• last month
China can help world find peace: former senior UN advisor

With the move to a multipolar world and potential large-scale conflict arising, American economist and public policy analyst Jeffrey Sachs has called for an increasing role for China. The former senior UN advisor told CGTN that China has “a 2200 year history of unity and very long and great traditions of peace” and would be invaluable in helping avert a global crisis.

#UN #China #US


00:00China is a great civilization, a great power, a country with a 2,200 year history of unity
00:12and very long and great traditions of peace.
00:18East Asian peace, sometimes called the Confucian peace, lasted many, many centuries until Britain
00:26and its warships showed up in the 19th century in the First Opium War.
00:31China can help a lot for the world to find a harmonious existence in diversity using
00:39its long and remarkable statecraft.
