a sound fake
36:16Ace is planted the diffuser. He's waiting to hear warden sprint through the door. What does warden do?
36:23He gives him the sprint sound cue and then immediately cuts it back
36:29That's good siege, that's good fucking siege
36:33Cuz you're gonna give ace that sound cue as if you are sprinting through the door, but you're not
36:41Still better stop better
36:44Remember oh my god, he actually just broke. No, he actually just broke his ankles
36:52He ran through the door and then immediately doubled back. Oh my god, look ace is lost
37:03He actually just broke his ankles Oh God, I love clips like this
37:07Yo, mish you actually just got two kills with your brain bro. Good shit
37:13You're a good fucking player, bro. I would bet any amount of money. This guy's been champion like at least twice
37:19Well fucking play dog. I mean that was well fucking played brothers, bro. That's the shit. I'm talking about mish
37:28Bro, I remember when mish was like a plat bro. He's like a champ now, dude
37:32I love seeing players. You know what I'm saying grow into some beasts
37:37RQ said I'm sticking that bro. That's why that's why I like this trend started in Brooke
37:45What is this class setup
38:11What is that
38:43Bro this guy's using like a Call of Duty class setup, dude. This is like one of those guns you would see in COD zombies
38:53What was the point of sending me this clip
38:56You and your friend drew a Johnson on the wall like what was the point of sending me this clip Junko
39:02They give it the prime stuff MD think of it. It's your one
39:04JJ think of it. It's your water AC. They give it the prime boss. They give it the brown
39:08What was the point of sending me this clip?
39:15Next to it
39:19Okay, so guys we're reacting to clips not short films I don't need to see the prep face
39:45Okay, so ashes inside so you can literally kill her with your maestro
39:55Vault that close, right
40:04Did you just
40:08Did you just reload an LMG with 50 bullets in it and then decide nah
40:14That's gonna take too long and then pulled out a bailiff
40:18for a 45 inch gunfight
40:24It worked
40:26Yo internal blades, I want to make I want to make this very clear to you so you never do this again
40:33What you did right here is the worst rainbow six siege decision. I've seen all day
40:39First off you shouldn't even be reloading a 50 bullet LMG to begin with
40:44Second you switched from a 50 bullet LMG
40:51To a five shot shotgun pistol from long range
40:58And it somehow worked holy shit Bryson just gifted 50
41:08Bryson you big beautiful man. We just hit 94,000 subs
41:14We just hit 94,000 subs
41:19That is absolutely fucking insane
41:23Bryson, I love you, bro
41:26IV K Loki to give it the prime sub mrs. Haney to give it to tier 1 derange us to give it to your water
41:31Jack they give it the five gift the jack. I fucking love you, man
41:3594,000 twitch subs man, that is insane
41:3894,000 twitch subs man. That is insane
41:43Raider they go, but it's your water loads lodging back next clip of the day
41:57Chat I think this is from beta
42:02Bro, I think this is like the oldest siege picture I've ever been set
42:06Yo guys, I think this was before operation black ice bro, look at the old siege menu
42:14Bro that's like the oldest picture I've ever been sent
42:18I'd even play at that time. I didn't even play siege in beta next give it a day
42:24Hafi think of it. It's your water idiot. They give me the prime. It'll be ox to get the back
42:39Have a feeling this is gonna be a low rank
42:42For one, they're not even on a ranked map for two
42:44He's using the p10 Roni on a Rooney, which is like the lowest damage lowest ammunition gun in the game and three
42:51He's aiming at crotch level, but we'll see
42:59Who's Habana
43:03Who the hell is playing Habana
43:06Capybara 2007 4 to 6. All right, that makes perfect sense
43:32How do I realistically analyze this
43:41Right, how's it going bro? Um, I just watched your tower clip
43:49Right now we're at rock bottom, but it's only up from here 1.3 out of 10
