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00:00I'm back.
00:07Season 2 ratings weren't as high as the network was hoping for, so they've cancelled it.
00:13I'd say it's gone too soon.
00:14We never even made it to the Farmark, mo-capped Kaiju fight, or the live-action remake, but
00:20it is what it is.
00:21At the end of the day, it was out of our hands, so I'm home.
00:26Season 3 is beginning now.
00:28No huge video for this one, we blew our budget for the Season 2 pilot, but I think it was
00:33worth it because Season 2, while it may have been short-lived, I think the star that burns
00:38brightest burns out quickest, as I've said three times this week.
00:42And I think it'll be looked upon fondly in the grand scheme of this program, kind of
00:47like Season 2 of The Walking Dead.
00:49I think people will look at Season 2 of Charles and say, the writers weren't afraid to take
00:55And was he even there in the first place, or was it all AI?
00:58You know what, I think the question probably boils down to what the fuck was Season 2.
01:02And that's a difficult question to answer because it depends on who you ask.
01:06Right now, it's certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, but there's a handful of critics
01:10still scratching their heads, trying to figure out, well, what was this journey we went on,
01:15and what does it all mean?
01:17So I'll do my best to break it down for you.
01:20Just like getting an I love you from a stripper, it was meaningless.
01:23You see, Season 2 was an offhanded joke Aaron made one time right before we were filming
01:28something at the warehouse.
01:29I don't even remember what we were filming, but Aaron said after this, it was probably
01:33like a tearless, and he said, like, when we're done with this, we should announce Season
01:362 of your channel.
01:37The first 18 years was just Season 1.
01:41And we all really liked that idea so much that we decided to go kind of hog wild with
01:47So we made that video, announcing, you know, all the casting changes, just playing off
01:52of that trope where every character gets replaced and shit.
01:55And we actually had, like, even bigger ideas for it, but unfortunately, we kind of got
02:00kneecapped by the fires in California.
02:03Even God didn't want Season 2 to reach its full potential.
02:07But we had, like, some crazy celebrity guest appearances that we had lined up for the,
02:12you know, huge cast reveal type thing.
02:15And we initially really wanted to commit to it to, like, you know, stockpile 10 or 12
02:20videos to last X amount of time and actually have T-Pain, like, do streams here for a little
02:26bit to actually convince people, oh, this might be something serious.
02:31I don't think anyone would ever actually fall for it, like, wow, T-Pain just replaced Charlie.
02:36But just kind of to plant that seed of doubt, like, well, what if he did?
02:42But unfortunately, T-Pain is a very busy man, so we weren't able to do that.
02:47And I actually think that's better, because I like the idea that Season 2 had one episode
02:53and immediately got canned, which is like some shit Netflix would probably pull if,
02:57you know, Season 2 of Charlie hit that platform.
03:00Now, interestingly enough, T-Pain did actually film an additional video here in my swamp.
03:06But I decided not to post it just for the sake of having one episode and that be it
03:13for Season 2.
03:15Though I was thinking about maybe posting it eventually as some kind of, like, The Lost
03:19Tapes of Season 2 type shit, if we ever try and play off of this dumb concept again for
03:24whatever reason.
03:25Like how SpongeBob had that huge event way back in the day, you know, and Patchy the
03:30Pirate and friends are like, we've got to find the Lost Tapes, laddies!
03:34I don't even...
03:35Patchy didn't talk like that.
03:37And then they had that huge thing with, you know, the SpongeBob fucking forgotten treasure,
03:42the one piece of SpongeBob.
03:44And then it was kind of just a normal episode.
03:46So yeah, be ready for that hot drop at some point when you least expect it.
03:52But anyway, at the core, Season 2 was just nothing.
03:56Like actually nothing.
03:57Legitimately, it was the friends we made along the way.
03:59It was just a really fun experiment and I guess actually it was something.
04:06Because what I want to do more of is shit like that, just taking a stupid idea and just
04:11going all in on it.
04:13Just because it's so much fun to do.
04:15But hey, that's the beauty of Season 2.
04:17A little bit of the magic that led to a phenomenon that was more confusing than when IHOP rebranded
04:23itself to IHOB.
04:25And even though Season 2 was utterly meaningless, the epitome of a nothing burger really, it
04:31was still very special.
04:33Ray William Johnson coming out really meant something to me, man.
04:38Ray William Johnson is the most important man in my life next to my father.
04:43And I'd never met him before.
04:45Ray William Johnson, that is.
04:46I've met my dad.
04:47In fact, I've known that motherfucker for as long as I can remember.
04:50But Ray William Johnson, he'd always been this enigmatic presence in my life.
04:55Like this being who actually changed the entire trajectory of my time on this corporeal plane.
05:03Fifteen years ago, he covered my QOP video on his channel when he was the biggest on
05:08YouTube with equals three.
05:10And overnight, it changed my whole universe.
05:16It was a second birth for me.
05:18But instead of being covered in amniotic fluid, instead this time, I was covered in passion.
05:24And I'd never met him until he came out to do this.
05:29We never exchanged any emails or DMs, no communication in any way, shape, or form until
05:34he arrived in person to the set.
05:37And it was just kind of cool to be able to talk to the guy that really did change my
05:42Like he gave me the lucky break.
05:45And overall, everyone that participated in this, like it was so much fun.
05:50Like T-Pain, I had talked to before, we had streamed together before, but actually meeting
05:54him in person and really his whole team that came with him, they were just amazing.
05:58Iron Mouse agreeing to do it as well was a nice cherry on top because that was super
06:04We'd only talked like once or twice in DMs before.
06:07Neil Blomkamp agreeing to be the director of season two for the video was also just
06:14fucking incredible.
06:16I have gushing grannies over his work on, wow, that was a hard sentence to string together.
06:21I have admired Neil Blomkamp's work since he did the Halo 3 live action short.
06:27I have followed everything he's done from that, District 9, Chappie, even recently Gran
06:34Like having Neil Blomkamp say yes to being the director I thought was so fucking cool.
06:40And like everyone that came out for this, I really enjoyed.
06:44The orchestra that put 2019 Guy to strings, what a beautiful fucking symphony.
06:50Like that shit, that should be winning Grammys.
06:52That's up there with some of Bach's best pieces.
06:56Just a huge thanks to everyone involved, Antron and Jordan you might have seen before.
07:00Jordan's been on quite a few videos on the other channel and Antron's been on a few videos
07:05They're friends of ours and they were nice enough to come out and do this on a very short
07:10And keep in mind, this wasn't even its final form.
07:12At one point we had a birthday magician lined up who was going to do a bunch of like allusions
07:19David Copperfield style to, you know, reveal T-Pain is me.
07:24We had Matt Mercer who was lined up to replace Matt, but then the California fires obviously
07:30made that impossible.
07:32So Matt, I'll explain Matt being the aspiring Blue Man Group performer.
07:38Well when Matt Mercer couldn't make it, I reached out to the Blue Man Group because
07:41they're somewhat local.
07:43They're not far from Tampa, at least, you know, one branch of the Blue Man Group is.
07:48I don't exactly know how the Blue Man Organization works per se, but they have agents in the
07:55So I reached out to them and they were down to just come play Matt, but the timing didn't
08:00work out.
08:01And we had already locked in a shooting date and we were starting to scramble for time
08:04a little bit here because that's not exactly something flexible.
08:07There were so many moving parts, we couldn't just move it.
08:10It was a hard date and you can't go flaccid on it, otherwise the whole thing falls apart.
08:15So Matt just said, fuck it, I'll do it live.
08:17I'll just be a Blue Man performer.
08:21Which ultimately doesn't make any fucking sense at all because he didn't even get replaced.
08:25We just changed his skin color in what I imagine would be very offensive to Smurfs.
08:31But season two doesn't care about your fucking feelings.
08:34It came in there with the gloves off.
08:36It was some hard-hitting shit, that premiere.
08:38Man, RIP to season two, but what a premiere, am I right?
08:42That pilot.
08:45Anyway though, I just wanted to come out here and explain this a little bit because I saw
08:48a lot of people theorizing that all of this was just, you know, fun, but it was because
08:54I was going on vacation and I wanted to do like a little fun send-off for like a week
08:59or two vacation.
09:01No, not the case.
09:03There really was no reason for it at all.
09:06Not going on vacation or anything.
09:09We just dropped this just to do it with no greater purpose in mind, even slightly.
09:15So yeah, that's really about it.
09:16So yeah.