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Today I used admin commands vs my biggest hater in blade ball. Make sure you watch the whole video to find out what happens.

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Roblox Name: TheRealFoltyn

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What is Roblox? ROBLOX is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that practically everything on ROBLOX is designed and constructed by members of the community. ROBLOX is designed for 13 to 18 year olds, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore ROBLOX — interacting with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet-to-be-dreamed-up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, ROBLOX members can earn specialty badges as well as ROBLOX dollars (“Robux”). In turn, they can shop the online catalog to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interactive components, and working mechanisms.

#Roblox #foltyn
00:00Hey guys, so I think I just found my biggest hater in roblox and no I'm not even kidding
00:04I was just playing roblox until this guy right here joined my game and then he threatened to hack my account
00:09But don't worry guys. He's probably like five years old. He's not gonna be able to hack me. But guys look at his account
00:14I hate Fulton for life
00:18Just kidding. All right, we don't care. All right, we don't care about the haters because I mean look at him
00:22He's got no drip. He's got bacon hair and just regular clothes
00:27Wait, this account was made last month in January. Wait place visits 842. Dang. That's a lot. Oh my gosh
00:34Wait, I didn't even see this. What the heck survive evil trash Fulton despicable minigames
00:39What what punch him because he sucks at play ball. Are you kidding? Are you serious?
00:44And this game has 27 visits who played this what he also has another game called. I hate smelly Fulton for living, bro
00:52What I don't smell. Okay, I promise you I smell good
00:57Okay, maybe I don't smell good. Just kidding. That was a joke. I smell amazing, but he also has 11 followers
01:03Wait, who follows him? What the happy Steve my son this what what is that name?
01:09Yeah, I don't know who any of these people are. Oh my gosh, bro. Send me a friend request
01:13He thinks I'm gonna accept that his name is literally I hate Fulton for life
01:17You know what? We're actually gonna hop in one of his games play. Oh my goodness. What am I getting myself into?
01:22Okay, I spawned it and I'm immediately burning. Oh my gosh
01:26Wait, what the what is this unsub from Fulton quickly for your own good. Thank me. Later guys. Don't listen to this
01:32All right, stay subscribed. And if you're not subscribed, you should subscribe right now. What the heck? Who's this?
01:37Oh, wait, my viewers are joining me. Oh my gosh. My joints are on. Oh, no
01:41They're joining a full today game. What the real Fulton? I'm crying. Oh
01:46Wait punch make him cry. All right, I guess I'm gonna punch him
01:49What the heck just happened what okay, I they also have me in a cage watching me burn and I'm saying help
01:57I just died. What the heck? What is this game?
02:00Oh, it literally says Fulton doesn't deserve admin commands in blade ball. I do
02:06Why should he deserve admin command? Oh, I like this guy. No hate Fulton. Thank you, bro. Thank you. You're awesome
02:12Yes, both are family on top. All right. Okay, so there's nothing else in this game
02:16Yeah, I'm definitely gonna leave a dislike on this game, how do I leave a dislike what is this picture are you kidding me?
02:24This is not how I look. All right
02:26Dislike. Yes. Thank you. You know what? We're gonna play. I hate smelly Fulton for living. Oh my gosh
02:31Of course, the picture is this like what the heck welcome to Fulton's hate club drop by and kill Fulton's
02:36787 visits what why so many visits? So you gotta be kidding? Wait, what the heck? Why does this game look familiar?
02:42I've played this game before I played these games for not like that, but in a video. Oh
02:48Wait, this guy was in my other video where I played Fulton. Hey games. Oh, well, this guy's been a hater for a long time
02:55What did I ever do to him Fulton smells?
03:00No, I know it's all my viewers are joining me. Oh my gosh, I cannot let them see the hey games
03:05Yeah, I'm gonna turn my joins to
03:07Another game that he made and it's called a Fulton sucks at blade ball. Oh, whoever this is
03:13I will whoop him in blade ball and look at the picture new update blade ball banning Fulton because he sucks
03:19You think you're funny, huh? You're not funny. Okay. This is updated a week ago. Oh my goodness. There's one like bro
03:28All right, you know, let's hop on in
03:30I'm gonna play this game. I'm gonna play this game. I'm gonna play this game. I'm gonna play this game
03:36All right, um, you know, let's hop in it guys I'm not gonna lie
03:38I can't let him get away with this. Like I need to get payback
03:43What the heck did I just join
03:50Okay, it does not work oh my gosh, oh my gosh, it's not the military what is this game? Oh this guy's shooting the Fultons
03:59Why is the ball touching me like this
04:03Fulton is so bad at blade ball. I'm better than you smelly Fulton a 1v1 me if you dare
04:08Oh, the army guy just shot me. But hold on. Wait a second. He just said 1v1 him if I dare, bro
04:13I won't destroy him in a 1v1. I might actually take him up on that offer message me on roblox
04:18I send your request or are you scared? You know what? I'm gonna do this for the Fulton family
04:22All right, if I beat him, he better not talk about the Fulton family again, you know, I'm gonna do it
04:26I'm actually gonna add I hate Fulton for life. But after I whoop him in blade ball
04:31I'm unadding him and I'm blocking him. Okay. I hope this is not a mistake. But here we go. Except. Oh my gosh
04:36We did it. We did it. All right, I'm gonna send him a message on
04:39Roblox, I can't believe I'm doing this. Hey, bro. I played your game
04:43Let's 1v1 join up my private server
04:47Hopefully he's on roblox right now and he can message back but I don't know how long we're gonna have to wait
04:52So I guess we're gonna find out two hours later
04:58My gosh, wait, he messes back. Oh, wait, he said you're about to make the biggest mistake of your life
05:04What is he talking about? Oh, this kid is really like seven years old. Are you serious? Wait, I said join my private server
05:11Is he in there right now? Wait, no way. He's in there right now. Oh my gosh. That was actually so fast
05:15I messaged him at 406. He replied at 413. I was really just getting water. Oh
05:20Bro he's actually in it. This is him. Look I hate vaulted for life. Oh my gosh. All right, we're about to join it
05:25Whoa, that's a 1v1 one of my biggest haters. This is crazy. All right, here we go. We're joining right now
05:30I'm a little nervous. I'm not gonna lie. Oh my gosh, I actually joined him. Oh
05:34There he is. I hate faulted for life. What the heck wait, he has zero wins and zero kills
05:39He said well, well, well, look who it is bro thinks he's an evil villain
05:44The one and only is smelly folds Wow, bro
05:48I played your games and you're just a little hater probably like five years old
05:55He said you liked it. No, I did not like your games. What are you talking about?
05:58Why would I like Fulton hate games and he said I'm actually nine, bro
06:03Wait, I feel bad now. He's only nine. I'm 23. Like what am I gonna do bully the kid for being a hater?
06:09No, I'm not gonna do that. Okay, but I'm gonna say bro
06:12Stop being a hater and join the full fam. Come on, bro. Join the Fulton family. He said never
06:19Why brother full family's awesome Oh
06:22Smelly full fan really that that's what you're gonna say. Really you all smell
06:26Okay, how about this if I beat you in a 1v1 then you have to join full fam. All right, how about that?
06:32Oh, he said, okay if I win, oh, no, I got tagged bro. I feel like he's asking for like a million robux or something
06:39Why do I have a feeling that's what it is. You have to give me a hundred K Bobak. See I knew it
06:44I knew it was gonna be real. Oh my gosh, you know what bro? There's no way he's gonna beat me
06:48All right. I'm not gonna lie. I'm definitely taking that deal. All right deal wait
06:52What he said, I'll let you use admin commands. That's how good I am. Oh, is he dumb?
06:58You know what? I'll let him do it. All right deal
07:02Definitely deal hot diggity dog deal. All right, even with admin command. I'll still whoop you. Okay, that is just a lie
07:09All right, we're about to whoop him and make him join the Fulton family. All right guys about to gain one new member
07:13All right, buddy on afk right now. All right, let's go. Wait, what wait, what ability do I even use? Oh my gosh
07:20Oh my gosh. Um, let's use what's good for 1v1. I could use infinity. Wait, why am I talking about abilities?
07:26He said I can use admin commands. He said first to three wins easy a hundred thousand robux
07:31Okay, so we have to get three wins first. Okay. I already know what I'm about to do
07:34All right. Here we go first game and I already know I'm doing that slash kill
07:39Balls coming. No, wait, I'm trying to kill him. Wait, it's not working. Oh, oh my gosh
07:44All right, uh, we're gonna use infinity boom infinity. All right slash
07:48Kill, I hate Fulton for life. Boom. Yes. Yes, he died
07:57Successfully eliminated I hate Fulton. Let's go. Look at him. He said bro, you're cheating
08:02Well, duh, you said I could use admin commands. He said that's not what I meant use normal commands kid
08:08He's nine years old. He's calling me a kid and that is normal command, but you know what fine fine
08:13I won't do it anymore. All right, fine. Wait, can I get myself auto parry slash auto parry the real?
08:20Bolton does that work? No
08:22Invalid permissions. Yeah for some reason blade ball took that away. He said bro stop
08:28Don't do that. Okay, fine. Okay. I'm just gonna make us all big slash resize all 10
08:34boom giant 1v1
08:37We have giant kitsune, oh my gosh, look how sick that looks yo
08:41What he said l merch. All right. Nah, I gotta destroy him
08:44All right. So the first round didn't count. So it's still zero zero. Wait, how the heck is he moving so fast?
08:48Wait, is he hacking?
08:51Wait, what the bop infinity wait
08:54Wait, I think he might be hacking. Is that why he let me use admin commands? Oh
08:59Let's go. We still killed him. Let's go
09:01Kitsune attack him. Wait, what the there was no kitsune. What the heck?
09:07Let's go
09:08Yes, sir. Giant fulton is the best dance for his best
09:13Oh, he literally just said cheating well, you know, okay, how about this i'll stop using admin commands. All right, how about that?
09:20Oh my gosh, he said yeah stop. Okay resize all one. Boom. There we go. Okay, so it's one zero right now
09:26Fulton is up. Okay. I'm not letting him win a single round. Um, and i'm gonna keep infinity
09:30On afk buddy round two. He's still saying easy 100k
09:34No, it's not buddy. Oh, wait. Why am I so fast? Wait, it looks like i'm hacking. Oh my gosh, wait
09:39Okay, i'm just gonna stop moving. I'm gonna stop moving. Haha infinity bop
09:46All right, fulton hater, you're dead. Wait, what the heck? Come here. Come here
09:53Wait, what the heck why is he actually good? Wait, what is going on? Wait, this is scary. No
09:58Oh my gosh, he actually won that oh nah. Oh, no, we're not letting that happen again. Uh, i'm changing my ability
10:03We're gonna use bro. He's saying lll. No, let's use
10:08Oh my gosh. I don't know. I don't know
10:11And the next game started. Oh my gosh, it's not good. Oh, wait, perfect. I'm normal speed now
10:15I don't look like i'm hacking anymore. Come here. Come here, buddy. Come here. It is one one right now, but guess what?
10:24Bop bop bop wait
10:27How is he doing that? What? Wait, I actually don't like this. What is going on? Wait, he has infinite clicks. Do you see that?
10:34Wait, I think he's actually hacking
10:37He said lol smelly folds bro. Are you kidding bro? It's two one. He's up if he wins one more time
10:42I actually have to give him a hundred thousand robux. What the heck? Okay this next round i'm switching to slashes of duality, bro
10:47I actually cannot lose bro. He said are you ready to lose now?
10:51I'm, not gonna lie. I'm kind of scared. All right guys. This is now or never. I actually cannot lose this game
10:56I cannot lose bop
11:01Let's go. Yes slash the duality for the win kitsune. Eat them up, baby. Let's go
11:07Yes, sir. Fulton wins. Oh my gosh. The score is two two now. Oh my goodness
11:12Oh my goodness. All right, we have one more round. Um, i'm not gonna lie
11:15I think i'm gonna do the classic ability right here. Oh my gosh, I think it'll do good. He said two two
11:20I'll still win. We'll see about that. Get ready to join the full fam. All right, get ready buddy on afk. Let's go
11:27All right. Here we go. Last round. Oh my goodness
11:30I'm, not losing this. Come on. Come on. We're gonna hit him with the pool ability right here right here. Come on
11:38Yes, it worked it worked baby
11:40Yes. Yeah, I hate phone for life. Take that
11:44Yes, sir. Let's go. Let's give him the l boom. Let's take that l
11:48Let's also give him the fulton dance fulton is best
11:51He said my worst nightmare, bro. Are you kidding bro? Come on, you gotta stop hating especially since you joined the full fam
11:57He said fine. Let's go
12:00Deal is a deal. Let's go
12:02Change your name to full is the best. All right that you gotta change your name now. Wait, what he said? I'm, sorry fold
12:08Wait, what? Sorry
12:10For hating wait, he's just sorry for lying. I'm not actually a hater. Wait, what wait, what does he mean?
12:16What what are you talking about? This is just an account I made to get your attention so I can be in a video
12:22Oh my gosh, so he's a fake hater. I hope you're recording. Wait a second. So he's just a fake hater
12:28And he put a smiley face and he lost the game
12:33So he wasn't even a real hater, okay nice wait, that's actually good news