• el mes pasado
00:00Oh, three, two, one, one right here.
00:11Wait, is that the teammate with the cone?
00:12No way that teammates that.
00:17But a whole bunch of enemies back here,
00:18I think this teammate is literally this cone right next to me
00:20as this other team back here is getting shot at, and
00:22they're going to run past them if we just stay in this.
00:24Wait, are we peeking out?
00:26No, I think we are just a little bit.
00:27Let's move over just a tad.
00:30He is the cone.
00:31Teammate, what are you doing with the cone?
00:38Teammate with the cone, get out of there, buddy.
00:40You need to run.
00:40I don't know what he's doing back here.
00:42He's moving very slow.
00:43He is not moving very fast at all.
00:51What are you going to be, Marianne?
00:53Such an old fashioned name, huh?
00:55Cone buddy, how are you doing?
00:56You're just going to hang out back here?
00:57Are we just going to watch him
00:58just try to like flee from this man?
01:00He put it sideways on the top.
01:02I kind of like that.
01:02What are you going to do in there?
01:04You're going to put it in there.
01:05Teammate, yeah, I advise you.
01:06Yeah, you need to pick a new spot.
01:08That's actually not,
01:09if you put it right here with the other one, it's.
01:15Yeah, Marianne knows what's up.
01:17Yup, he literally died right there.
01:18He died right there.
01:19Oh my, wait, that's a teammate.
01:20That's the little.
01:21That's the little.
01:29No, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, run, run, run, run, run, run.
01:33This is bad.
01:34They might be.
01:45Head up here.
01:46Is this teammate?
01:47He's literally the,
01:48that's actually kind of sick.
01:49I will admit.
01:56Cannot hide in the trunk
01:58We did this
02:02There's no way they would suspect us. Oh wait, you can kind of see us now
02:06That's perfectly hidden in the trunk. There's no way they'd see us in the trunk
02:10Yep, I don't know why they thought he that thing worked there for a long time. He's been back here the old time
02:15Okay, we're gonna stay in back of this trunk because it worked out last time
02:21Okay, yeah, we're not gonna move them up so as long as we're in the back of this trunk
02:24I think we'll be okay. Can I I want to test something real quick?
02:27I just want to see like
02:29Hold on go down here
02:30Cuz I could put this like I wonder if this can if I can make this look like kind of good in a way
02:35Hold on cuz you could put it like sideways on it
02:39That actually looks so sick dude. Imagine. Hold on. We put like a few skateboards. Hold on
02:43Hold on. It's gotta look perfect a
02:46few skateboards sideways on the bad boy
02:48Kind of looks like it's floating though. It's kind of it's kind of it's got to look perfect, you know
02:53Nah, I think the best spot literally is got to be inside of here because if you don't shoot this thing
02:57It's completely hidden in the back of it