In the Belgian town of Liege, in order to buy a moped for the wife of their friend Patrick, three men decide to organise | dHNfYkpiam5XMGVDWTA
00:00Tombstone, Arizona Territory, the morning of July 29, 1881.
00:14An actual account from the pages of my newspaper, the Tombstone Epitaph.
00:21This is the way it happened, in the town too tough to die.
00:36Tombstone Territory.
00:39Whistle me up a memory, whistle me back where I want to be.
00:48Whistle a tune that'll carry me to Tombstone Territory.
00:55If your past has run afoul of the law, it's a handy place to be.
01:09Cause your future's just as good as your draw in Tombstone Territory.
01:17Whistle me up a memory, whistle me back where I want to be.
01:26Whistle a tune that'll carry me to Tombstone Territory.
01:38Tombstone Territory.