👉 El Sumo Pontífice, de 88 años, se encuentra en el Hospital Gemelli de Roma enfrentando una serie de problemas de salud que incluyen insuficiencia renal leve y crisis respiratorias. A pesar de haber pasado una noche tranquila, su pronóstico sigue siendo crítico y reservado. La situación ha atraído la atención mundial, con medios internacionales congregados en el hospital. El Vaticano trabaja para combatir rumores mientras se especula sobre la sucesión papal. La salud del Papa es frágil, pero por ahora estable, recibiendo oxígeno sin necesidad de un respirador.
''Le falló la médula ósea y el riñón''.
🗣️ Antonio Laje
👉 Seguí en #OtraMañana
''Le falló la médula ósea y el riñón''.
🗣️ Antonio Laje
👉 Seguí en #OtraMañana
00:00of the Pope, the last statement already spoke of a mild kidney failure, remember what was the
00:07weekend, first a respiratory crisis, then a mild kidney failure was added,
00:14the last statement speaks of a night where new respiratory crises did not occur, but a
00:22critical forecast, the same and the Pope and the Pope spent it resting, he is resting, that is, he
00:29did not even get up, basically what he is saying from that part is that he could not even get up,
00:32there was a turn, Antonio, absolute on the weekend, absolute, because on Friday they give the first
00:37press conference at the door of the clinic, the Gemelli hospital, and they talk about, you cannot
00:42say that you are out of danger, but in principle you are not at risk of death, their doctors had said,
00:45everything changed, it seems to me, during the weekend, we are going quickly to Rome, Mr. Cristian
00:50Martin, good morning, good morning Antonio, here we are at the Gemelli hospital, one day with a
00:58much cooler temperature than the previous days, as you said, it is the last part that indicates
01:03that the Pope had a good night, these parts come out at the first hour of the morning here in Italy,
01:09it does not mark that if he is active, if he had a good breakfast, if he had activity, if he is lucid,
01:16we understand that yes, that no matter how much this press release, always made by Matteo Bruni,
01:25the spokesman for the Holy See, an Italian of English origin, who is in charge of the communication
01:31of the Vatican, is absent, but as they said, it indicates that he rested well, he slept well, he
01:39is recovering, and that is a bit of the consequence of what we marked yesterday, after the great
01:45shock on Saturday, yesterday they marked kidney failure, but without a respiratory crisis,
01:51that he is receiving oxygen through the nose, that he does not need a respirator, that he does not need to
01:57be intubated, that the blood tests had gone well, but everything had to receive two
02:03transfusions of blood, really a Pope who has been accumulating problems, from the heart, now
02:10renal, breathing, pneumonia, bronchitis, that the Pope does not have, of course, but for now he is
02:17stable, after the weekend activities, in the room, with a mass, in the small chapel,
02:22what you see up there, Antonio, is the papal dependency, the papal suite, the top part, the
02:2810th floor of this Gemellico Hospital, the press of the world congregated here, as they were changing
02:35the tone of the news of that relief station, of what was on Friday and Saturday,
02:40the new concern, the Roman police, the carabinieri, trying that people do not be
02:46hit, here in the Gemelli Hospital, asking them to go to pray at the Piazza San Pietro, in the Vatican,
02:51we are more or less 10 kilometers northwest, a hospital of 1,500 beds, large, with a lot of
02:57capacity, but there were protests in favor of Ukraine, in favor of Palestine, today there is a national public
03:02transport stop, therefore the police are looking for people not to be hit, people here have
03:06passed, people sporadically, to leave candles, to make a prayer, but it is a hospital that is still
03:11working, where you can imagine, there are good experiences, bad births, sad people
03:17for deaths, for serious diseases, it continues to work. Asthma is something that makes the Pope
03:25need oxygen, his picture is still reserved, he is not out of danger, we understand that perhaps
03:32it is not the word, he is not out of danger, but he is not in danger of dying either,
03:36of something like that, but he is an 88-year-old person, with a volatile, fragile health, as you can imagine,
03:45with this high flow of oxygen, they compensate for the drop in oxygen that does not reach the blood, but
03:52well, a very exciting day yesterday, because a message was expressed after that little mass,
03:57which is seen up there, where that little chapel is, where the mass was celebrated, he was there
04:04accompanied by this Massimiliano Sinapetti, his private nurse, followed closely by Dr. Sergio
04:13Alfiori, director here of the Genelli Hospital, and his head doctor from the Vatican, Dr. Luigi
04:19Carboni. We understand that he is lucid, that he is well, that perhaps he is with less movement,
04:24being receiving oxygen through the nose, he is restricted to move from the bed to what is the
04:29armchair, with his knee problem, as they say here, the armchair, a position that doctors
04:33always ask them to try to have, that allows them to breathe better, and when we understand pain
04:41in the part of the belly and the lower back.
04:46Sorry, what is very different is the scenario that you have behind you, I think it was Thursday or Friday when we spoke there with you,
04:56there was no one, absolutely no one, all the positions of the different media are already appearing,
05:03that is, obviously there is a different tension after what was the weekend, let's remember that ...
05:10Definitely, European Asian media from all African countries, many from Eastern Europe, Portugal, Spain,
05:17of course Italy with the media La Rai, Mediaset, Portuguese media, Brazilian media, Asian media,
05:25there are also 1,500 faithful from the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, British have arrived,
05:30there is also a large population there of Irish descendants who are Catholics, North Americans, Canadians,
05:36Japanese, Chinese, Indians, Pakistanis, from all languages, from all cultures are really,
05:42one feels here that the tension has increased, that there is no longer that spirit of relief that we declared on Friday,
05:49that the eyes of the world are really on this hospital.
05:52Of course, it changed radically.
05:54Because I thought, Antonio and Cristian, that from Wednesday to Thursday there is a more optimistic panorama,
06:01first there is talk of some blood tests that show an improvement,
06:04then there is talk on Thursday of a clinical picture that shows an improvement.
06:08And they omit a statement, in theory, written or said by Francisco himself.
06:11Totally, it is received by Giorgia Meloni, Meloni finds it well,
06:16and that's why, if they didn't come out to talk on Friday, to face the director of the hospital and the doctor of the Pope,
06:21saying, well, obviously, it is not yet out of danger, it is a picture that is still complex,
06:25but where they transmitted in some way that there was an evolution.
06:28Well, when we talk about the respiratory crisis due to the asthma attack, transfusion of blood,
06:32the situation of the last one that ends up informing,
06:37yesterday, well, it seems to me that the scenario begins to change, because also, of course,
06:41when you talk about a 98-year-old patient, 88-year-old,
06:46everything that is being extended makes it much more complicated.
06:51Now, the reports speak of a reserved prognosis, a critical situation,
06:55there is no talk again about the risk of life,
06:58but they are not clarifying that the risk of life is exempt either.
07:02Yes, apart from the work that the Vatican is trying to do to combat fake news,
07:07and conspiracies and conspiracy theories,
07:11we have a couple of contacts inside the hospital who pass us information,
07:15for example, that he is not intubated and that he is not in need of a respirator,
07:20it is important, that marks an improvement,
07:24but when on Friday, many colleagues, including us,
07:28maybe we analyze the possibility of leaving,
07:31that this is already a process of a week,
07:32after that press conference that gave so much optimism and hope,
07:37on Saturday everything got complicated again,
07:40and it was a rain of media, here gathered in the Gemelli Hospital,
07:44respecting, really, there are many people who cover the activities of the Vatican on a daily basis,
07:52we have also discovered, Antonio, colleagues, a really complex world of the Vatican,
07:57where the Pope has many friends and many enemies,
08:00and here, the image of the Pope, perhaps a little more politicized,
08:04as we have in Argentina, there is no white and black Pope,
08:08who has changed, who has demystified the position of the Pope,
08:11who has canceled his vacations, who no longer goes to Castell Gandolfo,
08:14who has made it a museum, who has really faced the political and social problems
08:20of the doors of the Vatican to the outside, but from the inside also,
08:22with serious abuse accusations, and that has made him win some enemies,
08:28the austerity of the Pope is handled in a fitito,
08:30and if it is the Pope, he should not use a fitito,
08:33well, really the Argentine culture of this Pope,
08:37of which many do not understand why he has not yet gone to Argentina,
08:40the work, perhaps, of the Argentine representation in the Holy See,
08:43with a great debt pending, that the Pope finally, at some point, goes to Argentina,
08:48Juan Pablo II did it, Benedict did it, and after 12 years,
08:52Pope Francis has not been in Argentina,
08:54Argentina maintains diplomatic representation in Italy,
08:58and in the Holy See, as in most Catholic countries,
09:01but we have seen an organization, I do not want to say macabre,
09:04it is not the word, but with many interests created,
09:08internal power struggle, where some were already speculating
09:12who can succeed this Pope, when the Pope is still alive,
09:15and said that he will not give up, but as we said earlier,
09:18there is already a whole series of protocols activated,
09:21in terms of possible resignation, in terms of succession,
09:24in terms of burial, that they were agreed,
09:27and the Pope came, he assumed as Pope,
09:29but a Pope loved and respected by the Romans in general.
09:34Cristian, thank you very much, we are back in a little while,
09:37on the central issue of the world, of Argentina,
09:39thank you Cristian, we will return in a little while to the health of the Pope,
09:43the last thing I was clarifying is also,
09:45at some point, we will analyze it in more detail,
09:48one has the version, or the vision of a Pope,
09:50who played very strong politics in Argentina,
09:53obviously, that is not the version of the Pope at church level.
09:58No, be careful, he also played very strong politically
10:00within the internal politics of the Vatican,
10:02in fact, that's why he has many enemies,
10:04because he is a Pope who exercised power,
10:06he expelled many bishops who opposed him,
10:09and be careful, because if there was an election of a new Pope,
10:12by resignation, or because he ends up giving himself the worst outcome,
10:17there are already many cardinals elected by Francisco himself,
10:20Francisco was also in charge, in some way,
10:21of preparing, if you want, his own succession.
10:24Of course, but one here sees the Pope
10:27playing politically in Argentina,
10:29in the church he played very strong politically,
10:32but it is another policy.
10:33It is another policy, there are other games.